Defence news analysis. Our aim is a secure, developed Sri Lanka where democracy, human rights including religious freedom, and civil liberties reign. We welcome dissent, but tolerate no malice.
Donald Gnanakone, the president of Undead LTTE Terrorists For Justice is whining about his dead terrorists. This is the same man who promised Hon. Lakshman Kadiragamara that he will no be harmed. Perhaps, the time has arrived to bring justice to the LTTE terrorist Donald Gnanakone.
Moshe, old boy, General Silva should hold another press conference at UN and show our video presentation Amnesty cowards were afraid to see. No free speech in Amnesty sponsored terrorist propaganda events it seems.
May Almighty bless Mr. Amza for defending our motherland! We all love our motherland and a few among us takes bold initiatives to go beyond what a regular person would do. We can listen to the patriotic efforts of Mr. Amza at the link below.
now they are begging for the scrap left by the tigers!!
"[TamilNet, Sunday, 26 June 2011, 02:32 GMT] Five lorry loads of scrap iron, coming from the machinery and shell-manufacturing units of the LTTE now abandoned in Vanni, were confiscated by police in Vavuniyaa when they were being smuggled to the south. The scrap iron trade is carried out with direct involvement of the officers of the occupying SL Army in Vanni and Jaffna who earn from the trade by deals with Muslim traders, informed sources said. Meanwhile, around 50 lorry-load of scrap metal left Jaffna on Thursday with full support of the SL Army.
For more than one year now, the SL defence ministry has prohibited the transportation of scrap iron from the north to the south.
Huge amounts of scrap metal is now piled up with collectors in the north and the occupying Army’s officers facilitate smuggling after receiving bribe.
It is said that recently there was a sudden order permitting the trade, but the five lorries transporting the metal were stopped by the police on receiving information. The top brass of the occupying military pressurises the police to release the lorries.
In the meantime, a convey of 50 lorries carrying scrap iron left Jaffna on Thursday, with full support of the SL Army.
The Muslim traders of Jaffna paid a huge sum of money as bribe to the SL Defence Ministry to get the permission, informed sources said. The were made to run around all these days with the prohibition just for the SL Defence Ministry to strike the deal of bribe, the sources further said.
Many of the Muslims resettled in Jaffna are engaged in the trade of scrap metal. The piled-up metal couldn’t be taken to the south all these days."
how about the jaffna civilians who robbed their immovable property and tigers who robbed their immovable property in 1990????
now its payback time you racists!!
scrap is all what is left of once invincible "de facto" tamil elam.
“Choosing to Die [Terry Prachett's BBC 2 documentary on euthanasia] was billed, hyperbolically, as the first time the moment of death has been shown on television. It isn’t. Not by many, many deaths. What they meant was the first death of a white western man in a sitting room; there is death all over television all the time. Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields, Channel 4′s documentary on that country’s civil war, was made up of little else but the moment of death. Just before we get into it, I am going to pause, yet again, to have an eye-rollingly weary word about Jon Snow’s comic ties and jocund socks. And to explain why I mind and why they matter. The ugly garish ties are worn to semaphore the fact that this is a chap who is only wearing a suit because the headmaster says he must. Inside, he is really a far more relaxed, counterculture kind of dude, not at all the establishment flunky the two-piece single-breasted implies. It is a pathetically and worryingly childish pose in a man approaching retirement who wants what comes out of his mouth to be taken seriously. Back to the programme.
Channel 4 has been flogging this story for more than a year, ever since it was given an unattributed but disturbing clip of footage that appeared to show Tamil Tiger prisoners being executed. It has showed it so often, to righteously harangue the Sri Lankan ambassador and various spokesmen, that now nobody will talk to it. The channel has accumulated a large collection of samizdat amateur footage from mobile phones and video cameras – mostly unattributed and uncorroborated. It mixes this footage with comment from unnamed sources with distorted voices and shadowed faces. And human rights lawyers. It was brutal, it was shocking, but it wasn’t journalism.
Not a second of this has been shot by Channel 4; none of the eyewitness accounts comes from journalists.
Snow’s commentary was intemperate and partisan, and it was all held together by assumptions. Channel 4 News has drifted from providing news broadcasts into being an outlet for nodding spokespeople and assorted NGOs and environmental pressure groups, or anyone who can provide interesting or sensational film. It follows the old American news adage, “If it bleeds, it leads”.
What was depressing about this particularly bloody special was not just that it had precious little context or considered thought, but that the people who will suffer most from it are not governments or soldiers, but the victims of this brutal war, who deserve a more measured professionalism and due diligence, and who deserve better than this compilation of gore, topped and tailed by a man in a comedy tie.
Finally, the most demeaning and prurient part of it all was that the penises of the naked men being executed were smudged out, as if they were the shocking part. And the pubic hair of abused and murdered women was coyly pixelated so as not to be titillating. The horror of war tidied up like Japanese porn, to save us the embarrassment and distaste of having to look at the genitals of the dead.
This was a piece of politically correct sanitising that was degrading and humiliating for the viewer and the viewed, but was symbolic of this programme’s contorted news agenda. It really was the most astonishing and misjudged editorial decision from a news broadcaster that has grown into the habit of poor judgment on almost everything. Channel 4 News once had clever and astute reporters; now it boasts a revolving handful of Autocue readers with hair issues. And its arts coverage, which was by far the best of any terrestrial news, is now ill-informed, naff and embarrassing. This documentary was a low point in a continuing slump.
What both Choosing to Die and the Sri Lankan documentary suffered from in different ways was empathy – which is very popular in documentaries these days. What both should have had was a buttoned-up sober detachment.”
the beauty of it is, we didn't finance these people to make statements on our behalf. they VOLUNTARILY did these statements when they found that they couldn't keep silent over this joke.
OTOH tiger MFs waste millions of dollars on bankrupt mediamen, NGOs and stupid academics to make these BS documentaries.
"The victim, Balachandran Satkunanathan, had sought refuge in South after he had been harassed by the Sri Lanka Army intelligence operatives 2 years ago, residents in the area said. Recently, he had returned to Achchuveali. The attackers, believed to be from an SLA squad had come in motorbikes Saturday night and have taken him away before hanging him to death at the grounds, the residents further said."
Apparently, the victim escaped to south to get away from SLA and he came back after 2 years of stay in the south. According to Tamilnut, the south where MI has full access, is safe place for Tamils and MI could not track this man in the South. Perhaps, LTTE can be more creative about this kind of lies.
Chaps, looks like they have let Hooli-Gona out of the nut house again. Last time Hooli-Gona was here, he was worrying about price of eggs and chicken, no doubt a habit he formed while being a cook in a LTTE prison camp.
Sam, old boy, yes indeed, that fellow is a gutter rat destined to live in the sewers for all eternity. By the way, honor among real military officers remains a constant regardless of the country. Compare the forthrightness of a true military hero to those US state department weasels.
Lt Col Lawrence Smith was the Defence Attache in the American Embassy in Colombo and had 1st hand information about the end of the war more than Darusman Panel, Navaneetham Pillai and even the LTTE diaspora.
He was a man on the spot. In the words of the US Embassy’s own Defence Attache Lt Col Lawrence Smith, a fearless and impartial military officer, "I have been the Defence Attache here at the US Embassy since June 2008. Regarding the various versions of events that came out in the final hours and days of the conflict, from what I was privileged to hear and see, the offers for surrender that I am aware of seemed to come from the mouthpieces of the LTTE’s Nadesan, K.P - people who weren’t and never had really demonstrated any control over the leadership or the combat power of the LTTE. So their offers were a bit suspect, anyway, and they tended to vary in content hour-by-hour, day-by-day. I think we need to examine the credibility of those offers before we leap to conclusions that such offers were in fact real. I think the same is true for the version of events."
Sinhalization of the North and the Tamilzation of the South
by Sebastian Rasalingam, Toronto, Canada
(June 29, Toronto, Sri Lanka Guardian) Two recent articles highlight various aspects of a debate fundamental to the "National Question" of Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, it is hardly discussed in the national press in Sri Lanka, although much discussed in gatherings of expatriates. I hear of sinhalese "intrusion" into the north being discussed by my children (people in their fiftees) and their friends.
D. B. S. Jeyaraj, the well-known columnist has high-lighted the settling of some 150 "Sinhalese" in the "Tamil Village" of Kokkacchankulam, near Vavniya (click here to read). This is presented as an example of the "sinhalization" of the North.
A comment on Jeyraj's article, written by a Sinhalese academic appeared in the Sri Lanka Guardian (click here to read). According to him, the place-name Kokkacchankulam is said to be Sinhala, arising from Kok-Aththana, a type of Datura with fruits having hooks ("koku") for seed dispersal.
Also the area is claimed to have a Buddhist past as recorded by the archeology department. All this utterly unsurprising to me. The majority of the Sinhalese (and any Tamils of that era) lived in the North of the Mahaveli river untill about the 10th century. Populations have moved north, and south, depending on the pressures of war, pestillance or peace.
The anger against Colombo doing things in the North reminds me of the anger of the Tamil parliamentarians in the 1940s. It was against the Colombo authorities building causeways connecting villages in the North. The real anger was that such "intrusions" disturb the power- and caste- structure enjoyed by the Lords who ran the affairs of the Tamils.
Reading through the blogs to Jeyraj's article, we find that some bloggers express the sentiment that this is a "land grab" of the territory that belongs to "Eelam". To others this is "state sponsored colonization" of "Tamil territory". Still others feel that any-one should be able to live anywhere in the Country, but settling these "Sinhalese families" have been done without notifying the right administrative officials etc., etc. Others, mainly Sinhala bloggers, have pointed out a massive "Tamil colonization" of the South.
The big North-South migration started in 1905, when the British opened the Jaffna-Colombo railway. Anyone who made it good moved to the south. Today moving to the South is a first step to moving abroad, preferably to Canada. I too moved from Jaffna to Mannar, and from there to Hatton, and finally to Colombo in the 1950s. Coming from a "low-caste", and having married an Indian Tamil woman in Hatton, I was truly an out-caste paraiah among the Tamils. Although most Tamils could readily get a housing loan from the "Bank of Ceylon" run by Mr. Loganathan, especially at the Wellawatta branch, I found that I could not even open an account even with a government pay cheque.
However, although I was an outcaste among the Tamils, I found that my Sinhalese mates invited me to have tea with them - a strange experience for a man who was always spoken to by Tamils in the curt "inga va" Tamil. The politics of the Tamils in the Ramanathan era was Caste Politics. Ramanathan wanted the caste system written into the Ceylon constitution. The Tamil politics put into place by G. G. Ponnambalam and S. J. V. Chelvanayagam was Race Politics vis a vis the Sinhalese. Caste politics continued within Tamil society itself. It was only the Leftists who went beyond these shackles -- but then they were considered a lunatic-fringe. Even in the 2010 presidential elections, they garnered less than a fraction of a percent of the votes.
What has all this to do with Sinhalization of the North, and Tamilization of the South?
The best thing that could happen to Sri Lanka, and the only thing that would guarantee the stifling of future ethnic discord is the disruption of in-grained ethnic enclaves which are not only racially segregated, but also caste segregated. Mr. Jeyaraj had mentioned villages including Kokachchankulam around Nedunkerny, but failed to note that even up to the 1980s, these had Caste Enclaves that even the war lords did not disrupt. The war did not destroy the segregation of Caste and Women in Tamil society, but mobilized them and hijacked them for political ends, as they were the easiest to subjugate and control.
I strongly believe that the State should have a clear program of settling Sinhalese in the villages of the North, and at least some Tamil IDPS in the villages of the south. The Sinhalese, with 75% of the population, would be demographically highly pressurized and hence the move to the sparse regions of the North and the East would be no different than the move of the White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestants (WASPS) of the US East coast to the "homelands" of the Hispanics West in the USA. Such redistribution of population, and NOT devolution of power into the hands of corrupt regional lords, is the best investment for long-term peace in Sri Lanka. Such a redistribution of population will also strongly undermine the Caste and gender discrimination endemic in traditional Tamil society with its Manu Dharma. Sinhalese society is far far less caste conscious, and accords greater power to its womenfolk.
The Sinhalese, lving in the prosperous and modern Southern Sri Lanka would need state incentives to settle in the sparsely populated North which needs labour as well as investors for its deveopment. The pro-LTTE expats have done little to help the North, and instead push their "boycott Sri Lanka" campaigne which hurts the poor Tamils more than any other ethnic group.
Instead of emphasizing divisions and differences, we need to emphasize the close similarities and common basics of the citizens of Sri Lanka.
Modern Hinduism and Buddhism have much in common. Instead of objecting that "Sinhalization" inevitably leads to the Buddhist temple and the Bo tree "invading Tamil land", we must welcome the Buddhist monks to the Hindu Temples, asking them to build the Buddha Statue and plant the Bo tree just next to the Temple itself. The Kururals and the Buddhist Sangha should be colleagues. After all, Buddhist temples in the South HAVE already integrated Hindu Gods like Vishnu, Skanda and Ganesh. Some Buddhist temples have Kururals, known as "Kapuralas", as officials. The Sinhalese and the Tamils have an enormous amount of common cultural and genetic baggage, as well as linguistic commonality. A Tamil sentence, translated word for word, without changing the structure, already becomes Sinhalese. The alphabets and grammar are very similar. Both Vivekananda and Radhakrishnan said that Buddhism is the most refined rendering of the Vedic-Hindu-Jain tradition of Indian belief.
So, Jayraj should rejoice in the implantation of Sinhala Villages in the North, and the Sinhalese nationalists should welcome the Tamilization of the Greater Colombo region, with its flourishing Hindu temples. Population redistribution is a must. As an old Tamil who has seen Tamil politics opposing the Donoughmore reforms, and finally morphing into Eelam militarism, I believe that these are the best investments for a future of peace and prosperity in Sri Lanka.
If there had been population restructing in Sri Lanka, together with the further development of the railway and road ways left by the British, we would never had three decades of civil war. So, let us plan for the future intellegently and avoid ethnic, caste or religious enclaves of any kind.
As usual you have nothing worthy of discussing. Last time I checked, Boorubahu could secure only 0.07% of votes. That a leap forward from 0.069% he gained the previous time. Please keep your fingers crossed, the world revolution is just around the corner. We will use that opportunity to create Peelam also. BTW, please take some fish oil supplements to improve your condition.
lion is considered a HOLY animal in israel, so SLs cannot have that symbol for them over there. IF israel one day play T20 cricket, there will be 3 lion emblams.
1. SL 2. israel (not sure what it is and what it will be) 3. england
of course there are the tigers, but they are not allowed to play (tooooo stinky) and play BS OUTSIDE the ground!!!! lol!!!
More racist jokes from Tamilnet that reflects the true style of Eelamist living, i.e., lies, blatant lies, and more blatant lies to cover their cause untrue.
Kaarainakar associations and individuals in the diaspora provide aid to improve water resources and to reclaim saline areas as agricultural lands in the island whenever they could spare money after spending on temple extravaganzas. But the SL Navy in Kaarainakar is planting mangrove in the island to ‘improve the environment’ for tourism or for the protection of its bases.
According to Sri Lanka Government Agent in Jaffna, Mrs. Imelda Sugumar, more than 350,000 ‘tourists’ come to Jaffna peninsula each month.
Apart from those who come from the south to see the ‘subjugated’ Jaffna, the number also includes the diaspora visitors.
Mrs. Sugumar said that the tourist hotels are needed for the visitors, but the coastal areas are getting polluted.
You have a long way to go in learning how to convey ideas without acting doofus. Just like your brain, your writings are empty, both in coherent thoughts and contents. That is another reason why you belong in the garbage bins of humanity.
Greetings to Moshey, Sam, KB, et al (SL patriots)...
I have been on a whirlwind of international travels (business mainly) and hence why the "silence" ....
Anyway, I know I can count on you patriotic bros/sis to keep the flame of protect-MotherLanka burning at all time - and the contributions to this and other recent threads confirm so beyond doubt to me.
Yes, keep it up patriotic bros/sis who LOVE MotherLanka as that is our land of birth and the ONLY piece of real estate that we can truly call OUR HOME any day!
Anyway, I take it a pro-LTTE MF named Hooli-gona has come and defecated in this thread (but I can see no post from the excreta-bug as I guess the Admin has cleaned it up?) and I can see pointed and surgical strikes from you fine Patriots!
John Snow's Ch4 "Killing Fields" to say it was a real masterpiece - that is a masterpiece that was done for exclusively $$$ profit.
My Tamil inside-info circles are buzzing with tid-bits that this MF has been paid a HEFTY sum from the LTTE TREASURY - the "LTTE TREASURY" now administered by the LTTE rump in the UK, US and Canada mainly (I was told the Australian LTTE-rump Mommafukcers are not quite in the thick-of-it wrt this particular cook-up at least - yes, they are evidently having their own problems with allegation of mass embezzlement of LTTE money I am told).
This Motherfucker John Snow dishes out the "Killing Fields" with all the serious, pious look of a good Catholic priest at I got to give him credit for that as not for a moment does he show saliva at the corners of his mouth (thinking of the HEFTY "reward" he is getting from the LTTE TREASURY!!!)
MoD has finally accepted our position on the c4 crap.
"Sri Lanka military says real video of Channel 4 visuals found Colombo, Jul 2 (PTI)
Sri Lankan military today claimed that the real footage of the ''doctored version'' of the British television Channel 4 aired documentary has been found.
"This video obtained by a private TV station shows the brutal killings of soldiers by the LTTE," military spokesman Major General Ubhaya Madawela told BBC.
He said the real video's footage carry Tamil conversations opposed to the Sinhala conversations in the Channel 4's doctored video.
"We know many of our soldiers were taken captive by the LTTE during the war. Only a very few of them were handed over via the ICRC," Madawela said.
"Now we can think that those who are shown being shot and killed are those soldiers who to date remain missing," Madawela stressed.
He said the private channel which carried the real footage had handed the tapes to the Army for verification.
British TV station channel 4's documentary 'Sri Lanka Killing Fields' aired in the UK carried gruesome pictures of executions of LTTE cadres at the hands of government troops. Sri Lanka dismissed the documentary as an attempt to discredit the government through a fake video."
"Genocidal Colombo eyes on 3-5 year old children in Jaffna [TamilNet, Sunday, 03 July 2011, 14:43 GMT] Occupying Sri Lanka’s military governor in Jaffna, Maj. Gen. Chandrasri now schemes to bring more than 1000 nursery schools functioning in Jaffna under the control of genocidal Colombo."
The original video which JDS/Channel 4 edited was on the internet and even show cased on AsianTribune two years ago right after Channel 4 aired their edited version. Did it take this long for these morons (MR/BR) to see it? Just shows how useless these people are and how seriously they take all of this. This government is PATHETIC when it comes to handling media and imagery of the country when speaking and addressing the world (and no i don't mean this bs about "media freedom"). Nor does it seem to realise the gravity of the situation presented to it -when the West started from " allegations of disappearance" to "disappearances" to "allegations abductions" to "abductions" to " allegations of extra judial killings" to "extra judial killings" to " allegations of human rights violations" to "human rights violations" it obviously did not understand what was happening and lacked the foresight to see where this was all going with the potential consequences and “punishments” the West would dish out for refusing to follow the “path” the West wanted. Same crap “build up” was done with regards to "free media".
Then we got "allegations of war crimes" being morphed into "war crimes". Akin to how (thanks to gonseka) "executing LTTE leadership with white flags" became executing LTTE cadres, to executing civilians to deliberate mass slaughter of civilians. Reminds me of the EU report (over GSP plus) where some bs by some South asia women rights groups "complaints" of the potential increased sexual pressures on Sinhala women living in the then wrongly termed "border villages" was morphed (by HRW/AI, then ICG, then the EU itself) into Tamil women raped by the army in government camps/detention centres.
If it was not for the nation and importantly our soldiers and Armed Forces who are the ones who deserve none of this and must be protected at all costs, I would stop giving a damn. This Government is getting everything it deserves, there non caring "not bothered" and "we deny it- why is that not enough" attitude makes me SICK. Again if it was not for the country's well being as a whole and the lives and honour of our soldiers i would not be so damn bothered. MR/BR can go hang for all i care. They obviously do not get what is happening or give much of care for it either (no matter how many lessons they have been bitched slapped with) which is reflective of their whole attitude to this whole thing and the country means little I guess – this is the same moron who tries warming up to Solhiem. Someone should pass on the messag: you cannot win over or “shape” these people. HAVE SOME DAMN sense of respect for the country, this “there is no friends or enemies in politics” is WRONG and plain retarded. Whoever coined this phrase needs to be shot. THERE ARE BOUNDARIES. Stop playing with the lives and names of our soldiers.
While Gonseka (may he suffer eternal damnation) is the root cause for the present toubles as he is the one who re-lit the eelam flame and gave booster shots of energy to the defeated groups against the country that had entered stages of depression and even contemplated “giving up” the Governments attitude since has been no different to his.
BR/MR fools are the two who refused and still fight against re-colonisation. Still hunting for Tamil votes? All its doing is giving a re-birth to Chelva/Amirthalingam times and a return to the 70s.
This is the only and obvious "solution" to the "national question". Guess by the time they realise so it will be 2020 and too late ONCE AGAIN. Just like their whole response/attitude to the media assaults.
our alligiance should be to SL, not to MR/BR, etc.
what i find most DISGUSTING is, MR/BR knowing very well that UNP, JVP, etc. are total sakkili MFs who are waiting to screw the nation and hence ppl have no hope in them, exploit the opportunity to BS.
they know they are the ONLY hope at the moment to defend SL and they think they can do ANYTHING.
they also think MOST SLs will ANYWAY vote for them and now they are trying to APPEASE TE MFs trying to win their vote.
i cannot wait till the remaining northern LG election results come out. i pray to god that UPFA suffer the BIGGEST EVER DEFEAT at the LG elections in NE and CMC.
at least that should teach them a lesson.
the NPC election (DEFEAT) was postponed to 2012. can't wait till TNA, TULF, ACTC score an ASTOUNDING VICTORY in the NPC and do an undoable "balu poottuwa" with jayalalitha's asses.
i worry for the scope GR has. his hands are tied by BR/NR (another MOST useless idiot who brought down the indian actors and got LTTE MFs married at taxpayer expense!!). when will these jokers learn???
re: C4
yes it was around for a long time. remember you posting it here or in SLDF forum.
they slept on it until shitt hit the fan.
now we are struggling to CONTAIN the spread of it from UK to australia, switzerland, USA, france, NZ, india, canada, etc.
we MUST do RECOL but there is another shitt tumor growing out of control.
pro-TE STINKY MFs are spreading in colombo like maggots on a lump of shitt. and TNA plans to contest in elections in colombo some day soon and WINa few seats.
govt should IMMEDIATELY,
1. expand the galle road from b'pity to ratmalana by linking it to the coastal road.
2. construct a massive container terminal in colombo-13/14/15, wattala.
those who lose property should be given alternative housing in 25 different places in the kalutara district. no compensation!!
i'm sure most of them would rather go to TN than kalutara!!! or buy alternative property which is ok.
They are going to this video in ABC in Aus. One thing is clear, now the west is slowly trying to build a case against SL. Not sure where this will end.
They are doing a huge propaganda war against SL and totally one sided story. This for sure will continue. This looks like the third time we are going to war against the west. They are doing there best to get rid of MR so that they can take over SL.
We can thank Gonseka and the ineptitude of the retards in power in bungling this whole thing.
I bet we will never hear from the "experts" they have hired (apparently) to analyse the video.
Even in the manner in which they have announced the discovery of the real Channel 4 video is like a pathetic out burst.
No professionalism, no careful planning and coordination. It was not part of greater scheme/plan to counter all this bs, it was just a loud out burst that they think is enough to end it all -just like some kid accused of stealing cookies showing the jar to be full.
There should have been a careful plan, at the correct time, forum in front of all media, plus NGOs, ambassadors (not that it matters if the West is there since the ones from the West know they are pulling off a giant heist against SL but) setting up the scene to show case this video and how Tamils/C4/West have lied and manipulated with a clever dialogue and “script” that presents us as a victim of the West, absolve our forces and re-establishes the truth. At least it will generate doubt and scepticism on the “evidence” used to attack us. Instead they have bungled it. Just as they bungled the KP thing back in 2007 AND again in 2009.
Why did these fools do another loud mouth announcement when we got him? Why not keep quiet and USE him. Since he was in charge of the LTTE at that point, we could have been pulling the strings on whats left of the LTTE and the die-ass-pora and Western media –he appeared on Channel 4 and they bragged about it all. In addition we could find out huge amounts of damning evidence against the West. What happens? KP has a “change of heart” (he’s good guy now –WHATEVER) and the die-ass-pora/West quickly “change the passwords” so he’s out of the loop.
Furthermore I know for a fact that back in late 2007 into 2008, many Sinhalese with even former media moguls who were supportive of Sri Lanka offered their services FOR FREE to the Government on how to handle the media and run a professional counter propaganda campaign (some pain stakingly and at great financial cost established connections with media firms and dodge ugly media characters of the West who have no ethics just to get their assistance). These people having been in the West, and those who have worked in the media business “know the system” and how to play with words, imagery and propaganda (even offered to train our moron “spokesmen” and diplomats on how to address media and answer question). AGAIN ALL FOR FREE. The Sinhalese behind it were doing it out of their love for the country, out of their own time and money. Not a dime were they going to charge from the Government. Government said “no”, “we’ll do it our way, we don’t need you”. Some even wanted bloody BRIBES to “allow” these people to work for the government. LIKE WTF. They were trying to help SL and these scum could only think of stealing money from the expats. There was a lot of disgust at the government response and attitude. And the cheer stupidity is hiring lobbying firms that everyone knows we are doing defeats the entire purpose.
