Now it is open. Until recently Tamil Tigers managed to keep secret their very close link with Khalistan terrorists mainly the Khalistan Zindabad Font (KZF) - another banned terrorist group like the LTTE in USA and elsewhere - but not anymore. Today the two groups openly interact with one another, participate in protests of each other, join forces in their Diaspora camps, share terrorist links and synergies across the world and jointly breed hatred.
Khalistan movement is a violent campaign aimed at establishing a separate nation for a group of Sikhs who follow a particular teaching. Their fight is against the nation of India. As in the case with Tamil Tigers, it is not a race or ethnicity related issue but a political movement within a small percentage of people of a particular ethnic community. Like Tamil Tigers, support for the Khalistan movement is found mainly in the Diaspora today as most locals have rejected their separatist agenda.
The following details out the extent of similarities and therefore the avenues for synergies between the two groups. Diaspora Involvement In Insurgencies: Insights From The Khalistan And Tamil Eelam Movements by C Christine Fair, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D.C., USA
Very strong coordination between Tamil nationalists and Khalistan nationalists in the past
Coordination is key to all terrorist activity. That is what differentiates a terrorist group from a band of robbers or serial killers. It also differentiates a terror group from a national army. All acts of a terror group are very well planned and coordinated. Timing is everything when it comes to coordination. Terror attacks are perfectly timed for maximum impact. Selecting targets to build upon a prevalent atmosphere of terror is the next strategy used by terrorists.
There is enough circumstantial evidence to indicate very strong coordination between armed Tamil nationalists and Khalistan nationalists. Khalistan nationalists are the pioneers and Tamil Tigers have been following them very closely building upon the channels to advance terror. In 1985 KZF blew up an Air India plane killing hundreds of civilians. It was one of few outright bombing of passenger airplanes without any hijack attempt. Tamil Tigers closely followed. In 1986 Tamil Tigers bombed an Air Lanka passenger craft just before take off. It is not about the closeness of the two events or the mere similarity of the two events but the coordination. Following the 1985 attack against the Air India plane, the Sri Lankan government was terrorised by Tamil Tigers of a similar attack which was eventually carried out in 1986. Tigers built upon an existing terror campaign targeting passenger planes.
KZF connected groups were involved in the killing of Indira Gandhi in 1984. LTTE copied it and killed her successor who happened to be her son, in 1991. President Premadasa killing was a copy of the 1984 attempt that used explosives instead of guns. Interestingly Rajiv Gandhi came to an agreement with Khalistan nationalists recognizing their traditional homeland claims just as he did with Tamil Tigers. In both cases those who were party to this agreement were killed by their respective terror groups. Another similarity was the Indian attempt to form new armed rebels sympathetic towards India. Tamil National Army (TNA) was a flop as both security forces and Tamil Tigers hunted them down. A similar thing occurred with the Khalistan movement when terrorists wiped out the parties to the agreement.
New ties between the two groups
It is no secret Tamil nationalists are disoriented today without their iconic leader whom they called Thalaivar. He managed the entire outfit through his trusted lieutenants. Secrecy was maintained at the highest order. But the current Tamil nationalist leadership has already blundered. In an unprecedented development Khalistan campaigners called upon the Indian government to release a Khalistani terrorist on death row along with three Tamil terrorists on death row.
Following this, the prominent Tamil nationalist mouthpiece – TamilNet – ascribed to this view which attracted attention of The Hindu.
TamilNet was quick to “clarify” the matter but in vain. By then it had already established the strong interrelationship the Khalistan campaign.
Recently the Indian police arrested three terror activists of the KZF in Tamil Nadu triggering fears of collusion which is now established beyond doubt. After the decimation of the LTTE, Tamil nationalists in the Diaspora not only followed the KZF Diaspora tactics but also joined forces with them. It is a very unlikely marriage but common misfortune has made strange bedfellows.
Following the recent New Delhi bombing, Indian security establishment stated the need to particularly investigate KZF and LTTE.
It is a step in the right direction. These two groups may reciprocally target each other’s enemies to avoid and mislead investigations. Sri Lankan authorities must be aware of this possibility.
India and Sri Lanka have divergent geopolitical interests as with all other countries. There are no two countries with identical geopolitical interests. Therefore, Sri Lanka and India should cooperate with destroying Tamil nationalists, Khalistan nationalists and Islamic fundamentalists as they pose grave national security threats to both nations.
These three instances are a few matters on which both countries agree one hundred percent.
Western interference must be perceived in the broader context of this triple terror threat facing the region. In other words, the region has more enemies than the west and not all enemies of the west are friends of the South Asian community. Western interferers manipulating the enemies of the region that cause no threat to the west is a strong possibility which should be kept under watch. Despite banning them, the west is not doing enough to cripple the LTTE and KZF for obvious reasons. They can be punished only through regional cooperation.
Only such a cooperative approach to common enemies work today. Noncooperation between nations is the best safetynet terrorists have. The strategic defence challenge is to identify specific partners for specific terrorist threats. After all, there are no long term friends or enemies in international relations; only strategic interests exist. These terror groups may attack Indian and Lankan interests overseas as well. Both countries should immediately clamp down on these triple terrorist groups and their inter-relationships.
On freedom of expression a la Sunanda Deshapriya by Malinda Seneviratne
Deshapriya is reported to have asked Nasheed what right he had to speak about Sri Lanka. The Maldivian President had informed Deshapriya that not only does he visit Sri Lanka for medical treatment, but is fluent in Sinhala and very well informed about things and processes in the country. He added that it is generally expected of citizens to defend their countries and not hobnob with the enemy.
Malinda puts the top scum of Sri Lanka in his rightful place. I hope that the same Deshapriya will ask Robert Blake and other western meddlers of their rights to talk about Sri Lanka.
toiletnet praises our LRRP in its own stupid style of course
"The specially raised military’s elite Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) missions, also known as Deep Penetration Units, functioning directly under the Commands of Directorate of Military Intelligence and Special Forces, were believed to have been trained by the special forces of the US and Israel on how to carry out stealth operations inside the enemy territories.
The DPU was known for targeted assassinations of key LTTE members, Tamil National Alliance parliamentarians, humanitarian workers and human rights activists inside the LTTE administered Vanni.
The Sri Lankan forces, especially under the coordination by SL presidential sibling Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and SL Intelligence Chief Major General Kapila Hendawitharana, deployed Deep Penetration Units and paramilitary groups in destabilizing the Ceasefire Agreement between the LTTE and the GoSL, facilitated and monitored by the Norwegian government.
The DPU pin-pointed civilian targets, such as the SLAF massacre that killed 51 school girls and four staff on civil training at Chengchoalai premises. The DPU has been responsible for a number of claymore attacks that claimed the lives of patients and medical personnel travelling in ambulances, priests involved in humanitarian and human rights and Tamil National Alliance parliamentarians."
sakkiliyas are after kapila hendewitharana now.
1. toiletnet has published a BS article against him within the last 2 days.
2. SLG - another LTTE pornsite has also come up with total BS.
he should be protected.
Whole purpose of the Toiletnet article is to push the war crimes bs some more, link it to the US to provide ammunition for their NGO buddies to target SL some more, deny further training opportunities (though I believe SL no longer needs, training or advice from the US in this regard) and further push the “Isolation/boycott” of SL thing. And as you mentioned once before and done again here they are targeting top military commanders, threatening their families to get them to “turn”. It is sickening how sakkillya’s, Sinhala sakkillya’s, in SL happily take part in this venture.
With regards to training, “joint” missions, pacific rally etc, they do all this for recon espionage, learning what we know (so they to can learn and build their own counters) as well as make “contacts” aka creating spies. These people come here, try and buy over our officers with “incentives” like money etc. SL should stop such crap entirely, or feed false information + “contacts” they try to make take on the role of double agents, supplying false info.
With regard to the UN, monkey moon, his stupid panel and Geneva
SL made a terrible mistake by the not countering it back in April, choosing to “ignore it” instead. There is no point hammering over and over “its not a UN report, it is something monkey moon made for himself blah blah blah”. That’s sounds so moronic. As always this idiot Government makes mistake after mistake. By leaving it unchallenged they have made it “accepted”. When will these fools learn?
1)They need to take apart monkey moon panel’s report sentence by sentence (many people have already done this) and its not hard to do.
2)Then they need to show how monkey moon went about doing this (illegally as he has no authority for it), who is behind this and WHY they are doing it.
3)Hammer hard again how such ugly actions will affect other nations in the future.
