Saturday, November 26, 2011

Defence Secretary Highlights Threats to the Nation

00:00 - 13:00 LTTE atrocities, economic impact of terror, peace talks 1987-1990
15:00 - 30:00 Eelam war 2005-2009, post war prospects and development
30:00 - 45:00 challenges, LTTE rumps, future threats, allegations, reconciliation
45:00 - 55:00 Military as professionals, human rights training in military


Moshe Dyan said...


this is what you mentioned.

fonseka made many unnecessary sacrifices

i was DAMN against this nonsense then as now.

this LTTE supporter is a TE MF.

apart from the 6 debacles, gonzeka did a good job.

of course now he is a LTTE MF.

either eliminate this piece of shitt now or make good use of him with war crimes!!! :)

Pol Sambol said...

My previous comment from the last topic;


That’s the thing Asithri.

GR & MR treated Gonseka like a king and his filthy family like royalty, giving them what they wanted, covering up for Gonseka’s crimes (Hi-corp, killing journalists), his filth and madness and letting him indulge in any excess he wanted.

The SoB then had the audacity to not only turn on them; he joined the nations enemies AND then planned to kill GR & MR.

They made him. He was turned into this “hero” by the Rs. It went to his head.

I remember some American guy who ran a blog called “history of war” visited DefenceWire every so often and said Gonseka should be removed following another debacle that traitor gave us at Muhmalia (all for his filthy ego). It should be noted Gonseka is the idiot moron who made us lose EP in 2000 because he refused to send reinforcements to back the troops guarding the wells that supplied the base as he told them to die of thirst. SoB had not problem killing pointlessly as many men he saw fit if it meant he could grab personal glory.

Anyway this blog guy we all condemned but he was right. Sad but true he was right. Same in the case of that Nation journalist who was also right.

Thusitha was also right –he saw through the mask of this traitor long before any of us did, thankfully Thusitha never got disheartened by the responses he got from others. Never in a million years did any of us see this DOG for what he is and what he’d do.

I could forgive Gonseka had he never betrayed the nation in the manner he did with his filthy mouth driven by his ugly ego thinking he is bigger than the nation. It was clear that this man we all held on a pedestal was a disgusting low life with no morals who sacrificed everything, including the Army and the country for his own filthy ego and greed. This man has no integrity or honour which is what we expect from our soldiers (which is why we hold them above us ordinary citizens) as we saw from the likes of Denzil Kobbekaduwa, Hasalanka Gamini and those thankfully living amongst us such as Shavendra Silva, Jagth Dias and Wasantha Karangoda just to name a few.

Pol Sambol said...


What you're referring to is Revy from LNP who is an LTTE supporter (rumour has it he was an actual LTTE "commander" type though that may have been uttter bs to improve his rep at LNP).

The guy who wrote "history and war" blog was some American from Texas (i knew who he is), he supported the war against the LTTE very strongly. Though was using the war for his own case study thing on dealing with wars & insurgencies.

But i agree his analysis were off. As you can see his post on removing Gonseka was published around April, same time Gonseka gave us another debacle at Muhmalia which is why i linked the two going by memory.

Moshe Dyan said...


this is that et bailey's site.

et bailey

he was the first to discredit SLDFs.

discrediting SLDFs by this bastard

so his intentions are clear.

he NEVER wanted SLDFs to win.

he blamed fonseka for NOT grabbing land!!!


bcos the loser knew LTTE was heavily losing cadres. and not losing land which meant LTTE is further weakened. (they had to delpoy limited cadres to hold land and fight SLDFs).

other losers like wesapala praised him saying there was not "enough war"!!!

similar to how LTTE MFs now cry for the imprisonment of a "war hero"!!

Pol Sambol said...

Thanks Moshe. I understand your earlier point.

And lol about Wesapala, forgot about that old nut.

Moshe Dyan said...

those were the days!!

i had bigtime butt kicking wesapala.

but later realized the best way to punish them is to IGNORE then AND TALK OF MORE DEFENCE.

that screwd them like no other.

their main focus was to drag attention to tamil grievances, aspirations and total BS.

once they realize no one putting a penny in their beggar's till, they back away.

ananda-usa was first impressed with wesapala but soon got over his "pseudo academic discussions" with another moniker of his own!!

then our multipolar got the hang of it and hell!!

there was a blogger by the name "kati" who pretended to be a former LTTE cadre. i believe him.

wesapala was beggin him to know why he left the LTTE and tried to "correct" him.

i chased him away from DW with colonization talk.

should have enjoyed those days but never came to. we were all tensed up. feared when and where the next bomb may go off. or worse when SLDFs will be stopped in their tracks by some interfering MF.

we were living from day to day, hour to hour fearing about our motherland.

things are not very good even today. threats are the same. only difference being less powerful but the potential is still there.

Moshe Dyan said...

apsara says US govt will interfere in SL with just 25,000 signatures.

what a joke!

looks like USA is upto something and this bitch knows it.

Moshe Dyan said...

this is very dangerous.

these bastards must be nipped in the bud.

Heroes Day Torch was lit in University of Jaffna
[TamilNet, Sunday, 27 November 2011, 14:44 GMT]
Amidst partnership suppression of Sri Lanka and India against Tamils remembering the heroes who laid down their lives for the cause of Tamil Eelam, the customary Heroes Day Torch was lit in the University of Jaffna this time, exactly at 6:05 PM on Sunday. Unidentified people went to the top terrace of the five-storeyed students hostel of the university and lit the torch, the beams of which were seen in a wide area in the Jaffna city. Most people in Jaffna were seen serenely observing the day in their houses. The scenario very much resembled the ways how the day was observed by the people during the oppressive and terrorising times of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) in the late 1980s, remembered the older generation.

While, ambitious elements in the diaspora try to hijack the Heroes Day for their sectarian legitimacy and recognition, and fall a prey to those who try to erase out the symbol of the struggle, the heroic resistance demonstrated in Jaffna was very touching, commented a diaspora social activist.

Meanwhile, all Heroes Day public meetings were prohibited in Tamil Nadu in the last minute, reports from Chennai said.

Konnapu Bandara said...

[these bastards must be nipped in the bud.]

Moshe, old boy, our MI chaps are already on it.

University student missing in Jaffna

Bugger will rue the day he lit that torch.


Pol Sambol said...

"No DP, JVP truck with UNP protest

Democratic Party, led by imprisoned former army commander Sarath Fonseka, yesterday announced that they would not participate in today s protest march and rally organized by the UNP demanding the release of its leader.

Party General Secretary Tiran Alles told The Island last night that their leader s wife Anoma Fonseka too would not participate in the protest.


Damn funny news here guys.

Let alone Gonseka's "political party" even Gonseka's wife is not attended a "protest" for Gonseka's own "freedom".

Haha. Speaks volumes about this whole thing.

Moshe Dyan said...

toiletnet glorifies SL mainly sinhala history. but with a twist at the end.

"Wariyapola Sri Sumangala Thera, the Anunayaka (deputy chief) of the Asgiriya Chapter of Buddhist monks, removed the Union Jack hoisted by a British soldier at the Paththiruppuwa (the octagonal pavilion) of the Dalada Maligawa in 1815 and re-raised the lion flag of the Kandyan state, even though there was a military conquest and the king was captured.

The Kandyan Convention between the British and the chieftains of Kandy was being discussed at the time, and Sri Sumangala insisted to the military conquerors that unless the convention was signed deciding on the transfer of sovereignty, Union Jack could not replace the Lion Flag.

Three years later, when a rebellion took place in Kandy against the British rule, Sri Sumangala removed the Tooth Relic of Buddha (regarded by the Sinhalese as the possession of which gives the right to any one to rule over them) from Dalada Maligawa, went into hiding, and later handed it over to the chieftain, Keppetipola Disawe, who was leading the rebellion.

The British captured the relic and Sri Sumangala in 1818, and after convicted for ‘treason’, Sumangala was imprisoned in Jaffna.

British imperialism eventually bowing down from the island and hoisting the lion flag at Paththiruppuwa becoming an annual ritual ever since the independence of Sinhalese are matters of history.

The Kandyan Convention never satisfied the Sinhalese.

Rather than remembering the Kandyan Convention, an elite decision to collaborate with the conquerors, today’s Sinhalese take pride only in the resistance shown by Sri Sumangala.

If the Sinhalese could apply their sentiments in an enlightened way in understanding the Eezham Tamils – their sibling nation for centuries in the island – they could see why the Eezham Tamils have to regain their sovereignty by struggling against agent-imperialists in Colombo backed by imperialists.

Bringing in foxes, apes and donkeys to replace the tigers and showing those as leaders willing to collaborate, is the age-old tactic of imperialism re-enacted in the case of Eezham Tamils. But as history shows, that will not last long.

If the Sinhala masses and their elite think that they have a ‘common history’ for Sinhalese and Eezham Tamils in the island, then rather than being carried away by the agent-imperialists, they should help restoring the sovereignty of Eezham Tamils for peaceful co-existence and for partnership in facing the threats of imperialism in the island.

If they don’t see it, then they only concede that ‘history is different’ to Eezham Tamils and Sinhalese, and thus everything else too are different."

Moshe Dyan said...


sadly that bugger was "released".

we are getting weaker and weaker by the day.

according to toiletnet mahabooru day was celebrated with cakes and sweets in batticaloa! :)

there was even a racist magazine launch.

tigers are back in business.

but toiletnet got one ting wrong.

it asks why JVP is allowed to celebrate their mahaweera day but tamils are not allowed to celebrate their mahabooru day?

good question.

what the fools don't understand is, JVP celebrates the DEATH of their leader whereas tamil elamists celebrate the BIRTH of their leader.

if TEs celebreate the DEATH of their leader in may, we may allow it!! we too can join in the celebrations!!!

Moshe Dyan said...



anoma is actually happy her WIFE BEATING husband is in prison.

why spoil the party!!

fonseka has become funseka.

Pol Sambol said...

"Dear Friends
We didn t join this due to an important reason that we encountered. It is not certainly a dispute with UNP, or any political party or Hon Ranil Wickramasinghe or any other political leader or any other participant. We are not in a position to disclose our reasons at this stage. We sincerely pay our gratitude to organizors for organizing this big event.We pay our gratitude to UNP, other political parties and their Leaders, politicians, social leaders, clergy and all the generous participants for joining of this protest rally and protest march. Thank you all.

Posted By: Anoma Fonseka


Must be something to do with the 25,000 signatures and advice from the US embassy.

Pol Sambol said...

"Indicating that this year s budget proposal of creating a trilingual society should be made more effective, UPFA MP V.S. Radhakrishnan said that all Sinhalese members of Parliament should be made conversant in Tamil. Speaking during the debate on the second reading of the budget, Mr. Radhakrishnan said Sinhalese should take more interest in learning Tamil stressing that it is essential to build up a closer relationship between the two communities

And will Tamils MPs learn Sinhala? Answer is a firm "NO" since they will claims doing so violates "their (superiority) rights".