Some very compelling and soul-searching posts from you...and must say I agree with you 100% !!!
MR/BR/GR combination is, sad to say, behaving not unlike how Nero acted…i.e. Nero was playing the fiddle when colossal calamity was unraveling around him and he did not give a flying F!!!
Frankly, I am utterly fcuking disgusted too at the level of COCKY, COMPLACENT, HAUGHTY attitude of these honchos in power. Their qualities today are not unlike I am sure how the Cesars of Rome exhibited when they went from Glory to utter Destitute when the “barbarians” finally attacked and burnt Rome to the ground!
I myself am VERY DISENCHANTED right now. I travel to SL frequently and must confess I too am disgusted at the level of corruption that seems to be the TOP-MOST PRIORITY for those in positions of power in the various GOSL DEPTS, GOSL ENTITIES. For this, although they themselves are not the ones asking bribes, I hold the honchos in power FULLY RESPONSIBLE!
On the “war crimes” issue…you are absolutely right…I too can see the bloody folly…i.e. how this GOSL set itself up to be a sitting duck by ignoring all the ominous signs that started appearing, virtually, no sooner than when the last SLDF gun went silent.
Unfortunately we are cursed. Yes we are cursed because we do not have any other genuinely patriotic alternative to kick upstairs. Yes we have no way to kick out these complacent, haughty, corruption-allowing honcho-clan and put in throne a one that we can be safe with. The traitorous and inept UriNePee and the lost-and-misguided JVP Soma-arse motherfuckers are all what we have today as alternatives – meaning we have NO alternatives!
The difference I feel is that while this ruling clan, if unchecked, will eventually be compelled (by the West) to give “Sakkilieelam” to the Sakkiliyas (and thereby ruin our Motherland), the UriNePee and JVP motherfuckers will, gladly, give it on a platter if they are ascended to the seat of power (as they have also been gotten-to by the West’s bribes)!
GR is not part of the disastrous trio. it is MR, BR and NR.
GR is not good with propaganda and it is not his area of expertise. but MoD is doing a reasonable good job at that.
we need the OTHER government machineries to take on the propaganda challenge.
agree with corruption, etc., etc.
unless things change, this govt is going to go home soon. ppl have short memories. that is a given. they will first chase away the MR clan. they will learn their lesson only afterwards.
things will get much worse if devolution bullsh*t is implemented. i think it will be the end of the govt.
if they are not in power, it is 100% certain that they will be charged with some BS allegation. so they should fear this possibility and take charge of the situation. if they don't, i will be happy when (not if) they are sent to the gallows with BS allegations/charges.
all this war crimes BS are for that. unless we flush the shitt, flies, maggots, TEs, etc. will come to feast. war crimes is the latest excuse.
colonize the north. it is like covering the shitt with sand!! thereafter no flies, maggots, cats, dogs, TEs will be interested. they will hang about for some time but leave when they realise it is no more.
this is such a peaceful solution. no violence. nothing illegal.
Moshe Dyan said... GR is not part of the disastrous trio. it is MR, BR and NR.
GR is not good with propaganda and it is not his area of expertise. but MoD is doing a reasonable good job at that.
-------------------------- MD, I think your assessment is correct. After being in U.S. for such a long time, I thought he would have learnt to be bit more diplomatic. But there is no such chance if he was just working as a sys. admin.
We who have lived in abroad for a long time forget the mentality of people in an Island such as SL. Looking at the very bias ABC documentary yesterday, it is clear the agenda of the west. There is a huge effort by the west to stop us going towards China and Russia.
We tend to blame Rajapakshe trio for everything, but are they the only people to blame for the plight of SL. The western boot licking UNP and the supporters of that party is equally responsible for what is happening to SL. I just can't believe that no one has been able to oust RW from leading that party. If we had a better opposition than this, the country would have been in a much better position that right now.
It is going to be a natural process to weed out corruption. I simply hope that the current administration will realize that the people are slowly opening to the matters used to be unimportant in the time of Eelam wars.
Apparently this is the Sangakkara's Cowdrey Lecture. I wish that he found a different venue for this kind of statements. I expected more mature behavior than this from Sanga.
but the western arselicking opposition is the creation of the west and TEs!!
if RW was not in power, they will appoint another who would do the same.
take UriNePee
LTTE carefully groomed leaders it wanted by very carefully eliminating nationalists in the UNP.
western NGOs up or down their financing of UNP depending on how well they arselick. this way they ensure UriNePee leadership always remain arselickers.
take JVP
JVP's turnaround was dramatic.
from an extreme anti-west policy to a western arselicking policy.
needless to say anything about TNA, CWC, SLMC, etc.
they are the GEOPOLITICAL AGENTS within of a certain group.
what SL should do is to counter this by getting China and Russia more involved in politics, economy, defence, etc.
it is not just the west want regime change in SL when things are not going in their favour but C&R too!!! SL nationalists MUST capitalise on this.
i can tell you that the CR camps is financially more powerful in the region than the west.
but more importantly they don't give a damn about HR, etc. when it comes to geopolitics or even elections. they want their man by hook or by crook.
this is the biggest weapon SL nationalists have. we MUST use it.
This is the commentary section of four corners. There is quite a lot of Tiger supporters and Sinhalese LTTE supporters at work. Please add some comments.
Professor Sivathamby passes away [TamilNet, Wednesday, 06 July 2011, 19:43 GMT] Professor Karthigesu Sivathamy, an Eezham Tamil legend of Tamil Studies passed away on Wednesday 8.20 PM local time at his home in Dehiwala, Colombo. He succumbed to heart attack at the age of 79. Details of his funeral are yet to be announced. TamilNet joins the millions all over the world in paying tribute to the scholar who has been providing academic leadership to Tamils.
He lived in Wellawaththa and he could very well communicate with locals. Please listen to this interview about his views on 1983.
He is Sri Lankan in every sense. He is worlds apart from the LTTE scum. Quite frankly, I have seen quite lot Tamil Sri Lankans like this. Hopefully, this will be the typical case in the future.
yes. tamils i know from SL are also nice ppl without any TE racist crap.
actually i was wondering where the diaspora tamils come from bcos i have not seen such cheap and racist MFs before.
sadly good tamils keep away from politics and are disappointingly silent. they must speak up b4 the badies take over them and turn the tamil community into a hell.
lack of a SL tamil original culture is another problem. all tamil culture come from toilet madu added with filth and racism.
from the latest US dept of census international division, russia's population is going to drop from 140 million to 100 million by 2050.
from the 9th rank to 16th.
nigeria and ethiopia are going to move to the top 10 largest populations.
this is not a good sign.
they stand up to one nation dictatorial rule and must remain strong. a smaller population means a smaller armed force.
another worrying development is india's massive population growth which will overtake china as the most populous country by 2020. SL will face a huge kallathoni problem. SL has to be ready from no onwards to face this dangerous problem.
SL is facing a severe water problem at the moment.
with overcrowded cities in the south this problem is going to get worse.
a population re-distribution strategy is needed to overcome this. there are enough fertile areas with water in the north. farming communities should be settled there with all ameneties. others will also move in as the economy grows.
this will reduce the strain on water resources in the south.
having listened to sangakkara's speech i find it is very good apart from the last bit where he takes local problems international.
he gives due credit to the army.
i think the pro-TE tide created by channel 4 is now reversed.
australia is due to tour SL next month. aussi players had said they were worried touring SL after watching the channel 4 doc. but after they followed sanga's speech they think it is the right thing to do to tour SL.
all those bullshitting by toilet madu asses in and out of field did nothing.
The need of the hour is not self-aggrandizement via lofty speeches, but sticking to the “party-line” when it comes to these “International Community” events. After all, washing the dirty linen in public is not the need of the hour. With the Sakkilieelam Tamil MommaFuckers still stabbing our Motherlanka with knives (and this time from their homes in the West), this is not the time for washing our dirty linen – cricket or otherwise internationally-public.
Now minions such as ourselves, who are largely anonymous in these types of www fora, yes, we can commence on some modulated scathing attacks against this patriotic regime for its lack-of-will shown in combating the endemic corruption currently going on in SL, but that is what it is – it is a modulated, subliminal wake-up-and-smell-the-coffee type of a message to our honchos – the very honchos who brilliantly liquidated the LTTE Paraya Sakkiliya Terrorists and thereby gave hope to our Motherland after 30 years of utter bloody misery and despair!
So a Sakkilieelam Mommafucker (from Canada) was arrested in Colombo with the fabricated (with proof of fabricated videos at that) Ch4 "execution videos" uh?
Now how unfortunate it is that this ammahuka-LTTE Sakkiliya was not shot (to shreds that is) while he "tried to resist arrest with a weapon" ???
Damn it, ill-fate is what it is these days!!!
One solid lesson is all it takes to show these LTTE-terrorist-undercovers in the West that NO, Sri Lanka is NOT open to TERRORISM-TOURISM.
So Lakshman Kiriella aka Parawesakariya is all for giving "Federalism" to the Sakkilieelam terrorist-supporting ammahukas as a way of arriving at the solution to the "NATIONAL QUESTION" uh?
What a fcuking laugh!!!
Poor imbecile bastard...likely he does not know where he takes in food and where he expels the refuse-of-it from his body!!!
An Arabic folklore goes that once when a Bedouin was camping out in the cold dessert night in a tent, his camel poked its head inside the tent and asked "sir, can I just keep my nose inside your tent for warmth?" to which the Bedouin said yes. A little while later the camel asked "sir it is pretty cold, can I just get my two front feet inside your tent?" to which again the Bedouin said yes...and on on on it went the whole night until the bloody camel finally was inside the tent and because then the tent had no room the Bedouin, the Bedouin had to go out of the tent into the freezing cold and sleep and let the cammel sleep in warm comfiness inside the tent !!!
This is EXACTLY what FEDERALISM is all about as far as I am concerned!!!
Only an imbecile like Lakshman Kiriella aka Parawesakariya would fail to realize it !!!
I think again SL is in dangerous times. Hope we hold our wits together. South Sudan has joined as a new nation. The west is doing there best to carve out a new nation within SL. The collapse of News of the World might cause David Cameron bit of trouble and give us a bit of a reprieve to SL. I can't really gauge how bad the fall out from the CH4 and the ABC broad cast is, but it is not good.
There is a lot of talk about people getting pissed off with assigning military leaders to Foreign services. But in my opinion this is a really good idea as long as they know how to play the game with the news media. Right now, it is not good enough to have only civilians, we need people with lot of guts to represent SL internationally. Therefore hopefully Sri Lankans will understand this need and give the government a break and not play petty politics.
Moshe Dyan said... from what i hear, UPFA is going to suffer its first ever election defeat overall today after the war.
this should teach the govt where their efforts should focus on.
in marketing there is a concept of SEGREGATION, TARGETING and POSITIONING.
you have to find profitable niches and put your efforts there
----------------------------- Moshe, I am not sure whether this is the correct attitude. Yeah, UPFA might not get any votes, but they must represent all Sri Lankans including Tamils. Otherwise UPFA will be thought as party focused on needs of Sinhalese and Muslims. The biggest issue SL is having right now is that we have no one with the Calibre of Lakshman K. to represent SL when it comes to Tamil issues. Two years after the end of the war, we should have found some one like that and given him the foreign ministry portfolio.
Also, what happened to the News of the World media in U.K. can be used to question in the integrity of News organizations like Channel 4. If such a reputable organization can go so low, what would a penny less journos would do when they are bribed by LTTE money.
LK did a great deal of work for SL. his work is much appreciated. also agree that we need someone of his calibre.
but at that time we didn't have any of these problems bcos we were losing the war.
we became the darling of india and the west bcos we were losing the war and CBK was trying for political solutions against the ppl. the war strategy was TOO conventional which meant less human rights violations. over 30+ bombs were allowed to go off outside NE. MBRLs didn;t enter the war. very few was used within 3 months in 2000 and that's all. air raids were only 5-20 for a year.
that made LK's task very easy in the international front.
had the LTTE won the war, it would have been the same thing. the west would use democracy, human rights violations, terrorism, etc. and screw them.
"Two candidates in Maanippaay in Jaffna were attacked on Friday. A dead dog was thrown into the house of one of them Thursday night. The severed head of the dog was kept on a pike on the doorstep of his house.
Another TNA candidate found human excretion thrown at his house.
These were typical assaults carried out by the occupying Army in the north."
why on earth should the army dirty themselves with touching dogs and excreta????
don't they have weapons????
typically these are acts by TNA buggers themselves.
i too agreed sangakkara went too far internationalising SL's problems but after listening to his full speech i made up mind otherwise. anyway he should not have poisoned his good speech with crap. SLC should improve that is a different story.
"Gota lauds Sangakkara July 9, 2011, 6:45 pm
By Shamindra Ferdinando
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa yesterday praised national cricketer Kumar Sangakkara for solidly backing the country’s successful war effort against the LTTE at a time a section of the international community is targeting the Sri Lankan military over accountability issues.
Rajapaksa said that the former national cricket captain had taken advantage of the 2011 Sir Colin Cowdrey Lecture he delivered at Lord’s last week to talk about 1983 July riots, the JVP-led insurgency, LTTE terrorism and the heavy price paid by the military to defeat the LTTE.
The eloquent cricketer went to the extent of sharing a conversation he had with a soldier manning a checkpoint in Colombo shortly after the Sri Lankan team came under attack in Lahore in 2009, the Defence Secretary said.
Sangakkara told his Lord’s audience that the soldier said he was ready to die in battle, though Sri Lanka couldn’t afford to lose a cricketing hero like Sangakkara.
``I can’t recall any sporting personality throwing his or her weight behind the military before such an audience under similar circumstances,’’ Rajapaksa said.
Sangakkara’s statement came in while pressure for a war crimes investigation against Sri Lanka mounted over the controversial ‘Darusman report’ and ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields" documentary produced by UK-based Channel 4 News.
The first Sri Lankan cricketer and active player to deliver the Spirit of Cricket lecture at Lord’s, Sangakkara received a standing ovation from some 1,500 invitees.
The Defence Secretary noted that President Mahinda Rajapaksa had to cancel a scheduled lecture at Oxford last December due to violent protests by the LTTE rump.
Sangakkara had set an example by proudly appreciating the sacrifices made by the military to restore peace in the country, Rajapaksa said adding that some controversial remarks attributed to Sangakkara regarding local cricket administration shouldn’t be a reason to reject him.
The state-run media ignored Sangakkara’s speech, while Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage ordered an inquiry.
The LTTE rump made an abortive bid to sabotage Sri Lanka tour of England. Subsequently it launched protests at grounds where the Sri Lankans played causing a nuisance.
Lawyer Gomin Dayasri said that for those trying to depict Sri Lankan soldiers as war criminals engaged in rape and extra-judicial killings, Sangakkara’s forthright speech would be a serous setback."
GR thinks in avenues we cannot even apprehend, SOMETIMES!!!
the true significance of sanga's speech is he PENETRATED the bloody pro-TE british SHITT and laid a shitt bomb INSIDE.
they even cancelled MR's oxford speech!!!!
sanga gave it back with added ferocity.
i honestly don't think MR would have praised the SLDFs in UK at the oxford union address as much as sanga did. he would have harped on reconciliation more and military sacrifices less.
but i still think he should have shut his gap without discrediting SLC which he could have done in SL.
The new state of South Sudan will have tryst with destiny on July 9th
The latest article by DBSJ. As I mentioned earlier, this is the clear direction now the west wants SL to be. India it seem like have started to play another double game. Until the death of VP they were for us, now they are again trying to destabilize SL, either knowingly and unknowingly.
Moshe Dyan said... GR thinks in avenues we cannot even apprehend, SOMETIMES!!!
the true significance of sanga's speech is he PENETRATED the bloody pro-TE british SHITT and laid a shitt bomb INSIDE.
------------------------------- Why cannot some one like Mularidharan speak for SL. Sinhalese can speak as much as we want, but right now the credibility of Sinhalese are Nil.
actually murali did make a few statements about SL where he stated that his family was saved by the sinhalese in 1983 riots, war/violence affected everyone irrespective of race and the need to coexist.
however, foreign media didn't find these SENSATIONAL!
OTOH when hashan tillakaratne talked total BS about match fixing, foreign media sensationalised it even without any evidence.
now murali is out of the team, he can use his energies more to brinf world attention to the positives of SL.
yes, the south sudan is a classic case of division along ethnic/religious lines.
but the funny things is DARFUR will not get any solution by this!! west as harping about darfur but it is still part of north sudan so the probelm is still there. but using darfur, they managed to carve out strategically important south sudan.
war crimes BS also played a part. war crimes BS was alleged on al-bashir, the sudan president. forced him to break up sudan with the promise of letting him escape allegations. and the fool did it. he even attended the south sudan independence.
this is exactly what they are trying to do to SL.
the ONLY solution is colonization. east is now done. even if a referendum is held in the east, it will reject separation. north is the problem.
the ONLY solution is colonization. east is now done. even if a referendum is held in the east, it will reject separation. north is the problem.
-------------------------- If they are going to hold a referendum, it should be held among the total population. Around 1923 Western Australia wanted to create it's own nation. They held a referendum and they won it, but British said they must hold it in the whole country. We must raise this and ask why two different policies to two countries. Funnily even now there is a small movement from western Australia trying to separate from Australia.
i doubt it. that was the case long ago. b4 the concept of "self determination" came.
singapore seperated from malaysia after malaysia agreed for it. another example of how the concent of the entirety was sought then like your example. that's how it should have remained. but after the concept of "self determination", there is no need to.
in the case of "south sudan", it was held only in "south sudan".
also true in the case of quebec, canada.
what's worse is they may hold it in the entire north and the east nullifying the east's voice altogether.
we MUST colonize the north. that is the only solution. not that difficult.
1. give housing to all SLDFs in the north. chinese houses that can be assembled in weeks.
200K+ houses
2. never mind they live there or not. at least they will use it as a holiday house.
3. provide all ameneties. no big deal. already SLDF camps have most facilities. it is a matter of expanding it.
e.g. schools - SLDF members can teach part time for a start
e.g. hospitals - SLDF camps have them already!! a good start.
e.g. construction/road building/irrigation/sanitation/water supply, wells, etc. - SLA/SLN engineering divisions have idle capacity!!
e.g. economy - SLDF camps will buy ALL produce. they need it and can save millions in transportation cost.
3. register all of them and their adult family members in the voters register of the north.
(assuming that unmarried soldiers' parents are included.)
this can change the balance (or rather imbalance).
then even if they hold a referendum for the entire north and east still things will collapse.
5. theraafter ppl will voluntarily go there and settle.
this vision-less govt cannot apprehend how colonization can resolve ALL the problems faced by the nation.
WHATEVER govt.s do, on the election day over 90% tamils in the north-east turn into HARDCORE RACISTS. and vote for what racist parties say. thereafter they turn to normal human beings until the next election day.
one main advantage of south sudan is by its creation, a permanent insurmountable barrier is created halting ARABIC expansion into christian areas of africa.
"Jayalalithaa should play the role like Indira Gandhi on Bangladesh
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 12 July 2011, 16:12 GMT] Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Ms. Jayalalithaa should make it a mission to campaign for the independence of Eezham Tamils in the other states of India and elsewhere. For two years before the independence of Bangladesh Mrs Indira Gandhi quietly undertook a diplomatic campaign for it all over the world. Now there is no one except Ms. Jayalalithaa who is bestowed with the mantle to play such a role for the independence of Eezham Tamils.
TamilNet Editorial Board"
equalling that whorre jayalalita to indira ghandi is a joke!!! the former is only a CM of a state whereas the latter was a PM of world's largest democracy!!
in india, states don't have ANY power or privilege in international affairs which remains solely in the hands of the central government.
Moshe old boy, TamilNut editorial board is a board of one. A single frustrated Peelamist wearing a sweat stained vest and vetti typing away like a maniac in a stinky basement in Norway.
i suggest register the name tamilnet, the logo and the layout under its name. cannot do so bcos it is illegal even in EU where LTTE and LTTE front organisations are banned. they may operate but not register under them which is illegal. that's why LTTE front organisations' property was confiscated.
after some years later, should be taken to courts for copyright violation!!!
nowadays TN is only updated once daily. after the "editor" is off from his day job of cleaning fish. he must have a secret discreet entrance to the basement through the sewer drain that frosts in winter.
he has a small picture of thalaivar on the wall to inspire him. (in addition to the stink of rotten fish and shitt which are naturally inspiring pheromones for tamil elamists.)
once carried a photo of their "colombo based political commentator".
CPC has lost the case filed by standard chartered bank in london. CPC will have to pay $160+ million. 2 other pending cases abroad will also cost another $160+ million.
this is bloody incompetency.
the hedging deal went bad mainly due to the collapse of oil prices. but it was an excessive hedge.
most foolish is not to pay it when the banks demanded.
This is what happens when you put people at places where they don't fit in. I hope that MR will understand the potential negative effects of such action and correct them sooner than later. Getting the RW's group of traitors is not an option we have nor MR has. Just like he did in the war time, he needs to do this for our nations future.
Chaps, a good read from Island titled Response to Elaine Pearson, Deputy Asia Director, HRW by Neville Ladduwahetty.I am not sure why our media guys cannot come with a logical response like this and hammer it still it sticks.
Chaps, the integrity, honor, and loyalty of our military officers never cease to amaze me.
A Japanese member of the UN Law Commission, Shinya Murase, has paid a glowing tribute to newly appointed Sri Lankan Ambassador to Japan Admiral (Rtd) Wasantha Karannagoda for taking over the diplomatic mission in spite of radiation fears caused by the destruction of the Fukushima nuclear facility, on March 11, 2011. ...
While emphasizing the importance of international cooperation to tackle natural disasters, Murase told the UN Law Commission: "Just to mention one example without naming the country, there was a new Ambassador from a small Island country in Asia who had been appointed to serve in Japan from March. When the earthquake hit Japan, he was advised that he could postpone his assignment until the situation in Japan normalized. However, he arrived in Tokyo on schedule, because he thought it important to show his and his country’s solidarity with the Japanese people. His country itself was hit by a devastating tsunami in 2004. His arrival in Tokyo coincided with the week in March when so many embassy staff members of other countries were fleeing the city for fear of radioactive contamination (which, incidentally, had been largely exaggerated in the Western media). The mass exodus of foreign diplomats and business people had left the feeling among the Japanese, that they had been abandoned."
Murase went onto say: "But this ambassador was different. Right after his arrival, he visited the evacuation centers in the affected area with his fellow countrymen, cooking and serving hot food that was much appreciated by the evacuees who had been living under freezing temperatures without heat. His government donated the victims a huge amount of money for this small country, as well as 3 million bags of tea produced in his country. Furthermore, he led some 15 military personnel from his country to clean-up the debris in the tsunami-stricken area. These actions went well beyond his basic diplomatic duties, but his efforts were immensely appreciated."
USA, Sri Lanka co-host Security Conference in Colombo
[TamilNet, Thursday, 14 July 2011, 07:15 GMT]
The US Pacific Command (PACOM) and United States Center for Civil Military Relations (CCMR) conduct South Asia Maritime Conference in collaboration with genocidal Sri Lanka at Hotel Galadari in Colombo this week, from Monday to Friday. The US Ambassador in Colombo, Patricia A. Butenis and SL Navy Commander Somathilake Dissanayake were at the inaugural session on Monday. The conference on maritime security of South Asia is attended by Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Australia and the USA.
Last May, when Sri Lanka convened an international military conference to trumpet its genocidal victory, the US first refused to send its delegation but later sent its military attaché in Colombo to attend it.
Last week, the British Defence Secretary, Dr. Liam Fox, delivering a Memorial Lecture of anti Tamil-independence background at Colombo, elucidated on Sri Lanka’s pivotal position in the India Ocean, referred to “formidable strategic asset” in Trincomalee and said that the “New Strategy” of the UK is a “building block” approach through multilateral organizations and through smaller coalitions or bi-lateral relationships. .........................................................................
USA refused to invite SL for the PACOM conference after the war. now they are hosting it in colombo.
however, as ananda-usa says, "when greeks come bearing gifts", we have to be careful.
Chaps, according to terrorist chatter on the web GTF's chief terrorist, so-called "Father" Emmanuel, is visiting Malaysia and Singapore this week. Time for operation KP II?
International Criminal Court, Commonwealth Secretariat sign MoU [TamilNet, Friday, 15 July 2011, 20:08 GMT] Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma, on Wednesday signed an MoU with the International Criminal Court, to strengthen and develop co-operation between the two organizations to jointly support States implementing International Criminal Law. Legal circles in Colombo opined that Sri Lanka not being a signatory to the Rome Statute, the country of Eezham Tamils occupied by Sri Lanka, would not be a beneficiary of this MoU.
The Sri Lankan government has rejected Iran’s offer to assist in expanding the island’s Sapugaskanda oil refinery capacity from 50,000 to 100,000 barrels per day over a dispute on the project’s financing.
A government official with knowledge of the project speaking on condition of anonymity said that the deal breaker was Iran’s insistence that Sri Lanka commit $500 million of its share of the cost up front, but the Treasury baulked at immediately committing such a vast sum.