This will win over much much greater support. Government has done 2 & 3 but without 1 it is pathetically poor attempt that is lacking in “power”. They need to take apart that report in the eyes of the world and show how the West is trying to punish Sri Lanka (using twisted bs and lies) for defying “their authority”. In the same breath making SLs case and how much SL sacrificed to save a “hostile” civilian population, something the West would never bothered with. (They would flatten the whole area, get Praba this way, blame all civilian deaths on Praba for having a human shield and award themselves medals on a job well done afterwards).
Hint at who was responsible for the human shield tactic and why – i.e. to create a humanitarian catastrophe to justify intervention to save the LTTE leadership to pro-long war in SL.
Monkey’s panel report even mentions how the UN drew in civilians (by creating some so called “hub”) in no mans land where they most certainly would get hit by fire. So it shows who was trying what –with the UN at the forefront of crimes against humanity.
Then highlight the violation of UN procedures and manipulations turning the UN into a puppet of the West. ALL of this is highlighted excellently in the Island Political column piece, a must read:
Hope Government worthies take note –although knowing their arrogance and stupidity I extremely doubt it.
And this is just brilliant, explains who pays for the bread and butter. Also explains why the West gets very "upset" when the UN does things it does not like or goes wrong fro them.
"Republicans Call for Major Cuts to U.N.
WASHINGTON, Sep 16, 2011 (IPS) - As leaders from around the globe begin gathering in New York City for the annual opening of the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA), Republican lawmakers in Washington are calling for a major overhaul of the world body that would almost certainly result in huge cuts to its budget and operations.
Among other provisions, the newly introduced "United Nations Transparency, Accountability, and Reform Act" would slash U.S. funding to the U.N. unless, within two years, it implemented a voluntary contribution system that would permit Washington to fund only those agencies and programmes "that advance U.S. interests and values"."
we should do the same.
we should onyl listen to UN, etc. as far as they serve SL interests.
you won't believe how pathetically foolish toiletnet and TNA jokers are.
looks like they have no problems to create STUPID problems.
"SL Police creates tension between Tamils, Muslims in Batticaloa
[TamilNet, Sunday, 18 September 2011, 00:36 GMT]
Civil society sources in Batticaloa allege that the Sinhala policemen of the SL police have been interfering in the civil administration creating dissension between Tamils and Muslims in Batticaloa district. The civil sources cite an incident where the SL Police has allowed the garbage collected in the Muslim dominated Kaaththaankudi Urban Council area to be dumped in a Tamil village Poonochchimunai located in Ma'nmunai North DS division."
from adaderana
WSeptember 18, 2011 03:46 pm
A strong fleet from the Indian Navy is set to arrive at the Port of Trincomalee tomorrow (Sep. 19) for a joint naval exercise with the Sri Lanka Navy. The exercise code-named “SLINEX II” is aimed at enhancing interoperability of the two Navies.
It will pave way for both Navies to rehearse the concept of joint naval operations and enhance own skills in order to gain from each other’s experience, says a release by Sri Lanka Navy Headquarters in Colombo.
Two Offshore Patrol Vessels, one Fast Missile Vessel, two Fast Gun Boats and six Fast Attack Crafts from Sri Lanka Navy and one Destroyer, one Frigate, one Missile Corvette, one Landing Ship Tank and two Fast Attack Craft along with one Maritime Patrol Aircraft from Indian Navy is to participate in the exercise from 19th to 24th September.
“The exercise between the two professional Navies………… will result in upgrading and strengthening the naval potential of both the Navies. It will also create an opportunity for the Navies to strengthen the cooperation and mutual understanding between them to a greater height.” it also added."
HLDM mentions the “lower activity” of the die-ass-pora.
"A significant aside at the current session is the rather docile tone of the representatives of the Tamil expatriates. In the past they used to invade the UNHRC sessions in full force with American and British backers of the Tamil Tiger terrorists campaigning aggressively in the lobby, cafeteria and inside the sessions. This time the lobbying cadres were limited to three visible representatives of the European Tamil expatriates"
This is more to with them thinking they have scored a major victory following the Channel 4 bs stories. They feel they have “regained” the “moral high ground” (as if they had it before) and their “point” has been “validated”. All the mad protests (post and pre May 2009) was to “undo” all they had loss (on the battlefield) and they know they pissed off a lot of people i.e. the ordinary suddhas (who’s support they feel they need). Their decrease in activity (at places like Geneva, UN etc) is more to do with them feeling they have “reversed” everything they have lost since 2006. For them the Channel 4 crap (which they spent 2 years making carefully piecing together, setting the tone, music, narration –all funded by the British Gov/FO) is a major “achievement” in their war against SL.
This is not a case of them giving up (as witnessed between May 2009 till Gonseka’s filthy mouth of December 2009 –where they did not make a massive ruckus in July as they were CLEARLY defeated and demoralised along with the West, its media and NGOs all of whom were on the verge of giving up till Gonseka opened his mouth, re-energising them and giving them an opening).
They feel they “do not need” to fight it out as before because they have “won” and “the rest” will play itself out. They feel vindicated and once more “proven” to be the “innocent victim” after having lost this “status” following their actions in world capitals that angered so many and “lowered their standing” (in addition to loosing the LTTE which was their “pride” and “symbol” of power). For them they feel/believe they have re-gained lost ground and gained more (including “demoralising” Sinhalese –through the “power” of c4 bs propaganda- like they used to do back in 2002-2008 with the LTTEs “power” and propaganda tricks + horrific massacres of Sinhalese which they revelled in).
this is a good move.
"Sri Lanka cancels landing visa for 78 countries
[TamilNet, Monday, 19 September 2011, 12:25 GMT]
Based on ‘security considerations’ Sri Lanka cancels landing visa facility to 78 countries. Visitors form these countries could make online applications from September 28 onwards for Colombo to process visas, Daily Mirror reported Monday, citing a SL Immigration Department official. The 78 countries are yet to be named and getting online visa prior to arrival will be mandatory from 01 January 2012."
Well said PolS re.
HLDM mentions the “lower activity” of the die-ass-pora.
As soon as I read HLDM's piece, I smelled a rat.
That MF Fr. S.J. Emmanuel is now playing the subdued, pious holy-man role cunningly to deceive on-lookers with terms like "united Sri Lanka" - the objective being right now separatism is not the key issue, but to pin the "war crimes" on GOSL that they see will be the catalyst to usher in their separate state eventually.
Additionally, I am sure he and his other LTTE hardcore compatriots have been advised by their supporters in the west (their supporters in the western governments, INGOs, etc.) to tone down their earlier arrogant/aggressive dispositions that won them over a few and lost many.
The bottom line:
These vile MFs have screwed us over and over again, over the past 2000 years with this kind of wolf-in-sheep-clothing cunning ploys and it is time we should have learned some hard lessons and screw them royally ourselves!
OaO Asithri
Chaps, do you know anything about this ape of a fellow called Viraj Mendis mentioned in TamilNut? This monkey supposedly made a speech at Ponna Tamil rally in Geneval on Monday. How did this black-balled bastard become an out-an-out LTTE supporter?
KB, it is nothing new to see an occasional so called "Sinhalese" supporting these vile LTTE MFs.
Take Brian Seneviratne in Australia for example.
Generally, there are two reasons why they do so:
1) They are off-springs from mixed-marriages and although they may have a Sinhala sounding name, they are for all practical purposes Tamils. Additionally, even the full-bred Sinhalese who are married to Tamils, they can be under pressure from their Tamil kith & kin (with even threats of breakup of marriages that I have heard of) to toe the LTTE line. Brian Seneviratne in OZ is one such whorebitch.
2) Money talks. It is not that difficult to buy one or two so called "Sinhalese" with the kind of money LTTE still possesses.
Alas, no mystery there brother.
OaO Asithri
More news:
"CTC raises thousands for Amnesty International"
Poopy looks funnier than usual.
Another motivation is religious -see the Colombian scum of the Sundaymudsingler type.
As well as all the NGOs that bark against SL and Sinhalese (made up of Sinhalese) have a religious component i.e. people of the Church. The big shots in the NGOs business within SL are all Christian extremist of some sort.
Also people like David Blacker (though not Sinhalese).
Money, and promises of a passport/good life in the West is the biggest "puller" as you said. Best seen by the free media monkeys (of the FMM) and their head monkey.
In other news another top scum -Wickrabahu- was denied entry to Canada for supporting the LTTE.