You cannot force Sinhalese to learn Tamil or Tamils to learn Sinhala.

It is just plain stupid.

And you know what will happen? Only Sinhala FOOLs will learn Tamil to show how "good and kind they are" (been doing that for 2,500 years and its got us nowhere) while Tamils won't bother. Why would Tamils want to anyway? It only emphasises to them Sinhalese are weak "modayas" to be crushed (why else did they launch an "armed struggle" and continuously opt for the military solution? Because they believed they could win.

It is even more dangerous if we do this crap and mix it with recol. Those Sinhalese will get Tamilised. Even the Sinhalese who are already in N & E will be Tamilised. Giving “Tamil control” to the North & East will put everyone under an oppressive Tamil dictatorship where discrimination, violence, abuse and subjugation against the non-Tamil will be rife.

Konnapu Bandara said...

Moshe, old boy, I think this criminal was given a good thrashing before being let go. Even TamilNut bugger says the criminal is not talking to the press. The next time they try to spread this criminal separatist cancer all involved should be arrested and tried for treason.


Konnapu Bandara said...

[toiletnet glorifies SL mainly sinhala history. but with a twist at the end]

Moshe, old boy, what the TamilNut bugger omitted to mention was that Wariyapola Sri Sumangala Thera raised the Lion flag proudly in view of everybody fearless to the consequences. These criminals trying to commemorate dead terrorists sneaked up to the top of the building like thieves, lit a torch anonymously, and ran off like a pack of hyenas.


Pol Sambol said...

LeN & Gonsekarites refer to Tiran Alles as Tirna "Judas" Alles.

Hilarious stuff man.

LeN has also started attacking Gonseka's lawyer.

LeN is just as bad as ToiletNet. Difference being US backs/funds the former the latter is “privately funded”. Hikz.

Konnapu Bandara said...

Chaps, a great article and a good read:



Moshe Dyan said...


(CNN) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta urged Israel to get to the "damn table" in peace talks with the Palestinians, an unusually blunt comment that inserts him into the Middle East peace process.
In remarks at a Brookings Institution conference, Panetta called on Israel to again start negotiations with the Palestinians. "Just get to the damn table. Just get to the table," Panetta said during the event in Washington. "The problem right now is we can't get them to the damn table to at least sit down and begin to discuss their differences."
Israel is becoming increasingly isolated from the region, according to Panetta.
It's not enough, he said, for Israel to rely on a strong military for security, diplomacy is also needed.
"Unfortunately, over the past year, we have seen Israel's isolation from its traditional security partners in the region grow, and the pursuit of a comprehensive Middle East peace has effectively been put on hold," Panetta said.
Panetta said Israel could "reach out and mend fences" with countries such as Turkey, Egypt and Jordan, countries he said share an interest in stability in the Middle East.

Sam Perera said...

I hope that Mahason boys are active these days.

Pol Sambol said...

From LNP:

Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 2854
Member Profile
3 Dec 2011 18:55:47 GMT Report for Abuse

"In a statement to The Hindu, he said: We have read in the newspapers that Ms. Anoma Fonseka and her daughters are preparing a petition to be sent to the White House, residency and the office of the President of the United States of America. In her letter Ms. Apsara Fonseka, Fonseka's daughter goes on to say We are in need of international interference when it comes to justice."

SF will sell his wife and family to a sudda to get released.


Can't disagree with the poster. Gonseka still running to his masters. He thought they'd first make him President. Then he thought they'd airlift him from prison right after he was thrown into the slammer in Feb 2010. Seems to still think that.

Pol Sambol said...

"(Lanka-pee-News -03.Dec.2011, 7.00PM) An underworld leader Fairoz of Negombo who is connected with a number of crimes has gone missing since last 29th, according to reports reaching Lanka e news.


Divina reported this earlier. Seems LEN is upset.

Moshe Dyan said...

we BADLY need another pre-2009 fonseka. his main tasks will be to,

1. get rid of that assclown
2. terrorise certain high profile terrorists
3. eliminate threats to the nation just like the LRRP.

from what i hear, the LRRP has been dismantled and the operatives have been inducted to the regular SF.

Moshe Dyan said...

from SLG

The Ministry of Defence ( MoD) in Sri Lanka is said to have dispatched ex-LTTE cadres to Europe and Canada as part of the Sri Lankan state intelligence services clandestine agenda to target pro-Eelam Tamil activists and groups including the Global Tamil Forum (GTF) and the likes of the splinter LTTE group led by Nediyavan.

These young Tamil men now working for the Ministry of Defence have undergone a stringent rehabilitation programme including counter-intelligence training under the watchful eye of Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse.

Colonel Karuna's former right-hand junior commander Innaiyabharathi who was part of the Karuna group that defected from the LTTE in 2004 is also have said to landed in France recently under the guise of having fled from Sri Lanka for fear of persecution. Little to the Tamil Diaspora realise the Sri Lankan governments true agenda that was a closely guarded secret until now.

Innaiyabharathi was involved in a number killings alongside Colonel Karuna in the Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka including a number of kidnaps for ransom and assassination of rival political activists.

Sri Lanka's Ministry of Defence is said to have dispatched these intelligence agents to pro-actively gather information for the Ministry of Defence from various pro-Eelam groups and befriend anti-government activists living in Europe.

Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse has given strict instructions to his henchmen to even go to the extent of targeting anyone deemed a serious threat if necessary mimicking the likes of Israel's feared intelligence agency "Mossad's" clandestine tactics to target pro-Palestinian groups and activists worldwide.

Moshe Dyan said...

this is funny.

so we are trying to kill terrorists hiding aborad like mosssad!!

what a joke.

looks like the TE diaspora is trying to kill each other and put the blame on us. reported recently that two rival tamil groups had exchanged "early x-mas gifts"!!!

Pol Sambol said...

"Hand over KP to Interpol soon: Jayalath Sunday, 04 December 2011 23:00
UNP MP Jayalath Jayawardane said yesterday that he would ask the Inspector General of Police and the Attorney General to take steps to hand over LTTE chief arms procurer Kumaran Pathmanathan alias KP to Interpol as soon as possible.

Last week, Dr. Jayawardane said in Parliament that a court in Chennai had issued an arrest warrant on KP to Interpol.

“After I raised this matter, a many people contacted me. Members of the Tamil diaspora also contacted me and asked about it. I am going to ask the IGP and the Attorney General to hand over KP to Interpol,” he said.

He said that it was wrong to harbour a person who had allegedly been involved in criminal acts. According to the arrest warrant, KP is wanted for offences involving weapons and terrorism. (Kelum Bandara)

And people question "democracy" in Sri Lanka.

Pol Sambol said...

"so we are trying to kill terrorists hiding aborad like mosssad!!


If this were only true. Never know what GR's up to so could be plausible and they are sounding a "watch out" warning.

looks like the TE diaspora is trying to kill each other and put the blame on us.


This maybenot only be a move to cover up die-ass-pora fighting but try to get the die-ass-pora united again and stop infighting.

I hope its the mossad one :))

Moshe Dyan said...

so a chen-nai sakkili court wants KP!

why didn't they want him before when he was in the LTTE???

no big deal.

they also wanted douglas devananda on MANY counts of murder. still want him.

but he was given a red carpet welcome in north india.


Moshe Dyan said...

in 1984 mossad trained our commandos.

at the same time they trained tamil paramilitary cadres in the same camp.

the writer of the book, "by way of deception", says they trained both sinhala and tamil soldiers in the same camp. he also hints at they were at war.

little that he knew that it was both pro-SL groups that were trained. just because one group was tamil, it never meant they were tigers.

here is proof.

1. it was less costly to GOSL to get both groups trained at the same time.

2. they were kept away from each other because SL raised MANY paramilitary groups in 1984 SECRETLY. even many in the army, etc. didn't know.

3. if israel REALLY wanted to train terrorists, they could have at ANY TIME. it need not be at the same time.

4. after the so called training of tamils, many fantastic things happened.

4.1. pro-TE TULF politicians were gunned down mysteriously. LTTE blamed TELO and TELO blamed LTTE.

thereafter they started fighting each other!!

4.2. many pro-LTTE and pro-TELO operatives in toiletmadu got killed. douglas devananda and his friends were blamed.

4.3. many tamil paramilitary groups were formed. they started killing tigers.

most prominent of them was 3 stars which later became EPDP. unfortunately IPKF MFs forced all the others to lay down weapons and they became easy targets to tigers.

4.4. even according to the book, ONLY the SL delegation and not the "tamil" group was given sayaret matkal training.

this is the deep penetration/demolition operations. the REAL stuff.

4.5. GOSL NEVER admitted to any training by israel due to political sensitivities of muslims. so it was expedient to blame israel in the public for "training tigers". nowhere it is written that israel/mossad trained "tigers" or "tamil elamists". it only says tamils. EPDP, etc. are tamil too.

4.6. following the rumour that mossad trained the LTTE, muslims started to suspect the LTTE in 1990. that created a major rift between them. all the muslims were chased out from jaffna and many massacres were caused by the LTTE in the east FOR THE FIRST TIME against muslims.

that increased our team against the LTTE! using this we armed muslims against the LTTE in the east.

by way of deception thou shall win the war!!

we have mastered it!! well done.

Moshe Dyan said...

"During November 1985 four militant groups namely Tamil Eelam Liberation Organisation (TELO), Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam(LTTE). Eelam People Revolutionary Liberation Front(EPRLF) & Eelam Revolutionary Organisation of Tamil (ERO) joined together to form a front called Eelam National Liberation Front (ENLF). This union was short lived.

In December, 1985 the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and TELO developed mis-understanding among themselves and fought each other both in Sri Lanka and India. On December 23rd., 1985 there was a bomb explosion at the residence of Anton Balasingam the Spokesmen of LTTE, at Madras. Shortly before dawn, a bomb with a timer device went off in the open terrace above the bedroom where Balasingam's nephew was sleeping. Balasingam and his Australian wife Adele were in another room and escaped with injuries. Balasingam said he suspected Sri Lankan Government agents. The TULF and PLOTE blamed MOSSAD. The Indian Police suspected the involvement of TELO Group."


further reading.

other tamil groups

Moshe Dyan said...

tamil tigers including LTTE had EXTENSIVE links with palestinian terrorists for a long time.

so it is just israel came to our rescue against the proliferation of suicide terror through tamil groups.

"In the early years of the Tamil militancy in Sri Lanka several Tamil groups received advanced military training from Palestinian factions in the Middle East. The first known contacts were established around 1978-1980 between London members of the Eelam Revolutionary Organization of Students (EROS) and Syed Hameed of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) London branch. The PLO connection provided weapons training opportunities for a limited number of Tamil youth in PLO camps in Lebanon[1]. A member of the early batches that received training in 1978 from the PLO backed Al Fatah group, currently leads a Tamil political party[2]. In the period between 1980-1984, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), headed by George Habash, provided weapons training to several batches of PLOTE members (People’s Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam) in PFLP camps located in Lebanon and Syria[3]. The Palestinian leaders provided much of the initial international exposure and support to the fledgling Tamil groups."

an expert on the matter explains

Moshe Dyan said...

further proof from a terrorist's mouth.