The source added that that the Treasury would have acceded to the Iranian request if it at least had been on a pro rata basis based on the progress of the project, but backers of the refinery expansion now need to find an alternate financing source, the Island Online reported.
In the interim the situation at Sapugaskanda is becoming more strained as the refinery is finding it increasingly difficult to produce gasoline and diesel under ever more stringent standards to meet environmental concerns, which has resulted in the refinery diminishing its output to 40,000 barrels per day.
According to environmentalists, a law imposing a standard of 500 parts per million sulfur content for auto diesel became law in January 2007, but it has not been fully implemented due to the inability of the Sapugaskanda refinery to produce fuel meeting the new standard.
By. Charles Kennedy, Deputy Editor
good move.
looks like iran was fishing in troubled waters. iran has no US$s due to the economic embargo. so they thought to get US$500 million from SL via the project.
similarly, the iranian projects in india and pakistan are also at a standstill.
iran, libya supported us during the war but things have changed a lot since then on both sides.
--------------------------- Really good to see this. This is the only way we can fend off Ch4 type documentaries. However much we try to discredit these videos it is pointless. Need to show the strength of SL, otherwise Tamil Diaspora and their henchmen will end up taking us for a rid.
We should try to get the maximum advantage of the plight of News Organizations in U.K. It is clear from the current events the journalists in U.K. has no morals and they would do anything for money.
Therefore the government and SL in UK should ask for an enquiry to find out whether the journalist who have created this propganda video is receiving large amounts of LTTE Money. I am sure these people have received quite a bit of money from LTTE organizations and what we need to do is bit of detective work.
The Supreme Court today (July 18) decided to reject the special appeal submitted by Sarath Fonseka after Fonseka himself withdrew the appeal against the appointment of the second court martial.
The appeal requested that the second court martial verdict be annulled claiming that the manner in which the judges of the court martial was appointed was biased.
A separate case in this regard is being examined in a another court, the attorney representing the former Army Chief had stated in court today when the appeal was taken up and therefore requested permission for the withdrawal of this special appeal.
The three-member judge panel headed by Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake granted the request and permitted the withdrawal of the appeal by the attorney representing the petitioner. Hence the Supreme Court also decided to reject special appeal.
Chaps, more gut busting hilarity from TamilNut "editorial board". Joker has come up with a new way to torture people democratically:
Eezham Tamils, allowed by the world to get victimised in the war as a nation, and now left to face structural genocide, widely feel that their placement under the electoral processes of the genocidal state is going to be a further torture – a ‘democratic’ torture for years to come.
Also a new form of genocide, 'Tidal genocide' has been invented by the joker.
Two fishermen from Valaippaadu, a coastal village in the Poonakari division of Ki'linochchi were reported missing after their fishing boat drowned due to heavy tides on Saturday. The two reported missing were former LTTE members who were released from Sri Lanka Army detention recently. Poverty-stricken fishermen in ‘resettled’ Poonakari are forced to brave the seas amidst bad weather, strong winds and rough seas to sustain their livelihood.
There was a link somewhere here just a few days ago that shows one of the staged LTTE photos of SLDF attacks. In one of them. we could see one photographer also. Can somebody give me the link?
if anything can beat tamilnet in a comedy contest it is tamilnet itself!!!
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 19 July 2011, 01:30 GMT] Australia’s cricketers should take a principled stand in defence of human rights and justice, and boycott Sri Lankan cricket until the Colombo government heeds international calls for an independent investigation into the mass killings of Tamil civilians in 2009, the Tamil Youth Organisation (TYO) urged Monday. “Sport is inseparable from politics. Nothing gives a repressive regime greater legitimacy, and makes light of its brutal conduct, than continuing sporting links,” the TYO said in a statement.
too bad losers. australia is touring SL.
and this is after the england tour!!
hay TEs go hide in overseas cricketers' toilets and beg them not to play cricket.
after MR's visit to the north, the political balance almost changed in favour of multi ethnic parties.
but TNA played its trump card - racism.
the following is from toiletnet.
see how RACIST it is.
unfortunately for them, northern tamils become hardcore racists on every election day.
"[TamilNet, Tuesday, 19 July 2011, 11:04 GMT] While Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has endeavored to work in the spirit of co-operation with the Sri Lanka Government, the Government has yet to address the Rehabilitation and Resettlement of all displaced Tamil families, continued to unlawfully repossess the land from Tamil people, and has failed to craft a political solution within the framework of united and undivided country that will enable the Tamil people to live in security and dignity, fulfilling their legitimate political, economic, social and cultural aspirations, TNA said in a press release issued before the local authority elections in the North East. "The Government has not even kept its several commitments to the Tamil National Alliance on the release of Tamil detainees," the release added."
Chaps, before these Pommie bastards sling mud at our great republic they should go clean up the dirty, rotten, and corrupt system of government, police, and the press over there. They can start with the Channel 4 rascals, Blair, Milliband, Brown, Cameron and the whole rouge gallery. Whole system is rotten to the core. Bugger, if this is not a failed state in the making what else would be?
When I went to work in the House of Commons as a lobby correspondent nearly 20 years ago, I assumed that the British constitution worked along the lines we had been taught in textbooks at school and university. Which is to say: Britain was a representative democracy the police were reasonably honest and the country was governed under the rule of law. I naively expected MPs to be honest and driven by a sense of duty, and ministers to be public-spirited.
During my first few years at Westminster, I came to appreciate that most of my assumptions were hardly true. In particular, it became clear that power had seeped away from the Commons, which had lost many of its traditional functions. It rarely held ministers to account, and ministers no longer made their announcements to the House, as Erskine May, the rulebook of Parliament, insisted they should instead they were leaked out through journalists.
For a number of years I was a part of this alternative system of government. We would be fed information confidentially and behind the scenes, and treated as if we were more important than elected MPs.
During the Blair years, News International executives, Mrs Brooks among them, would attend the annual Labour Party conference, but they were scarcely treated as journalists. When Tony Blair gave his leadership speech, they would be awarded seats just behind the cabinet, as if they had been co-opted into the Government. Arguably they had. The first telephone call that Blair made after he had escaped from the conference hall was routinely to Rupert Murdoch himself. And when ministers who had been favoured by the Murdoch press left office, they would be rewarded. David Blunkett and Alastair Campbell were both given columns on News International publications.
A version of this process repeated itself when Gordon Brown became prime minister, with Rebekah Brooks attending Sarah Brown s cringe-making pyjama party at Chequers. It may not suit Mr Brown, who made such a passionate speech in the Commons yesterday, to remember it but he, too, was part of the Murdoch system of government. And so was David Cameron, who last October threw a party for his closest friends to celebrate his 44th birthday. Reportedly everyone present had known the Prime Minister all his adult life with the exception of Mrs Brooks.
It's been quite awhile.. Hopefully everyone has been keeping well..
Despite shooting itself in the foot repeatedly on the economic and administrative fronts GoSL is still doing a good job on the defense front..
It's all well and fine pointing out the technical flaws of the C4 garbage but our enemies will still use it in international fora against us...
The security council and general assembly are closed to Ban-Ki Moon so the only way for him is the UNHRC.. I wonder if our foreign service is doing enough to get enough + votes or abstentations to defeat any resolutions coming out in September..
If we look at the composition of the 47 nations, we can only take 3 votes (China, Pakistan and Russia) for granted.. Whilst all 11 EU nations are likely to vote against us (though I believe Spain could be swayed with some effort)..
With India a bit-miffed we cannot expect them to influence the NAM nations to vote en-bloc for us.. We need to make direct efforts on all the countries..
Maldives, Bangaldesh, Malaysia- Probably the easiest to sway but still need some effort.
Ukraine & Kyrgyztan- We will have to go through Russia
Saudi, Jordan, Bahrain & Qatar- USA allies.. Probably abstentations.. Should send Fowzie and Hakim to canvass (not Hakim alone)
The deciding votes however will come from Africa and South America.. We could possible approach some of (S. American) nations through Cuba & (African) China, but alot of effort is needed..
Former rebel runway becomes a state airport in Sri Lanka
July 19, Kilinochchi: The Sri Lanka Air Force today declared open a state airport reconstructed from an airstrip used by the Tamil Tiger terrorists in the former rebel stronghold Kilinochchi
"the ONLY solution is colonization. east is now done. even if a referendum is held in the east, it will reject separation. north is the problem"
The 2011 census will show whether the East is done or not.. The good news some of the Sinhala villages cleansed by the LTTE are being reinstated in the Trincomalee-Mooladuva border in areas such Gomarankadawala and Puhulmotey.. the bad news it is no where near the 10,000 families number given by Abraham Sumanthiran..
The 2011 census might be a watershed event.. The government must ensure the census being performed properly without exaggeration in the North and East..
Some of the interesting results that could come about..
1. The Moor majority in the East, this is almost a given..
2. The Moors becoming the second highest minority in the island (this I'd say 60-40 chance)..
3. The East overtaking the North in terms of population substantially (the outdated figures show roughly equal population in both provinces) but I'd say its likely the balance has shifted over the last 10 years..
4. The least likely but most palatable, Sinhala+ Moor populations becoming a majority in a combine N+E.. This probably hinges on resettlement of the 200,000+ Moors still languishing in camps in Puttalam, back in the lands of the North and East.. If the Moors overtake Tamils in the combined North-East that will effectively end calls for a re-merger from them (probably calls for a remerger from SLMC then, another headache lol, But India will be less demanding of a re-merger or Land/Police Powers if the Moors become a majority)
US looking at 'innovative and creative ideas' to get Sri Lankan Tamils home from camps
July 20, Chennai: The United States is looking at some innovative and creative ideas to enable the Sri Lankan Tamils in camps to get back to their own homes, the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday said.
Shared...shared between a one time amorous, promiscuous, immorally-opportunistic cinema actress/hooker and a failed-presidential-bid-white cow (whose husband thought she was a lesser woman for him when he decided to have a cigar-fling with a much younger chick)who lost and created history by humiliatingly losing the leadership of the one-of-two primary US political parties to an unprecedented Black American contender for presidency?
I think there is a strong possibility that a correct and uncorrupted census will show that SL Tamils are today between 6-8% of the population - i.e. nowhere near the 12% that they were (likely incorrectly/corruptedly tabulated) once long ago.
This will be an eye-opener for all.
Then, there goes the death knell for the "sakkilieelam" project !!!
How much connections do you have with any Jewish groups? It could be nice if some Jewish people come out and publicly decry the use of parallels between the holocaust and the Sri Lankan war (which is casually being thrown around)..
The use of the word diaspora (which is done by all of us) also insinuates that the Tamils living outside are driven away from their homelands..
If a Jewish group could say that the use of the word 'diaspora' and 'holocaust' is insulting to them, that is something we could use to advantage..
Wahabbism is on the rise in SL but I don't think they will ever reach the terror capacity of TEs..
If you look at the Eastern province, Tamil and Muslim areas are interspersed, whilst Sinhala areas in Ampara, Trinco are bunched together (hence the proposal by India in 1986 that these areas be amalgamated to Monaragala and Anuradhapura, leaving a purely Tamil speaking NE, whilst JRJ was okay with it apparently Tamil groups and Ashraff was against it).. And their is tension post-2009.. So essentially Tamil areas will face the brunt of Islamic terrorism before the Sinhala areas (apart from the Kaluthara area which I hear is also seeing some Wahabbi activity).. TEs will likely begin thinking SL army are saints when Muslim revenge for Palliyagodella, Katthankudi is released against them,,
The second thing is the Wahabbis look down at Malays (non-arab descent) and Sufis.. These two groups can be used the way Douglas and Karuna was used..
Thirdly when fighting Islamic terror the world will be a lot less concerned than they were for the Eelamists.. We will probably lose Pakistan's support but gain the USA's (maybe not Europe's)...China and Russia will remain supportive.. India will remain neutral overtly but be more supportive covertly..
But there will be economic problems,
1. We need to find alternative sources of oil (South Sudan?)
2. There will be a backlash against our workers in the Middle East..
Did Norwegian PM copied these words from Sri Lankans?
"I have a message to those who attacked us. A message from the whole of Norway. You won’t destroy us. You won't destroy our democracy. We are a small but proud nation. No one can bomb us to silence. No one can scare us from being Norway," Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said.
Nevertheless, our thoughts are with the people of Norway on this day of terror. Hopefully, the terrorist lover minority in Norway will now realized how Sri Lankans lived in fear for 33 year of LTTE terror.
1. yes. we will have to find cheaper oil sources but OTOH just because we are against saudi,iranian state sponsored wahabism, it would not stop us buying oil.
south sudan is certainly on the cards. south china sea oil will also be available after a decade or so.
if h'tota comes up to full capacity, that can be a petroleum hub like singapore.
2. yes. this is already happening. the demand for specifically muslim workers is on the rise in all job categories except in dubai. we certainly will have to forego low paid jobs.
Chaps, can you imagine if this stupid tart had wanted one of her whining cry baby brats to get into politics? Imagine our fate if they had followed mater's misrule with another fiasco. Imagine a grown man crying on the phone with mommy saying he is ashamed of his birth right. If this plonker has been the President, all fat Velu had to do was say 'Boo' and the bugger would have burst into tears.
Blah.. Blah...
I shall remember till the end of my days the morning when my 28 year-old son called me, sobbing on the phone to say how ashamed he was to call himself as Sinhalese and a Lankan, after he saw on the UK television a 50 minute documentary called “Killing Fields of Sri Lanka”. My daughter followed suit, saying similar things and expressing shock and horror that our countrymen could indulge in such horrific acts. I was proud of my son and daughter, proud that they cared for the others, proud that they have grown up to be the man and woman their father and mother wanted them to be.
Well well all that talk on suing Channel 4 and fighting their bs has unsurprisingly died off. MR Government is just pathetic. They just don’t seem to give a shit, they made some noise when the heat was on and when things died down they also let it all pass. How many bloody lessons do these fools need? Why can they not be proactive for once instead of waiting till the shit hits the fan each time? Do they not realise the gravity of the situation they are in? Which got even worse thanks to their lacklustre approach and major inaction. The only reason I am so angered and bothered by this is because our soldiers are the ones being desecrated by various traitors (gonseka, ngos, unp comes to mind) and the incomplete “whatever” approach of MR and the UPFA, if it was just them being hauled over the coals they DESERVE it for their sheer incompetence and arrogance. Do these fools think that after their TWO YEAR late discovery of the original Channel 4 video and moronic statements plus bungling in handling of that which gained Sri Lanka nothing everything is “over”?? When had they taken a more clever approach making it part of a greater “counter attack” on a larger scale at the correct forums, times and audiences it could have hammered Channel 4 to hell. Had they been bothered BACK THEN they could have buried the video forever.
Pol Sambol, old chap, all I can say is somebody was watching over us and prevented the disastrous scenario I outlined above. With the current government we can criticize inaction and mismanagement of foreign policy, justifiably so, since the war ended. At least we are alive today to do that, no thanks to this cry baby and her mater.
But i am getting just fed up with the massive inaction over such massive issues facing the country with regards to this bs "war crimes" and Channel 4. This situation can in fact be controlled, we can in fact get on top of this and "turn the tide". But it seems the Government is not bothered and so it is just frustrating. 5 years now and they still have not learnt how to handle such issues despite falling into the same traps over and over again.
"‘Original’ video in Tamil was found on UTube in 2009 - Govt. ‘missed out’ in exposing fake ‘Sri Lanka Killing Fields’ video in Sept. 2009 July 16, 2011, 7:49 pm BY SURESH PERERA A patriotic Sri Lankan spearheading a campaign to counter pro-LTTE propaganda and cyber terrorism says that in September 2009, he discovered on UTube the ‘original’ video aired over Channel 4 in the UK, with voices in Tamil, but the authorities here were totally disinterested in nipping the issue in the bud despite repeated requests.
"Somewhere in early September 2009, the world was buzzing about a short video clip aired by Channel 4 of some blindfolded naked men, with hands tied behind their back, being dragged to an open field, made to sit down on the ground and ‘shot’ in the back of the head from behind at point blank range with a T 56 assault rifle by a single man in military fatigues", recalls Wiki Wickramarathna. "My personal feeling was that all these could be staged by actors", he noted. As the language heard on this video was Sinhala, the anti Sri Lanka elements assumed and claimed that the single man ‘shooting’ these naked men was from the Sri Lanka Army. This was despite the absence of any form of identification marks/badges to prove the claim, he explained. "In analyzing the fake Sinhala language Channel 4 video which re-emerged post-war as ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’ over Channel 4, I found that the Tamil words spoken in the ‘original’ version exactly matched the video frames", he asserted. Wickramarathna pointed out that it was funny the voices ‘heard’ were not spoken by the single man ‘shooting’ two persons in succession, but heard in the background only. The whole world, including the Sri Lankan government and army ‘missed out’ in exposing this fake video and clearing its name in 2009 September itself. "The Sinhala words spoken did not ‘match’ the actions at all in any frame of the video". He said that on September 10, 2009 he participated in an ITN live talk show and in the presence of Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe exposed this ‘original’ video with Tamil voices for the first time. The next day, a CD of this video was handed over to a security officer of the Minister. "I also gave copies of this video to military intelligence officers who called over at my residence with my analysis comparing both the spurious and the original versions", he noted. He said the pro-LTTE Diaspora was very apt, clever and active in producing these canards against the Sri Lankan government, the Sinhalese and the military. The LTTE was behind the world’s first-ever cyber terrorism in 1998. "
"Sri Lanka found it difficult to counter these threats on the Internet till my ‘Proud to be Sinhala’ (PTBS) came on Facebook. The Sinhalaya Surekeeme Sanvidhaanaya (SiSuSa) also plays a dominant role in these efforts", he noted. Wickramarathna also runs his own web portal ‘Sri Lanka Almanac Vidhyuth Koshaya’. The government and the military intelligence also had no mechanism to counter this propaganda spontaneously during the war and even now. Though there would have been many people ready to help the government, top officials were lethargic and had no idea what this Internet-related ‘counter propaganda’ work meant, he complained. He asserted that on many instances he had told the President’s Secretary, Ministers, parliamentarians and top government officials verbally as well as forwarded in writing with colored printouts, the critical need of forming a specialized unit to counter this growing threat. "I am ready to offer my services to the nation along with my members who are the leaders in this field, but so far my message has been prevented from reaching the President". The government turned to so-called professors or their cronies who were only qualified in one subject by doing a bit of work after a crisis erupted and spread like a cancer. This messed up matters more. There was not a single person apt in the use of English, Sinhala, computers, Internet and who could cleverly analyze in detail such work to a counter pro-LTTE canards, Wickramarathna claimed. "A couple of years ago, I handed over a project report to the President’s office to be forwarded to the President, but I found that this document was lying on the table of an assistant secretary. I have not even received an acknowledgement", he complained. Sri Lanka lost out to the pro-LTTE agents once again because of an indifferent bureaucracy and the high-handed tactics of some ministers and their cronies, he asserted. He said that his Facebook ‘Proud to be Sinhala’ has over 10,000 members which make it the world’s largest and most popular Sinhala congregation ever on the internet. Wickramarathna said that he has found more clues on this fake video and due to his personal safety, he would like to hand it over personally to the Secretary of Defense.
But i am getting just fed up with the massive inaction over such massive issues facing the country with regards to this bs "war crimes" and Channel 4. This situation can in fact be controlled, we can in fact get on top of this and "turn the tide". But it seems the Government is not bothered and so it is just frustrating. 5 years now and they still have not learnt how to handle such issues despite falling into the same traps over and over again.
---------------------------- Pol, This is a government who destroyed LTTE. So, please don't under estimate it. We cannot win in relation to Ch4 video. There is no point even arguing about it. It is not the government who can do anything about it, but the people of SL. No one in the world would trust SL government (I mean in the western world). If European government sees that SL people supports our government, they would not easily tackle us. There is a large intelligent and smart Sri Lankan Diaspora around the world, not just a Tamil diaspora. The issue is inaction of those people and not the SL government.
If the following Asian Tribunal article is true, we don't have to bother about war crime charges.
-------------- Latest UNICEF report for July 2011 has blown out the hype of exaggerated repetitions by - international elements saying that there were '40,000 civilian deaths' during the final stages of the Sri Lankan humanitarian campaign. -------------
Nato can't even get rid of Quaddafi after 4-5 months of bombing. Can they take us? As far as I can't see U.S and the western Europe has no money. The way things are going they would join third world nations very soon with the exception of Germany.
as the war crimes BS dies down, c4 has come up with another load of BS!
this time it alleges 2 SL soldiers have given evidence of war crimes and GR ordering it!
this is funny.
they are working to a plan.
first they came up with bullshit stories but then realized without somehow tying GR this is not going anywhere. then they got some actor to link the two.
why didn't this joker emerge before the documentary????
his so called pictures are the same that was seen over and over again. but cunning MFs didn't show them bcos they have nothing to show!!!
Tamil mentality at its best, this just speaks for itself.
"July 27, Colombo: If the life doesn't improve for the former Tamil Tiger fighters rehabilitated and released to the society they are ready to fight again, a group of ex-combatants has told a foreign media team who had interviewed them.
A Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW) team who visited Sri Lanka had recently interviewed a group of nine rehabilitated combatants, six men and three women, in a walled-compound of an unnamed NGO in the Eastern city of Batticaloa.
The group complained to the RNW team about lack of freedom referring to many military checkpoints they have to go through in the North. The ex-fighters have told that they have to sign a monthly 'good behavior report' and the Police are suspicious of them.
The group had claimed that it is harder to find employment for them even in the Tamil dominated areas no without being able to speak fluent Sinhalese. Tamils are not allowed to join the police force and the government is colonizing the North and East by encouraging the Sinhalese people to move to the former Tamil strongholds by offering incentives, the group had complained.
The RNW report says that despite government proclamations of racial harmony peace, many Tamils in the east and north of Sri Lanka still live in fear of the police and the Tamils complain they do not enjoy equal rights with Sinhalese citizens.
When asked whether they would pick up arms again with the Tamil Tiger leadership dead and the infrastructure supporting their cause all but wiped out, the group has responded they would.
"If we don't feel our rights being respected in the coming years then yes, I can imagine I would," a former fighter identified as Saathuryan has said. "
You clearly did not understand my post as you only focused on the Channel 4 issue which is part of a greater issue facing the Government.
These FOOLS are CONTINUOISY caught in media traps by predatory journalists/media with a pre-set agenda against this nation and people.
They seem to never learn lessons from previous punishments and humiliations that end up being repeated again and again. All of which points to a "don't give a damn" type attitude and a "we'll do things our way" (with regards to media etc) when such a path has only lead to being shot in the foot time and time again. Otherwise when the first Channel 4 video came out back in August 2009 they would have hammered it to shreds right there and then, monitored all the "chatter" (internet based) and discovered the real video which appeared around September 2009. AND NEVER GIVEN UP FIGHTING. Instead once the “heat” died down they also went to sleep till the next shit bowl was thrown into the fan. This is a WAR that will NEVER end.
Same thing with regards to the Times article in 2009 which gave the "20,000 dead" bs figure. The moron from the Embassy interviewed by SkyNews (who could at least speak English unlike the actual HC) had not even seen the bloody paper and the story he was refuting and was literally shivering in fear at the prospect of going up against the cameras.
At that time (and since) when Sri Lanka is being grilled with lies and deceit from a pissed off West not getting their way, the government should have A WHOLE ARMY working none stop to monitor, control and counter all this bs appearing in Western media. I'm talking about teams working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure Sri Lanka's image is preserved and our POV is correctly presented. Nations like Israel do this all the time, so does China. Its why BS against them does not get that far (Israel has it easier because the West is on their side anyway).
When the heat was turned on (back in 2007/2008) at least then this moronic Government should have learnt how to handle media.
Just look at "the Government spokesmen" Rumbekuwellan or whatever his name is. This guy looks like an ugly mess and can’t be taken seriously, sure he talks but no one cares. He lacks charisma and a commanding presence which no one wants to challenge (Vs Dayan J), he’s not articulate or clear either (Vs Rajiva and Samarasinghe or even Boggles). Military spokesperson can’t speak English properly. Why can’t they hire someone who can? He/she does not need to be in the Military.
Then there is the manner of presentation, using ugly, dirty offices and cardboard desks and dirty cloths as banners just is a MESS that looks unprofessional and in the minds of white SoBs (who already look down on people of colour since they think they are so superior) it only cements their sense of superiority and we can lecture/spit on you as and how we like mentality.
Look at the Libyan “National transitional government” or whatever the hell the “rebels” call themselves. Look at their press meetings and office/structures used (the West has given them all this) but THAT IS THE WAY to address the audience of whatever back ground.
Media/propaganda is all about SHOW and PRESENTATION. The LTTE excelled in it. The West excels in it. Even military personal when appearing before cameras should be put in full combat gear or dress uniform (depending on the location) to give a full impression of professionalism and that awe inspiring sense of control/domination. I know because of the heat etc its impossible to go around like that 24/7, but for the camera’s put on a show.
Its why the Nazi forces looked so powerful, and gave a sense of domination was because of the manner they were dressed. Same for the LTTE. Whenever appearing before cameras their ugly bata slipper t shirt sarong gang would appear in their retard uniforms which assisted their white masters media in projecting them as a “separate state/army” that was “undefeatable” etc.