Which is a reminder of the "ideological" types who support the LTTE/Tamil violence/Tamil separatism with the idiotic belief if the LTTE gets a separate state it will cause enough chaos in the South to over through the government in Colombo and bring their glorious Marxist/Trotskyite government into power. And some how spread this throughout the region then the world. Well thats their bs thinking at fourth international.
Asithri, old chap, these bastards will sell their mother for a few pieces of gold. Also your angle on mixed marriages is interesting. I think traitorous scumbags like Tisaranee Gunasekara and Dushy Ranetunge are all products of mixed marriages where the terrorist blood has overwhelmed the proud lion blood. Sad state of affairs indeed!
Tisaranee Gunasekara is a 100% Tamil.
She married a Sinhalese, divorced him later but keeps the name. Don't know how long the marriage was rumours has it almost 10 years.
She had many "consorts" with Dayan J.
Dushy R, is a dumb white worshipping retard. Gets really upset when suddha has a hard time in SL (at check points/with the police) and bitches to the Island about it. ALso writes racist trash against Sinhalese and is always ever ready to defend the white master.
GR says he's going to eliminate the under world.
When he says it he means it.
So we will see results unlike MRs half-assed attempt last year when he stopped it as soon as some useless UPFA beggars (who need MR more than MR needs them) cried about "loss" of friends/”business”.
This also creates a dangerous situation. Many UPFA "worthies" are desperate to have GR sidelined as his hard working, non-corrupt, no nonsense attitude at getting things done is driving them nuts and interfering in their money making scams. They are "shocked" he is making them actually do work; they express "dismay" (to BR and MR) that GR is making them do their jobs (and giving a good ringing when they do not) and is "too serious".
I fear for his safety. Furthermore as harming him is difficult, these scum (fearing loss of their business/theft opportunities when GR cracks the whip on the underworld) may join the "war crimes" bs in moves to get rid of GR/MR entirely. The West/NGOs will quickly seize their "disgruntle-ness" as another asset to try and over throw the Govt. And these SCUM will do anything to "keep things as they are" as per their lining of pockets through corrupt practises and money making through crime, corruption, drug trade, extortion and bullying of businessmen/businesses.
GR is taking on the mob, the mob will fight back and will happily undermine the state (quickly joining at the hip with the West/LTTE/NGO/UNP/JVP) to save their worthless lives of crime.
Pol Sambol, I had this suspicion about Tisaranee tart for a long time. She is obsessed with President and his family. And that Dushi bastard has no shame, or rather has a massive inferiority complex when it comes to dealings with Sudda buggers.
how damn foolish these die-arse-pora jokers are.
UN GA is held in new york NOT geneva!!
so no point screaming in geneva!! LOL!
GR is up against a persistent enemy worse than the LTTE. he has to be careful bcos these underworld MFs are living among us and they can use stealth better than the LTTE.
any underworld attempt to get to our guys should be responded with retaliation to keep them down.
start from underworld run businesses first.
if we start from the underworld criminal acts first, they will still have the businesses to protect and they will do anything to save them.
i'm no fan of palestine.
in my view they don't deserve to become a state.
but the pressure works well for us.
WHEN (not if) western jokers veto it, the entire muslim world will be up against them.
that will spill into the UNHRC as well. we can make good use of it to screw western MFs.
if a showdown is possible at the UNHRC, we MUST go for it NOW rather than avoid it.
that can sort the matter for good in our favour NOW. once a matter is sorted out, it cannot be dragged again.
if we give promises and get away (like last time) we are only postponing the problem. promising political solutions is the MOST FOOLISH thing to do.
JVP is in disarray.
from adaderana.
"If the rebellious group within the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) does not receive authority over the party, they will continue political activities as an independent revolutionary party, internal sources of the JVP said.
However, they have decided to test their power within the party as well as externally, until the wary end. It is said that along with the JVP division on the national issue and alliance politics, one group has prepared to take legal action.
The Somawansa Amarasinghe-led group which accepts alliance politics mainly consists of the more popular JVP leaders that consistently appear in public.
Rejecting alliance politics and wanting the party to continue as a revolutionary political party is the group including Kumara, who appears as an internal leader of the JVP.
According to the registry of the Elections Commissioner’s office the political council of the JVP includes Somawansa Amarasinghe, Tilvin Silva, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, Vijitha Herath, K.D. Lalkantha, G. Kularathne, Pubudu Jagoda and Dimuthu Atigala while in addition to them the internal political council of the party also comprises of leaders Kumara, Opatha, Marlan and Ashoka.
It has been reported that JVP Leader Somawansa Amarasinghe has taken measures to remove not only Pubudu Jagoda and Dimuthu Atigala from the political council but all the leaders of the dissident group as well.
It is also said that no matter what the prominent JVP leaders, including its parliamentarians, claim the entire organized network of the Marxist, Communist political party, from the top to the bottom, is led by Kumara’s direction.
Even though until two days back it had been decided to call for the General Assembly to address the internal issues of the party, with the Somawansa team wining with a majority of one vote from the Central Committee, which has split as 12 and 13, it changed its decision.
Consequently the dissident group led by Kumara with the signatures of several internal leaders of the party has set out to take legal action seeking a court order calling for a General Assembly in order to rid the party of Somawansa and his group of loyalists.
However, currently the media unit of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna has been completely dissolved while the prominent leaders and dissident leaders continue to exercise their powers."
The JVP organisers of Kalutara, Colombo and Gampaha have joined politbureau member Premkumar Gunaratnam s group in opposition to the Somawansa Amarasinghe camp and triggered a major crisis within the party.
Premkumar Gunaratnam, it is learnt, is organising party cadres in 14 districts and has even moved to dissolve dozens of JVP affiliated organisations, including the National Bhikku Front.
Most of the party offices in the Western Province have remained closed during the past few days.
Gunaratnam, the brother of JVP senior Ranjitham (who was killed during the 1988/89 insurgency), had been in self exile in Australia till recently. He had reportedly returned to Sri Lanka early this month.
It is learnt that the Somawansa camp is slated to hold a media briefing soon to tell their side of the story.
Gunaratnam is said to be of the opinion that the JVP should support the Tamil cause, while the Amarasinghe group is opposed to communalising the party.
Highly placed party sources said that there was a plan by Gunaratnam group to go underground and pave the way for an armed struggle.
This whole JVP thing is a bit worrying depending on how things proceed. SundayTimes had the “scoop” first. I am all for these sakkyillays falling apart but this report about launching an insurgency is a concern as is the potential that this could be a large “false flag” operation of sorts by the West to plunge the country into immense violence (akin to 1988/89) and thus news of JVP infighting (no doubt true) might be there to lull the Government/people into a false sense of security into believing that no real threat exists. In turn enabling these people to work “under the radar” in achieving what is in the end the West objectives (no doubt the West has been telling these morons what they want to hear as in support for their cause etc).
It was the Western press (i.e. Ranil monkeys family papers) that essentially broke this story first. The unusual silence of the NGO monkey circuit or the UNP members who are tied heavily at the hip than others (like JJ) that this is “bad for democracy” is a deep worry, either they are silent to cover their indignation over this or know/have something else planned. Any news from “LankaGuardian”?? Are they crying about this great loss for democracy?
Government must be extra vigilant and careful. We must also note this Governments (specifically MRs) stupid obsession of accepting any tart into the UPFA and grabbing in seemingly “disgruntled” supporters from the Opposition. They may try to infiltrate, gather intel, blind the Government to their real intentions, then pounce.
It is great news to see these unwanted dogs falling apart, but they need to be put down for good, people who claim to be “rehabilitated” tend to return to old habits easily.
P.S. Why was this "Gunaratnam" allowed back into SL???
"Jagath Dias faces arrest in Europe
Swiss Federal Prosecutor has announced the initiation of a formal criminal investigation against Jagath Dias, in case of his return to the country, according to European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) Thursday. The ECCHR also said that the allegations of crimes under international law during the war in the island of Sri Lanka are already under preliminary investigation in Germany.
This is from some ToiletNadu monkey at LNP.
Is such an act even possible? Because it hasn't been reproted elsewhere. Or is this more like Bruce Fein?
Your angle on the "JVP troubles" is a good one.
I too thought the same...that it is highly suspicious and surprising how all this came about - all of a sudden.
The "told" story that the dissident group - a fairly sizable one at that - broke away becos of Somawansa+Idiots backing Gonseka is a bit of a "brand new" news to me.
I think GOSL must be on UTMOST VIGILANCE as you said.
After all, after the "Arab Spring of Uprising" we can expect even more strange things to come upon any nation that is not a 100% stooge/puppet of these neo-colonialist, para-suddhas.