"....Muslims di not take part in the national struggle of Tamil people, particularly after 1984. It is also suggested that the Sri Lanka state with the advice of Mossad, used the Muslim factor not only to divide and rule but assisted in creating deep cleavages amongst the communities by the establishment of a Muslim Home Guard"

straight from a terrorist

Moshe Dyan said...

this is what created all the confusion.

"After dropping me off at the hotel, I told Amy the Sri Lankans
weren't buying the radar. "Yes, we knew that," he replied.

Amy then told me to go to Kfar Sirkin where the Sri Lankan
special-forces group was training, get them whatever they needed,
then take them into Tel Aviv for the evening. But he cautioned me
to make sure it was all coordinated with Yosy, who had just been transferred to the same department that week.

Yosy was also looking after a group being trained by the Israelis.
But they weren't supposed to meet my people. They were Tamils,
bitter enemies of my Sinhalese group.

read more here.


Thusitha said...

Sam Perera said...
I hope that Mahason boys are active these days.

The funniest thing is if you go to that webpage, you can see malky rent a car advertisement with a white van and a white truck.

Sam Perera said...

Thusitha, that advertisement solves the white van mystery altogether. We should be able to catch all white van users if we check the rental log of Malkey :)

Pol Sambol said...

You guys might want to check this out. Its stirred a hornets nest. Those Tamils, in the West especially, truly are deeply bitter and frustrated. Their comments are the proof of how much rage, hatred and sadness they are filled with and are venting it like a steam train’s boiler is about to blow. They have now revised the figure of “innocent Tamils deaths” (hiks) to 154,000! LOL.

Moshe Dyan said...

LTTE diaspora financially helping terrorist families!!

from tn.

"The fourth anniversary of the assassination of the former TNA parliamentarian, Nadarajah Raviraj was observed at the office of the All Ceylon Tamil Congress in Jaffna on Wednesday.

Marking the occasion, 13 families that lost their members in the war were provided with assistance. Diaspora philanthropists have provided the funds needed for the assistance."

Konnapu Bandara said...

Moshe, old boy, we should learn from Israel how to treat these terrorist families. IDF demolishes houses of suicide bombers without exception.

Demolitions are carried out by the Israeli Army Combat Engineering Corps using armored bulldozers, usually Caterpillar D9, but also with excavators (for high multi-story buildings) and wheel loaders (for small houses with low risk) modified by the IDF. The heavily armored IDF Caterpillar D9 is often used when there is a risk demolishing the building (such as armed insurgents barricading inside or the structure is rigged with explosive and booby traps). Multi-story building, flats, and explosive labs are demolished by explosive devices, set by IDF demolition experts of Yaalom's Sayeret Yael.

We on the otherhand let street poopers from TN send these people money. We have so much to learn from IDF.


Pol Sambol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pol Sambol said...

YouTube has removed the SL/MoD counter vid to ABCs bs. Tamils have called it "racist" and got it taken down.

Moshe Dyan said...



we have a lot MORE to learn from IDF, etc.

our biggest weakness is our sympathy to our enemies. we are the BEST christians in the world the way we LOVE our enemies!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

pol and others,

there are many spiteful crap against sinhalese in youtube.

we MUST bring ALL of those down by complaining.

Pol Sambol said...

Why are we releasing these “rehabilitated” LTTE cadres? It makes no difference in “lessoning” the bs against Sri Lanka. The West will never stop till they get a white worshipping poodle in power, their “man in Colombo” –originally Gonskea was marked for this. In fact releasing them (LTTE cadres) only helps the West in trying to re-start conflict (it gives them something to work with) which is what they are desperate to bring about. Its better we some how send the whole lot to Canada and any other “disgruntled” Tamilia.

Sam Perera said...

It is very heart warming to see our brave ancestors of 1818 rebellion honored like this. We had to wait for the next generation of Sri Lankan warriors bring real honor back to 1818.

Konnapu Bandara said...

Chaps, it's alarming that free media is under assault in Sri Lanka.

Rajpal Abeynaike the Editor of Lakbima News has lodged a complaint with the Colpetty Police Station stating that he was assaulted at the annual get together of lawyers held at the Cinnamon Grand Colombo yesterday.

Abeynaike a veteran journalist speaking to the Daily Mirror online stated that he was assaulted due to the comments he made regarding the former Chief Justice Sarath N.Silva. “This event is a ‘lampoon’ where people take pot shots at each other in good humour, it’s been so for over a century, I was talking to a lawyer and told him how I think it’s ridiculous that the same lawyers who demonised Sarath Silva when he was the Chief Justice now seem to portray him as a saviour,” he said.

From the moment he aired his dissenting views on the conduct of the BASL, Abeynayake, unbeknownst to him, had invited the wrath of some of the fellow black coats who were in the audience.

Abeynayake says the build up to the assault was a manifestation of the shrinking room for dissent within the BASL, which he says is now being dominated by a coterie of ‘UNP lawyers,’ which is not a healthy phenomenon for a professional body which is supposed to reflect the diversity of opinion of the practitioners of the legal profession.

Rajpal Abeynayake, in a complaint lodged at the Kollupitiya police had stated that instructing attorney Asoka Samararatna had assaulted him and threatened to kill him. According to the complaint, Mr Samararatna, after landing a several severe blows on Mr Abeynayake, had threatened further physical violence, if he ‘spoke again.’

Abeynayake was admitted to the Colombo National Hospital

He underwent treatment and several tests for injuries sustained, and was discharged on Friday afternoon. A JMO’s report is available.

Asoka Samararatna was asked to report to the Kollupitiya police station on Monday to give a statement. He absconded until Thursday and avoided police summons on three separate and successive occasions

Chaps, now lets await the usual chorus of wailing and gnashing of teeth by defenders of media freedom. What's that sound? Oh, it's just the chirping of crickets!


Pol Sambol said...

The most embarrassing episode that the Colombo legal and media fraternity has had to face in a long time is the ongoing tiff between LakbimaNews editor Rajpal Abeynayake and a leading lawyer Asoka Samararatne over an incident which took place at the Voetlights annual lawyer’s dinner a few days ago. Rajpal’s side of the story is that this end-of-year party was a place where people traditionally expressed their ideas freely and he had taken up issue with some UNP lawyers who had earlier wanted to impeach Sarath N.Silva but who had recently changed their stance and had brought a resolution in the Bar Association condemning the government’s decision to appoint a parliamentary select committee to investigate the conduct of the former chief justice. Rajpalissue was with the double standards in opposing Silva when he was with the other side and now supporting him after he switched sides. He had chided the UNP lawyers saying that when Sarath Silva was on the other side he was a crook, but now that he had switched sides, he was a good guy.

The lawyers Rajpal had addressed had apparently taken it up well, saying sheepishly that such was the way with politics. But Samararatne who was within earshot had got into an argument with Rajpal. The latter had said that he was not addressing Samararatne. Then says Rajpal, Samararatne had started assaulting him and uttering death threats. With this dispute, a large cross section of Colombo society has been placed in the same position that the UNP was after the Range Bandara – Shantha Abeysekera clash and the UPFA after the Bharatha Lakshman – Duminda Silva shootout. In such cases, anybody’s knee jerk reaction would be to sweep the whole thing under the carpet and pretend it never happened. Everybody seems to be intent on doing that. The Editor’s Guild had arrived at the conclusion that Rajpal had been present at Voetlights not as a newspaper editor but as a lawyer. A powerful group of lawyers too seem to be coming together to rescue one of their own from an assault charge. Political Column

Hypocrisy at its highest carried out by the Colombians who cri the most for "freedom", which is just for them to do as they please while trampling everyone else. Naturally resorting to fisty cuffs too. LOL

Pol Sambol said...

Is it true Fonseka has made a very recent call(a few days ago) to get "international help" (i.e. his suddha buddies) to get rid of the MR Government and install him as Presso? Isn't that against democracy Gonseka and his buddies always bark about, considering MR was voted in by the masses and is still popular.

Pol Sambol said...

"Justice Minister Rauff Hakeem said today he would consider appealing to President Mahinda Rajapaksa to pardon former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka if such a request was made by Mr. Fonseka s family members

Question is can we trust this hate filled egotistical lunatic?

Pol Sambol said...

Also its ironic its coming from a scoundral like Hakeem who was with Gonseka during the election.

Moshe Dyan said...

"Bangalore police busted an illegal arms racket by arresting six men - one an accused in the sensational murder of a travel agent in a five-star hotel 10 years ago and another, an LTTE agent.

The North East Division police, in raids across the State, confiscated a revolver, two country-made pistols, three sophisticated semi-automatic pistols with different calibres ranging between .9 mm and 7.65 mm, 27 rounds of ammunitions, knives and other material from the gang.

The gang

The arrested include former army man Pankaj Kumar Roy (38) of Ashta Bhoji Colony in Uttarkhand, an accused in the Hotel Ashok murder case. The others are R. Srinivas alias LTTE Srinivas (44) from Veerapillai Street near Commercial Street, described as an “LTTE agent” by the police; real estate agent R. Narasimhamurthy alias Murthy (38) from BWSSB Colony near Soladevanahalli on Hesaraghatta Road; G. Shivakumar alias Shiva alias Bikkala Shiva (35) of Mini Avenue Road near Bharathinagar, S. Shiva Kumar alias Shiva (24) from Hadonahalli village near Doddaballapur and S. Harish Kumar alias Hari (23) from Hoovinanayakanahalli near Jala hobli in Bangalore North taluk.

The kingpin of the racket, Roy, was a bodyguard for Aparijit Biswanath Basak, a former management consultant from Pune. He allegedly killed travel agency executive K.R. Ananth Padmanabha Acharya (50) at Hotel Ashok in May 2001. Roy was arrested in that case and released on parole in 2008. However, since then Roy, who was sacked from the Indian Army for misconduct, has been in hiding, violating parole conditions.

Speaking to reporters at his office here on Friday, City Police Commissioner B.G. Jyothi Prakash Mirji said the gang, led by Roy, had been allegedly supplying arms and ammunitions to criminals in the city as well as in other parts of the State.

Arms to LTTE

“Srinivas had been arrested by the Intelligence Bureau in Fraser Town, Bangalore a few years ago on charges of supplying arms to Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Tamil Nadu. Narasimha Murthy is involved in five murders,” B.R. Ravi Kanthe Gowda, Deputy Commissioner of Police (North East Division), told The Hindu.

Roy, when he was serving time in the Bangalore Central Prison, came in contact with the other gang members and started to supply arms and ammunitions to criminals, said Bagalur Police Inspector Parameshwar A. Heggade.