Sri Lanka needs proper spin masters and articulate liars who know how to respond as their spokespersons, like someone akin Dayan J –the way he talks, answers, his voice, no one questions or interrupts him and they get mesmerised by what he says. He talks a lot of BS as well, but you almost miss it and accept it (espically outsiders) because of the manner in which he delivers. Rajiva W is too softy softy (as is Palitha Kohana) hence people try to attack/interrupt them but they fight back well. Much better than the absolute retarded morons in various ministries who shoot their mouths and look like fools.
Once again Media/propaganda is all about SHOW and PRESENTATION. The LTTE excelled in it. The West excels in it. Its about ILLUSION and DECEPTION. How else do you think SL is being defamed and desecrated by the West (and their Tamil lackeys who they trained in the art) so easily? They are pioneers of subtle lies, manipulation, spin, deception with one piece building on another to achieve a pre-set goal in the psychological warfare department which is what propaganda is.
The Government have to LEARN and COPY at least now. Its never too late. But by all looks of things, they just do not seem to give a damn which is detrimental and this attitude has caused SO MUCH DAMAGE already.
"If the life doesn't improve for the former Tamil Tiger fighters rehabilitated and released to the society they are ready to fight again, a group of ex-combatants has told a foreign media team who had interviewed them."
we WILL pay the price for letting them live. at least now encourage them to go to australia, canada by boat. they may not reach there!
we have to know our target market. its not locals but foreigners.
PLUS we need to be proactive.
why not we create our own BS and fight BS with BS????
it should not be done by the govt but by a group working independently.
e.g. an alleged telephone conversation between TAG faggots about war crimes BS.
e.g. a load of racist posters caught from the possession of a local tamil who got them from GTF, etc.
e.g. feed channel-4 with complete BS that sounds strikingly sensational. they will pick it up then we can show how it was made.
for the moneky boon panel received clips from toilet nadu films including scenes of violence, torture, sexual offences, verbal abuse in tamil, cutting and chopping. they were said to be against tamils. those jokers don't know. they would have accepted them. fun starts IF they do a genuine war crimes investigation when these will be laughed at.
"If the life doesn't improve for the former Tamil Tiger fighters rehabilitated and released to the society they are ready to fight again, a group of ex-combatants has told a foreign media team who had interviewed them."
See what gratitude you get for sparing the lives of MF scum who have killed, killed and killed with impunity for over 30 years?
I say there was something radically wrong with the last phase of execution of our war-against-terrorism.
Bloody pathetic shame that today this GOSL is paying scant attention to effective counter-propaganda with the right personnel, set-up, etc.
I am sure at this very moment the Tamil racist-separatis MFs, with all kinds of acronyms such as GTF, BTF, TAG, etc. are celebrating how much inroads they have made - despite their LTTE being branded as a terrorist group by the West earlier and finally the LTTE being liquidated (with no help from the West) by the brave hearts in SLDF.
Will blame the current GOSL for what it is obviously losing - not only to the detriment of the current GOSL, but at the expense of grievous harm to our beloved MaathraBhumiya.
This DOES NOT mean even for a moment I advocate any of the following MF parasites:
- UriNePee soul-less sell-out (sell-out to foreigners that is, including LTTE separatists)
- Somawansa JVP DISCARDED (as they have proven that they are not really true SL patriots, but opportunistic Bastards - big time!)
- SF white-panty MF: Who gave the defeated LTTE MFs a new leash on life with his lies about "white flag incidents" just to get win the presidency in Jan 2010.
So, who do we have today as an alternative for this now-incompetent-to-handle-next-stage-of-eelam war ???
"The group had claimed that it is harder to find employment for them even in the Tamil dominated areas no without being able to speak fluent Sinhalese. Tamils are not allowed to join the police force and the government is colonizing the North and East by encouraging the Sinhalese people to move to the former Tamil strongholds by offering incentives, the group had complained."
Just proves Moshey's oft-mentioned point:
RECOLONIZATION of our lands is NOT happening fast and furiously enough.
These descendants of Tamil-invader Kallathoni MFs still think they have a "homeland" in the NE of SL - without for a moment realizing that they are there only because our Buddhist Sinhela kings were truly magnanimous in victory (over them marauding, horrifc invaders from the Tamil Homland TamilNadu over the centuries) and did not just chop them up MFs to pieces and feed the crocodiles in our rivers!!!
"The group had claimed that it is harder to find employment for them even in the Tamil dominated areas no without being able to speak fluent Sinhalese. Tamils are not allowed to join the police force and the government is colonizing the North and East by encouraging the Sinhalese people to move to the former Tamil strongholds by offering incentives, the group had complained."
Just proves Moshey's oft-mentioned point:
RECOLONIZATION of our lands is NOT happening fast and furiously enough.
These descendants of Tamil-invader Kallathoni MFs still think they have a "homeland" in the NE of SL - without for a moment realizing that they are there only because our Buddhist Sinhela kings were truly magnanimous in victory (over them marauding, horrifc invaders from the Tamil Homland TamilNadu over the centuries) and did not just chop them up MFs to pieces and feed the crocodiles in our rivers!!!
"If the life doesn't improve for the former Tamil Tiger fighters rehabilitated and released to the society they are ready to fight again, a group of ex-combatants has told a foreign media team who had interviewed them."
Talked to a well-placed "policy analyst" about the above today.
His reaction was different.
His reaction was - "this just might be the God-send we have all been yearning for since May 2009"
I laughed...but then again I thought and mmmmmm... I can see where he is coming from.
Yes I agree. My statements/anger is not meant to attack for the sake of attacking but are in the realm of constructive criticism. Many people quickly cite “but they won the war, great achievement, should not criticise, its not fair to do so” which is utterly wrong. For yes they did win the war on the ground in great style and valour but they are losing and losing badly a different kind of war which they seem to have no clue how to handle and don’t seem that bothered about it either (or they think they are handling it correctly in which case we need to be even more WORRIED).
When Channel 4 released their bs back in may/june some big shot in the Government (cannot remember who but it was a big name) said “we expect the British government to sort this out/not fall for this” as per the line of the LTTE being the cause. These people clearly have not got a GRASP to this day of who their enemy is. It is NOT the LTTE or stateless Tamil refuse in the West that is doing this, they are merely a tool of interference of the West and our enemy is them (two different foes who’s interests are in collusion with each others as they have been for the last 500 years and hence why they are always partners). What more clues are needed (since Jan 2009) to see who the REAL threat is after they unmasked themselves back then. Many Sinhalese also do not realise this STILL. Some of the non-Colombian type but still with mental shackles of some kind or pure ignorance/mental conditioning of who the enemy exactly is still run behind the West to “win them over”, not realising how they laugh and snigger and enjoy the sight of us getting on their knees begging for help/support/their blessings when they are the ones orchestrating the whole show keeping us in poverty and constant infighting war and “backwardness”.
Even MR was desperately trying to kiss Norway’s booboo’s following the events their last week to show “what a good person he is”. I was appalled to find out how much he apparently went behind Norway to again “win them over” in some retarded policy thinking. Sri Lanka should not have given a damn. The fact the MoD site even carried a story about it is UNACCEPTABLE. They should have just ignored it. As should have the MR Government. That is how you show our own disgust at Norways conduct here. Its akin to the way the Western media ignores Tamil atrocities against Sinhalese. If it was the US I can understand but Norway???
Did we gain anything from this? No. Would we ever? No. It only cements their racist attitudes against SL and emboldens them to do more not less.
it should not be done by the govt but by a group working independently
Moshe the problem is such a group would lack financial support and connections. This is where the Government with vast resources, and connections CAN carry out such. They merely need to set up such a group (akin to a front organisation) which they fund but cover their tracks well (with the BoC this can in fact be done) creating the impression of a fully independent organisation but covertly under the thumb of the Government –occasional stories about corruption and condemnation of such corruption by the Govt. will lend credibility to their “impartiality”.
My exact sentiments. My comments are in the area of constructive criticisms. The last thing i want is the UNP/SF/NGO/JVP/Colombian coalition getting anywhere near any pinch of power or influence in SL.
"Will blame the current GOSL for what it is obviously losing - not only to the detriment of the current GOSL, but at the expense of grievous harm to our beloved MaathraBhumiya.
This DOES NOT mean even for a moment I advocate any of the following MF parasites:
- UriNePee soul-less sell-out (sell-out to foreigners that is, including LTTE separatists)
- Somawansa JVP DISCARDED (as they have proven that they are not really true SL patriots, but opportunistic Bastards - big time!)
- SF white-panty MF: Who gave the defeated LTTE MFs a new leash on life with his lies about "white flag incidents" just to get win the presidency in Jan 2010.
So, who do we have today as an alternative for this now-incompetent-to-handle-next-stage-of-eelam war ???
Just thought I would also comment on Sanga’s speech –a bit late I know. While true it was manipulated by Western media (in hopes of I dunno creating some kind of uprising against MR??? As if that would work which in itself shows their desperation) and he said some good points and overall it was nothing bad against SL it was clear to me he used it as a platform to promote himself. He could have viciously and directly attacked Channel 4 at least (in his own style of course but focused on them), instead of going around the issue. Anyway by all looks of it he was only interested in pushing “brand Sanga” and his own "speical place"/future which is reflective of his general arrogant attitude and ego that I have got sick of after witnessing it on and off the cricket pitch during his reign as Captain.
"Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa yesterday said that the British Government should take action against Channel-4 for airing what he called ‘irresponsible videos’.
"the problem is such a group would lack financial support and connections. This is where the Government with vast resources, and connections CAN carry out such."
agree. they should be independent from the govt to the outside but financed by GOSL. just like NGOs.
SL is cursed with TOTAL MOTHETRFCUKERS on one side - UNF, JVF, SF and inefficient and foolish UPFA on the other.
ppl can't turn to ANYONE. everyone trying to screw the ppl and the country.
MR's pre-victory and post-victory attitudes are different. he was intelliegent and efficient pre-victory. post-victory he is foolish, lame and outright dumb.
he should channel more money to the south where most SACRIFICES were made to WIN the war not to north where most SUFFERINGS were endured.
what matters most? worthless sufferings of the north of precious sacrifices of the south????
Another reason for this “not bothered” attitude is that the Government knows that the only "end result" of all this bs against SL is war crimes/sanctions.
They are thus of the view that Russia & China will save us. So in their minds "everything is ok".
Knowing the arrogance that has befallen MR it's safe to say this is what they actually believe. None of this desecration and demonisation of SL "matters" because there can be no "consequences" as per sanctions from the UNSC. Its why they seem to sit so smug and “ok” with everything.
"Shavendra Silva who is Sri Lanka’s deputy United Nations permanent representative said the latest Channel-4 video was a personnel attack on him and Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the first killing fields documentary failed to attain its objectives.
Major General Silva made these comments while speaking to the Daily Mirror by phone from New York.
“In the latest Channel-4 video a person called Fernando is accusing me and the Defence Secretary that orders were given to me to execute some of the people who surrendered”, he said.
“Whatever the orders given by me as the head of the 58th Division to my brigade commanders and commanding officers there was no such person called Fernando among them. Also none of the officers or other rankers attached to my division fled at the end of the war”, he said while speaking exclusively to the Daily Mirror.
“Fernando also went on to say that he saw people without their heads and hacked to death. The media was there and the soldiers were there. I assure none of them witnessed such things during the battle”, Major General Silva said.
Speaking on his encounter with Channel-4 correspondents, Major General Silva said they were after him for a long time to ask him about these allegations.
“I was confronted in New York by them and they have gone to say that I gave them an interview for one minute. I was talking to them for nearly 40 minutes and I also took them to my UN office”, he added. “My escort also recorded the interview I gave them. I have sent the video footage to the local media. In the newest video, 80 per cent to 90 per cent of the time Channel-4 is accusing me for conducting the executions,” he said.
“When we challenged them just after they aired the first video they literary had no comeback after we pointed out their many fundamental flaws and biased opinions,” Major General Silva said.
“They also mentioned that Major General Shavendra Silva is a retired officer now. They were not aware that I am still in the military service even though I am a diplomat now. Therefore the purpose of Channel-4 in airing such videos was to disgrace and tarnish the image of the security forces”, he said. (SD) "
At least someone is still fighting.
But you can bet this idiotic Government is the one thats hampering his efforts. They will bungle this (Shavendra says he has recorded the interview himself) like they do everything.
I just hope he DOES NOT send his own video copy of the interview to State Media since they will screw it up due to their despicable incompetence as media organisations plus the Govts. "not bothered" attitude which seems to be a formal policy on how to handle this.
Adaderana, Island are good enough places that will not screw things over. As much as i hate the DailyMirror it would possible do a good job in publication of Shavendra's own video of the interview.
"Shavendra Silva who is Sri Lanka’s deputy United Nations permanent representative said the latest Channel-4 video was a personnel attack on him and Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the first killing fields documentary failed to attain its objectives.
Major General Silva made these comments while speaking to the Daily Mirror by phone from New York.
“In the latest Channel-4 video a person called Fernando is accusing me and the Defence Secretary that orders were given to me to execute some of the people who surrendered”, he said.
“Whatever the orders given by me as the head of the 58th Division to my brigade commanders and commanding officers there was no such person called Fernando among them. Also none of the officers or other rankers attached to my division fled at the end of the war”, he said while speaking exclusively to the Daily Mirror.
“Fernando also went on to say that he saw people without their heads and hacked to death. The media was there and the soldiers were there. I assure none of them witnessed such things during the battle”, Major General Silva said.
Speaking on his encounter with Channel-4 correspondents, Major General Silva said they were after him for a long time to ask him about these allegations.
“I was confronted in New York by them and they have gone to say that I gave them an interview for one minute. I was talking to them for nearly 40 minutes and I also took them to my UN office”, he added. “My escort also recorded the interview I gave them. I have sent the video footage to the local media. In the newest video, 80 per cent to 90 per cent of the time Channel-4 is accusing me for conducting the executions,” he said.
“When we challenged them just after they aired the first video they literary had no comeback after we pointed out their many fundamental flaws and biased opinions,” Major General Silva said.
“They also mentioned that Major General Shavendra Silva is a retired officer now. They were not aware that I am still in the military service even though I am a diplomat now. Therefore the purpose of Channel-4 in airing such videos was to disgrace and tarnish the image of the security forces”, he said. (SD) "
At least someone is still fighting.
But you can bet this idiotic Government is the one thats hampering his efforts. They will bungle this (Shavendra says he has recorded the interview himself) like they do everything.
I just hope he DOES NOT send his own video copy of the interview to State Media since they will screw it up due to their despicable incompetence as media organisations plus the Govts. "not bothered" attitude which seems to be a formal policy on how to handle this.
Adaderana, Island are good enough places that will not screw things over. As much as i hate the DailyMirror it would possible do a good job in publication of Shavendra's own video of the interview.
I am having the eerie feeling the inaction after May 2009 is going to cost us dearly.. Instead of mass re-colonization in the East and strategic re-colonization in the North, we have done only resettlement of Sinhalese in the East and no settlement in the North.. With absolutely atrocious handling of the C4 issue as well as India we might have to devolve some powers (including land powers, we can still hold out on police) to provinces.. But I still feel we have some (but not too much) time to do things in our own terms..
1. Redraw provincial boundaries giving Northern 2/3 of Trinco, Southern 1/3 of Mannar to the North Central province (this separates the N & E, and also gives GoSL an outpost to stop illegal Tamilnadu migration)..
2. Add the Northern parts of Anuradhapura district to the North.. This makes ups for the coastal land the North gives North Central.. Also gives North a sizeable Sinhala minority.. Declare those lands and areas bounding the North-North Central province as well as all of North's islands as central crown land (to prevent the TNA racists from trying to discriminate against the Sinhala minority in this area)
3. Add Eastern 1/3 of Polonnaruwa, Southern 1/3 of Trinco, Batti, Ampara and Eastern half of Moneragala into the new Eastern Province.. Will still be multiethnic with a simple (but not absolute) Muslim majority.. Again keep sufficient amounts of state lands under central government just in case we get any Sharia bullshit in the East..
4. Change boundaries in the other provinces as well so that the, intention of the change to come across as GRANTING ALL PROVINCES A EQUIABLE AND VIABLE SHARE OF LAND AND COASTLINE..
It's not the ideal solution.. But definitely a form of hedging our bets..
Apparently, the Undead LTTE Terrorists have no idea what Girihadu Seya and Thiriyaya means for Sri Lankans. These are the same Tamilnut kazuthais who claimed that the Kanthale reservoir built by the Sinhala King Agabo II was originally done by a Tamil.
Nearly three thousand acres in Thiriyaay, a traditional Tamil village, located about 42 km off north of Trincomalee town have been earmarked to be declared as sacred area for a Buddhist Vihare called Girihandu Seya. The Vihare caters exclusively for Sinhala Buddhists from the south of Sri Lanka.
Trincomalee district parliamentarian Mr.R.Sampanthan has written to the Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse to stop allocating lands from the Tamil village to the Buddhist Vihare.
The United States has delivered a demarche to Sri Lanka that it wants the final report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) discussed at the 19th sessions of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva in March next year.
A demarche is a formal diplomatic stand of one government's official position, views and wishes on a particular subject. It was delivered by the US Embassy in Colombo to the External Affairs Ministry last month, but, Sri Lanka has not yet responded officially to the request.
An External Affairs Ministry source who spoke on grounds of anonymity said the government was most likely to reject the US request. “This is because we will be under the constant watch of the HRC if we agree to this move,” the source said, sounding a warning that a rejection may also force US to resort to other “measures against Sri Lanka”.
Oh, the white madam of LTTE terrorist (LTTE Terrorists for Hilary) seems be angry. Can somebody ask this good terrorist supporter to piss off?
"A report, prepared by the Ministry of Defence, containing detailed information regarding the humanitarian mission is to be made public. Further information in this regard is to be revealed tomorrow (August 01) by Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, reports state.
The document in question is said to include the experiences of all sectors including the Army, Air Force and Navy.
The Ministry of Defence had been entitled the task of preparing the said report, intended on providing accurate responses regarding the various acts alleged to have occurred during the humanitarian mission."
from adaderana
his pov is instead of taking on each and every bullshit (which is never ending), it is better to come up with a positive version of what actually happened.
this can be used in the standard response to war crimes bullshitt.
The West could not care less, they are pushing this for as you and many others have pointed out to use as a tool against SL. They lost the LTTE so now they have busily (with the formers help) create a new tool to manipulate and control with. This is their new narrative and they will follow it regardless of the factual evidence they already have access too.
Only way is to discredit and expose their propaganda. In the case of Channel 4 that is by exposing what all the main clips are (LTTEs war trophies they planned on showing to please the blood lust of the blood thirsty racist die-ass-pora where the brutal murder of our own soldiers is being used to prosecute and defame us for “war crimes”). Even that is difficult with Western media dutifully sticking to the set narrative coupled to so called “independents” to prove such footage to be “real” –i.e. alston 3con artists jokers Vs Siri Hewa’s who’s brilliant TECHNICAL analysis which exposed the truth back in 2009 was conveniently ignored using his race as an excuse essentially (which reflects nicely on these peoples attitudes towards “tolerance” and all that plus their inner geo-political agendas).
However presenting such information to those on our side or not so bothered (Asia –minus India-, East Asia, ME, South America, Eastern Europe, Africa) via our embassies and in massive high octane campaign (put it in their media) is VITAL If we are to ensure their support at international forums. They can justify their support for SL by citing this report etc. No point trying to convince the West since they are the ones orchestrating this whole thing. Problem is Government/GR thinks the West/western media is “being mislead” by stateless rats when that is not the case at all. So greater effort must be put in getting the correct message i.e. THE TRUTH (plus what the agenda’s of the likes of Channel 4 etc) to the groups of nations mentioned here.
This plan to “invite” Channel 4 to SL is a big joke. There is no point. They will use it to bolster their lies and try to give themselves even more credibility while defaming SL even more.
You clearly did not understand my post as you only focused on the Channel 4 issue which is part of a greater issue facing the Government.
These FOOLS are CONTINUOISY caught in media traps by predatory journalists/media with a pre-set agenda against this nation and people.
---------------------------- This is some thing we have seen over and over again. The governments media spokesperson are pretty bad. Even the propaganda arm of SL government might not be that good. The most likely cause of the problem is their inability to understand the power of media. But it is not good to go over the top without giving constructive criticism. It has taken more than two years after the war for it to come to this level of media attention. That it self is an achievement when you consider how manipulative the diaspora is.
You have to consider the things that the government has done right such as putting our top guys commanders in to diplomatic corps. They have done a great job up to now. Taking KP in and making deals with him. So, government has done quite a lot of things right as well. They have done well in the north east polls as well. I think we need to cut some slack to the government with all these achievements. Some of the stuff that is being suggested here is good, but this will be seen with a lot of suspicion by every Tamil person, and therefore should be done carefully. Development of the north east is the best way to integrate the societies by giving Tamil people to work along Sinhalese.
as the war crimes BS dies down, c4 has come up with another load of BS!
this time it alleges 2 SL soldiers have given evidence of war crimes and GR ordering it!
------------------------------ There are ways to capilize on this kind of stuff. If we get some of our own soldiers to give evidence against our military and then say they were given money to do so. If we had done something like this initially we would have discredited CH4 big time.
CH4 is definitely the propaganda tool of U.S. and U.K. They are doing things indirectly to destroy the government. It is time we go on the front foot. As someone said earlier, we should never allow CH4 to come to SL. Like tigers, those guys would never change their stripes.
" If we get some of our own soldiers to give evidence against our military and then say they were given money to do so."
trojan horses!!
good strategy.
i sent a few tamil madu movie clips to that foolish darusman panel. they look so real with tamil spoken. that foolish indonesian doesn't know anything about tamil. he would believe it.
GR always manages to outshine and out beat everyone.
My earlier criticism are completely unwarranted and unfair in light of this.
And as Thusitha said before as well as in his recent post, we should "have faith". I can see why Govt took so long in responding.
Once again we can see the real brains behind the war victory.
But the Government MUST market this properly. This must be screened by every Embassy, at the UN, UNHRC plus to the groupings of nations i showed before.
They should have included Siri Hewa's analysis of the video.
Plus more exposure of the bogus "40,000" numbers plus the numbers of how many civilians were there plus on Gordon Wiess, to re-iterate his role (being out of a job, wanting to sell his book etc) as a liar and a cheat.
These are 3 key aspects which should have been put at the end in the conclusion, so people remember it better as they went through them too quickly at the start.
MOD had done a good job to expose CH4/LTTE lies. However, this is a reactionary response, not a proactive response. We need these facts and figures in our hand long before CH4 comes with the next installment of blatant lies.
I'm no fan of Blacker and i hardly visit his site however i got this link from a friend. According to Blacker's site the Marga institute is also preparing its own response to the UN "report". Sounds like good stuff being done.
Had we released something like this straight after Channel 4 released their BS it would have been better, there would be MORE attention to the truth from us in our counter arguments to Channel 4. Just watch as the West and other SoBs ignore our response or take bits and pieces they want then put their usual spin onto it. What the government must do is push this through every forum possible, including the West, and present it to as many audiences as possible. Screening the film and the report (and MORE) at every opportunity there is. Now it is up to the Government TO KEEP FIGHTING.
They can't do this then go to sleep. They have to keep fighting using every angle and avenue possible.
Government must keep up the pressure from the SL side.
yes sam. we should have had this LONG ago. first impressions count.
a large number of ppl in the west who ONLY come to know about SL through closer sources, would have already made up their minds that SL comitted war crimes, etc. bcos the FACTUAL ANALYSIS took 2 years and 3 months to come.
anyway better late than never.
this should be reviewed by LLRC.
essentially LLRC's recommendations should be based on this FACTUAL ANALYSIS. not BS.
Donald Gnanakone, the president of Undead LTTE Terrorists For Justice is whining about his dead terrorists. This is the same man who promised Hon. Lakshman Kadiragamara that he will no be harmed. Perhaps, the time has arrived to bring justice to the LTTE terrorist Donald Gnanakone.
not only that.
1. he played an active part in the killing.
2. he met the biggest traitor ranil many a times. once in singapore.
then he went as "charle gnanakone" now "donald".
TNA racists dragging the country back to war
a good read by malinda seneviratna.
Moshe, old boy, General Silva should hold another press conference at UN and show our video presentation Amnesty cowards were afraid to see. No free speech in Amnesty sponsored terrorist propaganda events it seems.
[soil in a bronze bowl elam!!!]
Moshe, old chap, I am sure now these plonkers will say we shelled their bloody bronze bowl too.
May Almighty bless Mr. Amza for defending our motherland! We all love our motherland and a few among us takes bold initiatives to go beyond what a regular person would do. We can listen to the patriotic efforts of Mr. Amza at the link below.
Listen from 1:14:33
yes KB.
they didn't allow him to present his evidence.
clearly against rules of natural JUSTICE!!
now UK guradian newspaper bullshits about sanath jayasuriya playing cricket for political reasons.
they argue SJ is part of the govt that defeated terrorists and therefore he is guilty of the noble act done by the govt!!
this is outrageous.
SJ must play to ridicule the toilet elam jokers who know nothing about sport.
toiletnet drops to another low.
now they are begging for the scrap left by the tigers!!