OaO Asithri
Although "they" would like to crucify our hero Jagath Dias, these MF's don't have a leg to stand on I am told.
So far, these are all scare-tactics designed to score the maximum propaganda clout for the LTTE MFs who have lavishly bribed the various western governments officials, the NGO/INGOs and it is these mercenary western MFs who are actually at the wicket today batting for the LTTE.
OaO Asithri
after serving 2 years general jagath dias has come home for PERSONAL reasons.
he NEVER wanted to go to germany but accepted his role for two years.
tolietnet has twisted the story.
why did they wait UNTIL HE LEFT germany for this????
funny isn't it??
same thing happened with MR.
when he was in the US last time there were no legal case. but the day after he left there was a case.
this is all BS.
just to show the FOOLISH tamil die-ass-pora jokers TAG fags are doing something for their money.
what most of us don't realize is how many times LTTE MFs were FCUKED AFTER nanthikadal.
DEFEATS of LTTE MFs AFTER may 2009 are as spectacular as the main event.
1. loss at UNHRC in 2009
2. US "war crimes" report going to the dust bin.
3. monkey boon's report going to the bin
4. c4 BS going to the bin
5. BS on palitha kohonna failing.
6. "homeland" BS investigations into GR and SF failing
7. sakkiliyas candidate gonzeka suffering the second wrost ever defeat at the election.
8. boycott campaign against the landmark military conference failing
9. campaign not to appoint army generals and navy commanders into diplomatic positions failing
10. india about to execute tamil elamists in SENSATIONAL fassion
these retards are again publishing doctored LTTE photos.
they will change the photo soon.
have a look b4 that.
click here
russia's ruling party endorses putin for 2012 march presidential election.
this is very good for the world community.
medvedev was not very decisive on many matters that could have been changed to russia's favour.
G~d bless putin.
There are tens of thousands of people waiting to do the same via US courts against the US Military, with plenty of actual damning hard evidence not bs lies, propaganda and bogus stories. Of course unsurprisingly they do not get far.
”Described as a “test case,” the litigation has been initiated by the American University Washington College of Law’s UNROW Human Rights Impact Litigation Clinic in the Southern District of New York. The plaintiffs in the civil action are Vathsala Devi, widow of Thurairajasingham (also known as ‘Colonel’ Ramesh of the LTTE) and Seetharam Sivam, whose father Siththar Sivam had died allegedly due to Army shelling of the Puthukudiyiruppu area in the final days of the war against the LTTE. Major General Silva led the Army’s 58 Division that militarily defeated the Tiger guerrillas in 2009.”
Why was “the wife” even allowed out of SL? Shame the once discussed “boat strategy” was never implemented. Shavendra who faced worst things on the battlefield will win this battle with ease.
What angers me is how all the media in SL (Lakbima, SundayTimes/DailyMirror, The Nation + the usual retard UNP/Mangala site: LeN, LNW, Sundaystinker) are REVELLING in SLs misery. They seem to enjoy seeing the Government being “tortured” by their white masters. This is their way of “getting at” the Rajapakse and the Military where it is clear they are filled with absolute JEALOUSY driven hate. No where else in the world would such people exist, let alone such media allowed to function.
These people really are scum of the highest calibre, what is so damning is they are made up of Sinhalese living in Sri Lanka -rather comfortably at that (along with those that are having good times in the West by spreading defamation against the country of their birth). They care nothing at all for the soldiers who sacrificed so much for the nation and are truly REVELLING at them being harassed and defamed along with the country having vile hate and despicable tags branded on it (which once “formalised” can never be removed). All just to get their pay check, please their masters (local politicians or suddha or both) or just get revenge on the people and the military for bungling their selfish agendas and aspirations for power, wealth and domination over the country. It is truly disgusting how they do not care for the sacrifices our soldiers made and how they are absolutely loving the miseries and sufferings the nation and our soldiers are going through because it means they can fulfil whatever despicable, sickening agenda they are plying through. One day I hope these SCUM hiding under various guises, agendas, names pay dearly for their VILE nauseating attitudes towards and activities against our soldiers, their families and memories -to which these SCUM have no issue what so ever trampling over and making a point of doing so.
Fine if you want to get the Rajapakses go ahead, but why burn at the altar of your masters and your personal selfishness our soldiers who gave so much, who sacrificed so much to enable worthless scum like you to exist, live happily and safely while you trample them –trampling those that delivered you the very peace and safety you are enjoying to crush them and them nation with.
from adaderana.
good to prosecute terrorists in custody at least now.
"NEW YORK: Foreign Minister G.L. Peiris has told The Associated Press that hundreds of hardcore Tamil Tiger rebels are likely to be prosecuted on charges including mass murder for crimes committed during the country’s war that ended in 2009.
The rebels are among some 11,500 Tamil fighters who were captured or surrendered after the war’s end. G.L. Peiris said all but about 3,000 of them had already been released from military-run rehabilitation camps and were reintegrating into society.
Interviewed in New York where he attended the UN General Assembly opening session this past week, Peiris said that of those remaining, ``less than 2,000’’ hardcore rebels were expected to be indicted, and that court proceedings were likely to being next year.
Responding to accusations the government is overlooking allegations of rights violations by its own forces, Peiris denied that troops targeted civilians during the conflict.
But he said it was within the mandate of a reconciliation commission appointed by the nation’s president last year to review the conflict and learn lessons from it, and to also look into allegations of rights violations. If the commission found reliable evidence that any individuals had committed serious crimes, they would be indicted in a Sri Lankan court.
``They (the commission) cannot fulfill their mandate if they exclude from consideration these issues,’’ he said.
He said, for example, the commission would examine British TV footage purporting to show atrocities by troops.
Peiris accused several Western nations, including Britain, Australia and Canada of being unduly critical of Sri Lanka’s efforts to recover from the war and using the island nation as a ``political football.’’
``Sri Lanka has to be given the time and space to resolve its issues. It’s premature for any kind of intervention by the international community,’’ the minister said.
A documentary aired by Britain’s Channel 4 in June included graphic video showing soldiers shooting bound, blindfolded prisoners.
Peiris did not comment on the video’s authenticity, but said the reconciliation commission ``has indicated that even matters like the Channel 4 footage will be looked at by them.’’
Tamil politicians had accused the government of stalling on negotiations on devolution of power that broke down earlier this year but the talks will resume in early October. Peiris said progress would take time and refused to set deadlines for a settlement. But he said provincial council elections would be held in early 2012.
He said the government has cleared 440,000 land mines since the end of the war and has resettled 95 percent of the 300,000 Tamils displaced by the conflict."
retards are going to win the CMC election. no surprise.
at least thereafter, the govt should make it powerless and handover the governance function to an appointed authority.
By looking at the chatter on LNP it seems the die-ass-pore are actually more worried than anyone else with regards to the "law case" against Shavendra. They expected him/Gov/MR/GR to get scared and back off/re-call him. Instead Shavendra decided to take on the fight (and he will win it).
It is comical to see them trying to make arguments as to why he should back off. They are duly worried and uncertain about the out come more than anyone else and they are the ones who started it.
typical modayas!
remember they "advised" us with "good faith" with OVERFLOWING CONCERN for our soldiers during the last few months of the war????
also remember sunday leader crap was CRYING for wasting money on "useless" aircraft????
if prostitution is the oldest profession, this is the oldest terror tactic!!!
looks like the die-arse-pora BULLSHIT bubble is going to blast.
as i said a LONG time ago, TULF ananda sakkili is a hardcore racist. he has made demands recently.
this is one of them.
"10) All the gold ceased by the army during the war belongs to the people. Some had pawned their jewelry with the LTTE. Apart from this each house hold had to give a specific quantity of gold to the LTTE’s save the soil fund for which receipts were given. The TULF urges the government to give back to the people the gold that is legally and morally due to them."
they rob themselves and try to get it back from us!!!!
this is a nut case.
"UK plans bulk deportation of Eezham Tamil asylum seekers
This is just hilarious. To see the manner in which Toiletnet and UK lawyers are crying about this. Start of this month they were attacking Blake for "not doing enough", seems to be the same case here. Talk about biting the hand that feeds. These fools truly think they are pulling the strings when it is clearly the other way round.
Personally i want the UK lawyers to win, the UK should keep this trash. They do love it.
On another note the die-ass-pora (ascertained from LNP chatter) are trying to play this down saying its "karuna's men". If thats the case then why worry and make a case against the deportation? More comical is seeing on or two saying that "the last time they were deported they did duty free shopping" which in itself is an admission of the truth that they are not real refugees. Just hilarious.