He had secured fake gun licences from Uttar Pradesh and Jammu and purchased the weapons using them. – The Hindu"

LTTE regrouping and re arming in india

looks like LTTE terrorists now concentrate on small arms that can be smuggled in easily and can be used to terrorise and destabilise the nation.

i'm pretty sure they have local agents. go after them.

Sam Perera said...

I hope that our Mahason boys took care of the JVP meddlers in Jaffna.

Pol Sambol said...

”Nalin Ladduwahetti, the counsel appearing for Sri Lanka`s former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka in his legal cases, has asked from Mrs. Anoma Fonseka to correct the media reports that said the lawyer had not provided substantial service to his client in the hearing of the famous `white flag` case.

The lawyer has said he is unhappy due to the media reports that criticized his service to Fonseka.

Nalin Ladduwahetti has also decided not to appear in other cases against Fonseka.However, he has filed an appeal for Fonseka in the `while flag` case.

Ladduwahetti says he appeared free of charge for Fonseka but cannot continue it further.

The three-member trial-at-bar of the Colombo High Court that heard the controversial `White Flag` case against the former Army Commander last month found him guilty of the charges and sentenced to 3 years in prison. “

How is the case "controversial"? The issue was, the case solved it. You can bet had this been a suddha's caught everyone would happily accept the verdict as well as the "procedure" prior to it.

In fact had this been the West and a Fonseka event took place, he would have "mysteriously committed suicide" years ago and Western media (plus public) would cheer. Had he been jailed immediately after an election or before it, Western media would also be cheering that as “right course of action”.

Pol Sambol said...

”Nalin Ladduwahetti, the counsel appearing for Sri Lanka`s former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka in his legal cases, has asked from Mrs. Anoma Fonseka to correct the media reports that said the lawyer had not provided substantial service to his client in the hearing of the famous `white flag` case.

The lawyer has said he is unhappy due to the media reports that criticized his service to Fonseka.

Nalin Ladduwahetti has also decided not to appear in other cases against Fonseka.However, he has filed an appeal for Fonseka in the `while flag` case.

Ladduwahetti says he appeared free of charge for Fonseka but cannot continue it further.

The three-member trial-at-bar of the Colombo High Court that heard the controversial `White Flag` case against the former Army Commander last month found him guilty of the charges and sentenced to 3 years in prison. “

How is the case "controversial"? The issue was, the case solved it. You can bet had this been a suddha's court everyone would happily accept the verdict as well as the "procedure" prior to it.

In fact had this been the West and a Fonseka event took place, he would have "mysteriously committed suicide" years ago and Western media (plus public) would cheer. Had he been jailed immediately after an election or before it, Western media would also be cheering that as “right course of action”.

Moshe Dyan said...

china builds a military base on seychelles

well done.

this will be very useful in fighting sea piracy.

sea piracy includes LTTE.

Moshe Dyan said...

from toiletnet.

"Colombo-backed drug traffic destroys future of Tamil students in Jaffna

[TamilNet, Wednesday, 14 December 2011, 21:51 GMT]

Religious leaders and civil society groups have joined hands to work against Colombo's planned distribution of drugs among Tamil youth in Jaffna. It has been revealed in a recent survey that around 28 students of both sexes in a leading mixed school in the peninsula were engaged in distributing drugs. The shocking information came to light following the detection of a student who was responsible for the distribution of drugs, and that led to the identification of persons who are engaged in trafficking drugs into the peninsula."

good development :(

instead of taking the racism drug, take the drug of hippie peace - heroin!

if we can drug the racists the problem is partly resolved.

Moshe Dyan said...

although there are better ways to do this, at least this is better than doing nothing.

"2nd lead (Adds photo of death threat)
Death threat issued to 8 student activists, 3 lecturers of Jaffna University
[Thu, 15 Dec 2011, 14:10 GMT]
“There will be ‘maximum punishment’ [assassination] for those who disturb the ‘freedom’ that we gave to Tamil people by shedding our blood,” say posters and notices distributed by helmet-wearing unknown operatives who entered the premises of the University of Jaffna Thursday. The poster, titled “last warning” and issued in the name of “Naam Ilangkaiyar Security Force” (We Sri Lankans Security Force), names 8 students from 4 districts and 3 lectures of the University of Jaffna. The elected leadership of the student union this year and the newly elected leaders for the coming year are named in the list. One of the students is Mr. S.Thavapalasingham who was recently attacked by a group of men believed to be SL military intelligence operatives and one of the lecturers is Mr. S. Raveendran, who was abducted in Colombo in March 2009 and released after two weeks."

Konnapu Bandara said...

Moshe, old boy, certainly this would be good news if true. But the problem is that this TamilNut bugger is a pathological liar and most of his fabricated news do not even have a kernel of truth. In fact I hope our MI chaps take some inspiration from this buggers paranoid rumblings and make his nightmares become reality. That being said there is a great urgency to nip in the bud any separatist trouble makers. Just imagine the amount of trouble we would have avoided if somebody had put a bullet through fat bastards skull when he was a two bit bicycle thief.


Konnapu Bandara said...

Chaps, check the link below to see a complete list of black-balled bastards stirring the separatist pot.

Memo by shadow LTTE to TNA bastards

These are the fellows who should be named in a last warning poster. Not surprisingly statue thief Rayappu bugger is at the top the list.


Moshe Dyan said...

no wonder kasippu joseph is at the thick of it!!

these disgusting terrorists deserve an unmarked grave.

how long we allow these terrorists to brainwash the people????

Anonymous said...

Now that the LLRC report is out,

It's interesting to note the differences in tone between the AP article by Bharatha Mallawarachi and the one from Reuters. The former is chock full of anti Lankan statements and criticisms of the LLRC by some of the usual suspects, and has no problem including idiotic and misleading statements like

"After insisting for more than two years that not a single civilian had been killed by military strikes during the war, the government in August admitted to civilian deaths for the first time"

The Reuters article by contrast doesn't give the time of day to 'human rights' peddlers and its coverage is on the whole more positive. The Reuters Q & A even had this to say about the LLRC report and the UN 'expert' panel's hatchet job.

"Sri Lanka's government did not allow the U.N. panel to come to the island when it was preparing its report, so its findings largely reflect submissions given by rights activists who have been critical of the government and pro-LTTE groups who live in Western nations.

The LLRC took testimony from Sri Lankans -- soldiers, civil servants, civilians and LTTE fighters -- while also referencing the U.N. report and a host of news items about the war.

So it is a fully home-grown report, with a cross-section of views, even if it was appointed by President Mahinda Rajapaksa -- the most adamant defender of the government's wartime conduct"

AP/Bharatha Mallawarachi

Reuters/C Bryson Hull

Reuters Q+A/C Bryson Hull

Konnapu Bandara said...

Iamlrrr, old boy, I also noticed the same thing about reuters report and was pleasently surprised by its tone. Also just reading the LLRC report I was stuck by that prof's analysis of the bogus CH4 video. We need to highlight the fake blood aspect. I dont think anybody has refuted that upto this date.

Moshe Dyan said...

EU hopes LLRC report contributes to reconciliation in Sri Lanka
Sun, Dec 18, 2011, 01:01 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Dec 17, Brussels: The European Union has expressed hope that the report of Sri Lanka's Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation released to public on Friday will contribute to the process of reconciliation in the island nation.

Issuing a statement Friday, the spokesperson of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission EU, High Representative Catherine Ashton has noted the presentation of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission report to the Sri Lankan Parliament.

"A detailed and careful study of the measures proposed to implement the recommendations in the report is needed, including on the issue of accountability," the statement emphasized.

"We continue to encourage the Government of Sri Lanka to engage with the UN Secretary General and relevant UN bodies on these matters," the brief statement concluded.

EU positive about LLRC report

although some jokers criticised the LLRC now there is wide acceptance of it!!


because the dirty attempt to push the darusman's illegal report FAILED!

now it is very difficult to accuse SL at the UN, UNSC (almost impossible now) and UNHRC.

i like the report without any BS called a spade a spade - NO WARCRIMES, fullstop.

had it left room for speculation, then this BS would never end.

Moshe Dyan said...

this is in addition to imlrrr's contrast.

"On Sri Lanka, Ban Has No Comment on LLRC Report, "It's Up to Member States"

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, December 16 -- Now that the Sri Lankan government's Lessons Learnt & Reconciliation Commission report is public, with its claim that civilians were not targeted, Inner City Press on Friday asked UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's associate spokesman Farhan Haq for the UN's response to the report, and any moves for accountability. Video here, from Minute 8:29.

Haq said "we'll need to study" the LLRC report and that Ban's UN "may respond in due course." He said, "We are continuing with our efforts at accountability... We hope and trust that member states will look to the contents of th[e] report.. led by Marsuki Darusman."

Inner City Press asked about what a member state on the UN Human Rights Council told it, that Ban sent the Panel of Experts report to Geneva without even a UN stamp on it -- "is it just a piece of paper?"

Haq replied, "it's a UN report, you can find it on a UN website." That doesn't make up for the lack of a UN stamp on the filing with the HRC. The UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for example runs a website which put online, on a "UN website," reports issued by governments, like Sri Lanka. Does that make it a UN report?

Haq said it was "presented here at UN." But unlike Ban's report on the murder of Benezir Bhutto in Pakistan, for example, or on the introduction of cholera into Haiti, no UN press conference ever "presented" the Sri Lanka report. After the Sri Lankan government leaked it in Colombo, Ban's spokesperson's office made it available, in a stack, without holding any press conference or Q&A.

Inner City Press asked if Ban believes the report should be taken up by the Human Rights Council before Sri Lanka's Universal Periodic Review, some time off.

Haq said, "it's up to member of the Human Rights Council what they take up." That may be true, but Ban has for example publicly expressed regret about the UN Security Council votes on Syria - an issue on which he may have more support, or be more pushed, by influential member states.

Contrary to what Ban said on Syria, on Sri Lanka Haq concluded, "as you know, these are bodies of member states and we'll await what kind of decisions they take." Ah, quiet diplomacy...


Moshe Dyan said...

we don't have to implement everything in the LLRC or its interim recommendations

non-implementation would NOT amount to war crimes!!!!

implementation or otherwise is STRICTLY an internal issue that cannot be forced.

there goes tamil diaspora's war crimes BS inflames!

Pol Sambol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pol Sambol said...

This Mallawarachi guy is a well known lying fag who hates Sri Lanka and spreads nothing but racism. Shame The Herald Sun/AP has no comment section or it has been disabled otherwise this sucker can be put in his place easily. I have seen this BS line regurgitated by people driven by an agenda and are viciously anti-Lankan and anti-Sinhalese. Fascinatingly they (Western media, NGO scum, local scum etc) all do it at once in unison spitting out the same stench. This is my usual
response to this:

[["After insisting for more than two years that not a single civilian had been killed by military strikes during the war, the government in August admitted to civilian deaths for the first time"

It's hilarious how moronic people can be, either out of their ineptitude or driven by malicious intent but then again thats "journalistic excellence" now then isn't it?