"[TamilNet, Sunday, 26 June 2011, 02:32 GMT]
Five lorry loads of scrap iron, coming from the machinery and shell-manufacturing units of the LTTE now abandoned in Vanni, were confiscated by police in Vavuniyaa when they were being smuggled to the south. The scrap iron trade is carried out with direct involvement of the officers of the occupying SL Army in Vanni and Jaffna who earn from the trade by deals with Muslim traders, informed sources said. Meanwhile, around 50 lorry-load of scrap metal left Jaffna on Thursday with full support of the SL Army.
For more than one year now, the SL defence ministry has prohibited the transportation of scrap iron from the north to the south.
Huge amounts of scrap metal is now piled up with collectors in the north and the occupying Army’s officers facilitate smuggling after receiving bribe.
It is said that recently there was a sudden order permitting the trade, but the five lorries transporting the metal were stopped by the police on receiving information. The top brass of the occupying military pressurises the police to release the lorries.
In the meantime, a convey of 50 lorries carrying scrap iron left Jaffna on Thursday, with full support of the SL Army.
The Muslim traders of Jaffna paid a huge sum of money as bribe to the SL Defence Ministry to get the permission, informed sources said. The were made to run around all these days with the prohibition just for the SL Defence Ministry to strike the deal of bribe, the sources further said.
Many of the Muslims resettled in Jaffna are engaged in the trade of scrap metal. The piled-up metal couldn’t be taken to the south all these days."
how about the jaffna civilians who robbed their immovable property and tigers who robbed their immovable property in 1990????
now its payback time you racists!!
scrap is all what is left of once invincible "de facto" tamil elam.
nice work guys has any one got the original AA. Gills article on channel 4?
here it is desha.
Not much life in these on-screen deaths
A.A. Gill
“Choosing to Die [Terry Prachett's BBC 2 documentary on euthanasia] was billed, hyperbolically, as the first time the moment of death has been shown on television. It isn’t. Not by many, many deaths. What they meant was the first death of a white western man in a sitting room; there is death all over television all the time. Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields, Channel 4′s documentary on that country’s civil war, was made up of little else but the moment of death. Just before we get into it, I am going to pause, yet again, to have an eye-rollingly weary word about Jon Snow’s comic ties and jocund socks. And to explain why I mind and why they matter. The ugly garish ties are worn to semaphore the fact that this is a chap who is only wearing a suit because the headmaster says he must. Inside, he is really a far more relaxed, counterculture kind of dude, not at all the establishment flunky the two-piece single-breasted implies. It is a pathetically and worryingly childish pose in a man approaching retirement who wants what comes out of his mouth to be taken seriously. Back to the programme.
Channel 4 has been flogging this story for more than a year, ever since it was given an unattributed but disturbing clip of footage that appeared to show Tamil Tiger prisoners being executed. It has showed it so often, to righteously harangue the Sri Lankan ambassador and various spokesmen, that now nobody will talk to it. The channel has accumulated a large collection of samizdat amateur footage from mobile phones and video cameras – mostly unattributed and uncorroborated. It mixes this footage with comment from unnamed sources with distorted voices and shadowed faces. And human rights lawyers. It was brutal, it was shocking, but it wasn’t journalism.
Not a second of this has been shot by Channel 4; none of the eyewitness accounts comes from journalists.
Snow’s commentary was intemperate and partisan, and it was all held together by assumptions. Channel 4 News has drifted from providing news broadcasts into being an outlet for nodding spokespeople and assorted NGOs and environmental pressure groups, or anyone who can provide interesting or sensational film. It follows the old American news adage, “If it bleeds, it leads”.
What was depressing about this particularly bloody special was not just that it had precious little context or considered thought, but that the people who will suffer most from it are not governments or soldiers, but the victims of this brutal war, who deserve a more measured professionalism and due diligence, and who deserve better than this compilation of gore, topped and tailed by a man in a comedy tie.
Finally, the most demeaning and prurient part of it all was that the penises of the naked men being executed were smudged out, as if they were the shocking part. And the pubic hair of abused and murdered women was coyly pixelated so as not to be titillating. The horror of war tidied up like Japanese porn, to save us the embarrassment and distaste of having to look at the genitals of the dead.
This was a piece of politically correct sanitising that was degrading and humiliating for the viewer and the viewed, but was symbolic of this programme’s contorted news agenda. It really was the most astonishing and misjudged editorial decision from a news broadcaster that has grown into the habit of poor judgment on almost everything. Channel 4 News once had clever and astute reporters; now it boasts a revolving handful of Autocue readers with hair issues. And its arts coverage, which was by far the best of any terrestrial news, is now ill-informed, naff and embarrassing. This documentary was a low point in a continuing slump.
What both Choosing to Die and the Sri Lankan documentary suffered from in different ways was empathy – which is very popular in documentaries these days. What both should have had was a buttoned-up sober detachment.”
Courtesy: Sunday Times-UK
the beauty of it is, we didn't finance these people to make statements on our behalf. they VOLUNTARILY did these statements when they found that they couldn't keep silent over this joke.
OTOH tiger MFs waste millions of dollars on bankrupt mediamen, NGOs and stupid academics to make these BS documentaries.
"soil in a bronze bowl elam!!!
I am sure now these plonkers will say we shelled their bloody bronze bowl too."
bronze bowl elam BS perfectly goes with the tamilnet report titled,
the last remains of thalaivar's toilet to be auctioned!!
how true.
did the other tamilnet miss the "e" in bowel (bowl)????
Another TamilNut Fib.
"The victim, Balachandran Satkunanathan, had sought refuge in South after he had been harassed by the Sri Lanka Army intelligence operatives 2 years ago, residents in the area said. Recently, he had returned to Achchuveali. The attackers, believed to be from an SLA squad had come in motorbikes Saturday night and have taken him away before hanging him to death at the grounds, the residents further said."
Apparently, the victim escaped to south to get away from SLA and he came back after 2 years of stay in the south. According to Tamilnut, the south where MI has full access, is safe place for Tamils and MI could not track this man in the South. Perhaps, LTTE can be more creative about this kind of lies.
"The victim, Balachandran Satkunanathan, had sought refuge in South after he had been harassed by the Sri Lanka Army intelligence operatives."
again material.
army intelligence operat6ives come from the south and this clown "escapes" to the south to save his arse from them!!!
there is another explanation.
people in the "south" are too kind to these terrorists. they should have hung the terrorist in the "south".
according to toiletnet and SLG, MR is fearing a US district court!!!
that too a civil case.
now the clowns have realised they cannot pursue any criminal action so they are going for civil action.
that clown was trying PLANKING on a goal post with his neck tied!!!
how many times media advise foolish ppl not to do planking?????
Chaps, looks like they have let Hooli-Gona out of the nut house again. Last time Hooli-Gona was here, he was worrying about price of eggs and chicken, no doubt a habit he formed while being a cook in a LTTE prison camp.
Hooli-Gona has nothing useful to talk about, no facts just anti-SL farts. As usual, he lands in garbage bins.
Sam, old boy, yes indeed, that fellow is a gutter rat destined to live in the sewers for all eternity. By the way, honor among real military officers remains a constant regardless of the country. Compare the forthrightness of a true military hero to those US state department weasels.
Lt Col Lawrence Smith was the Defence Attache in the American Embassy in Colombo and had 1st hand information about the end of the war more than Darusman Panel, Navaneetham Pillai and even the LTTE diaspora.
He was a man on the spot. In the words of the US Embassy’s own Defence Attache Lt Col Lawrence Smith, a fearless and impartial military officer, "I have been the Defence Attache here at the US Embassy since June 2008. Regarding the various versions of events that came out in the final hours and days of the conflict, from what I was privileged to hear and see, the offers for surrender that I am aware of seemed to come from the mouthpieces of the LTTE’s Nadesan, K.P - people who weren’t and never had really demonstrated any control over the leadership or the combat power of the LTTE. So their offers were a bit suspect, anyway, and they tended to vary in content hour-by-hour, day-by-day. I think we need to examine the credibility of those offers before we leap to conclusions that such offers were in fact real. I think the same is true for the version of events."
we have a new addition!!
find this new site on the right hand side of the blog - other defence matters
Tamil Diaspora Violence
this is a repository of tamil diaspora violence. so far over 80 cases!!!
this is part of taking on the criminal elements of the tamil diaspora head on.
it is VERY CLEAR that TAMIL DIASPORA is the MOST CRIMINAL diaspora among all diaspora groups in the world.
time to waste while travelling!
re: hooli-gona
his sickness was very aggressive. remember how he was 3 years ago???
then he showed INTERMITTENT inconsistency. he generally supported SLDFs but on some days (pretending he was drunk) started supporting tigers!!
then it grew and grew into BIPOLAR DISORDER.
sadly it got worse to the point he had to be institutionalised. now it all depends upon whether he is in or out of institutions.
i think wickramabahu clown brainwashed him.
Ok, the blog clown aka incest dad is back from the lunatic asylum in the land of kiwis.
Hey Hooli-gona,
Take a look at this.
Sinhalization of the North and the Tamilzation of the South
by Sebastian Rasalingam, Toronto, Canada
(June 29, Toronto, Sri Lanka Guardian) Two recent articles highlight various aspects of a debate fundamental to the "National Question" of Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, it is hardly discussed in the national press in Sri Lanka, although much discussed in gatherings of expatriates. I hear of sinhalese "intrusion" into the north being discussed by my children (people in their fiftees) and their friends.
D. B. S. Jeyaraj, the well-known columnist has high-lighted the settling of some 150 "Sinhalese" in the "Tamil Village" of Kokkacchankulam, near Vavniya (click here to read). This is presented as an example of the "sinhalization" of the North.
A comment on Jeyraj's article, written by a Sinhalese academic appeared in the Sri Lanka Guardian (click here to read). According to him, the place-name Kokkacchankulam is said to be Sinhala, arising from Kok-Aththana, a type of Datura with fruits having hooks ("koku") for seed dispersal.
Also the area is claimed to have a Buddhist past as recorded by the archeology department. All this utterly unsurprising to me. The majority of the Sinhalese (and any Tamils of that era) lived in the North of the Mahaveli river untill about the 10th century. Populations have moved north, and south, depending on the pressures of war, pestillance or peace.
The anger against Colombo doing things in the North reminds me of the anger of the Tamil parliamentarians in the 1940s. It was against the Colombo authorities building causeways connecting villages in the North. The real anger was that such "intrusions" disturb the power- and caste- structure enjoyed by the Lords who ran the affairs of the Tamils.
Reading through the blogs to Jeyraj's article, we find that some bloggers express the sentiment that this is a "land grab" of the territory that belongs to "Eelam". To others this is "state sponsored colonization" of "Tamil territory". Still others feel that any-one should be able to live anywhere in the Country, but settling these "Sinhalese families" have been done without notifying the right administrative officials etc., etc. Others, mainly Sinhala bloggers, have pointed out a massive "Tamil colonization" of the South.
The big North-South migration started in 1905, when the British opened the Jaffna-Colombo railway. Anyone who made it good moved to the south. Today moving to the South is a first step to moving abroad, preferably to Canada. I too moved from Jaffna to Mannar, and from there to Hatton, and finally to Colombo in the 1950s. Coming from a "low-caste", and having married an Indian Tamil woman in Hatton, I was truly an out-caste paraiah among the Tamils. Although most Tamils could readily get a housing loan from the "Bank of Ceylon" run by Mr. Loganathan, especially at the Wellawatta branch, I found that I could not even open an account even with a government pay cheque.
However, although I was an outcaste among the Tamils, I found that my Sinhalese mates invited me to have tea with them - a strange experience for a man who was always spoken to by Tamils in the curt "inga va" Tamil. The politics of the Tamils in the Ramanathan era was Caste Politics. Ramanathan wanted the caste system written into the Ceylon constitution. The Tamil politics put into place by G. G. Ponnambalam and S. J. V. Chelvanayagam was Race Politics vis a vis the Sinhalese. Caste politics continued within Tamil society itself. It was only the Leftists who went beyond these shackles -- but then they were considered a lunatic-fringe. Even in the 2010 presidential elections, they garnered less than a fraction of a percent of the votes.
What has all this to do with Sinhalization of the North, and Tamilization of the South?
The best thing that could happen to Sri Lanka, and the only thing that would guarantee the stifling of future ethnic discord is the disruption of in-grained ethnic enclaves which are not only racially segregated, but also caste segregated. Mr. Jeyaraj had mentioned villages including Kokachchankulam around Nedunkerny, but failed to note that even up to the 1980s, these had Caste Enclaves that even the war lords did not disrupt. The war did not destroy the segregation of Caste and Women in Tamil society, but mobilized them and hijacked them for political ends, as they were the easiest to subjugate and control.
I strongly believe that the State should have a clear program of settling Sinhalese in the villages of the North, and at least some Tamil IDPS in the villages of the south. The Sinhalese, with 75% of the population, would be demographically highly pressurized and hence the move to the sparse regions of the North and the East would be no different than the move of the White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestants (WASPS) of the US East coast to the "homelands" of the Hispanics West in the USA. Such redistribution of population, and NOT devolution of power into the hands of corrupt regional lords, is the best investment for long-term peace in Sri Lanka. Such a redistribution of population will also strongly undermine the Caste and gender discrimination endemic in traditional Tamil society with its Manu Dharma. Sinhalese society is far far less caste conscious, and accords greater power to its womenfolk.
The Sinhalese, lving in the prosperous and modern Southern Sri Lanka would need state incentives to settle in the sparsely populated North which needs labour as well as investors for its deveopment. The pro-LTTE expats have done little to help the North, and instead push their "boycott Sri Lanka" campaigne which hurts the poor Tamils more than any other ethnic group.
Instead of emphasizing divisions and differences, we need to emphasize the close similarities and common basics of the citizens of Sri Lanka.
Modern Hinduism and Buddhism have much in common. Instead of objecting that "Sinhalization" inevitably leads to the Buddhist temple and the Bo tree "invading Tamil land", we must welcome the Buddhist monks to the Hindu Temples, asking them to build the Buddha Statue and plant the Bo tree just next to the Temple itself. The Kururals and the Buddhist Sangha should be colleagues. After all, Buddhist temples in the South HAVE already integrated Hindu Gods like Vishnu, Skanda and Ganesh. Some Buddhist temples have Kururals, known as "Kapuralas", as officials. The Sinhalese and the Tamils have an enormous amount of common cultural and genetic baggage, as well as linguistic commonality. A Tamil sentence, translated word for word, without changing the structure, already becomes Sinhalese. The alphabets and grammar are very similar. Both Vivekananda and Radhakrishnan said that Buddhism is the most refined rendering of the Vedic-Hindu-Jain tradition of Indian belief.
So, Jayraj should rejoice in the implantation of Sinhala Villages in the North, and the Sinhalese nationalists should welcome the Tamilization of the Greater Colombo region, with its flourishing Hindu temples. Population redistribution is a must. As an old Tamil who has seen Tamil politics opposing the Donoughmore reforms, and finally morphing into Eelam militarism, I believe that these are the best investments for a future of peace and prosperity in Sri Lanka.
If there had been population restructing in Sri Lanka, together with the further development of the railway and road ways left by the British, we would never had three decades of civil war. So, let us plan for the future intellegently and avoid ethnic, caste or religious enclaves of any kind.
this is the right thing to do.
As usual you have nothing worthy of discussing. Last time I checked, Boorubahu could secure only 0.07% of votes. That a leap forward from 0.069% he gained the previous time. Please keep your fingers crossed, the world revolution is just around the corner. We will use that opportunity to create Peelam also. BTW, please take some fish oil supplements to improve your condition.
What are these about.
indians and SLs in israel are popularising cricket over there!
cricket israel
lion is considered a HOLY animal in israel, so SLs cannot have that symbol for them over there. IF israel one day play T20 cricket, there will be 3 lion emblams.
1. SL
2. israel (not sure what it is and what it will be)
3. england
of course there are the tigers, but they are not allowed to play (tooooo stinky) and play BS OUTSIDE the ground!!!! lol!!!
it is a BIT too late for fish oil supplements for hooli-gona.
That is interesting, Moshe. I had no idea that there is a such a big Sri Lankan population living in Israel.
More racist jokes from Tamilnet that reflects the true style of Eelamist living, i.e., lies, blatant lies, and more blatant lies to cover their cause untrue.
Kaarainakar associations and individuals in the diaspora provide aid to improve water resources and to reclaim saline areas as agricultural lands in the island whenever they could spare money after spending on temple extravaganzas. But the SL Navy in Kaarainakar is planting mangrove in the island to ‘improve the environment’ for tourism or for the protection of its bases.
According to Sri Lanka Government Agent in Jaffna, Mrs. Imelda Sugumar, more than 350,000 ‘tourists’ come to Jaffna peninsula each month.
Apart from those who come from the south to see the ‘subjugated’ Jaffna, the number also includes the diaspora visitors.
Mrs. Sugumar said that the tourist hotels are needed for the visitors, but the coastal areas are getting polluted.
Good work by MOD
You have a long way to go in learning how to convey ideas without acting doofus. Just like your brain, your writings are empty, both in coherent thoughts and contents. That is another reason why you belong in the garbage bins of humanity.
Greetings to Moshey, Sam, KB, et al (SL patriots)...
I have been on a whirlwind of international travels (business mainly) and hence why the "silence" ....
Anyway, I know I can count on you patriotic bros/sis to keep the flame of protect-MotherLanka burning at all time - and the contributions to this and other recent threads confirm so beyond doubt to me.
Yes, keep it up patriotic bros/sis who LOVE MotherLanka as that is our land of birth and the ONLY piece of real estate that we can truly call OUR HOME any day!
Anyway, I take it a pro-LTTE MF named Hooli-gona has come and defecated in this thread (but I can see no post from the excreta-bug as I guess the Admin has cleaned it up?) and I can see pointed and surgical strikes from you fine Patriots!
Kudos to you and truly OUTSTANDING!
OaO Asithri
John Snow's Ch4 "Killing Fields" to say it was a real masterpiece - that is a masterpiece that was done for exclusively $$$ profit.
My Tamil inside-info circles are buzzing with tid-bits that this MF has been paid a HEFTY sum from the LTTE TREASURY - the "LTTE TREASURY" now administered by the LTTE rump in the UK, US and Canada mainly (I was told the Australian LTTE-rump Mommafukcers are not quite in the thick-of-it wrt this particular cook-up at least - yes, they are evidently having their own problems with allegation of mass embezzlement of LTTE money I am told).
This Motherfucker John Snow dishes out the "Killing Fields" with all the serious, pious look of a good Catholic priest at I got to give him credit for that as not for a moment does he show saliva at the corners of his mouth (thinking of the HEFTY "reward" he is getting from the LTTE TREASURY!!!)
OaO Asithri
Hooli-gona does occasional visits here to provide us Peelamic entertainment. Apparently, he misses Nandikadal beach.
welcome back OAOA.
like linday lohan goes in and out of rehab, hooli-gona is in and out of "institutions".
after repeated efforts it has worked!!!
MoD has finally accepted our position on the c4 crap.
"Sri Lanka military says real video of Channel 4 visuals found
Colombo, Jul 2 (PTI)
Sri Lankan military today claimed that the real footage of the ''doctored version'' of the British television Channel 4 aired documentary has been found.
"This video obtained by a private TV station shows the brutal killings of soldiers by the LTTE," military spokesman Major General Ubhaya Madawela told BBC.
He said the real video's footage carry Tamil conversations opposed to the Sinhala conversations in the Channel 4's doctored video.
"We know many of our soldiers were taken captive by the LTTE during the war. Only a very few of them were handed over via the ICRC," Madawela said.
"Now we can think that those who are shown being shot and killed are those soldiers who to date remain missing," Madawela stressed.
He said the private channel which carried the real footage had handed the tapes to the Army for verification.
British TV station channel 4's documentary 'Sri Lanka Killing Fields' aired in the UK carried gruesome pictures of executions of LTTE cadres at the hands of government troops.
Sri Lanka dismissed the documentary as an attempt to discredit the government through a fake video."
"Eezham Tamil coastal areas intensively encroached by Sri Lanka
[TamilNet, Friday, 01 July 2011, 05:34 GMT]"
what BS!!
when the hell the stateless fools had a nation for SL to encroach?
no more eazy ham losers.
"Genocidal Colombo eyes on 3-5 year old children in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Sunday, 03 July 2011, 14:43 GMT]
Occupying Sri Lanka’s military governor in Jaffna, Maj. Gen. Chandrasri now schemes to bring more than 1000 nursery schools functioning in Jaffna under the control of genocidal Colombo."
this is certainly material!!
The original video which JDS/Channel 4 edited was on the internet and even show cased on AsianTribune two years ago right after Channel 4 aired their edited version. Did it take this long for these morons (MR/BR) to see it? Just shows how useless these people are and how seriously they take all of this. This government is PATHETIC when it comes to handling media and imagery of the country when speaking and addressing the world (and no i don't mean this bs about "media freedom"). Nor does it seem to realise the gravity of the situation presented to it -when the West started from " allegations of disappearance" to "disappearances" to "allegations abductions" to "abductions" to " allegations of extra judial killings" to "extra judial killings" to " allegations of human rights violations" to "human rights violations" it obviously did not understand what was happening and lacked the foresight to see where this was all going with the potential consequences and “punishments” the West would dish out for refusing to follow the “path” the West wanted. Same crap “build up” was done with regards to "free media".
Then we got "allegations of war crimes" being morphed into "war crimes". Akin to how (thanks to gonseka) "executing LTTE leadership with white flags" became executing LTTE cadres, to executing civilians to deliberate mass slaughter of civilians. Reminds me of the EU report (over GSP plus) where some bs by some South asia women rights groups "complaints" of the potential increased sexual pressures on Sinhala women living in the then wrongly termed "border villages" was morphed (by HRW/AI, then ICG, then the EU itself) into Tamil women raped by the army in government camps/detention centres.
If it was not for the nation and importantly our soldiers and Armed Forces who are the ones who deserve none of this and must be protected at all costs, I would stop giving a damn. This Government is getting everything it deserves, there non caring "not bothered" and "we deny it- why is that not enough" attitude makes me SICK. Again if it was not for the country's well being as a whole and the lives and honour of our soldiers i would not be so damn bothered. MR/BR can go hang for all i care. They obviously do not get what is happening or give much of care for it either (no matter how many lessons they have been bitched slapped with) which is reflective of their whole attitude to this whole thing and the country means little I guess – this is the same moron who tries warming up to Solhiem. Someone should pass on the messag: you cannot win over or “shape” these people. HAVE SOME DAMN sense of respect for the country, this “there is no friends or enemies in politics” is WRONG and plain retarded. Whoever coined this phrase needs to be shot. THERE ARE BOUNDARIES. Stop playing with the lives and names of our soldiers.
While Gonseka (may he suffer eternal damnation) is the root cause for the present toubles as he is the one who re-lit the eelam flame and gave booster shots of energy to the defeated groups against the country that had entered stages of depression and even contemplated “giving up” the Governments attitude since has been no different to his.
BR/MR fools are the two who refused and still fight against re-colonisation. Still hunting for Tamil votes? All its doing is giving a re-birth to Chelva/Amirthalingam times and a return to the 70s.
This is the only and obvious "solution" to the "national question". Guess by the time they realise so it will be 2020 and too late ONCE AGAIN. Just like their whole response/attitude to the media assaults.
welcome back!
absolutely right.
our alligiance should be to SL, not to MR/BR, etc.
what i find most DISGUSTING is, MR/BR knowing very well that UNP, JVP, etc. are total sakkili MFs who are waiting to screw the nation and hence ppl have no hope in them, exploit the opportunity to BS.
they know they are the ONLY hope at the moment to defend SL and they think they can do ANYTHING.
they also think MOST SLs will ANYWAY vote for them and now they are trying to APPEASE TE MFs trying to win their vote.
i cannot wait till the remaining northern LG election results come out. i pray to god that UPFA suffer the BIGGEST EVER DEFEAT at the LG elections in NE and CMC.
at least that should teach them a lesson.
the NPC election (DEFEAT) was postponed to 2012. can't wait till TNA, TULF, ACTC score an ASTOUNDING VICTORY in the NPC and do an undoable "balu poottuwa" with jayalalitha's asses.
i worry for the scope GR has. his hands are tied by BR/NR (another MOST useless idiot who brought down the indian actors and got LTTE MFs married at taxpayer expense!!). when will these jokers learn???
re: C4
yes it was around for a long time. remember you posting it here or in SLDF forum.
they slept on it until shitt hit the fan.
now we are struggling to CONTAIN the spread of it from UK to australia, switzerland, USA, france, NZ, india, canada, etc.
we MUST do RECOL but there is another shitt tumor growing out of control.
pro-TE STINKY MFs are spreading in colombo like maggots on a lump of shitt. and TNA plans to contest in elections in colombo some day soon and WINa few seats.
govt should IMMEDIATELY,
1. expand the galle road from b'pity to ratmalana by linking it to the coastal road.
2. construct a massive container terminal in colombo-13/14/15, wattala.
those who lose property should be given alternative housing in 25 different places in the kalutara district. no compensation!!
i'm sure most of them would rather go to TN than kalutara!!! or buy alternative property which is ok.
They are going to this video in ABC in Aus. One thing is clear, now the west is slowly trying to build a case against SL. Not sure where this will end.
They are doing a huge propaganda war against SL and totally one sided story. This for sure will continue. This looks like the third time we are going to war against the west. They are doing there best to get rid of MR so that they can take over SL.
We can thank Gonseka and the ineptitude of the retards in power in bungling this whole thing.