Die-ass-pora is also deeply concerned about the Rupee and offering free financial advice for Cabraal and the BoC on how to manage it. LOL
LOL @ this:
"The 41-year-old shopowner denies the that he was trying to supply the LTTE with night vision equipment, and says he was in fact bringing mobile phones and global positioning systems back to the UK to be used in a friend's minicab business.
Haha. He's buying this from SL? When he can get it from the UK or the EU or China.
Plus why is he even coming to SL during the height of the "genocide" and "human rights violation" by MR?
yes UK should keep this trash useless ungrateful refugee tamils.
Wikileaks – Bishop Chickera urged Ambassador not to remain silent in Sri Lanka
Posted by Colombo Telegraph ⋅ September 27, 2011
A leaked US Embassy cable reveals how the Anglican Bishop Dulip De Chickera lobbied US government on promoting international human values.
“The bishop Chikera urged ambassador not to remain in silent in Sri Lanka, acknowledging the need to express US views and to promote international human values” a leaked US Embassy cable revealed. The Colombo Telegraph found the cable from the Wikileaks data base.
Well well, what have we here?
Is this not something we patriots had to wait for Wikileaks to tell us?
This so called man-of-God, the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of SL, this separatist-sympathetic vile parasite was always in my cross-hairs so to speak.
Yes, this vile parasite would meet with MR and other GOSL bigwigs and stand for cozy photo-op shots with all smiles during the war but we all knew that this AWAJATHAKA SANKARA BALLA was up to – to promote he Tamil separatist racist agenda in Sri Lanka.
Now why is it that justice-fate is so screwed-up that this kind of V-BALLA will not be hit by a vehicle when crossing the road, or be afflicted with an acute food-poisoning and die of it after writhing in pain and vomiting blood for days, or have a meteorite fall on his sadistic brain/skull and crush it ???
OaO Asithri
As for...
"All the gold ceased by the army during the war belongs to the people. Some had pawned their jewelry with the LTTE. Apart from this each house hold had to give a specific quantity of gold to the LTTE’s save the soil fund for which receipts were given. The TULF urges the government to give back to the people the gold that is legally and morally due to them."
I sincerely hope the GOSL tells this racist MF that the Gold was cashed-in and the proceeds were used to build houses for the nations RANAVIRU!
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
As for...
"UK plans bulk deportation of Eezham Tamil asylum seekers"
Yeah, WOW!!!
I sincerely hope this does not happen as we do not need toxic waste being dumped in our beloved, resplendent Island.
How about trying Chennai first? After all, the "grievances" are along discrimination, persecution, genocide, etc. so what better place to be dumped-in than in your own HOMELAND where that kinda nasty stuff don't exist uh?
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
Sakkiliyas advicing OUR Nivard Cabraal? is so full of wicked humor !!!
Nivard has steered the Nation through the darkest of the dark hours not long ago, delivering magnificent results that even made the cocky-whitey 'nay-sayers' gasp in sheer disbelief - and now bloody stateless, culture-less, lost/rootless, white-arse-licking, bloody toilet-washers-of-white-man'sshit want to advise OUR Nivard?
Man, this world is full of wicked humor!!!
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
Why is it that whenever these anti-SL LTTE MF's abroad go on rampages of trying to hurt our beloved Motherlanka with all kinds of concocted "war crimes" etc. that we take such lying down, in a defensive posture?
Why not take such attacks in a more AGGRESSIVE AND DETERRENCE-CONVEYING stance?
Meaning, we still have a motherload of these horrific LTTE hardcore terrorist MF's in our custody - so surely, we can send a few "pointed" messages to them LTTE whoredogs in the west as to what can happen to their fellow whoredogs in our custody in SL?
Glad GLP indicated something close to that recently...but in my view, that was all too muted and soft.
We need a FIST-HAMMER message to go out 'em LTTE MFs soon and I am thinking GOSL better start acting along such "strategic-thinking" lines if it wants to survive these concocted vile "war crimes" and other organized falsehoods against our nation.
OaO Asithri
Hey Asithri,
This “colombotelepgrah” seems to be a new NGO venture in SL made up of the usual traitors launching vicious attacks against our war heroes and pontificating about el janeral Gonseka;s super-duper ness. I believe these scum are linked to the (somewhat defunct) FMM & JVP factions.
I also do not like GLP that much, he though much cleaner than Boggles is too much of a “yes bass, sorry bass” type. Boggles gave good bitch slaps but no one can come close to amazing intelligence, style and patriotic defence in beautifully articulated manners that Laksman K did. He is greatly missed.
And look at this:
MAS opens new factory in Kandy
While I am no fan of the “low tech” garments industry, I thought the Garments industry was supposed to have collapsed by now after the loss of the GSP+ as per the Colombian experts howls and cheers. Seems like the Industry is expanding and making more profit. Other than a slap in the face to the die-ass-pora this is a double slap in the face to the local traitors praying for economic destruction of this country (to which they are actively participating in bringing about) in their perverse belief they can grab power from the miseries their “genius” creates for the people. Where is the economic “genius” Harsha de Silva?
And some good news, the 50 odd sakkillyas will not be deported to SL or its "under review".
Good stuff, hope they never return.
"the Gold was cashed-in and the proceeds were used to build houses for the nations RANAVIRU!"
i can imagine the MF's arseface going bad.
the day chikera drank kilinochchi blood calling it wine, we knew he is a bloodsucker.
sadly no thunderbolt jobs take place these days.
we need to bring back the good old days of disappearing terrorists and random dying of sakkiliyas.
it all stopped when SF MF went to jail.
looks like toiletnet has not given up on maldives.
remember in 1987 they tried to take it by force???
toiletnet has gone crazy about maldives. it links the maldivian president to mervyn silva through drugs!!
but evidence shows otherwise.
10 stinky toilemadu fellows were arrested attempting to transport drugs to SL!!
Moshe, old boy, I want to post a new article about the poor little Peelam boy who found religion in the slammer.
‘Reject violence,’ jailed Tiger arms broker urges
Let me know if that's fine with you.
ToiletNadu fighting for ToiletNadu rights:
"India: Police guilty of mass rape at 'lower-caste' village
An Indian court found 17 police and forest officials guilty yesterday of raping a group of lower-caste women during a search of their village 19 years ago.
The court also ruled that about 100other officials had beaten dozens of impoverished people in the village, the Press Trust of India news agency said. The people were Dalits, who are at the bottom of India's caste system.
Officials raided Vachathi village in southern Tamil Nadu state in 1992 to search for smuggled sandalwood. The region is 1,100 miles south of Delhi.
Eighteen women were raped and 100 people badly beaten during the two-day raid. According to the Indian Central Bureau of Investigation, the officials also demolished huts in the village.
The defendants will be sentenced next week and face up to 10 years in jail. The news agency said many of the attackers have died since the incident. Court officials could not be reached immediately for details.
Vachathi is near Sathyamangalam forest, where the notorious smuggler and poacher Veerappan hunted for sandalwood and elephants.
Has SL ever thought about saying "we're not going to accept "back" those who go to countries X,Y,Z, and claim asylum"
X, Y, Z being the UK, Canada, AUS, Norway, Germany, France etc tec.
This would raise a massive problem as it would open the flood gates. And these countries might be "shocked" at the result. Or if that is too risky, SL should say they will "study" who is to be sent back and if we want them back in SL or not.
The rhetoric and BS against SL can be toned done as a result. Is doing such feasible?
Why must SL accept whoever goes to claim asylum?
This Peter Roebuck at Cricinfo is a real piece of trash he is obsessed with attacking Sri Lanka in some form and pushing the Wests anti-Sinhala and anti-SL agenda where of course anything "is game" including cricket in SL. The West is desperate to isolate, humiliate and attack Sri Lanka for being a bunch of naughty little brown people who refuse to bow down.
I've written some comments to counter this fraud, lets see if Cricinfo publishes them.
But worst of all are all the Sinhala morons who worship him like god has spoken, just look at this idiot:
Osanda Saumya Weerarathna on (September 28 2011, 18:31 PM GMT)
I cant disagree about most of the things written here, It hurts when a westerner write these things,....But as they say truth is bitter..but sincerely hope sanga and nahi will play for another three four years...and one will take over as the captain soon....
Makes me want to be sick.
intelligence of tamil nadu ppl!!