What part of having a policy to minimise civilian causalities to the maximum/attempting to have zero civilian causalities translates into their being no civilian causalities at all and an outright denial such happened? The Government of Sri Lanka has long maintained that it had a "policy of zero civilian casualties" as in there was not any deliberate and intentional killing of civilians in the rules of engagement (the Army made this painstakingly obvious, undergoing many sacrifices and humiliations on the battle field in addition to conceding vast amounts of territory -e.g. around Omanthathi in a "V" shape -to enable this throughout the war period, which the LTTE used to their advantage to carry out attacks that the Western press in particular would gleefully enjoy).

This is what has been stated none stop since late 2006 (at the beginning of this phase of the war) when the Tamils humiliated by their Military defeats started throwing around this accusation of “civilians being killed” (dutifully parroted by the West without a shred of evidence to back it up –and since then has been “escalated” which is how propaganda works).

It was first aimed against the Air Force as they weren't too happy seeing their battle lines and units prepping for an attack being burnt to a crisp from the air nor did they like seeing decapitation strikes on the leadership, its all demoralising stuff for them. But apparently in the grand total of 2,000 air strikes carried out by the SLAF between 2006 to 2009 not a single LTTE cadre, leader, installation, base, bunker ammunition dump, heavy artillery position or vehicle was hit as per the "witnesses accounts" of the LTTE themselves (highly reliable) and the mighty Western "free press". The SLAF has special bombs which home in on Tamil “civilians” only.]]

Pol Sambol said...

Reading this from the Island explains Fonseka’s mentality further and why he deserves to be in jail:

[[”The centerpiece of Fonseka’s petition however was the allegation of bias on the part of the members of the court martial against Fonseka. The general allegation was that all the members of the court martial were biased against him because Fonseka had shifted them from the ‘command stream’ of the army to the ‘common stream’ when he was the commander.

There were allegations against the members of the court martial which had a quintessential Fonseka touch to it. He alleged that Maj Gen Mahinda Hathurusinghe who was a member of the court martial of being biased because he had been bribed and was in the pay of the LTTE and that Fonseka had taken action against him when he was army commander and was to take further action when he was removed from the position of army commander.

What was said in Hathurusinghe’s defence by his counsel was that contrary to being in the pay of the LTTE, Hathurusinghe had been under direct threat from the LTTE and that an army Major named Anuruddha Perera had been tried, convicted and sentenced to death for providing intelligence to the LTTE to kill Hathurusinghe when he was the Overall Operations Commander Colombo. The allegations of bias against the other two members of the court martial were also countered though not as spectacularly as in the case of Hathurusinghe. What the other two members of the court martial had said was that they had not been demoted from the command stream to the common stream as Fonseka had alleged but were very much a part of the command stream because of the positions they held.

Besides, the court found that the allegations made by Fonseka against Hathurusinghe were founded on nothing but hearsay. Fonseka had claimed that the director of the CID had told him that an LTTE suspect in custody had told him that Hathurusinghe was in the pay of the LTTE!

This is the second time in as many months where Fonseka’s predilection to repeat gossip got him landed in trouble

The sickening lack of honesty and integrity and pure selfishness of the Fonseka family is stomach churning. The treachery of this man and his family (with daughter Aspara addressing LTTE rallies in Los Angeles and Toronto) is truly unbelievable. Thanks to his selfishness and greed coupled to a foul mouth the Army and MoD which would have been considered prestigious institutions unquestionably respected as the best in the World was singlehandedly destroyed thanks to his venom. And that is just heart breaking.

Moshe Dyan said...

"This is the second time in as many months where Fonseka’s predilection to repeat gossip got him landed in trouble."


he hasn't learnt from the white flag case. how can he learn? he is too dumb. his language is another give away.

e.g. kalawedda, paraya, hothambuwa, oka

except the "paraye" word others are used by school kids. but when an adult uses them, he looks dumb.

Moshe Dyan said...

"He alleged that Maj Gen Mahinda Hathurusinghe who was a member of the court martial of being biased because he had been bribed and was in the pay of the LTTE and that Fonseka had taken action against him when he was army commander and was to take further action when he was removed from the position of army commander."

he is one of the finest we have.

who sat with LTTE sambandan, poop-pillai and plotted against the nation? who joined the traitors? hathurisinghe or fonseka?

Moshe Dyan said...

"(CNN) -- At least two people are dead and more than 100 missing after a wooden boat carrying migrants to the Australian territory of Christmas Island sunk off the coast of Indonesia, a rescue official said early Sunday.
The boat was carrying more than 200 people when it left Indonesia's East Java province, according to Angipp Satoto of the Indonesian search-and-rescue team. Nearly 90 people were rescued from the water, he said.

Sutopo Purnomo Nugroho, a spokesman for Indonesia's National Disaster Management Agency, put the number of missing at 182, with 33 people rescued from the water. Three of those rescued were taken to the hospital, he said.

Indonesian authorities are working with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority in the rescue efforts, Satoto said. The area where the boat sunk is difficult to reach, Nugroho said, and searches continue for more survivors.

Most of those aboard the ship were Indonesians. Others aboard were of Afghan, Iranian, Turkish, French and Saudi Arabian origin, Satoto said.

Christmas Island is an Australian territory in the Indian Ocean, nearer to the Philippines than to Australia. The island is about 1,600 miles northwest of the western Australian city of Perth and 220 miles south of the Indonesian capital, Jakarta.
Australia's government has come under fire in the past for what some perceive as a soft border protection policy that encourages asylum seekers to flee to Australia.

In December 2010, a boat carrying as many as 90 asylum seekers crashed into the cliffs along Christmas Island, killing at least 48 people."

no terrorists this time though.

HUGE potential!!

Moshe Dyan said...

US troops have fully withdrawn from iraq.

what the media don't say is they LOST.

Pol Sambol said...


Was it not Maj Gen Mahinda Hathurusinghe who ran the white van ops and cleaned Colombo of all mules ensuring suicide bomber attacks and sea donkey infilitration squads went to a near zero during the war period. As in the 100s of homicide bombers and their handlers plus the 100s of LTTE "intelligence" cadres who infiltrated Colombo during Ponils time were widdled down to a few dozen.

Trust Fonseka to spit on and sell out great soldiers like he did to Shavendra Silva.

Sam Perera said...


I know that you read this site. I bow down in front of you for your patriotism.


NEW YORK, December 6, 2011 — Documentary filmmaker Callum Macrae, Malinda Seneviratne, Editor-in-Chief of Sri Lanka's The Nation, and Bob Templer of the International Crisis Group present and assess both the Sri Lankan government and international community's perspectives on that country's decades-long sectarian conflict. Tunku Varadarajan, editor of Newsweek International, moderates the discussion. (1 hr., 16 min.)

Pol Sambol said...

"Sri Lankan army commanders 'assassinated surrendering Tamils'
Sri Lankan army commanders were ordered by the country's leaders to assassinate surrendering Tamils in the final phase of the long and brutal civil war, according to a senior former military officer. "

Another “dossier” with another “testimony” with the ever present anonymous witness–how so reliable. This time they use a name less Major General. Now lets hope this isn’t going fizzle out like what happened to the ICJ-Australia “war crimes” dossier on Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe. Comically the ICJ disowned pretty much all the claims associated to it (that were duly reported by sensationalist revenge seeking Western nations) within 24 hours. Hikz

There is nothing on civilians being killed or shelled to death. Just LTTE leaders who came to surrender. That is basically the story. So who cares?

Of course i do understand the tone of the article and the usual dramatisation conveying a sense of sadness over the defeat of the LTTE, which is the general sentiment prevalent in the West. The West is mighty upset over the loss of a vital military asset and strategic geo-political tool that for two decades they funded, supported, armed, gave “moral cover” to (via the mighty “free” Western media) and overall provided as much assistance as possible.

This war crimes nonsense is also a way of "putting in their place" a bunch of dirty little brown people who had the audacity to defy the Wests "authority" and dictats. Bruised ego and "punishment" for such naughty behaviour as a must comes to mind (or as Milliband said "tying them to the cannons"–reference to the “consequences” meted out after the 1857 Indian “mutiny”).

And of course the West desperately wants a new tool to interfere, threaten and dominate Sri Lanka with following the loss of the LTTE which was a powerful asset in not just making sure Colombo played ball, but upsetting the region as well.

I left some comments. Hikz. So easy to tare this apart.

Moshe Dyan said...

there is a rumour gonzeka may be pardoned.

that is the dumbest thing the government could do.

i hope and pray this mad idiot gonzeka is not forgiven.

Pol Sambol said...

But some relevant sections from the DailyTelegraph. Note the similar finding of "i heard this from this place" line (who else says that?):

"The claims are contained in a sworn deposition, seen by The Daily Telegraph, made by a career officer who rose to the rank of major general before he fled the country in fear of his life to seek asylum in the United States.

He is the highest ranking person to assert that atrocities against Tamil rebels and civilians were sanctioned at the highest echelons of the government. The source had the highest security clearance and close contact with some of the army’s most powerful figures.

In his deposition, the major general says that he was informed that Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the defence secretary and brother of President Mahindra Rajapaksa, passed on "some instructions to a field commander to get rid of those LTTE [Tamil Tiger] cadres [who] are surrendering without adhering to normal procedures".

Such an order, he said, "should come from either the secretary of the defence, with the knowledge of the president involved. He also has to be kept informed. The commanders could not undertake such decisions."

In his deposition, the major general says that he was informed that Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the defence secretary and brother of President Mahindra Rajapaksa, passed on "some instructions to a field commander to get rid of those LTTE [Tamil Tiger] cadres [who] are surrendering without adhering to normal procedures".

Such an order, he said, "should come from either the secretary of the defence, with the knowledge of the president involved. He also has to be kept informed. The commanders could not undertake such decisions."

You can go read the rest of the usual bs (with the West basically mourning the loss of the LTTE as evident from the sentiment, choice of language and tone in the article) at the link.

Pol Sambol said...

What is of interest

[[“a career officer who rose to the rank of major general before he fled the country in fear of his life to seek asylum in the United States.”]]

He fled to the US before of after “deciding” to be a “source”? Sounds like this guy (if he exists) was bought over and that is assuming his credentials are real. Heck you can find anyone who would say anything for a sack full of dollars or a life in the West (like all the Tamils who sell bogus sob stories and live off perpetuating war in Sri Lanka to get access to a better quality of life as “refugees”).

[[“He is the highest ranking person to assert that atrocities against Tamil rebels and civilians were sanctioned at the highest echelons of the government. The source had the highest security clearance and close contact with some of the army's most powerful figures.”]]

What is amusing is that if this is the case, then everyone in Sri Lanka will know who he is. So why need to keep his identity anonymous? (Unless of course the man in question is Sarath Fonseka).

All this garbage “evidence” against Sri Lanka courtesy of nameless people in the shadows (carrying grudges and agendas) means it can be anyone giving “testimonies” making stuff up.

Pol Sambol said...