I bet we will never hear from the "experts" they have hired (apparently) to analyse the video.
Even in the manner in which they have announced the discovery of the real Channel 4 video is like a pathetic out burst.
No professionalism, no careful planning and coordination. It was not part of greater scheme/plan to counter all this bs, it was just a loud out burst that they think is enough to end it all -just like some kid accused of stealing cookies showing the jar to be full.
There should have been a careful plan, at the correct time, forum in front of all media, plus NGOs, ambassadors (not that it matters if the West is there since the ones from the West know they are pulling off a giant heist against SL but) setting up the scene to show case this video and how Tamils/C4/West have lied and manipulated with a clever dialogue and “script” that presents us as a victim of the West, absolve our forces and re-establishes the truth. At least it will generate doubt and scepticism on the “evidence” used to attack us. Instead they have bungled it. Just as they bungled the KP thing back in 2007 AND again in 2009.
Why did these fools do another loud mouth announcement when we got him? Why not keep quiet and USE him. Since he was in charge of the LTTE at that point, we could have been pulling the strings on whats left of the LTTE and the die-ass-pora and Western media –he appeared on Channel 4 and they bragged about it all. In addition we could find out huge amounts of damning evidence against the West. What happens? KP has a “change of heart” (he’s good guy now –WHATEVER) and the die-ass-pora/West quickly “change the passwords” so he’s out of the loop.
Furthermore I know for a fact that back in late 2007 into 2008, many Sinhalese with even former media moguls who were supportive of Sri Lanka offered their services FOR FREE to the Government on how to handle the media and run a professional counter propaganda campaign (some pain stakingly and at great financial cost established connections with media firms and dodge ugly media characters of the West who have no ethics just to get their assistance). These people having been in the West, and those who have worked in the media business “know the system” and how to play with words, imagery and propaganda (even offered to train our moron “spokesmen” and diplomats on how to address media and answer question). AGAIN ALL FOR FREE.
The Sinhalese behind it were doing it out of their love for the country, out of their own time and money. Not a dime were they going to charge from the Government. Government said “no”, “we’ll do it our way, we don’t need you”. Some even wanted bloody BRIBES to “allow” these people to work for the government. LIKE WTF. They were trying to help SL and these scum could only think of stealing money from the expats. There was a lot of disgust at the government response and attitude. And the cheer stupidity is hiring lobbying firms that everyone knows we are doing defeats the entire purpose.
Some very compelling and soul-searching posts from you...and must say I agree with you 100% !!!
MR/BR/GR combination is, sad to say, behaving not unlike how Nero acted…i.e. Nero was playing the fiddle when colossal calamity was unraveling around him and he did not give a flying F!!!
Frankly, I am utterly fcuking disgusted too at the level of COCKY, COMPLACENT, HAUGHTY attitude of these honchos in power. Their qualities today are not unlike I am sure how the Cesars of Rome exhibited when they went from Glory to utter Destitute when the “barbarians” finally attacked and burnt Rome to the ground!
I myself am VERY DISENCHANTED right now. I travel to SL frequently and must confess I too am disgusted at the level of corruption that seems to be the TOP-MOST PRIORITY for those in positions of power in the various GOSL DEPTS, GOSL ENTITIES. For this, although they themselves are not the ones asking bribes, I hold the honchos in power FULLY RESPONSIBLE!
On the “war crimes” issue…you are absolutely right…I too can see the bloody folly…i.e. how this GOSL set itself up to be a sitting duck by ignoring all the ominous signs that started appearing, virtually, no sooner than when the last SLDF gun went silent.
Unfortunately we are cursed. Yes we are cursed because we do not have any other genuinely patriotic alternative to kick upstairs. Yes we have no way to kick out these complacent, haughty, corruption-allowing honcho-clan and put in throne a one that we can be safe with. The traitorous and inept UriNePee and the lost-and-misguided JVP Soma-arse motherfuckers are all what we have today as alternatives – meaning we have NO alternatives!
The difference I feel is that while this ruling clan, if unchecked, will eventually be compelled (by the West) to give “Sakkilieelam” to the Sakkiliyas (and thereby ruin our Motherland), the UriNePee and JVP motherfuckers will, gladly, give it on a platter if they are ascended to the seat of power (as they have also been gotten-to by the West’s bribes)!
Sad…indeed very sad!
OaO Asithri
GR is not part of the disastrous trio. it is MR, BR and NR.
GR is not good with propaganda and it is not his area of expertise. but MoD is doing a reasonable good job at that.
we need the OTHER government machineries to take on the propaganda challenge.
agree with corruption, etc., etc.
unless things change, this govt is going to go home soon. ppl have short memories. that is a given. they will first chase away the MR clan. they will learn their lesson only afterwards.
things will get much worse if devolution bullsh*t is implemented. i think it will be the end of the govt.
if they are not in power, it is 100% certain that they will be charged with some BS allegation. so they should fear this possibility and take charge of the situation. if they don't, i will be happy when (not if) they are sent to the gallows with BS allegations/charges.
re: sakkilieelam
all this war crimes BS are for that. unless we flush the shitt, flies, maggots, TEs, etc. will come to feast. war crimes is the latest excuse.
colonize the north. it is like covering the shitt with sand!! thereafter no flies, maggots, cats, dogs, TEs will be interested. they will hang about for some time but leave when they realise it is no more.
this is such a peaceful solution. no violence. nothing illegal.
why don't the idiots in govt understand this?
Moshe Dyan said...
GR is not part of the disastrous trio. it is MR, BR and NR.
GR is not good with propaganda and it is not his area of expertise. but MoD is doing a reasonable good job at that.
MD, I think your assessment is correct. After being in U.S. for such a long time, I thought he would have learnt to be bit more diplomatic. But there is no such chance if he was just working as a sys. admin.
We who have lived in abroad for a long time forget the mentality of people in an Island such as SL. Looking at the very bias ABC documentary yesterday, it is clear the agenda of the west. There is a huge effort by the west to stop us going towards China and Russia.
We tend to blame Rajapakshe trio for everything, but are they the only people to blame for the plight of SL. The western boot licking UNP and the supporters of that party is equally responsible for what is happening to SL. I just can't believe that no one has been able to oust RW from leading that party.
If we had a better opposition than this, the country would have been in a much better position that right now.
Not sure what happened here, but people slowly would start to speak up against corruption
Sangakkara slams corrupt administration
It is going to be a natural process to weed out corruption. I simply hope that the current administration will realize that the people are slowly opening to the matters used to be unimportant in the time of Eelam wars.
Apparently this is the Sangakkara's Cowdrey Lecture. I wish that he found a different venue for this kind of statements. I expected more mature behavior than this from Sanga.
but the western arselicking opposition is the creation of the west and TEs!!
if RW was not in power, they will appoint another who would do the same.
take UriNePee
LTTE carefully groomed leaders it wanted by very carefully eliminating nationalists in the UNP.
western NGOs up or down their financing of UNP depending on how well they arselick. this way they ensure UriNePee leadership always remain arselickers.
take JVP
JVP's turnaround was dramatic.
from an extreme anti-west policy to a western arselicking policy.
needless to say anything about TNA, CWC, SLMC, etc.
they are the GEOPOLITICAL AGENTS within of a certain group.
what SL should do is to counter this by getting China and Russia more involved in politics, economy, defence, etc.
it is not just the west want regime change in SL when things are not going in their favour but C&R too!!! SL nationalists MUST capitalise on this.
i can tell you that the CR camps is financially more powerful in the region than the west.
but more importantly they don't give a damn about HR, etc. when it comes to geopolitics or even elections. they want their man by hook or by crook.
this is the biggest weapon SL nationalists have. we MUST use it.
that may explain why sanga dropped SO MANY CATCHES and very poor batting.
but the cricket admin must improve.
sanga is a politician too, not just a cricketer and lawyer!! :)
This is the commentary section of four corners. There is quite a lot of Tiger supporters and Sinhalese LTTE supporters at work. Please add some comments.
Another Tamil was genocided in Colombo - Tamilnut
Professor Sivathamby passes away
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 06 July 2011, 19:43 GMT]
Professor Karthigesu Sivathamy, an Eezham Tamil legend of Tamil Studies passed away on Wednesday 8.20 PM local time at his home in Dehiwala, Colombo. He succumbed to heart attack at the age of 79. Details of his funeral are yet to be announced. TamilNet joins the millions all over the world in paying tribute to the scholar who has been providing academic leadership to Tamils.
He lived in Wellawaththa and he could very well communicate with locals. Please listen to this interview about his views on 1983.
Butt-tennis Bitch is up to no good. Hope somebody would read her VCDR soon.
he seems to be a very good man.
may he rest in peace.
He is Sri Lankan in every sense. He is worlds apart from the LTTE scum. Quite frankly, I have seen quite lot Tamil Sri Lankans like this. Hopefully, this will be the typical case in the future.
yes. tamils i know from SL are also nice ppl without any TE racist crap.
actually i was wondering where the diaspora tamils come from bcos i have not seen such cheap and racist MFs before.
sadly good tamils keep away from politics and are disappointingly silent. they must speak up b4 the badies take over them and turn the tamil community into a hell.
lack of a SL tamil original culture is another problem. all tamil culture come from toilet madu added with filth and racism.
from the latest US dept of census international division, russia's population is going to drop from 140 million to 100 million by 2050.
from the 9th rank to 16th.
nigeria and ethiopia are going to move to the top 10 largest populations.
this is not a good sign.
they stand up to one nation dictatorial rule and must remain strong. a smaller population means a smaller armed force.
another worrying development is india's massive population growth which will overtake china as the most populous country by 2020. SL will face a huge kallathoni problem. SL has to be ready from no onwards to face this dangerous problem.
SL is facing a severe water problem at the moment.
with overcrowded cities in the south this problem is going to get worse.
a population re-distribution strategy is needed to overcome this. there are enough fertile areas with water in the north. farming communities should be settled there with all ameneties. others will also move in as the economy grows.
this will reduce the strain on water resources in the south.
there is no other way.
New bus service from Jaffna to Devundara.
We need more of them to unite our nation.
from what i hear, UPFA is going to suffer its first ever election defeat overall today after the war.
this should teach the govt where their efforts should focus on.
in marketing there is a concept of SEGREGATION, TARGETING and POSITIONING.
you have to find profitable niches and put your efforts there.
MCs, PSs, etc. where the govt loses offer no hope for the continuation of national defence (which will not be protected under UriNePee or JayWeePee.
at least now the govt should leanr the lesson.
having listened to sangakkara's speech i find it is very good apart from the last bit where he takes local problems international.
he gives due credit to the army.
i think the pro-TE tide created by channel 4 is now reversed.
australia is due to tour SL next month. aussi players had said they were worried touring SL after watching the channel 4 doc. but after they followed sanga's speech they think it is the right thing to do to tour SL.
all those bullshitting by toilet madu asses in and out of field did nothing.
boycott SL cricket???
kiss my arse!!! nobody's listening.
About Sanga’s speech:
Frankly, I was fcuking disappointed.
The need of the hour is not self-aggrandizement via lofty speeches, but sticking to the “party-line” when it comes to these “International Community” events. After all, washing the dirty linen in public is not the need of the hour. With the Sakkilieelam Tamil MommaFuckers still stabbing our Motherlanka with knives (and this time from their homes in the West), this is not the time for washing our dirty linen – cricket or otherwise internationally-public.
Now minions such as ourselves, who are largely anonymous in these types of www fora, yes, we can commence on some modulated scathing attacks against this patriotic regime for its lack-of-will shown in combating the endemic corruption currently going on in SL, but that is what it is – it is a modulated, subliminal wake-up-and-smell-the-coffee type of a message to our honchos – the very honchos who brilliantly liquidated the LTTE Paraya Sakkiliya Terrorists and thereby gave hope to our Motherland after 30 years of utter bloody misery and despair!
OaO Asithri
So a Sakkilieelam Mommafucker (from Canada) was arrested in Colombo with the fabricated (with proof of fabricated videos at that) Ch4 "execution videos" uh?
Now how unfortunate it is that this ammahuka-LTTE Sakkiliya was not shot (to shreds that is) while he "tried to resist arrest with a weapon" ???
Damn it, ill-fate is what it is these days!!!
One solid lesson is all it takes to show these LTTE-terrorist-undercovers in the West that NO, Sri Lanka is NOT open to TERRORISM-TOURISM.
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
Pardon my Swahili if you get offended reading my posts.
My planned 2112 new year's resolution is to clean up my linguistic deliveries.
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
On the matter of Channel 4 liar, why couldn't we plant a few trees by the road?
On the matter of Lakshman Kiriella the top scum of Sri Lanka, he seems to be a genetic mutation. Hope his perverted genes did not go to his children.
So Lakshman Kiriella aka Parawesakariya is all for giving "Federalism" to the Sakkilieelam terrorist-supporting ammahukas as a way of arriving at the solution to the "NATIONAL QUESTION" uh?
What a fcuking laugh!!!
Poor imbecile bastard...likely he does not know where he takes in food and where he expels the refuse-of-it from his body!!!
An Arabic folklore goes that once when a Bedouin was camping out in the cold dessert night in a tent, his camel poked its head inside the tent and asked "sir, can I just keep my nose inside your tent for warmth?" to which the Bedouin said yes. A little while later the camel asked "sir it is pretty cold, can I just get my two front feet inside your tent?" to which again the Bedouin said yes...and on on on it went the whole night until the bloody camel finally was inside the tent and because then the tent had no room the Bedouin, the Bedouin had to go out of the tent into the freezing cold and sleep and let the cammel sleep in warm comfiness inside the tent !!!
This is EXACTLY what FEDERALISM is all about as far as I am concerned!!!
Only an imbecile like Lakshman Kiriella aka Parawesakariya would fail to realize it !!!
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
federalism means a TOILET MADU in SL.
that is the worst thing that can happen to to sri lankans.
that MF makes this statement on the election day targeting tamils in CMC!!
I think again SL is in dangerous times. Hope we hold our wits together. South Sudan has joined as a new nation. The west is doing there best to carve out a new nation within SL. The collapse of News of the World might cause David Cameron bit of trouble and give us a bit of a reprieve to SL. I can't really gauge how bad the fall out from the CH4 and the ABC broad cast is, but it is not good.
There is a lot of talk about people getting pissed off with assigning military leaders to Foreign services. But in my opinion this is a really good idea as long as they know how to play the game with the news media. Right now, it is not good enough to have only civilians, we need people with lot of guts to represent SL internationally. Therefore hopefully Sri Lankans will understand this need and give the government a break and not play petty politics.
Moshe Dyan said...
from what i hear, UPFA is going to suffer its first ever election defeat overall today after the war.
this should teach the govt where their efforts should focus on.
in marketing there is a concept of SEGREGATION, TARGETING and POSITIONING.
you have to find profitable niches and put your efforts there
Moshe, I am not sure whether this is the correct attitude. Yeah, UPFA might not get any votes, but they must represent all Sri Lankans including Tamils. Otherwise UPFA will be thought as party focused on needs of Sinhalese and Muslims. The biggest issue SL is having right now is that we have no one with the Calibre of Lakshman K. to represent SL when it comes to Tamil issues. Two years after the end of the war, we should have found some one like that and given him the foreign ministry portfolio.
Also, what happened to the News of the World media in U.K. can be used to question in the integrity of News organizations like Channel 4. If such a reputable organization can go so low, what would a penny less journos would do when they are bribed by LTTE money.
that mean more or less equitable distribution of development work, etc. at the moment that is not what is happening.
resources are limited. they must be utilized to win and sustain political support.
otherwise the govt goes home. it is a very simple but cruel fact of democracy.
CBK and sirima were classic examples of allocating resources (inequitably) to where there was no/less political return.
OTOH JRJ and RP were excellent in chanelling resources where MAXIMUM political returns were coming.
LK did a great deal of work for SL. his work is much appreciated. also agree that we need someone of his calibre.
but at that time we didn't have any of these problems bcos we were losing the war.
we became the darling of india and the west bcos we were losing the war and CBK was trying for political solutions against the ppl. the war strategy was TOO conventional which meant less human rights violations. over 30+ bombs were allowed to go off outside NE. MBRLs didn;t enter the war. very few was used within 3 months in 2000 and that's all. air raids were only 5-20 for a year.
that made LK's task very easy in the international front.
had the LTTE won the war, it would have been the same thing. the west would use democracy, human rights violations, terrorism, etc. and screw them.
this is material. from tn.
"Two candidates in Maanippaay in Jaffna were attacked on Friday. A dead dog was thrown into the house of one of them Thursday night. The severed head of the dog was kept on a pike on the doorstep of his house.
Another TNA candidate found human excretion thrown at his house.
These were typical assaults carried out by the occupying Army in the north."
why on earth should the army dirty themselves with touching dogs and excreta????
don't they have weapons????
typically these are acts by TNA buggers themselves.
i too agreed sangakkara went too far internationalising SL's problems but after listening to his full speech i made up mind otherwise. anyway he should not have poisoned his good speech with crap. SLC should improve that is a different story.
"Gota lauds Sangakkara
July 9, 2011, 6:45 pm
By Shamindra Ferdinando
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa yesterday praised national cricketer Kumar Sangakkara for solidly backing the country’s successful war effort against the LTTE at a time a section of the international community is targeting the Sri Lankan military over accountability issues.
Rajapaksa said that the former national cricket captain had taken advantage of the 2011 Sir Colin Cowdrey Lecture he delivered at Lord’s last week to talk about 1983 July riots, the JVP-led insurgency, LTTE terrorism and the heavy price paid by the military to defeat the LTTE.
The eloquent cricketer went to the extent of sharing a conversation he had with a soldier manning a checkpoint in Colombo shortly after the Sri Lankan team came under attack in Lahore in 2009, the Defence Secretary said.
Sangakkara told his Lord’s audience that the soldier said he was ready to die in battle, though Sri Lanka couldn’t afford to lose a cricketing hero like Sangakkara.
``I can’t recall any sporting personality throwing his or her weight behind the military before such an audience under similar circumstances,’’ Rajapaksa said.
Sangakkara’s statement came in while pressure for a war crimes investigation against Sri Lanka mounted over the controversial ‘Darusman report’ and ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields" documentary produced by UK-based Channel 4 News.
The first Sri Lankan cricketer and active player to deliver the Spirit of Cricket lecture at Lord’s, Sangakkara received a standing ovation from some 1,500 invitees.
The Defence Secretary noted that President Mahinda Rajapaksa had to cancel a scheduled lecture at Oxford last December due to violent protests by the LTTE rump.
Sangakkara had set an example by proudly appreciating the sacrifices made by the military to restore peace in the country, Rajapaksa said adding that some controversial remarks attributed to Sangakkara regarding local cricket administration shouldn’t be a reason to reject him.
The state-run media ignored Sangakkara’s speech, while Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage ordered an inquiry.
The LTTE rump made an abortive bid to sabotage Sri Lanka tour of England. Subsequently it launched protests at grounds where the Sri Lankans played causing a nuisance.
Lawyer Gomin Dayasri said that for those trying to depict Sri Lankan soldiers as war criminals engaged in rape and extra-judicial killings, Sangakkara’s forthright speech would be a serous setback."
GR thinks in avenues we cannot even apprehend, SOMETIMES!!!
the true significance of sanga's speech is he PENETRATED the bloody pro-TE british SHITT and laid a shitt bomb INSIDE.
they even cancelled MR's oxford speech!!!!
sanga gave it back with added ferocity.
i honestly don't think MR would have praised the SLDFs in UK at the oxford union address as much as sanga did. he would have harped on reconciliation more and military sacrifices less.
but i still think he should have shut his gap without discrediting SLC which he could have done in SL.
The new state of South Sudan will have tryst with destiny on July 9th
The latest article by DBSJ. As I mentioned earlier, this is the clear direction now the west wants SL to be. India it seem like have started to play another double game. Until the death of VP they were for us, now they are again trying to destabilize SL, either knowingly and unknowingly.
Moshe Dyan said...
GR thinks in avenues we cannot even apprehend, SOMETIMES!!!
the true significance of sanga's speech is he PENETRATED the bloody pro-TE british SHITT and laid a shitt bomb INSIDE.
Why cannot some one like Mularidharan speak for SL. Sinhalese can speak as much as we want, but right now the credibility of Sinhalese are Nil.
actually murali did make a few statements about SL where he stated that his family was saved by the sinhalese in 1983 riots, war/violence affected everyone irrespective of race and the need to coexist.
however, foreign media didn't find these SENSATIONAL!
OTOH when hashan tillakaratne talked total BS about match fixing, foreign media sensationalised it even without any evidence.
now murali is out of the team, he can use his energies more to brinf world attention to the positives of SL.
yes, the south sudan is a classic case of division along ethnic/religious lines.
but the funny things is DARFUR will not get any solution by this!! west as harping about darfur but it is still part of north sudan so the probelm is still there. but using darfur, they managed to carve out strategically important south sudan.
war crimes BS also played a part. war crimes BS was alleged on al-bashir, the sudan president. forced him to break up sudan with the promise of letting him escape allegations. and the fool did it. he even attended the south sudan independence.
this is exactly what they are trying to do to SL.
the ONLY solution is colonization. east is now done. even if a referendum is held in the east, it will reject separation. north is the problem.
Moshe Dyan said...
the ONLY solution is colonization. east is now done. even if a referendum is held in the east, it will reject separation. north is the problem.
If they are going to hold a referendum, it should be held among the total population. Around 1923 Western Australia wanted to create it's own nation. They held a referendum and they won it, but British said they must hold it in the whole country. We must raise this and ask why two different policies to two countries. Funnily even now there is a small movement from western Australia trying to separate from Australia.
i doubt it. that was the case long ago. b4 the concept of "self determination" came.
singapore seperated from malaysia after malaysia agreed for it. another example of how the concent of the entirety was sought then like your example. that's how it should have remained. but after the concept of "self determination", there is no need to.
in the case of "south sudan", it was held only in "south sudan".
also true in the case of quebec, canada.
what's worse is they may hold it in the entire north and the east nullifying the east's voice altogether.
we MUST colonize the north. that is the only solution. not that difficult.
1. give housing to all SLDFs in the north. chinese houses that can be assembled in weeks.
200K+ houses
2. never mind they live there or not. at least they will use it as a holiday house.
3. provide all ameneties. no big deal. already SLDF camps have most facilities. it is a matter of expanding it.
e.g. schools - SLDF members can teach part time for a start
e.g. hospitals - SLDF camps have them already!! a good start.
e.g. construction/road building/irrigation/sanitation/water supply, wells, etc. - SLA/SLN engineering divisions have idle capacity!!
e.g. economy - SLDF camps will buy ALL produce. they need it and can save millions in transportation cost.
3. register all of them and their adult family members in the voters register of the north.
(assuming that unmarried soldiers' parents are included.)
this can change the balance (or rather imbalance).
then even if they hold a referendum for the entire north and east still things will collapse.
5. theraafter ppl will voluntarily go there and settle.
this vision-less govt cannot apprehend how colonization can resolve ALL the problems faced by the nation.
WHATEVER govt.s do, on the election day over 90% tamils in the north-east turn into HARDCORE RACISTS. and vote for what racist parties say. thereafter they turn to normal human beings until the next election day.
one main advantage of south sudan is by its creation, a permanent insurmountable barrier is created halting ARABIC expansion into christian areas of africa.
have a look at the map
this is the main reason why the four christian superpowers supported south sudan. china also wants to limit arabic expansion.
however, we cannot rest stating this.
another joke from toiletnet.
"Jayalalithaa should play the role like Indira Gandhi on Bangladesh
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 12 July 2011, 16:12 GMT]
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Ms. Jayalalithaa should make it a mission to campaign for the independence of Eezham Tamils in the other states of India and elsewhere. For two years before the independence of Bangladesh Mrs Indira Gandhi quietly undertook a diplomatic campaign for it all over the world. Now there is no one except Ms. Jayalalithaa who is bestowed with the mantle to play such a role for the independence of Eezham Tamils.
TamilNet Editorial Board"
equalling that whorre jayalalita to indira ghandi is a joke!!! the former is only a CM of a state whereas the latter was a PM of world's largest democracy!!
in india, states don't have ANY power or privilege in international affairs which remains solely in the hands of the central government.
fools at TN editorial board no nothing.
Moshe old boy, TamilNut editorial board is a board of one. A single frustrated Peelamist wearing a sweat stained vest and vetti typing away like a maniac in a stinky basement in Norway.
i suggest register the name tamilnet, the logo and the layout under its name. cannot do so bcos it is illegal even in EU where LTTE and LTTE front organisations are banned. they may operate but not register under them which is illegal. that's why LTTE front organisations' property was confiscated.
after some years later, should be taken to courts for copyright violation!!!
that will be the ultimate genocide!!
lol! true.
nowadays TN is only updated once daily. after the "editor" is off from his day job of cleaning fish. he must have a secret discreet entrance to the basement through the sewer drain that frosts in winter.
he has a small picture of thalaivar on the wall to inspire him. (in addition to the stink of rotten fish and shitt which are naturally inspiring pheromones for tamil elamists.)
once carried a photo of their "colombo based political commentator".
CPC has lost the case filed by standard chartered bank in london. CPC will have to pay $160+ million. 2 other pending cases abroad will also cost another $160+ million.
this is bloody incompetency.
the hedging deal went bad mainly due to the collapse of oil prices. but it was an excessive hedge.
most foolish is not to pay it when the banks demanded.
now CPC will have to pay a massive interest too.