25 year old female made to pray in nude to marry her boyfriend by an astrologer
(September 30, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian) In Pallavaram, Chennai, a young female (25) was advised to pray in several temples nude on a off-moon day in order to regain her boyfriend.
25 year old Geeta from Cheyyar in Tiruvannamalai District had completed +2 had fallen in love with Ramachandiran. Both of them used to go around together and were in love for several years. But unfortunately, Ramachandiran married another girl. After this Geetha was very disappointed and distraught and still wanted Ramachandiran at any cost.
Geetha met an astrologer and told him about her predicament and asked him to help marry Ramachindran. This astrologer in turn told her to engage in prayer without any clothe and that she should do this in 9 temples on a off-moon day. According to the astrologer, if she does this, she is certain to get Ramachandiran back and that he will abandon his married wife.
Determined Geeta moved out of the village to avoid her parents and others. She went to her sister’s house in Pozhichalur (Chennai) a day before an off-moon day.
On the off-moon day, she took a bath in the night and informed her sister that she wanted to make a call and went out. She waited on the roadside until midnight and went to a temple near Pammal Krishnanagar and found no people there. She removed her clothes on the road. Naked Geeta, covered her face with her long hair and started walking towards the temple. She offered a nude prayer at the entrance of the temple, since it was locked.
Then she walked towards Pallavaram and on the way she offered a naked prayer at Puththu temple and walked further to another temple called Periyapalayathamman temple. No one noticed her walkabout since it was midnight. Geetha was then walking on the Aduthotti Road to another temple. By then police on patrol duty at Pallavaram saw a nude female walking on the road. They were shocked and called a nearby police station for women police support.
Women police with Saree rushed towards naked Geetha. When Geetha saw the police she started to run and the women police finally got hold of her and covered her with the saree and took her to Pallavaram Police Station.
During the the investigation, she confessed to the police why she was doing this and requested their help to get her lover back. She is in the custody of the Parangimali police station for further investigations.
i'm glad they didn't blame us for this!!
please go ahead.
that is a very timely one.
Please read this if you could
kevin said...
Please read this if you could
Hi Kevin,
I saw the article on Rajarathnam as well and was going to put the link. you beat me to it.
Even when this guy was exposed as an insider trader, I thought to myself he must have also supported LTTE. But didn't want to say this because this would be a biased view. Now it is clear, that this MF has supported LTTE at the same time acting as a saint helping the people in the south during Tsunami.
What we can extrapolate from this case is that most tamil businessmen must have supported LTTE during this time.
I mean it is hard to blame these guys when most of UNPers are doing their best to destroy the nation.
You See there are two lots out there,one the politician and the other the enforcement people and those who safeguard the the country's security.The latter will will go after these terrorists no matter what,and it won't be dramatic but sure.Latter will never give in as they are dedicated to uphold the law,which these guys break.As you know they are being rounded up all over Europe and the North America.Guys who have known to have murdered thousands that include unarmed cops will never being forgotten or forgiven,unlike the politicians back home.
from toiletnet.
"Rajapakse, an enemy of all mankind, filed U.S. Court papers say
[Sat, 01 Oct 2011, 17:07 GMT]
In a potential precedent setting motion filed in the U.S. District Court of District of Columbia, Bruce Fein, attorney for three Tamil plaintiffs, requested Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, to authorize issuing summons through latest electronic social networks and local papers to the defendant, Sri Lanka's sitting President, Mahinda Rajapakse, forcing the defendant to answer war-crimes charges, paving the way for Court determination of civil claims of $30m, legal sources in Washington said. Arguing that Rajapakse is "hostis humani generis," an enemy of all mankind, the motion provides legal precedence to establish that Rajapakse's crimes fall under Universal Jurisdiction applicable under TVPA."
what a joke!
issuing summons through FACEBOOK!!!
here is kevin's link.
"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Raj
Earlier this year, Raj Rajaratnam, founder of the Galleon Group hedge fund, was convicted of conspiracy and securities fraud in one of the biggest insider-trading cases in the history of Wall Street. But there was another reason the federal government was interested in Rajaratnam—his alleged financial support for Tamil separatists in Sri Lanka, whose cause is spearheaded by the ferocious Tamil Tiger terrorists. Vanity Fair’ s David Rose gets the untold story from a Tamil Tiger turned F.B.I. informant.
By David Rose
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS Left, Convicted insider trader and former Galleon hedge-fund founder Raj Rajaratnam at the Manhattan Federal Courthouse in New York, in April 2011. Inset, members of Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tigers.
I n November 2002, the Doubletree hotel in Somerset, New Jersey, hosted a daylong gala: lunch, speeches, dinner, more speeches, and finally dancing. There were more than 400 guests, and they were all there to mark the 25th anniversary of the Ilankai Tamil Sangam, ostensibly a cultural and social organization. Many of its members supported the demand by Sri Lanka’s Tamil minority for an independent state, and although the Sangam was not avowedly militant, the flags and videos of the movement’s military wing, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (L.T.T.E.), were on display throughout the hall. The Tamil Tigers, as the group is known, were then in the 19th year of a civil war against the Sri Lankan government. Designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department in 1997, the Tamil Tigers invented the suicide-bombing belt, a technology it exported to Hamas and al-Qaeda. The Tigers were responsible for hundreds of suicide attacks on buses, temples, and shopping malls, and for village massacres in which children were killed in front of their parents. In May 1991, the Tigers assassinated the former Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi. Two years later, they assassinated the Sri Lankan president, Ranasinghe Premadasa.
One of the distinguishing features of the Tamil Tigers is that the group was mostly financed from abroad by the large Tamil diaspora. Many of its donors were eminently respectable, and worked in America, Canada, Australia, and Europe in professions such as medicine and the law. And so at about seven p.m., it fell to a hospital anesthesiologist to introduce the Doubletree event’s star speaker, Raj Rajaratnam, a corpulent Tamil whose Galleon Group hedge fund had already made him the world’s richest Sri Lankan. His net worth would eventually reach a reported $1.8 billion.
Unbeknownst to Rajaratnam, his audience that night included an F.B.I. informant equipped with a concealed recording device. The informant, whom I will call by one of his nicknames, Rudra, would eventually make thousands of hours of clandestine recordings in the course of his 11-year undercover career, and the Department of Justice has used them as the basis of 20 successful criminal prosecutions. Rudra says his memory of what Rajaratnam said at the gala is clear, and it is supported by his former F.B.I. handlers, who heard the recordings when they were made. “He got up and, flanked by L.T.T.E. flags, he said, ‘Everyone must support the Tigers’ cause,’” Rudra recalls. “He mentioned the fact that his wife was an Indian Sikh [a minority group from which some had also mounted a terrorist campaign aimed at creating a separate state]. Rajaratnam said: ‘They’re terrorists. We’re terrorists. We are all freedom fighters.’ Everyone laughed. Then he added: ‘They’re our terrorists, and you all must support this struggle.’”
Rudra says that Rajaratnam sounded all the more persuasive because his own generosity was well established. For example, a few were aware within the Tamil community that Rajaratnam apparently had given the Tamil cause at least $1 million in recognition of the Tamil victory in 2000 over the Sri Lankan army at the strategic Elephant Pass, which controls access to Sri Lanka’s northern peninsula, where ethnic Tamils are concentrated. (John M. Dowd, a partner at the law firm of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, which represents Raj Rajaratnam, said that Rajaratnam has never directly supported L.T.T.E. terrorism. He declined to answer specific questions from Vanity Fair, saying that he had nothing to add to the position already set out on behalf of his client in court filings.)
In May 2011, Raj Rajaratnam was convicted in New York on 14 counts of conspiracy and securities fraud in one of the biggest hedge-fund insider-trading cases in the history of Wall Street. The trial revealed how Rajaratnam developed a web of corrupt relationships and paid millions of dollars for insider tips that enabled him to beat the market time and again. But throughout the two-month hearing, prosecutors said nothing about one of the uses to which Rajaratnam allegedly put his criminally acquired fortune—funding Tamil terrorism.
Jay Kanetkar, who was Rudra’s main F.B.I. handler from 1999 until he left the bureau in June 2006, says that Rajaratnam’s alleged involvement with terrorism was a significant factor in why the F.B.I. and the Department of Justice went to such extraordinary lengths to nail him. “It was a conscious decision,” Kanetkar says, “to treat Raj the terrorist the way they treated Al Capone when they got him for tax evasion.”