However I believe that this “major general” is in fact FONSEKA or someone close to him. Remember Butenis said with words to this effect: “we have enough/what we want to trap Sri Lanka on war crimes” (this was reported a while back as a “senior diplomat speaking”).

It was also reported repeatedly in the Island that the West/US was desperately trying to get senior serving military personal to “defect” and provide such information/be a “witness”. Yet GR was also quoted as managing to prevent this.

Fonseka’s great buddy was a guy by the name of Samarasinghe –he is the Defence Attaché at SL’s Embassy in Washington. This man is a Fonseka lackey who ordered troops to their death (on request from Fonseka) at Muhmalaia on those 4 occasions. His “punishment” on the 4th failure was to be rewarded with a diplomatic posting. DefenceWire reported this with disgust.

We must view all this in light of the US “demanding” Fonseka’s released, Aspara’s “petition” and the recent moves to get Fonseka his “pardon”.

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...

i had the misfortune of reading hooli-gona's comment.

since it reflects LTTE views, let me point out the flaws in their logic.

1. "How long do you think mid and senior ranking defence officials (with or without DPL passports) going to survive?"

(a). their survival is TIED to a patriotic government in power?

don't you see what a WONDERFUL strategy that is????

(b). and the war crimes BS is now over.

the LLRC report REPLACES all other - only one actually - competing reports. ban ki's self appointed panel's report which was REFUSED by ALL UN agencies to adopt!!

not even the UN stamp on it!

(c). C4 is not at all relevant. C4 has NO investigative power vested in it as malinda rightly said!!

so don't worry about C4.

(d). FYI, hundreds of military personnel not only travel freely across the world but also are given scholarships by western governments!!!

(e). GR is a UN citizen. if USA is serious about it, they can summon ANY US citizen for an investigation. it was NEVER done!

never forget GR has NO diplomatic immunity whatsoever.

(f). UNSC REJECTED war crimes BS, UN general assembly and UNHRC also rejected that BS.

2. "Could they not find a better person than Malinda.He was embarrassing to listen to.Cringe factor on a high.
He got the short straw i guess."

his speech was not that polished. agree.

but did anyone else give FACTS, EVIDENCE as they claimed they had?????


what matters most is FACTS which he presented.

when one toilet madu woman asked about darusman report and what the UN agencies did about it, the answer was plain and simple - NOTHING.

his comparative analysis on gitmo, taliban, AQ - resettlement and rehabilitation were fantastic to which the 3 jokers (the moda-rator is also a terrorist), had no answer!

also look at the doctors' case. how can the 3 jokers ASSUME that the doctors were talking sense under LTTE and lie under the government???? how can they assume that??

isn't that only an assumption???

those 3 clowns had no answer to it!

tigers killing SLA wearing SLA cloths. no answer! they had ASSUMED the footage showed SLA killing LTTE crap. isn't that only an assumption???

overall milinda did a GREAT job. his lack of preparedness ADDED to his credibility.

reconciliation - he said you cannot force your reconciliation model on us. what can the clowns say to that? nothing!

the 3 clowns got out LBW!

Moshe Dyan said...


not even samarasinghe.

it is a total myth like the mythical homoland.

remember sasrutha, fernando?

same old BS.

Moshe Dyan said...

ranil has survived another leadership battle.

please play well in the domestics so that you can play in the team. but when it comes to internationals, lose.

someone will be the UriNePee leader. its best RW remain.

"ape gona apata honda"!!!

i like this colombian mentality.

another good thing is that ravi black tiger lost his post of national organiser!!


4 "K"s lost yesterday.

1. Karu
2. Karunanayaka
3. Kim jong ill
4. Kolu dayasiri jayasekara

Moshe Dyan said...

violence between 2 UNP factions.

duminda silva belongs to these thugs' party

Pol Sambol said...


It is obvious Hooli-gona/Jay-han is upset over Malinda’s excellent work. They cannot stand anyone that defends Sri Lanka with such powerful patriotism especially when doing so has such a powerful impact as well. These NGO monkeys need to serve their masters due to their mental enslavement from birth in addition to justify those paychecks too. This same Hooli-gona/Jay-han was trying to mock and humiliate the Sinhalese who protested against Channel 4 in London back in June. He just could not stand such a site, of Sinhalese (especially in the West and for that matter anywhere) defending their country and goes all out to degrade them.

Regarding the Daily Telegraph article. You will note the use of the “20,000” figure instead of the equally bogus “40,000” figure. I believe this article was prepared over a year ago and was kept “in the safe” till the LLRC was released.

It is very plausible that what they have covered in the “sworn deposition” is in fact what Fonseka has given. Considering the language and material quoted, it clearly has to be him. Just before being arrested in February 2010 and right after his defeat in the PE he went around spitting endless venom and hate, when doing so he mentioned he has “taken precautions in case anything happens to him”. Knowing what a revengeful self absorbed, greedy, ill-tempered egotistical nut job he is this is quite possible. He may have given this “deposition” any time after September 2009.

Things took a back seat because he was jailed. If this is made “public” with him in Sri Lanka he will suffer in more ways than one, hence the US does not want to ditch this loyal pet entirely as he still has some uses. Such as creating political instability/assistance for the likes of JVP/UNP –well giving them something to bark about and spread propaganda against SL (“jailing the leader of the opposition” and other fraudulent bs like that).

Pol Sambol said...

Very important:

Pol Sambol said...

From LNP. Pretty damn funny:


Embassies are funding... UNP leadrship change eh..
Sounds familiers..
Remeber... how Danuna' mum got caught with 500K USD. "

Source of this is the Island or DM:

"Ranil claims UNP factions had foreign funding

Re-elected opposition and UNP leader Ranil Wickremesingha claims some UNP members obtained funds from foreign embassies for the campaign to oust him from the party leadership.

Speaking to the media in Colombo today, Wickremesingha said he has written to some Foreign Embassies in Colombo expressing his concerns over the issue.

Meanwhile Wickremesingha also accused some private media institutions of carrying out a campaign against him.

He urged the public not to watch a certain private TV station and added that he will be making a special statement in parliament about some private media institutions.

Wickremesingha also apologized to both the public and UNP supporters for being unable to protect the UNP headquarters which came under attack following the UNP elections yesterday. "


Poor loser crying against free media too.

Can't also rule out this "claim" being a false flag op to make it appear as though he and his cohorts are free and clean of NGO money.

Moshe Dyan said...

toiletnet now gives us leads!!

"Intelligence agencies on man-hunt for genocide witnesses
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 21 December 2011, 06:39 GMT]
Through fraud, finance and force, the intelligence agencies of Sri Lanka in collusion with their counterparts in ‘friendly’ countries are pursuing and silencing certain crucial witnesses to the genocide that happened in the stages of war leading to Mu’l’livaaykkaal. An upcoming documentary by a British channel is being used as a ruse to draw out such witnesses and target them. To such ends, a selected group of Tamils are operated by such agencies through threats or bribes to act as decoys to win the trust of witnesses and to trap them, reliable sources from India told TamilNet. A number of witnesses, who gave eyewitness accounts have already been arrested and handed over to Colombo through formal deportation from India.

Rights activists have informed the concerned human rights quarters and media, including the British channel, on the latest move by the SL military intelligence and its overseas abetters.

In a well crafted out scheme to prevent any further damage to SL government’s reputation, SL intelligence operatives are targeting genocide witnesses in Tamil Nadu who possess vital first-person accounts of atrocities committed in 2009.

It is also alleged that sections of Indian intelligence have a heavy hand in this.

Well trained operatives, posing as diaspora groups filming the next segment of the Channel 4 documentary, are deployed to approach these witnesses. Once the concerned witnesses have been convinced, their evidences are recorded and video-taped and handed over to the intelligence.

The witnesses then are arrested, and after interrogation, they are either deported to Colombo or detained and forced to identify other witnesses in the country."

Pol Sambol said...

Whats toiletnet telling us? They/die-ass-pora are working directly with British Gov & Channel 4.

Not really new. But why is the Gov either completely ignorant or not bothered?

Seems like MR/GR/Gov have STILL not learnt how to do counter propaganda work and for that who the enemy exactly is. They do not seem bothered by any of this (going all the way back to 2007) and never seem to learn either.

Sam Perera said...

Go for it Tikiri, it is the time to clean up our sacred city.

දළඳා මාලිගයටත්, වීර කැප්පිටිපොළ පිළිරුවටත් ඉහළින් මෙම සොහොන තිබීම නොසුදුසු බවත්, එය වෙනත් සුදුසු තැනක පැහිටැවිය යුතු බවත් ආණ්ඩුකාරවරයා පවසයි.

Sam Perera said...

This is how we reconcile with former LTTE terrorists. We simply do not need a HR buffoon from the west telling us their ways of reconciliation.

Pol Sambol said...

"Govt. ready to act on RW’s call for NGO probe

December 22, 2011, 9:46 pm

By Shamindra Ferdinando

In the wake of UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe’s unprecedented claim that a German NGO had thrown its financial weight behind those seeking to oust him from the party leadership, the government is now contemplating a comprehensive inquiry into NGO activity.

Although the government initiated an inquiry early this year on three recipients of over Rs. 618 million during a three-year period since 2008, it wasn’t pursued. However, the German NGO targeted by Wickremesinghe is not among the three NGOs which attracted the attention of the government, sources said.

The government expects the UNP leader to help identify funding sources and the recipients of foreign funds. The official UNP website quoted Wickremesinghe as having said that he wanted the parliament to investigate the German NGO.

Although Wickremesinghe refrained from targeting any other country, political sources alleged that the rebels had received the backing of at least two other countries, a charge strongly denied by the Reformists.

The rebels alleged that Wickremesinghe was bending backwards to please President Rajapaksa for his political survival. Commenting on President Rajapaksa’s speech in parliament at the end of the Budget 2012 debate, on Wednesday, rebel sources said the President went out of his way to safeguard Wickremesinghe’s interests. Could there be anything as silly as President Rajapaksa advising Reformists to rally around Wickremesinghe, they said.

Responding to a query by The Island, sources said that those, who had been invited for post-Budget 2012 dinner at Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa’s official residence on Wednesday, had discussed external intervention on the domestic political scene.

Highly placed government sources alleged that those supportive of the LTTE’s cause had campaigned against the then Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa’s bid at the Nov. 2005 presidential election. Sources recalled how those NGOs had undermined Premier Rajapaksa by calling him a warmonger. Interestingly Wickremesinghe’s recent tirade had been directed at some of those who stood by him during his two abortive bids at the presidency, sources said.

UNP sources alleged that sections of both print and electronic media, particularly some of those near and dear to Wickremesinghe, too, had been involved in the conspiracy.

Sources ruled out the possibility of Wickremesinghe reaching an agreement with the rebels, particularly in the backdrop of an alleged foreign hand in the move to oust him.

Wickremesinghe’s attack on the NGOs and a section of the media, which he categorized as part of a conspiracy against him had unsettled some of those in his camp, sources said. The possibility of irate Wickremesinghe exposing NGO operations to the government had caused anxiety among foreign missions and NGOs, sources said."