This is what happens when you put people at places where they don't fit in. I hope that MR will understand the potential negative effects of such action and correct them sooner than later. Getting the RW's group of traitors is not an option we have nor MR has. Just like he did in the war time, he needs to do this for our nations future.
Chaps, a good read from Island titled
Response to Elaine Pearson, Deputy Asia Director, HRW by Neville Ladduwahetty.I am not sure why our media guys cannot come with a logical response like this and hammer it still it sticks.
these crooks must be punished.
when ppl made sacrifices to win the war where every dollar of our foreign reserves count, these MFs went throwing it away.
another terrorist attack on mumbai a week b4 hilary clinton's india visit.
surprisingly no call for a political/negotiated settlement.
Chaps, the integrity, honor, and loyalty of our military officers never cease to amaze me.
A Japanese member of the UN Law Commission, Shinya Murase, has paid a glowing tribute to newly appointed Sri Lankan Ambassador to Japan Admiral (Rtd) Wasantha Karannagoda for taking over the diplomatic mission in spite of radiation fears caused by the destruction of the Fukushima nuclear facility, on March 11, 2011.
While emphasizing the importance of international cooperation to tackle natural disasters, Murase told the UN Law Commission: "Just to mention one example without naming the country, there was a new Ambassador from a small Island country in Asia who had been appointed to serve in Japan from March. When the earthquake hit Japan, he was advised that he could postpone his assignment until the situation in Japan normalized. However, he arrived in Tokyo on schedule, because he thought it important to show his and his country’s solidarity with the Japanese people. His country itself was hit by a devastating tsunami in 2004. His arrival in Tokyo coincided with the week in March when so many embassy staff members of other countries were fleeing the city for fear of radioactive contamination (which, incidentally, had been largely exaggerated in the Western media). The mass exodus of foreign diplomats and business people had left the feeling among the Japanese, that they had been abandoned."
Murase went onto say: "But this ambassador was different. Right after his arrival, he visited the evacuation centers in the affected area with his fellow countrymen, cooking and serving hot food that was much appreciated by the evacuees who had been living under freezing temperatures without heat. His government donated the victims a huge amount of money for this small country, as well as 3 million bags of tea produced in his country. Furthermore, he led some 15 military personnel from his country to clean-up the debris in the tsunami-stricken area. These actions went well beyond his basic diplomatic duties, but his efforts were immensely appreciated."
a glowing tribute indeed.
what a fantastic decision to appoint WK as SL's ambassador to japan!!
from east to west, north to south, SLDFs rock!! earlier only in SL now throughout the world!!
SS in US, WK in japan (west to east).
JCD in germany to TS (tisara samarasinghe) in australia.
(north to south)
meanwhile stinky TE MFs are on the run all over the world.
C4 now fears what happened to ruppet murdoch would happen to them.
boyle has gone silent after toiletnet failed to pay his honorarium.
bruce fein resigned over a pay dispute.
miliband was kicked out after he met a hamburger eating STINKY hunger striker!!
only 3 old cranky tamil prostitutes are still coughing for TE.
1. navi pillai
2. radhika coomarasamy
3. jeyalalitha jeyaram
the 3 girlfriends of thalaivar.
genocide! genocide! genocide!
ezham tamils genocided!!
USA, Sri Lanka co-host Security Conference in Colombo
[TamilNet, Thursday, 14 July 2011, 07:15 GMT]
The US Pacific Command (PACOM) and United States Center for Civil Military Relations (CCMR) conduct South Asia Maritime Conference in collaboration with genocidal Sri Lanka at Hotel Galadari in Colombo this week, from Monday to Friday. The US Ambassador in Colombo, Patricia A. Butenis and SL Navy Commander Somathilake Dissanayake were at the inaugural session on Monday. The conference on maritime security of South Asia is attended by Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Australia and the USA.
Last May, when Sri Lanka convened an international military conference to trumpet its genocidal victory, the US first refused to send its delegation but later sent its military attaché in Colombo to attend it.
Last week, the British Defence Secretary, Dr. Liam Fox, delivering a Memorial Lecture of anti Tamil-independence background at Colombo, elucidated on Sri Lanka’s pivotal position in the India Ocean, referred to “formidable strategic asset” in Trincomalee and said that the “New Strategy” of the UK is a “building block” approach through multilateral organizations and through smaller coalitions or bi-lateral relationships.
USA refused to invite SL for the PACOM conference after the war. now they are hosting it in colombo.
however, as ananda-usa says, "when greeks come bearing gifts", we have to be careful.
Chaps, according to terrorist chatter on the web GTF's chief terrorist, so-called "Father" Emmanuel, is visiting Malaysia and Singapore this week. Time for operation KP II?
International Criminal Court, Commonwealth Secretariat sign MoU
[TamilNet, Friday, 15 July 2011, 20:08 GMT]
Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma, on Wednesday signed an MoU with the International Criminal Court, to strengthen and develop co-operation between the two organizations to jointly support States implementing International Criminal Law. Legal circles in Colombo opined that Sri Lanka not being a signatory to the Rome Statute, the country of Eezham Tamils occupied by Sri Lanka, would not be a beneficiary of this MoU.
Iran’s Offer to Expand Sri Lanka’s Oil Refinery Rejected
The Sri Lankan government has rejected Iran’s offer to assist in expanding the island’s Sapugaskanda oil refinery capacity from 50,000 to 100,000 barrels per day over a dispute on the project’s financing.
A government official with knowledge of the project speaking on condition of anonymity said that the deal breaker was Iran’s insistence that Sri Lanka commit $500 million of its share of the cost up front, but the Treasury baulked at immediately committing such a vast sum.
The source added that that the Treasury would have acceded to the Iranian request if it at least had been on a pro rata basis based on the progress of the project, but backers of the refinery expansion now need to find an alternate financing source, the Island Online reported.
In the interim the situation at Sapugaskanda is becoming more strained as the refinery is finding it increasingly difficult to produce gasoline and diesel under ever more stringent standards to meet environmental concerns, which has resulted in the refinery diminishing its output to 40,000 barrels per day.
According to environmentalists, a law imposing a standard of 500 parts per million sulfur content for auto diesel became law in January 2007, but it has not been fully implemented due to the inability of the Sapugaskanda refinery to produce fuel meeting the new standard.
By. Charles Kennedy, Deputy Editor
good move.
looks like iran was fishing in troubled waters. iran has no US$s due to the economic embargo. so they thought to get US$500 million from SL via the project.
similarly, the iranian projects in india and pakistan are also at a standstill.
iran, libya supported us during the war but things have changed a lot since then on both sides.
British Sri Lankans take to streets accusing Channel 4 TV of inciting race-hate
Really good to see this. This is the only way we can fend off Ch4 type documentaries. However much we try to discredit these videos it is pointless. Need to show the strength of SL, otherwise Tamil Diaspora and their henchmen will end up taking us for a rid.
Hope they would do the same in Australia.
thanks thusitha for sharing these lovely pix.
no walk over for terrorists!!
well done SLs!
We should try to get the maximum advantage of the plight of News Organizations in U.K. It is clear from the current events the journalists in U.K. has no morals and they would do anything for money.
Therefore the government and SL in UK should ask for an enquiry to find out whether the journalist who have created this propganda video is receiving large amounts of LTTE Money. I am sure these people have received quite a bit of money from LTTE organizations and what we need to do is bit of detective work.
The Supreme Court today (July 18) decided to reject the special appeal submitted by Sarath Fonseka after Fonseka himself withdrew the appeal against the appointment of the second court martial.
The appeal requested that the second court martial verdict be annulled claiming that the manner in which the judges of the court martial was appointed was biased.
A separate case in this regard is being examined in a another court, the attorney representing the former Army Chief had stated in court today when the appeal was taken up and therefore requested permission for the withdrawal of this special appeal.
The three-member judge panel headed by Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake granted the request and permitted the withdrawal of the appeal by the attorney representing the petitioner. Hence the Supreme Court also decided to reject special appeal.
- adaderana
this is a joker. accepting his stupidity.
Chaps, more gut busting hilarity from TamilNut "editorial board". Joker has come up with a new way to torture people democratically:
Eezham Tamils, allowed by the world to get victimised in the war as a nation, and now left to face structural genocide, widely feel that their placement under the electoral processes of the genocidal state is going to be a further torture – a ‘democratic’ torture for years to come.
Also a new form of genocide, 'Tidal genocide' has been invented by the joker.
Two fishermen from Valaippaadu, a coastal village in the Poonakari division of Ki'linochchi were reported missing after their fishing boat drowned due to heavy tides on Saturday. The two reported missing were former LTTE members who were released from Sri Lanka Army detention recently. Poverty-stricken fishermen in ‘resettled’ Poonakari are forced to brave the seas amidst bad weather, strong winds and rough seas to sustain their livelihood.
There was a link somewhere here just a few days ago that shows one of the staged LTTE photos of SLDF attacks. In one of them. we could see one photographer also. Can somebody give me the link?
Sam, old boy, You can find the LTTE con job and the real picture at
if anything can beat tamilnet in a comedy contest it is tamilnet itself!!!
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 19 July 2011, 01:30 GMT]
Australia’s cricketers should take a principled stand in defence of human rights and justice, and boycott Sri Lankan cricket until the Colombo government heeds international calls for an independent investigation into the mass killings of Tamil civilians in 2009, the Tamil Youth Organisation (TYO) urged Monday. “Sport is inseparable from politics. Nothing gives a repressive regime greater legitimacy, and makes light of its brutal conduct, than continuing sporting links,” the TYO said in a statement.
too bad losers. australia is touring SL.
and this is after the england tour!!
hay TEs go hide in overseas cricketers' toilets and beg them not to play cricket.
from KB's link...
"On right - the complete picture shows a smiling girl photographing the "fleeing" women using what appears to be a Nikon D Series camera."
TEs are the dumbest modayas!!
too much watching toilet madu films.
that poor girl would have been killed by now by the LTTE. other dirty women are acting very well. disgusting whorres!! no self concience.
after MR's visit to the north, the political balance almost changed in favour of multi ethnic parties.
but TNA played its trump card - racism.
the following is from toiletnet.
see how RACIST it is.
unfortunately for them, northern tamils become hardcore racists on every election day.
"[TamilNet, Tuesday, 19 July 2011, 11:04 GMT]
While Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has endeavored to work in the spirit of co-operation with the Sri Lanka Government, the Government has yet to address the Rehabilitation and Resettlement of all displaced Tamil families, continued to unlawfully repossess the land from Tamil people, and has failed to craft a political solution within the framework of united and undivided country that will enable the Tamil people to live in security and dignity, fulfilling their legitimate political, economic, social and cultural aspirations, TNA said in a press release issued before the local authority elections in the North East. "The Government has not even kept its several commitments to the Tamil National Alliance on the release of Tamil detainees," the release added."
Attached is the Utube link for the protest against Chanell 4 in London on Sunday 17 July 2011
Chaps, before these Pommie bastards sling mud at our great republic they should go clean up the dirty, rotten, and corrupt system of government, police, and the press over there. They can start with the Channel 4 rascals, Blair, Milliband, Brown, Cameron and the whole rouge gallery. Whole system is rotten to the core. Bugger, if this is not a failed state in the making what else would be?
When I went to work in the House of Commons as a lobby correspondent nearly 20 years ago, I assumed that the British constitution worked along the lines we had been taught in textbooks at school and university. Which is to say: Britain was a representative democracy the police were reasonably honest and the country was governed under the rule of law. I naively expected MPs to be honest and driven by a sense of duty, and ministers to be public-spirited.
During my first few years at Westminster, I came to appreciate that most of my assumptions were hardly true. In particular, it became clear that power had seeped away from the Commons, which had lost many of its traditional functions. It rarely held ministers to account, and ministers no longer made their announcements to the House, as Erskine May, the rulebook of Parliament, insisted they should instead they were leaked out through journalists.
For a number of years I was a part of this alternative system of government. We would be fed information confidentially and behind the scenes, and treated as if we were more important than elected MPs.
During the Blair years, News International executives, Mrs Brooks among them, would attend the annual Labour Party conference, but they were scarcely treated as journalists. When Tony Blair gave his leadership speech, they would be awarded seats just behind the cabinet, as if they had been co-opted into the Government. Arguably they had. The first telephone call that Blair made after he had escaped from the conference hall was routinely to Rupert Murdoch himself. And when ministers who had been favoured by the Murdoch press left office, they would be rewarded. David Blunkett and Alastair Campbell were both given columns on News International publications.
A version of this process repeated itself when Gordon Brown became prime minister, with Rebekah Brooks attending Sarah Brown s cringe-making pyjama party at Chequers. It may not suit Mr Brown, who made such a passionate speech in the Commons yesterday, to remember it but he, too, was part of the Murdoch system of government. And so was David Cameron, who last October threw a party for his closest friends to celebrate his 44th birthday. Reportedly everyone present had known the Prime Minister all his adult life with the exception of Mrs Brooks.
protest against spiteful channel-4 doc
Hi guys,
It's been quite awhile.. Hopefully everyone has been keeping well..
Despite shooting itself in the foot repeatedly on the economic and administrative fronts GoSL is still doing a good job on the defense front..
It's all well and fine pointing out the technical flaws of the C4 garbage but our enemies will still use it in international fora against us...
The security council and general assembly are closed to Ban-Ki Moon so the only way for him is the UNHRC.. I wonder if our foreign service is doing enough to get enough + votes or abstentations to defeat any resolutions coming out in September..
If we look at the composition of the 47 nations, we can only take 3 votes (China, Pakistan and Russia) for granted.. Whilst all 11 EU nations are likely to vote against us (though I believe Spain could be swayed with some effort)..
With India a bit-miffed we cannot expect them to influence the NAM nations to vote en-bloc for us.. We need to make direct efforts on all the countries..
Maldives, Bangaldesh, Malaysia- Probably the easiest to sway but still need some effort.
Ukraine & Kyrgyztan- We will have to go through Russia
Saudi, Jordan, Bahrain & Qatar- USA allies.. Probably abstentations.. Should send Fowzie and Hakim to canvass (not Hakim alone)
The deciding votes however will come from Africa and South America.. We could possible approach some of (S. American) nations through Cuba & (African) China, but alot of effort is needed..
Former rebel runway becomes a state airport in Sri Lanka
July 19, Kilinochchi: The Sri Lanka Air Force today declared open a state airport reconstructed from an airstrip used by the Tamil Tiger terrorists in the former rebel stronghold Kilinochchi
What a WUNDERFUL WORLD this this!!!
All you LTTE-supporting/supported MFs now eat your heart out in SHEER REGRET!!!
OaO Asithri
"the ONLY solution is colonization. east is now done. even if a referendum is held in the east, it will reject separation. north is the problem"
The 2011 census will show whether the East is done or not.. The good news some of the Sinhala villages cleansed by the LTTE are being reinstated in the Trincomalee-Mooladuva border in areas such Gomarankadawala and Puhulmotey.. the bad news it is no where near the 10,000 families number given by Abraham Sumanthiran..
The 2011 census might be a watershed event.. The government must ensure the census being performed properly without exaggeration in the North and East..
Some of the interesting results that could come about..
1. The Moor majority in the East, this is almost a given..
2. The Moors becoming the second highest minority in the island (this I'd say 60-40 chance)..
3. The East overtaking the North in terms of population substantially (the outdated figures show roughly equal population in both provinces) but I'd say its likely the balance has shifted over the last 10 years..
4. The least likely but most palatable, Sinhala+ Moor populations becoming a majority in a combine N+E.. This probably hinges on resettlement of the 200,000+ Moors still languishing in camps in Puttalam, back in the lands of the North and East.. If the Moors overtake Tamils in the combined North-East that will effectively end calls for a re-merger from them (probably calls for a remerger from SLMC then, another headache lol, But India will be less demanding of a re-merger or Land/Police Powers if the Moors become a majority)
US looking at 'innovative and creative ideas' to get Sri Lankan Tamils home from camps
July 20, Chennai: The United States is looking at some innovative and creative ideas to enable the Sri Lankan Tamils in camps to get back to their own homes, the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday said.
"Innovative and creative ideas" ???
Shared...shared between a one time amorous, promiscuous, immorally-opportunistic cinema actress/hooker and a failed-presidential-bid-white cow (whose husband thought she was a lesser woman for him when he decided to have a cigar-fling with a much younger chick)who lost and created history by humiliatingly losing the leadership of the one-of-two primary US political parties to an unprecedented Black American contender for presidency?
What a lovely pair these two floozy cows make uh?
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
The failed-and-shamed stupid white cow talks of Sri Lanka as if it is her backyard!!!
Small wonder why SL is today seeking even greater friendship with China and Russia!!!
OaO Asithri
I think there is a strong possibility that a correct and uncorrupted census will show that SL Tamils are today between 6-8% of the population - i.e. nowhere near the 12% that they were (likely incorrectly/corruptedly tabulated) once long ago.
This will be an eye-opener for all.
Then, there goes the death knell for the "sakkilieelam" project !!!
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
How much connections do you have with any Jewish groups? It could be nice if some Jewish people come out and publicly decry the use of parallels between the holocaust and the Sri Lankan war (which is casually being thrown around)..
The use of the word diaspora (which is done by all of us) also insinuates that the Tamils living outside are driven away from their homelands..
If a Jewish group could say that the use of the word 'diaspora' and 'holocaust' is insulting to them, that is something we could use to advantage..
welcome back diyasena!
those are REAL possibilities in the east.
very interesting.
yes, this is going to be a watershed election.
never realized how close things are in the east. seems very much possible.
i have a few connections with whom i KIT. they seem to know a lot about SL.
but they are not the type who can turn the tide.
there is some disgust against "copying" (rather over-doing) by various communities what early settlers of israel did.
OTOH there is widespread sympathy for the "under dog".
i plan to write to that joker who made a comparison of NFZ to WW2 concentration camps!! :)
the two whorres' prescriptions for SL is bloody disgusting.
but i doubt they have any ability to change anything.
clinton doesn't seem to know much about SL.
unlike in india, ppl live in multi ethnic communities in SL.
there is some concern about islamic extremism creeping to SL with the rapid growth of islamic population.
most muslims in SL are peaceloving ppl. the last thing they want is violence, separatism and other BS.
however, as with ALL communities, there are the black sheep. unfortunately in the islamic comunity black sheep tend to be very bad.
unfortunately the worldwide extremist movement is as bad as the tamil diaspora.
so there is some chance that islamic terror may reach SL. we have to uproot it ASAP.
but there is another possibility - not advisable unless SLDFs are always on top of the game.
pit one extremist group against the other (TEs).
support the weaker party.
conditions for justification of such a strategy are:-
1. SLDFs are on top of the game always
2. there is a possibility that these 2 groups may join against the "common enemy" - SL
3. there is the likelihood of branding SL as a country that persecute all minorities if we move against routing both these terror groups.
4. VERY LIKELY the TE group will stir up things if the islamic terror group launches attacks. strike when the enemy is weakest approach.
if these are present, we have to pit one against the other. that way #2, #3 and #4 can be managed in our favour leading to #1.
Wahabbism is on the rise in SL but I don't think they will ever reach the terror capacity of TEs..
If you look at the Eastern province, Tamil and Muslim areas are interspersed, whilst Sinhala areas in Ampara, Trinco are bunched together (hence the proposal by India in 1986 that these areas be amalgamated to Monaragala and Anuradhapura, leaving a purely Tamil speaking NE, whilst JRJ was okay with it apparently Tamil groups and Ashraff was against it).. And their is tension post-2009.. So essentially Tamil areas will face the brunt of Islamic terrorism before the Sinhala areas (apart from the Kaluthara area which I hear is also seeing some Wahabbi activity).. TEs will likely begin thinking SL army are saints when Muslim revenge for Palliyagodella, Katthankudi is released against them,,
The second thing is the Wahabbis look down at Malays (non-arab descent) and Sufis.. These two groups can be used the way Douglas and Karuna was used..
Thirdly when fighting Islamic terror the world will be a lot less concerned than they were for the Eelamists.. We will probably lose Pakistan's support but gain the USA's (maybe not Europe's)...China and Russia will remain supportive.. India will remain neutral overtly but be more supportive covertly..
But there will be economic problems,
1. We need to find alternative sources of oil (South Sudan?)
2. There will be a backlash against our workers in the Middle East..
Did Norwegian PM copied these words from Sri Lankans?
"I have a message to those who attacked us. A message from the whole of Norway. You won’t destroy us. You won't destroy our democracy. We are a small but proud nation. No one can bomb us to silence. No one can scare us from being Norway," Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said.
Nevertheless, our thoughts are with the people of Norway on this day of terror. Hopefully, the terrorist lover minority in Norway will now realized how Sri Lankans lived in fear for 33 year of LTTE terror.
as with the problems.
1. yes. we will have to find cheaper oil sources but OTOH just because we are against saudi,iranian state sponsored wahabism, it would not stop us buying oil.
south sudan is certainly on the cards. south china sea oil will also be available after a decade or so.
if h'tota comes up to full capacity, that can be a petroleum hub like singapore.
2. yes. this is already happening. the demand for specifically muslim workers is on the rise in all job categories except in dubai. we certainly will have to forego low paid jobs.
matches word to word with our case.
i hope the govt capitalises fully on this.
For a moment I thought, LTTE is asking for a separate country in Norway.
This Norwigian guy seem to complete the task that Al qaeda couldn't.
Chaps, can you imagine if this stupid tart had wanted one of her whining cry baby brats to get into politics? Imagine our fate if they had followed mater's misrule with another fiasco. Imagine a grown man crying on the phone with mommy saying he is ashamed of his birth right. If this plonker has been the President, all fat Velu had to do was say 'Boo' and the bugger would have burst into tears.
Blah.. Blah...
I shall remember till the end of my days the morning when my 28 year-old son called me, sobbing on the phone to say how ashamed he was to call himself as Sinhalese and a Lankan, after he saw on the UK television a 50 minute documentary called “Killing Fields of Sri Lanka”. My daughter followed suit, saying similar things and expressing shock and horror that our countrymen could indulge in such horrific acts. I was proud of my son and daughter, proud that they cared for the others, proud that they have grown up to be the man and woman their father and mother wanted them to be.
Blah.. Blah... Boo Hoo...
Well well all that talk on suing Channel 4 and fighting their bs has unsurprisingly died off. MR Government is just pathetic. They just don’t seem to give a shit, they made some noise when the heat was on and when things died down they also let it all pass. How many bloody lessons do these fools need? Why can they not be proactive for once instead of waiting till the shit hits the fan each time? Do they not realise the gravity of the situation they are in? Which got even worse thanks to their lacklustre approach and major inaction. The only reason I am so angered and bothered by this is because our soldiers are the ones being desecrated by various traitors (gonseka, ngos, unp comes to mind) and the incomplete “whatever” approach of MR and the UPFA, if it was just them being hauled over the coals they DESERVE it for their sheer incompetence and arrogance. Do these fools think that after their TWO YEAR late discovery of the original Channel 4 video and moronic statements plus bungling in handling of that which gained Sri Lanka nothing everything is “over”?? When had they taken a more clever approach making it part of a greater “counter attack” on a larger scale at the correct forums, times and audiences it could have hammered Channel 4 to hell. Had they been bothered BACK THEN they could have buried the video forever.
That dumb bitch and her despicable white worshiping family are just disgusting.
Looking at her white worshipping Colombian attitude, no wonder the country fell apart under her rule.
Pol Sambol, old chap, all I can say is somebody was watching over us and prevented the disastrous scenario I outlined above. With the current government we can criticize inaction and mismanagement of foreign policy, justifiably so, since the war ended. At least we are alive today to do that, no thanks to this cry baby and her mater.
Yes i understand that.
But i am getting just fed up with the massive inaction over such massive issues facing the country with regards to this bs "war crimes" and Channel 4. This situation can in fact be controlled, we can in fact get on top of this and "turn the tide". But it seems the Government is not bothered and so it is just frustrating. 5 years now and they still have not learnt how to handle such issues despite falling into the same traps over and over again.
This is what i pointed out some time back:
"‘Original’ video in Tamil was found on UTube in 2009 - Govt. ‘missed out’ in exposing fake ‘Sri Lanka Killing Fields’ video in Sept. 2009
July 16, 2011, 7:49 pm
A patriotic Sri Lankan spearheading a campaign to counter pro-LTTE propaganda and cyber terrorism says that in September 2009, he discovered on UTube the ‘original’ video aired over Channel 4 in the UK, with voices in Tamil, but the authorities here were totally disinterested in nipping the issue in the bud despite repeated requests.
"Somewhere in early September 2009, the world was buzzing about a short video clip aired by Channel 4 of some blindfolded naked men, with hands tied behind their back, being dragged to an open field, made to sit down on the ground and ‘shot’ in the back of the head from behind at point blank range with a T 56 assault rifle by a single man in military fatigues", recalls Wiki Wickramarathna.
"My personal feeling was that all these could be staged by actors", he noted.
As the language heard on this video was Sinhala, the anti Sri Lanka elements assumed and claimed that the single man ‘shooting’ these naked men was from the Sri Lanka Army. This was despite the absence of any form of identification marks/badges to prove the claim, he explained.
"In analyzing the fake Sinhala language Channel 4 video which re-emerged post-war as ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’ over Channel 4, I found that the Tamil words spoken in the ‘original’ version exactly matched the video frames", he asserted.