T he money trail that leads to Rajaratnam begins in a federal prison in Buffalo, New York, early in 1999. Jay Kanetkar and an F.B.I. colleague, both with the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Newark, New Jersey, happened to be looking for a new case to work when they got a call from an agent in the Immigration and Naturalization Service named Kevin Ryan. He said that Rudra was coming to the end of a five-year prison term imposed for storing two kilograms of heroin in a suitcase at his home on Staten Island as part of a drug-smuggling operation organized by the Tamil Tigers to raise money. A Sri Lankan citizen, now he was due to be deported. That fact, Ryan suggested, might give the F.B.I. some leverage to persuade Rudra to become an informant. Rudra, whose mild, slightly bumbling exterior conceals an evident sangfroid, was then in his mid-thirties, and he readily agreed. Although he had been drawn into the Tamil Tiger orbit while studying in India, and had even met its murderous leader, Vellupillai Prabhakaran, he says now that his commitment to their cause had only ever been lukewarm. And he was angered by the group’s failure to check on his family while he was in prison. Rudra says, “So I decided: I’m going to bring them down.”
Soon after being recruited by the F.B.I., Rudra met one of the Tigers’ leading international fund-raisers, Vijayshanthar Patpanathan, also known as Chandru, who told him that Rajaratnam was a “high-level business guy” who played a critical role in funding the terrorist group. (Chandru was later convicted and jailed by a New York federal court for conspiring to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, as a result of information supplied by Rudra.) “Three years before that 2002 fund-raiser, Rajaratnam was identified by Rudra as a major source,” says Kanetkar. Rudra also told the F.B.I. that Raj’s father, Jesuthasan Rajaratnam, a wealthy financial manager in his own right, was another generous donor. Father and son had set up the Rajaratnam Family Foundation, to support charitable causes in Sri Lanka and elsewhere. But it was also a clandestine financial channel for the Tamil Tigers, recent court filings allege. (John M. Dowd, who represents Jesuthasan Rajaratnam as well as his son, Raj, had no comment on specific questions regarding the allegations, but he did say that neither man had ever directly supported the L.T.T.E.)
For Rudra, meeting Tiger operatives was not difficult: they were often on hand at social functions, such as those organized by the Sangam. The challenge for him and the F.B.I. was to build his credibility. The ruse his handlers devised was for Rudra to intimate that he had had contact with top Mafia figures in prison, and that through them he had access to corrupt U.S. officials. These, he suggested, could get things done for the Tamil Tigers—such as smuggle Tamils who lacked proper visas into the United States. Beginning in the fall of 2001, Chandru paid Rudra $6,000 a head in order to arrange safe passage at Newark International Airport for at least nine such individuals, whose entry was coordinated between the F.B.I. and the I.N.S. Rudra used his supposed “contacts” again, in April 2004, when Chandru told him that Father Gaspar Raj, a Catholic priest who was also a key Tamil Tiger member, had been detained by federal agents at Newark and was about to be deported. Rudra says: “I called Jay Kanetkar and said he should get him out, and he did.”
Prabhakaran ran the Tamil Tigers abroad on classic, cellular lines, with each group operating independently and unaware of the others’ activities. But Rudra’s standing rose so high that he became an exception, the trusted go-to guy for every Tiger cell in America. “I’ve seen the e-mails,” he says. “They thought I could do anything.” Eventually, he was working with four separate cells, which were variously attempting not only to raise money but to arrange supplies of weapons, including surface-to-air missiles. (The would-be arms smugglers were also arrested and convicted on the basis of Rudra’s testimony.) Meanwhile, says Kanetkar, “he had four concealed video cameras in his living room, plus two in the kitchen. We had every angle covered.” Every time Rudra spoke on the phone or met a contact, the conversation was recorded.
Occasionally there were hiccups, such as the time a recording device fell out of Rudra’s pocket in front of Chandru—“I told him it was a pager,” Rudra says. His reassurance must have worked, for in August 2003 he accompanied Chandru to Sri Lanka. There had been a cease-fire, and they were able to travel from the capital, Colombo, to Vanni, the fortress housing 300,000 people that the Tamil Tigers had built from scratch in the island’s northern jungles. Vanni had underground bunkers for advanced computers and communications equipment as well as two fully equipped subterranean hospitals. There Rudra met most of the Tamil Tigers’ senior leadership, wearing a concealed F.B.I. wire all the while.
By 2005, Rudra’s penetration of the Tigers’ network was so deep that the F.B.I. had acquired a comprehensive picture of the group’s fund-raising capability. Raj Rajaratnam’s name came up frequently. “On the recordings, he was spoken of in a reverential way, with all the kudos he got as a financial whizz,” says Kanetkar. “At the same time, he wasn’t a commoner, which is why it was hard for Rudra to get close to him. He was reserved for the big stuff.” For example, in September 2005, two Tamil Tiger members were duped by the F.B.I. In an attempt to have the Tigers removed from the government terrorism list, they agreed to pay $1 million to two “corrupt State Department officials” (in reality, F.B.I. agents) whom Rudra had introduced them to. The Tamils went straight from that meeting to Rajaratnam’s house, apparently to arrange to get the money, according to Rudra and Kanetkar.
“Rudra told us that the L.T.T.E. had given Raj a very large sum of money for him to invest in the Galleon fund,” says Kanetkar. “It was clear that the Tigers did have that kind of money. They were raising $1 million every time they held a function, and also going door to door—extorting people to pay thousands of dollars for the next wave of operations.” Kanetkar and his counterterrorist colleagues had been aware of evidence that Rajaratnam was using illegal insider information since 2001, when wiretaps caught an executive from the Intel Corporation offering him insider tips. The F.B.I. saw the two endeavors—terrorism and insider trading—as connected, says Kanetkar: “Money from insider trading was going into his pocket, and money from his pocket was going to the L.T.T.E.”
F or the Tamil Tigers, possibly the most damaging consequence of Rudra’s work undercover was the eventual closure by the authorities of the group’s main fund-raising “front” charities, not only in America but elsewhere, including Britain, where Rudra, accompanied by Kanetkar, shared his knowledge with the British Security Service, M.I.5. “This had a measurable impact on the course of the war,” says a former Department of Justice official. “It significantly weakened their capacity to fight.” The Tigers’ last stand came in April 2009, when the Sri Lankan army finally overran Vanni, killing not only Prabhakaran but, allegedly, thousands of noncombatants.
Of the Tamil front groups, the biggest was the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (T.R.O.), which was active in 17 countries. Its assets were frozen by the U.S. Treasury in November 2007. Rudra’s secret recordings included detailed accounts by Tiger leaders of how money was transferred from the T.R.O. to the terrorist group itself, and in this case there is a copious documentary record of the role played by Rajaratnam. An affidavit filed in April 2007 by the F.B.I.’s special agent Louis Forella states that the banking records of “individual B”—Rajaratnam, according to court filings—show that “[he] wrote three checks totalling $1,000,000 between July and September 2000” that eventually made their way to a T.R.O. account in London, from which much of the money was later withdrawn in cash. The affidavit also cites letters from a later-convicted Tamil Tiger fund-raiser named Karunakaran Kandasamy about the need to fulfill Rajaratnam’s “long lasting desire” to meet Prabhakaran, describing the Galleon Group founder as “among the people who provide financial support for our struggle for freedom. . . . [He] has been working actively on the forefront.”
Court filings in a pending civil action against Rajaratnam, being brought by Tamil Tiger victims, more than 30 of their families cite a State Department cable dated October 2006 from James R. Moore, the deputy chief of the mission of the U.S. Embassy in Colombo, which was copied to the Treasury Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the F.B.I. Moore described his dealings with Sri Lankan officials on Tamil Tiger financing, and quoted reports from the local central bank’s financial intelligence unit and the ministry of foreign affairs on the T.R.O. and its influx of funds from America (more than from any other country). “Of these remittances from the U.S., the [Rajaratnam] family is the largest private donor,” the cable said. In the period January 2003 to March 2006, according to one of the reports cited by Moore, the T.R.O. in Sri Lanka received nearly $10 million from its affiliate in America, a trend that was continuing, with $566,000 sent in the single month of August 2006. Overall, the Rajaratnam foundation was contributing more than 35 percent. The cable added: “These funds have been received from the T.R.O. office registered in Cumberland . . . Maryland, which is the entity that is presently being investigated by the U.S. authorities”—the investigation spearheaded by Rudra—“with regard to arms purchases for L.T.T.E.” When it finally shut the T.R.O. down, the U.S. Treasury stated that the organization had “facilitated L.T.T.E. procurement operations” including “the purchase of munitions, equipment, communication devices, and other technology.”