Looks like trouble in NGO paradise.

If Ranilam doesn't want to spill the beans to the Gov. he can always go to the Inter-parliamenty Union, the Pope or the Stolenwealth. Hikz.

Konnapu Bandara said...

Pol Sambol, old boy, this is a great opportunity the government must not squander to go after these INGO hyenas. And if the evidence points to German embassy we should ask them to recall the ambassador without beating around the bush.


Moshe Dyan said...

looks like butt-tennis has outsourced her tasks to the german ambassador.

like KB said, the govt should not squander this VALUABLE opportunity.

UPFA has no benefits from INGOs. JVP has no love for INGOs and now the UNP leader with majority support a probe on INGOs.

this is better than the budget which was passed with 158 to 60!!!

go for it!

Moshe Dyan said...

these things are possible only in toliet homoland!!

genocide victims affected by floods!!


"No infrastructure to take care of floods displaced genocide victims of Vanni
[Thu, 22 Dec 2011, 06:47 GMT]"

Pol Sambol said...

Absolutley agree.

There other benefits as well an "irate" Ranil can offer i.e. divisions in the Colombians.

Pol Sambol said...

KB, Sam, Moshe,

Hope you guys have read this, very important stuff:

Moshe Dyan said...


yes. thanks.

Konnapu Bandara said...

Pol, old chap, yes I read it too. One thing we need to realize is all these shenanigans inside US embassy are due to some bad apples in State Dept who are in cahoots with outfits like ICG and LTTE diaspora. US defense folks have a lot of respect for our security forces for their professionalism and competency. Sri Lanka has never done anything against US interests and in fact would be first in line to help the US in dealing with issues like international piracy and terrorism in South Asia. We should enhance our relationships with US DOD folks who would still be around after President BO gets booted out in next years election. But it will be curtains for all the terrorist lovers in State.


Sam Perera said...


We should enhance our relationships with US DOD folks who would still be around after President BO gets booted out in next years election.

Certainly yes, I look forward to seeing day without DOS meddling monkeys preaching what they don't practice.

Pol Sambol said...
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Pol Sambol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pol Sambol said...

Moshe, Sam, KB,

We should not forget the actions of Blake trying his best to demonise Sri Lank and overthrow the popular democratically elected Government to replace it with something servile to the West (best is his three wheeler ride in the middle of the night in 2007 to Ranilams house).

The reasons for such actions is straight forward: entrenching war, suffering and instability in Sri Lanka as which existed during the LTTE’s existence ensured the US/Wests interested were always guaranteed. The well being of SL is non-existent in their minds, it is their interests first and foremost. We should not allow other illusions to saturate.They wanted and liked the concept of their being “two” “power centres” enabling them to play divide and conquer and control SL overall.

This is why they did their best to save the LTTE: to some how pro-long war, misery and instability. With the LTTE gone the West lost a vital asset, a tool of control in making Colombo play ball. This is why the West is furiously going after this “war crimes” bs joined at the hip to Tamils and Tamil violence so they have a new tool to once again dangle over SLs head, control SL and make Colombo play ball. They are using Tamils and Tamil racism for their advantage and hence are willingly nurturing them.

Blake’s action from 2006-09 mainly under Bush speaks for itself. The US tasked by Blake was doing what was best in the US’s interests and that was saving the LTTE. Now it is pushing the “war crimes” bs. Butenis is merely carrying the torch and Blake is trying to succeed where he failed this time from DC.

Grooming and creation of Gonseka was part and parcel –this time to put “their man” in Colombo.

We cannot let this reality slip past us. Nor the fact the US DOD does what they are told to do.

Pol Sambol said...

This needs to be milked to the maximum.

"The UNP leader has told Parliament that the media has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of political parties and try to change their leaders. He seems to be still stinging from the ruthless propaganda attacks the UNP rebels carried out against him with the help of some media outfits in the run-up to Monday's party elections. What a volte-face! Time was when Ranil honeymooned with and immensely benefited from a section of the media known for advancing a not-so-hidden political agenda and launching scathing attacks on his political enemies. He even allowed foreign powers to meddle with Sri Lanka's national security during his tenure as Prime Minister (2001-2004). He does not want the local media to tell him how to run his party, but he goes running to foreign diplomats in Colombo at the drop of a hat to get them to pass strictures on the government over matters that are essentially internal affairs of this country!

Ranil's fury seems to know no bounds. He is firing in all directions in typical cowboy style. The UNP rebels responsible for Monday's attack on the party headquarters were funded by a German NGO, he alleged in Parliament, calling upon the government to conduct a probe and find out whether funds from that organisation had been used for the violent protest on that day. Nothing would have made the government happier than the Opposition Leader's call for investigating NGO funds! It has expressed its willingness to launch a probe, as we reported yesterday.

But, is it only the UNP rebels who are getting funds from foreign NGOs? The answer is an emphatic 'no'! Ranil himself has been a beneficiary of foreign NGO funds. It may be recalled that the cost of printing his manifesto in all but name for the last presidential election––Anagatha Abhiyogaya ('Future Challenge')––was borne by a German NGO, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung. That document had been distributed throughout the country before former Army Commander Gen. Sarath Fonseka threw his hat into the ring prompting Ranil to withdraw from the presidential race. Thus, one may argue that the UNP leader, too, has used foreign NGO funds for political purposes while being critical of his enemies for benefiting from INGO munificence. It is, in our book, a case of the pot calling the kettle black!

Moshe Dyan said...

merry christmas everyone!

Moshe Dyan said...


i think all this war crimes, accountability and other BS by the US in it's CURRENT FORMAT started after the KERRY REPORT.

the kerry report said US MUST work with SL.

it is the manner in which some US state department idiots chose to do that created this problem.

instead of amicably doing what is required to do according to the kerry report, they thought to be pushy.

if they get to their basic of their OWN geopolitical interests, US and SL can work together.

i agree with KB that SL has not done anything to hurt US geopolitical interests.

we even refrained from using the US$300 million credit line from russia during the war so that we didn't hurt american feelings. we still don't entertain russian warships. we stopped short of a chinese military base.

so it is time USA replaces their idiots with sensible people.

surely they will ALWAYS play a carrots AND sticks game. we have to be ready.

but i don't accept that they play a sticks (without carrots) game.

either way we don't have ANY permanent friends.

we have to recolonize the north and then we can have it our way rain, shine or hail.

Konnapu Bandara said...

Merry Christmas to all patriots as well. What a wonderful country Sri Lanka is where citizens of all faiths live side by side in unity and brotherly love.


Asithri said...

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to all my patriotic brothers/sisters and I wish you and yours a Very Happy New Year.

I may not comment herein often as I would like to (due to my personal circumstances), but I do see you fine patriots - Moshey, Sam, KB, PolS, et al - are doing a fine job in keeping this SL-Patriots' blog alive and for that I salute you with my palms together when I say Ayubowan (may you live long) and may all of you live a life filled with Love, Peace and Happiness!

Warm regards to my patriotic brothers/sisters,

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Santa-baby, hurry down the chimney tonight - with only the head of a die-hard LTTE terra MF!


OaO Asithri

Pol Sambol said...

"The Criminal Investigations Department (CID) has been assigned the task of investigating the incident in which a British national was assaulted and murdered at a resort in Tangalle today morning.

The chief suspect and other suspects involved in the incident have currently been identified and are proceeding to apprehend them, the police spokesman said.

SP Ajith Rohana revealed to Ada Derana that the victim, Khuram Shaikh is a volunteer for the International Committee of the Red Cross at the Gaza Strip. The body has been sent to the Matara Hospital for a postmortem examination, he said.

The victim’s wife, a Russian citizen, who was also badly injured in the incident is being treated at the Karapitiya Hospital.

A fight had broken out during musical show held at a resort in Tangalle after a group of individuals had verbally abused and harassed the wife of the foreign national.

The men had attacked the couple and a firearm was also produced and fired by them following which the British man died at around 3am today (Dec. 25).

A Local Government politician in the Tangalle area is suspected to be involved in the incident.

Merry Christmas from Israel ;))

Moshe Dyan said...


wish you the same.

visit as frequently as you can.

we shall NEVER part ways as long as we LOVE SL. life after life lets fight for SL, together.

please visit as frequently as you can.

Moshe Dyan said...



christmas sameach!!!

Sam Perera said...


Please visit us whenever you get a chance. Our responsibilities are not over yet.

Sam Perera said...

Merry Christmas to All Patriots!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

at last something sensible from BRAMAN.

Winds of radical Islam reach Maldives

"( December 25, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian) Certain recent events in the Maldives attributed to Islamic hardliners and their opportunistic political supporters need the attention of the Indian authorities. These events indicate support from small sections of the population for an Islamic campaign in favour of an ideology that seems to have been inspired by that of the Taliban of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

2.The number of people supporting this ideological campaign is still small, but the fact that these forces, however small, have established a base for their activities in a country known for its tolerant society should be a matter of concern.

3.The Maldivian authorities have till now succeeded in keeping these forces under control by rallying the tolerant sections of the population, but there is a danger of the anger over the economic difficulties faced by the population being exploited by Islamic hardliners for a religious radicalisation of the population.

4. A wake-up call was sounded during the SAARC summit in November when these elements vandalised and allegedly stole two monuments gifted to the Maldives by President Mahinda Rajapakse of Sri Lanka and Prime Minister Yousef Raza Gilani of Pakistan. They objected to these monuments as anti-Islamic on the ground that they contained idols.

Moshe Dyan said...

"5. It was reported that the monument gifted by Sri Lanka contained a statue of a lion, the national symbol of Sri Lanka, and that the one gifted by Pakistan had a depiction of the Buddha. Following protests by the Islamic hardliners, Pakistan reportedly agreed to re-design the monument in order to remove the depiction of the Buddha, but despite this attempts were allegedly made to set it on fire and it was stolen.

6. The religious Adhaalath Party and the party of former President of Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), proclaimed those responsible for vandalising the monument to be “national heroes”.

7. The Adhaalath Party President Sheikh Imran Abdulla told the local media that the monument gifted by Pakistan “should not be kept on Maldivian soil for a single day” and “should be removed immediately.” He added: “We believe it conflicts with the constitution of the Maldives, the Religious Unity Act of 1994 and the regulations under the Act because it depicted objects of worship that denied the oneness of God.”

8. A Member of the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), Ahmed ‘Marz’ Saleem, filed a case with the police against the Maldives Customs Department for allowing ’idols’ to be imported to the Maldives for the SAARC Summit. He accused the Government of attempting “to erase Islam from the country.” He alleged that the Government had dissolved the Quran Department, the Arabiyya School and separate mosques for women.

9. These incidents were followed by two demonstrations on December 23,2011, one in support of the Government and against the Islamic hardliners and the other organised by the Islamic hardliners. The demonstration by the Islamic hardliners reportedly attracted about 5000 people whereas many more responded to the demonstration in support of the Government.

10. The demonstration in support of Islam was spearheaded by a coalition of six parties and some non-Governmental organisations. The demonstrators were wearing T-Shirts reading “Maldivians in defense of Islam”. They carried placards and banners reading as follows: “We stand united for Islam and the nation”, “No idols in this holy land”, “No to the Zionist Murderers”, “No to El Al Airlines” and “We stand for peace” . It has been alleged that to promote tourism the Government has allowed Israel’s El Al Airlines to operate a service to the Maldives.

11. The speakers at a meeting organised by the hardliners denied that they are supporting jihadi terrorism. Till now the indications are that the main aim of this coalition is to use the slogan of danger to Islam as a weapon to win the Presidential elections due in 2013. It should be a matter of concern if their ill-advised exploitation of religious issues to discredit President Nasheed plays into the hands of fundamentalist elements alien to the tolerant culture of the Maldives and creates a mini epi-centre of Islamic fundamentalism to the south of India."

Moshe Dyan said...

i wrote an article to get down maldivians into SL in turn for their territory.

now i have second thoughts.

however, that was IF maldives goes under water. and the benefit still outweighs the risk provided we settle them in the north.

this problem of islamic hardliners must be resolved soon.

OTOH india might make use of the situation, invade maldives and set up a base there. that too is bad for us.

or the americans might do it.

Sam Perera said...

It is seven years since the Tsunami that took 40,000 Sri Lankans and 250,000 lives altogether in other parts of Asia. Perhaps, that devastation hardened our nation's mindset to fight LTTE terrorists to the end. I wish that they survived somehow to see the day we utterly decimated LTTE terrorists.

Moshe Dyan said...


let me disagree a bit.

govt estimate was 37,000 deaths based on an assumptions of 3,000 for vanni.

but other accounts say over 25,000 died in mulaitivu alone. a large number of sea tiger bases from chalai to vaharei were washed out killing thousands. LTTE bunkers around trinco became death traps. so it is likely over 10,000 LTTE cadres died in the tsunami.

tsunami actually helped us defeat the terrorists.

subject to that we remember the lives of civilians who lost their lives to the tsunami.

Pol Sambol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pol Sambol said...

According to BBC Sinhala, journalists in the south have received "death threats" following their coverage of the shooting in Tangalle of a tourist.

This is an absolute lie courtesy of the fags at the BBC and the British foreign office who fund the foreign services of the British Press to propagate such rubbish against countries that are not on their hands and knees.

Moshe Dyan said...

toiletnet is pissed off with all the americans now!!

toiletnet cries

this is high fun.

anyone can FOOL tamil madu separatists with political solutions, war crimes, etc. and screww tamil madu separatists. thereafter nothing happens.

kevin said...

Merry Christmas to all of you and a happy new year.

Moshe Dyan said...

what is this rumour about pardoning gonzeka???

it is such a FOOLISH thing to do.

this criminal has committed multiple criminal deeds. he deserves to be behind bars.

if political considerations are the main concerns, release him near the next national election.

he will fight for the top post of the opposition which will lead to a major confrontation within the opposition. he is getting older and older and getting more and more impatient. he will not be satisfied with the post of defence minister when the president is the commander in chief. so he wants to be the president.

gonzeka is a good time bomb. time in right!

Pol Sambol said...


Whats the toiletnet article about? It won't load for me.

Regarding Gonseka, my earlier post here (linked to the DailyTelegraph article) went into the pitfalls of releasing that monster.

It is a big risk. If he is released now the Opposition will tare itself apart. This is good, BUT his madness and venom tongue will ensure no one wants him. He will have no future in SL. This means he will run to the US and do what i described earlier to get vengeance on the whole country because that is the kind of nut job he is.

Moshe Dyan said...


"Tragedy of US policy on Sri Lanka's war crimes
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 27 December 2011, 00:02 GMT]
The Obama Administration has repeatedly affirmed its commitment to human rights and dignity and rule of law and has largely delivered on its promise -- most notably in the context of the Arab Spring, commented Tamil legal activists in the United States. Tragically, they observed, the US administration has failed dismally in the case of Sri Lanka, with catastrophic consequences (a) to the many tens of thousands of Tamil civilians killed whom the US knowingly failed to protect, under Blake architected policy on Sri Lanka, during and after the war; (b) to the credibility of US commitment to universal human rights, democracy and rule of law, and to justice and national reconciliation in Sri Lanka; and (c) to the integrity of international human rights and humanitarian law."

then it goes into personal attacks on each of the losers involved in the thing including bloody lake, hilarious clinton.

Moshe Dyan said... has ceased to operate.

unfortunately is still operating. was very effective in ridiculing BS of the other racist site.

it came next to the racist tamilnet site in a web search which proves how popular it was.

Moshe Dyan said...

UNP and JVP are now sharing their wives!!

and parliamentary seats.

this is funny!

JVP has given the UNPer jayantha kunugoda their (JVP) parliamentary seat.

in return UNP has offered JVP gonzeka a UNP parliamentary seat.


reminds me a popular tamil teledrama (chiththi???) where 2 idiots share their babies upon birth. after that the 2 families fall out with each other.

Pol Sambol said...

Moshe, will be back in a while :))

If Gonseka is brought into the UNP that is just damn hilarious. The mn just proves how little honour he has.

Pol Sambol said...

Great win by SL against Sout Afirca.

A great victory for SL, especially after a major slump since April.

Good slap in the face of the haughty SA bowlers who went to the beach during their first innings and then had to come runing back as SA collapsed. Now that's the height of arrogance.

Pol Sambol said...


"Relations between Egypt's military rulers and the United States threatened to hit a new low after Egyptian security forces launched unprecedented armed raids on a series of high profile human rights and pro-democracy organisations.

The raids included targeting the US-government funded National Democratic Institute – founded by former secretary of state Madeleine Albright – and the International Republican Institute, whose chairman is Republican senator John McCain. Both organisations are affiliated with the two major US political parties.


Moshe Dyan said...

going through the list of highest scorers of AL exam, one thing is clear. muslim girls are doing extremely well.

this is a very good sign.

until now tamil racists didn't let muslims shine and it's all over now.

a new largest minority has emerged in every field. their ability to speak the language of the land (this land has only ONE language) is a definite advantage.

Moshe Dyan said...

a BIG TIME LTTE supporter in SL whom i know well has left the country recently. he says it is difficult to live in SL due to safety reasons.


so the system is working.

Pol Sambol said...

Sri Lanka plans remote aerial, underwater marine research

"Sri Lanka's marine researchers are planning to use aerial and underwater unmanned vehicles with remote sensing technology to study the oceans around the country, officials said.

Sri Lanka's National Aquatic Research Agency (NARA) wants to team up with the island's air force to use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for marine search.
'They have experience from the war, which matches with the research needs,' NARA chairman Hiran Jayewardene said.

Sri Lanka's military used UAVs extensively in a war with Tamil Tiger separatists which ended in May 2009.

Jayewardene, a marine researcher with international experience was invited back to head NARA, which was set up 30 years ago with his participation by the island's current fisheries minister Rajitha Senaratne.

Jayewardene helped develop methods now used to demarcate ocean bed allocations by the United Nations at the time he was a doctoral student at Cambridge University, Senaratne said.

NARA researchers are also in talks with the French oceanographic and geophysical research unit to collaborate on the use of underwater gliders for marine research.

'These gliders can be pre-programmed to go on a path, collect data and return,' Kanapathipilli Arulanandan, who heads NARA's oceanography unit, said.

The gliders have sensors which can collect data on underwater conditions, including temperature and light levels at various depths, officials said.

'This is a wonderful tool for a small country like ours. We are hoping that the French will collaborate,' Jayewardene said.
'It runs at approximately a one kilometer an hour, very slowly. And it uses very little energy and it can go deep down into the ocean it can be programmed to gather data. It can go up and down it can go in a zigzag pattern, it can go in a vertical pattern.

'It periodically comes to the surface and it transmits data through satellite to the shore.'"

Pol Sambol said...

"LeN - New high strung plot hatched against Fonseka under the guise of pardon - it is aimed to plunge him into a worse position politically than he was before.

This is like a twine tying blessed ceremony being given a magically mischievous twist to make it a curse befalling him , for the aim and objective in this conspiracy is to distance Fonseka from the people and politics, since the regime is aware that he is extremely popular , and that he in fact won the last Presidential elections though he was deprived of the victory by a gigantic computer fraud.

Although you recieve this free news service, LeN bears expenditure. If you are satisfied with this article, contribute your donation. We accept all major credit cards and cash-LankaeNews


LOL. Still talking about gillmart. Seems they are worried if Gonseka is released UNPee will lose an election platform. Hmz.

This is so damn crpytic i can't tell exactly what they are trying to get across. He shouldn't be released while at the same time he "deserves" to be released?

Also seems some NGO funds have dried up? LeN not getting desired results?

Moshe Dyan said...

toiletnet gives false hope always. hope this is not false.

"While the activities of ITAK and other TNA member parties remain virtually banned in Mullaiththeevu by the SLA, the presence of paramilitay groups of Karuna and Devananda, and the associates of Namal Rajapakse, the son of Mahinda Rajapaksa, have been increased in the district."

kevin said...

Where has the Mr big time headded? Got a name,greatly appriciated.Sen me an e mail if you can.

Pol Sambol said...

"Sri Lanka's ghosts of war"

When I saw this I thought it was written by some racist para-suddha or a Tamil because its filled with the usual whiney bs and Tamil sob stories tinged with the hate/anger/fear of the West over loosing their prevcious "rebels".

If it was written by one of the two types then things wouldn’t feel so ugly as always with this tripe it can all be taken apart so easily.

But the thing is its not.
It is written by some stupid Sinhala retard who seems to think she is some foreign observer living elsewhere. Clearly the bitch has typical Colombian mindset ever present in these holy than thou SoBs passing themselves off as “journalists”.

They all beg to have the same “freedom” as journalists in the West and behave like quintessential kalu-suddhas yet if they lived in the West and resorted to the type of “reporting” they do against Sri Lank about the Western country they are domiciled in they would be jailed, massive hate campaigns would run against them/their paper and simply put they would be unemployable, and if lucky won’t be given the death sentence.

These people seem to revel in crushing and attacking Sri Lanka as though they are also “separate” from SL. I cannot stand these worthless skunk piles of “journalists”.

This whore Namini Wijedasa works/write for Lakbima, her bloody attitude and vindictiveness towards Sri Lanka is just grotesque.

Moshe Dyan said...

Wish you a Wonderful New Year 2012!

Moshe Dyan said...


mate, i'm afraid i cannot give his name.

he is now in UK. i think he was born there. came to SL for TE work like so many. was very successful in his job in SL.

Moshe Dyan said...

tamil madu thugs learning from SL thugs.

US tourists thrashed in Tamil Nadu for kissing local women!!!

drunken fools didn't feel the stench!!