Tax and bank records confirm the scale of Rajaratnam’s support. In the course of 2003, he gave $5.05 million to his family foundation, which in turn passed on $5 million to the T.R.O. In June 2004, the court filings state, he gave another $1 million directly to the T.R.O. At the end of that year, the Indian Ocean tsunami devastated coastal Sri Lanka. Rajaratnam responded by setting up another charity, Tsunami Relief, Inc., which made appeals to the public and was administered by two of his staff at the Galleon Group headquarters, in New York. In all it raised more than $7 million. While money did go to the Sri Lankan government, nearly half of it was given to the T.R.O. in the U.S. and in Sri Lanka. (Court filings lodged on behalf of Raj Rajaratnam and his father say that while it is true that they gave large donations to the T.R.O., they were unaware that the T.R.O. was channeling money to the L.T.T.E.)
Rajaratnam gave few interviews before his arrest, in September 2009. But just a month before, he told a Sri Lankan business magazine that he was proud of his “humanitarian work in Sri Lanka,” saying that in the future, he would like to do more. (By this time, the Tigers had been defeated.) “I’m a firm believer that with success comes responsibility and the incredible power of possibility,” he said, “a responsibility to help those less fortunate and the possibility of actually succeeding in making a difference.” Rajaratnam’s criminal lawyers have told reporters he should receive a lenient sentence for his insider-trading crimes because of his charitable generosity. He is due to be sentenced on October 13.
Could Rajaratnam have genuinely confused charitable works with financial support for terrorism? The evidence suggests he knew exactly what he was doing. In 2001, on the Web site of the Tamil Sangam, the organization Rajaratnam addressed at the Doubletree, Rajaratnam’s father provided the research for statements that set out the association’s credo: “The L.T.T.E. is a freedom movement. Historically, freedom movements have been labelled as terrorist organizations by the oppressors. From George Washington to Mahatma Gandhi to Nelson Mandela, all freedom fighters have been called terrorists . . . . L.T.T.E. has not engaged in any killing that is not justifiable in the context of war.”
Understandably, that’s not how Mike Elsner, the attorney from Charleston, South Carolina, whose law firm, Motley Rice, has filed a claim against Rajaratnam, his father, and the T.R.O., on behalf of Tamil Tiger victims, sees the matter. Insider trading is not exactly a victimless crime, but to work out who is doing the suffering involves calculations that verge on the hypothetical. Elsner’s clients, in contrast, suffered concretely and very directly. In his office he showed me a video compiled from interviews he had conducted in Sri Lanka. They’re heartbreaking. Parents—some of them, in Sri Lanka’s multicultural society, Tamil themselves—talk about losing their children in horrifying circumstances, such as the destruction of a high-school baseball team caught in a blast at a Colombo railway station, or a young couple blown up two months before their wedding, and who were buried in the clothes they never got to wear at the ceremony. “This is what Rajaratnam was paying for,” Elsner says. In the response filed to the victims’ lawsuit, Rajaratnam’s lawyers state that there is “no connection” between Rajaratnam’s donations to the T.R.O. and the harm suffered by the claimants, adding that there is no evidence he ever sponsored acts of violence.
Under U.S. law, you don’t have to prove that money a person gave to an entity that funded terrorism was actually spent on bombs and bullets: it’s enough to show that the recipient body did in fact use some of its funds for terrorist purposes. The suit, which was filed in federal court in New Jersey, has already cleared its initial legal hurdles, with the court accepting jurisdiction and upholding it as a claim for crimes against humanity. The suit is asking for damages of an unspecified amount. Rajaratnam will almost certainly go to prison as a result of his conviction in the Galleon case. If he ever gets out of jail, he may not still be so rich.
and SL gave him a HERO'S WELCOME in 2003 and was the chief guest at a major accounting AGM!!!
shame on them!
The actions of the US Dole Food company are of great concern. These people are ruthless and have destroyed nations elsewhere.
Their aim seems to turn bountiful paddy lands into banana plantations.
They have done similar things in South America where nations stopped growing food to feed their people but made bananas instead that helped the American consumer, while the South American countries starved to death becoming entirely dependent on USAID to buy rice & wheat from US farmers.
These are economic hitmen
Somethings needs to be done about this. It is dangerous and worrying. But MR FOOL thinks this is another way to “lower” the war crime bs –getting things like this/being a tool of control and manipulation is the whole purpose of the war crimes bs in the first place.
This is where the country needs a proper opposition, not the sakkillyas we have currently.
With regards to the “Shavendra law case”, its seems this morons G L is screwing things up.
When this “Shavendra law case” was first mentioned and the enemies of the nation (both in and out of it) were smiling ear to ear, Shavendra slapped them in the face saying he will take them on and expose them. The die-ass-pora and the scum within SL who were revelling at the idea of our heroes being “grilled” by their white masters were stunned into silence and were in shock and worry –to the point they were trying to argue why Shavendra should not bother (LNP chatter) and even making statements how “PM Rudra” had said this was a bad idea (they realised they were in deep trouble) as Shavendra was ready to fight, toiletnet or some other stupid LTTE linked site mentioned this.
Then lo behold GL Perris discovers what has happened (guess he doesn’t even read the SL press) and issues some stupid statement, which both enemies of the nation (the ones in and out) have seized to launch the full attack they were licking their fingers to launch immediately after the “case” made news but were shut down when Shavendra said “it bring it on” with blessings from GR.
This GL Perris is a real idiot. Just a white worshipping clown hiding behind “regulation”. He has a DEFEATIST and SURRENDER mentality. NO frickin back bone.
Pol Sambol said...
With regards to the “Shavendra law case”, its seems this morons G L is screwing things up.
The only problem of SS taking up this legal challenge is that it might open up a can of worms. It feels good to take on these morons, but when lawyers start asking questions about the case, not sure where it would end up.
I am not a legal eagle, but in my opinion, it would be good to stay away from any court cases as much as possible.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa announced in Kandy today (October 2) that Sri Lanka has found a natural gas field for the first time, the President’s Media stated.
not sure how far this is true.
Kevin, old boy, what you said about the law enforcement people and those who safeguard the country's security going after these terrorists no matter is so important. In fact I just posted a new article along the same lines advocating eternal vigilance to safeguard our hard won peace. Just because fellows like Raj Rajaratnam may have a jail house conversion, we cannot hold hands with most of these black-balled bastads and sing 'Kumbaya'. Chaps, please shift the discussion over to the new article.
We will try to meet MR in Kandy today,as my partner and friends are electioneering for his party in Kandy.
Diaspora is just wasting money on these politicians in the West and all they could do for them is to bark for that money,siting HW violations etc.
But if these elaamists break the law,no matter how powerful the politician is,couldn't help them and when these guys are been exposed and brought to justice,none of the politicians would ever touch them even with a barge pole.As you know many are been hounded and prosecuted in EU.Unlike in SL politicians can't influence the work of the agencies as they are truly professionals.
Glad that Sharavinda Silva diplomatic immunity is recognized by us.He too fought a bunch of terrorists like US on the Al kida.
What you say have valid points but I am afraid they may not be effective as the legal industry is utterly ineffective, inefficient and corrupt too and it needs a complete overall from the top to the bottom and this is part of the increase in crime and law breaking in the island and it is getting worse. Criminal gangs with the blessings of the politicians are occupying houses by force. These houses are worth perhaps nearly a billion in Colombo and the court cases will drag on, as usual for decades. Cops are unwilling to help. My friends sisters only house is occupied by a murderer who escaped jail where he was a state witness against his mates who are in the death row. He and his gang killed a whole family in broad day light just to grab the victim’s property. In this lady’s case she had been battling the case over 2 years and the guy didn’t turn up but the judge allows postponements. Now he his harassing her, saying that she had made malicious calls to his cell which no one knows the number, resulting in several police inquiries an I too have a land case on encroachment of over ¼ acre of a valuable land where the wrong doer had a collaboration of a reputed bank that give him a loan to buy my land and this case nearing 2 decades. In UK a valuable home was occupied by a well organized bunch of scotters and it took the victim only one court hearing which lasted 20 minutes to decide in one sitting and the bailiffs were able, with the help of the police to evict and secure the property to the legal owners. In fact the set up was so good, my son (he is in the police) was asked to put off his trip to SL next day, was asked to attend the hearing. We were sad that the courts gave the summons only 12 hours brfre boarding the plane, however the courts thanked my son for attending and bought him a ticket and escorted him to the airport at the expense of the state. Will Sri Lanka ever come to this stage? Not in a hundred years I say.
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