Wickramarathna pointed out that it was funny the voices ‘heard’ were not spoken by the single man ‘shooting’ two persons in succession, but heard in the background only. The whole world, including the Sri Lankan government and army ‘missed out’ in exposing this fake video and clearing its name in 2009 September itself. "The Sinhala words spoken did not ‘match’ the actions at all in any frame of the video".
He said that on September 10, 2009 he participated in an ITN live talk show and in the presence of Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe exposed this ‘original’ video with Tamil voices for the first time. The next day, a CD of this video was handed over to a security officer of the Minister.
"I also gave copies of this video to military intelligence officers who called over at my residence with my analysis comparing both the spurious and the original versions", he noted.
He said the pro-LTTE Diaspora was very apt, clever and active in producing these canards against the Sri Lankan government, the Sinhalese and the military. The LTTE was behind the world’s first-ever cyber terrorism in 1998.
"Sri Lanka found it difficult to counter these threats on the Internet till my ‘Proud to be Sinhala’ (PTBS) came on Facebook. The Sinhalaya Surekeeme Sanvidhaanaya (SiSuSa) also plays a dominant role in these efforts", he noted. Wickramarathna also runs his own web portal ‘Sri Lanka Almanac Vidhyuth Koshaya’.
The government and the military intelligence also had no mechanism to counter this propaganda spontaneously during the war and even now. Though there would have been many people ready to help the government, top officials were lethargic and had no idea what this Internet-related ‘counter propaganda’ work meant, he complained.
He asserted that on many instances he had told the President’s Secretary, Ministers, parliamentarians and top government officials verbally as well as forwarded in writing with colored printouts, the critical need of forming a specialized unit to counter this growing threat. "I am ready to offer my services to the nation along with my members who are the leaders in this field, but so far my message has been prevented from reaching the President".
The government turned to so-called professors or their cronies who were only qualified in one subject by doing a bit of work after a crisis erupted and spread like a cancer. This messed up matters more. There was not a single person apt in the use of English, Sinhala, computers, Internet and who could cleverly analyze in detail such work to a counter pro-LTTE canards, Wickramarathna claimed.
"A couple of years ago, I handed over a project report to the President’s office to be forwarded to the President, but I found that this document was lying on the table of an assistant secretary. I have not even received an acknowledgement", he complained.
Sri Lanka lost out to the pro-LTTE agents once again because of an indifferent bureaucracy and the high-handed tactics of some ministers and their cronies, he asserted.
He said that his Facebook ‘Proud to be Sinhala’ has over 10,000 members which make it the world’s largest and most popular Sinhala congregation ever on the internet.
Wickramarathna said that he has found more clues on this fake video and due to his personal safety, he would like to hand it over personally to the Secretary of Defense.
Pol Sambol said...
Yes i understand that.
But i am getting just fed up with the massive inaction over such massive issues facing the country with regards to this bs "war crimes" and Channel 4. This situation can in fact be controlled, we can in fact get on top of this and "turn the tide". But it seems the Government is not bothered and so it is just frustrating. 5 years now and they still have not learnt how to handle such issues despite falling into the same traps over and over again.
This is a government who destroyed LTTE. So, please don't under estimate it. We cannot win in relation to Ch4 video. There is no point even arguing about it. It is not the government who can do anything about it, but the people of SL. No one in the world would trust SL government (I mean in the western world). If European government sees that SL people supports our government, they would not easily tackle us. There is a large intelligent and smart Sri Lankan Diaspora around the world, not just a Tamil diaspora. The issue is inaction of those people and not the SL government.
with all due respect to the govt and your opinion, i PARTLY disagree.
patriots around the world are going MORE than their due share.
1. pol has given some examples
2. many patriotic orgs. - SLUNA, WASPS, SPUR, SVV, HH, etc. work very hard
3. individuals work tirelessly to couter TE BS - siri, etc.
4. SLs protested against C4, etc.
but there is a lackluster response from the govt.
govt pays $2.8 million to a PR company. better than doing nothing. but it is not very effective.
we certainly need a more responsive approach from GOSL.
there is a bigger danger lurking behing the fact why GOSL is not countering war crimes, etc. BS.
TEs have agreed with the govt not to pursue the war crimes BS, if GOSL share power with them!!
as we said b4, this war crimes BS is nothing but a bargaining tool. they are using it as their new bargaining tool.
GOSL thinks by GIVING IN, they will stop war crimes aggitations.
mark my word, if they get ANYTHING by using this bargaining tool, they will never stop using it!!!
what i agree with you is.....
yes this govt won the war and knows how to do things better than previous ones.
the real propaganda victory is won on the ground. and they are working towards it.
but that too is not going anywhere without changing the ethnic composition of the north.
Song sung by Srilankan Patriots and interesting article on so called UN experts
Shame On You.wmv
UN Officials' Channel 4 Video Analysis 'Forensic Hoax'
Another heart warming song from LA
One Land for All-Sri Lanka
If the following Asian Tribunal article is true, we don't have to bother about war crime charges.
Latest UNICEF report for July 2011 has blown out the hype of exaggerated repetitions by - international elements saying that there were '40,000 civilian deaths' during the final stages of the Sri Lankan humanitarian campaign.
Nato can't even get rid of Quaddafi after 4-5 months of bombing. Can they take us? As far as I can't see U.S and the western Europe has no money. The way things are going they would join third world nations very soon with the exception of Germany.
as the war crimes BS dies down, c4 has come up with another load of BS!
this time it alleges 2 SL soldiers have given evidence of war crimes and GR ordering it!
this is funny.
they are working to a plan.
first they came up with bullshit stories but then realized without somehow tying GR this is not going anywhere. then they got some actor to link the two.
why didn't this joker emerge before the documentary????
his so called pictures are the same that was seen over and over again. but cunning MFs didn't show them bcos they have nothing to show!!!
Tamil mentality at its best, this just speaks for itself.
"July 27, Colombo: If the life doesn't improve for the former Tamil Tiger fighters rehabilitated and released to the society they are ready to fight again, a group of ex-combatants has told a foreign media team who had interviewed them.
A Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW) team who visited Sri Lanka had recently interviewed a group of nine rehabilitated combatants, six men and three women, in a walled-compound of an unnamed NGO in the Eastern city of Batticaloa.
The group complained to the RNW team about lack of freedom referring to many military checkpoints they have to go through in the North. The ex-fighters have told that they have to sign a monthly 'good behavior report' and the Police are suspicious of them.
The group had claimed that it is harder to find employment for them even in the Tamil dominated areas no without being able to speak fluent Sinhalese. Tamils are not allowed to join the police force and the government is colonizing the North and East by encouraging the Sinhalese people to move to the former Tamil strongholds by offering incentives, the group had complained.
The RNW report says that despite government proclamations of racial harmony peace, many Tamils in the east and north of Sri Lanka still live in fear of the police and the Tamils complain they do not enjoy equal rights with Sinhalese citizens.
When asked whether they would pick up arms again with the Tamil Tiger leadership dead and the infrastructure supporting their cause all but wiped out, the group has responded they would.
"If we don't feel our rights being respected in the coming years then yes, I can imagine I would," a former fighter identified as Saathuryan has said.
You clearly did not understand my post as you only focused on the Channel 4 issue which is part of a greater issue facing the Government.
These FOOLS are CONTINUOISY caught in media traps by predatory journalists/media with a pre-set agenda against this nation and people.
They seem to never learn lessons from previous punishments and humiliations that end up being repeated again and again. All of which points to a "don't give a damn" type attitude and a "we'll do things our way" (with regards to media etc) when such a path has only lead to being shot in the foot time and time again. Otherwise when the first Channel 4 video came out back in August 2009 they would have hammered it to shreds right there and then, monitored all the "chatter" (internet based) and discovered the real video which appeared around September 2009. AND NEVER GIVEN UP FIGHTING. Instead once the “heat” died down they also went to sleep till the next shit bowl was thrown into the fan. This is a WAR that will NEVER end.
Same thing with regards to the Times article in 2009 which gave the "20,000 dead" bs figure. The moron from the Embassy interviewed by SkyNews (who could at least speak English unlike the actual HC) had not even seen the bloody paper and the story he was refuting and was literally shivering in fear at the prospect of going up against the cameras.
At that time (and since) when Sri Lanka is being grilled with lies and deceit from a pissed off West not getting their way, the government should have A WHOLE ARMY working none stop to monitor, control and counter all this bs appearing in Western media. I'm talking about teams working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure Sri Lanka's image is preserved and our POV is correctly presented. Nations like Israel do this all the time, so does China. Its why BS against them does not get that far (Israel has it easier because the West is on their side anyway).
When the heat was turned on (back in 2007/2008) at least then this moronic Government should have learnt how to handle media.
Just look at "the Government spokesmen" Rumbekuwellan or whatever his name is. This guy looks like an ugly mess and can’t be taken seriously, sure he talks but no one cares. He lacks charisma and a commanding presence which no one wants to challenge (Vs Dayan J), he’s not articulate or clear either (Vs Rajiva and Samarasinghe or even Boggles). Military spokesperson can’t speak English properly. Why can’t they hire someone who can? He/she does not need to be in the Military.
Then there is the manner of presentation, using ugly, dirty offices and cardboard desks and dirty cloths as banners just is a MESS that looks unprofessional and in the minds of white SoBs (who already look down on people of colour since they think they are so superior) it only cements their sense of superiority and we can lecture/spit on you as and how we like mentality.
Look at the Libyan “National transitional government” or whatever the hell the “rebels” call themselves. Look at their press meetings and office/structures used (the West has given them all this) but THAT IS THE WAY to address the audience of whatever back ground.
Media/propaganda is all about SHOW and PRESENTATION. The LTTE excelled in it. The West excels in it.
Even military personal when appearing before cameras should be put in full combat gear or dress uniform (depending on the location) to give a full impression of professionalism and that awe inspiring sense of control/domination. I know because of the heat etc its impossible to go around like that 24/7, but for the camera’s put on a show.
Its why the Nazi forces looked so powerful, and gave a sense of domination was because of the manner they were dressed. Same for the LTTE. Whenever appearing before cameras their ugly bata slipper t shirt sarong gang would appear in their retard uniforms which assisted their white masters media in projecting them as a “separate state/army” that was “undefeatable” etc.
Sri Lanka needs proper spin masters and articulate liars who know how to respond as their spokespersons, like someone akin Dayan J –the way he talks, answers, his voice, no one questions or interrupts him and they get mesmerised by what he says. He talks a lot of BS as well, but you almost miss it and accept it (espically outsiders) because of the manner in which he delivers. Rajiva W is too softy softy (as is Palitha Kohana) hence people try to attack/interrupt them but they fight back well.
Much better than the absolute retarded morons in various ministries who shoot their mouths and look like fools.
Once again Media/propaganda is all about SHOW and PRESENTATION. The LTTE excelled in it. The West excels in it.
Its about ILLUSION and DECEPTION. How else do you think SL is being defamed and desecrated by the West (and their Tamil lackeys who they trained in the art) so easily? They are pioneers of subtle lies, manipulation, spin, deception with one piece building on another to achieve a pre-set goal in the psychological warfare department which is what propaganda is.
The Government have to LEARN and COPY at least now. Its never too late. But by all looks of things, they just do not seem to give a damn which is detrimental and this attitude has caused SO MUCH DAMAGE already.
"If the life doesn't improve for the former Tamil Tiger fighters rehabilitated and released to the society they are ready to fight again, a group of ex-combatants has told a foreign media team who had interviewed them."
we WILL pay the price for letting them live. at least now encourage them to go to australia, canada by boat. they may not reach there!
fully agree with your points re: propaganda
we have to know our target market. its not locals but foreigners.
PLUS we need to be proactive.
why not we create our own BS and fight BS with BS????
it should not be done by the govt but by a group working independently.
e.g. an alleged telephone conversation between TAG faggots about war crimes BS.
e.g. a load of racist posters caught from the possession of a local tamil who got them from GTF, etc.
e.g. feed channel-4 with complete BS that sounds strikingly sensational. they will pick it up then we can show how it was made.
for the moneky boon panel received clips from toilet nadu films including scenes of violence, torture, sexual offences, verbal abuse in tamil, cutting and chopping. they were said to be against tamils. those jokers don't know. they would have accepted them. fun starts IF they do a genuine war crimes investigation when these will be laughed at.
"If the life doesn't improve for the former Tamil Tiger fighters rehabilitated and released to the society they are ready to fight again, a group of ex-combatants has told a foreign media team who had interviewed them."
See what gratitude you get for sparing the lives of MF scum who have killed, killed and killed with impunity for over 30 years?
I say there was something radically wrong with the last phase of execution of our war-against-terrorism.
What a bloody crying shame !!!
OaO Asithri
Fully agree with Pol's analysis.
Bloody pathetic shame that today this GOSL is paying scant attention to effective counter-propaganda with the right personnel, set-up, etc.
I am sure at this very moment the Tamil racist-separatis MFs, with all kinds of acronyms such as GTF, BTF, TAG, etc. are celebrating how much inroads they have made - despite their LTTE being branded as a terrorist group by the West earlier and finally the LTTE being liquidated (with no help from the West) by the brave hearts in SLDF.
Truly a bloody crying SHAME!!!
OaO Asithri
Will blame the current GOSL for what it is obviously losing - not only to the detriment of the current GOSL, but at the expense of grievous harm to our beloved MaathraBhumiya.
This DOES NOT mean even for a moment I advocate any of the following MF parasites:
- UriNePee soul-less sell-out (sell-out to foreigners that is, including LTTE separatists)
- Somawansa JVP DISCARDED (as they have proven that they are not really true SL patriots, but opportunistic Bastards - big time!)
- SF white-panty MF: Who gave the defeated LTTE MFs a new leash on life with his lies about "white flag incidents" just to get win the presidency in Jan 2010.
So, who do we have today as an alternative for this now-incompetent-to-handle-next-stage-of-eelam war ???
Sadly, I say none!
Sad indeed for my beloved MotherLanka.
:(( :(( :((
OaO Asithri
"The group had claimed that it is harder to find employment for them even in the Tamil dominated areas no without being able to speak fluent Sinhalese. Tamils are not allowed to join the police force and the government is colonizing the North and East by encouraging the Sinhalese people to move to the former Tamil strongholds by offering incentives, the group had complained."
Just proves Moshey's oft-mentioned point:
RECOLONIZATION of our lands is NOT happening fast and furiously enough.
These descendants of Tamil-invader Kallathoni MFs still think they have a "homeland" in the NE of SL - without for a moment realizing that they are there only because our Buddhist Sinhela kings were truly magnanimous in victory (over them marauding, horrifc invaders from the Tamil Homland TamilNadu over the centuries) and did not just chop them up MFs to pieces and feed the crocodiles in our rivers!!!
OaO Asithri
"The group had claimed that it is harder to find employment for them even in the Tamil dominated areas no without being able to speak fluent Sinhalese. Tamils are not allowed to join the police force and the government is colonizing the North and East by encouraging the Sinhalese people to move to the former Tamil strongholds by offering incentives, the group had complained."
Just proves Moshey's oft-mentioned point:
RECOLONIZATION of our lands is NOT happening fast and furiously enough.
These descendants of Tamil-invader Kallathoni MFs still think they have a "homeland" in the NE of SL - without for a moment realizing that they are there only because our Buddhist Sinhela kings were truly magnanimous in victory (over them marauding, horrifc invaders from the Tamil Homland TamilNadu over the centuries) and did not just chop them up MFs to pieces and feed the crocodiles in our rivers!!!
OaO Asithri
"If the life doesn't improve for the former Tamil Tiger fighters rehabilitated and released to the society they are ready to fight again, a group of ex-combatants has told a foreign media team who had interviewed them."
Talked to a well-placed "policy analyst" about the above today.
His reaction was different.
His reaction was - "this just might be the God-send we have all been yearning for since May 2009"
I laughed...but then again I thought and mmmmmm... I can see where he is coming from.
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
Yes I agree. My statements/anger is not meant to attack for the sake of attacking but are in the realm of constructive criticism. Many people quickly cite “but they won the war, great achievement, should not criticise, its not fair to do so” which is utterly wrong. For yes they did win the war on the ground in great style and valour but they are losing and losing badly a different kind of war which they seem to have no clue how to handle and don’t seem that bothered about it either (or they think they are handling it correctly in which case we need to be even more WORRIED).
When Channel 4 released their bs back in may/june some big shot in the Government (cannot remember who but it was a big name) said “we expect the British government to sort this out/not fall for this” as per the line of the LTTE being the cause. These people clearly have not got a GRASP to this day of who their enemy is. It is NOT the LTTE or stateless Tamil refuse in the West that is doing this, they are merely a tool of interference of the West and our enemy is them (two different foes who’s interests are in collusion with each others as they have been for the last 500 years and hence why they are always partners). What more clues are needed (since Jan 2009) to see who the REAL threat is after they unmasked themselves back then. Many Sinhalese also do not realise this STILL. Some of the non-Colombian type but still with mental shackles of some kind or pure ignorance/mental conditioning of who the enemy exactly is still run behind the West to “win them over”, not realising how they laugh and snigger and enjoy the sight of us getting on their knees begging for help/support/their blessings when they are the ones orchestrating the whole show keeping us in poverty and constant infighting war and “backwardness”.
Even MR was desperately trying to kiss Norway’s booboo’s following the events their last week to show “what a good person he is”. I was appalled to find out how much he apparently went behind Norway to again “win them over” in some retarded policy thinking. Sri Lanka should not have given a damn. The fact the MoD site even carried a story about it is UNACCEPTABLE. They should have just ignored it. As should have the MR Government. That is how you show our own disgust at Norways conduct here. Its akin to the way the Western media ignores Tamil atrocities against Sinhalese.
If it was the US I can understand but Norway???
Did we gain anything from this? No. Would we ever? No. It only cements their racist attitudes against SL and emboldens them to do more not less.
it should not be done by the govt but by a group working independently
Moshe the problem is such a group would lack financial support and connections. This is where the Government with vast resources, and connections CAN carry out such. They merely need to set up such a group (akin to a front organisation) which they fund but cover their tracks well (with the BoC this can in fact be done) creating the impression of a fully independent organisation but covertly under the thumb of the Government –occasional stories about corruption and condemnation of such corruption by the Govt. will lend credibility to their “impartiality”.
My exact sentiments. My comments are in the area of constructive criticisms. The last thing i want is the UNP/SF/NGO/JVP/Colombian coalition getting anywhere near any pinch of power or influence in SL.
"Will blame the current GOSL for what it is obviously losing - not only to the detriment of the current GOSL, but at the expense of grievous harm to our beloved MaathraBhumiya.
This DOES NOT mean even for a moment I advocate any of the following MF parasites:
- UriNePee soul-less sell-out (sell-out to foreigners that is, including LTTE separatists)
- Somawansa JVP DISCARDED (as they have proven that they are not really true SL patriots, but opportunistic Bastards - big time!)
- SF white-panty MF: Who gave the defeated LTTE MFs a new leash on life with his lies about "white flag incidents" just to get win the presidency in Jan 2010.
So, who do we have today as an alternative for this now-incompetent-to-handle-next-stage-of-eelam war ???
Sadly, I say none!
Sad indeed for my beloved MotherLanka.
:(( :(( :((
OaO Asithri
July 29, 2011 7:27 AM
Just thought I would also comment on Sanga’s speech –a bit late I know. While true it was manipulated by Western media (in hopes of I dunno creating some kind of uprising against MR??? As if that would work which in itself shows their desperation) and he said some good points and overall it was nothing bad against SL it was clear to me he used it as a platform to promote himself. He could have viciously and directly attacked Channel 4 at least (in his own style of course but focused on them), instead of going around the issue. Anyway by all looks of it he was only interested in pushing “brand Sanga” and his own "speical place"/future which is reflective of his general arrogant attitude and ego that I have got sick of after witnessing it on and off the cricket pitch during his reign as Captain.
"Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa yesterday said that the British Government should take action against Channel-4 for airing what he called ‘irresponsible videos’.
So in light of my earlier post it was GR who i assume said this same nonsense before? I initially thought it was someone else.
This is ridiculous thinking and expectations which shows that they still have not grasped who is doing what and who the real/addtitional threat is.
"the problem is such a group would lack financial support and connections. This is where the Government with vast resources, and connections CAN carry out such."
agree. they should be independent from the govt to the outside but financed by GOSL. just like NGOs.
indirectly financed by the TE diaspora.
i'm appalled by GR's attitude.
british MFs will NEVER stop C4. in fact british MFs may be indirectly supporting them!!
asking them to control C4 is like asking norway to condemn LTTE terrorism.
SL is cursed with TOTAL MOTHETRFCUKERS on one side - UNF, JVF, SF and inefficient and foolish UPFA on the other.
ppl can't turn to ANYONE. everyone trying to screw the ppl and the country.
MR's pre-victory and post-victory attitudes are different. he was intelliegent and efficient pre-victory. post-victory he is foolish, lame and outright dumb.
he should channel more money to the south where most SACRIFICES were made to WIN the war not to north where most SUFFERINGS were endured.
what matters most? worthless sufferings of the north of precious sacrifices of the south????
a lankaweb article titled,
is a very appropriate to GOSL.
Another reason for this “not bothered” attitude is that the Government knows that the only "end result" of all this bs against SL is war crimes/sanctions.
They are thus of the view that Russia & China will save us. So in their minds "everything is ok".
Knowing the arrogance that has befallen MR it's safe to say this is what they actually believe. None of this desecration and demonisation of SL "matters" because there can be no "consequences" as per sanctions from the UNSC. Its why they seem to sit so smug and “ok” with everything.
"Shavendra Silva who is Sri Lanka’s deputy United Nations permanent representative said the latest Channel-4 video was a personnel attack on him and Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the first killing fields documentary failed to attain its objectives.
Major General Silva made these comments while speaking to the Daily Mirror by phone from New York.
“In the latest Channel-4 video a person called Fernando is accusing me and the Defence Secretary that orders were given to me to execute some of the people who surrendered”, he said.
“Whatever the orders given by me as the head of the 58th Division to my brigade commanders and commanding officers there was no such person called Fernando among them. Also none of the officers or other rankers attached to my division fled at the end of the war”, he said while speaking exclusively to the Daily Mirror.
“Fernando also went on to say that he saw people without their heads and hacked to death. The media was there and the soldiers were there. I assure none of them witnessed such things during the battle”, Major General Silva said.
Speaking on his encounter with Channel-4 correspondents, Major General Silva said they were after him for a long time to ask him about these allegations.
“I was confronted in New York by them and they have gone to say that I gave them an interview for one minute. I was talking to them for nearly 40 minutes and I also took them to my UN office”, he added. “My escort also recorded the interview I gave them. I have sent the video footage to the local media. In the newest video, 80 per cent to 90 per cent of the time Channel-4 is accusing me for conducting the executions,” he said.
“When we challenged them just after they aired the first video they literary had no comeback after we pointed out their many fundamental flaws and biased opinions,” Major General Silva said.
“They also mentioned that Major General Shavendra Silva is a retired officer now. They were not aware that I am still in the military service even though I am a diplomat now. Therefore the purpose of Channel-4 in airing such videos was to disgrace and tarnish the image of the security forces”, he said. (SD)
At least someone is still fighting.
But you can bet this idiotic Government is the one thats hampering his efforts. They will bungle this (Shavendra says he has recorded the interview himself) like they do everything.
I just hope he DOES NOT send his own video copy of the interview to State Media since they will screw it up due to their despicable incompetence as media organisations plus the Govts. "not bothered" attitude which seems to be a formal policy on how to handle this.
Adaderana, Island are good enough places that will not screw things over. As much as i hate the DailyMirror it would possible do a good job in publication of Shavendra's own video of the interview.
"Shavendra Silva who is Sri Lanka’s deputy United Nations permanent representative said the latest Channel-4 video was a personnel attack on him and Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the first killing fields documentary failed to attain its objectives.
Major General Silva made these comments while speaking to the Daily Mirror by phone from New York.
“In the latest Channel-4 video a person called Fernando is accusing me and the Defence Secretary that orders were given to me to execute some of the people who surrendered”, he said.
“Whatever the orders given by me as the head of the 58th Division to my brigade commanders and commanding officers there was no such person called Fernando among them. Also none of the officers or other rankers attached to my division fled at the end of the war”, he said while speaking exclusively to the Daily Mirror.
“Fernando also went on to say that he saw people without their heads and hacked to death. The media was there and the soldiers were there. I assure none of them witnessed such things during the battle”, Major General Silva said.
Speaking on his encounter with Channel-4 correspondents, Major General Silva said they were after him for a long time to ask him about these allegations.
“I was confronted in New York by them and they have gone to say that I gave them an interview for one minute. I was talking to them for nearly 40 minutes and I also took them to my UN office”, he added. “My escort also recorded the interview I gave them. I have sent the video footage to the local media. In the newest video, 80 per cent to 90 per cent of the time Channel-4 is accusing me for conducting the executions,” he said.
“When we challenged them just after they aired the first video they literary had no comeback after we pointed out their many fundamental flaws and biased opinions,” Major General Silva said.
“They also mentioned that Major General Shavendra Silva is a retired officer now. They were not aware that I am still in the military service even though I am a diplomat now. Therefore the purpose of Channel-4 in airing such videos was to disgrace and tarnish the image of the security forces”, he said. (SD)
At least someone is still fighting.
But you can bet this idiotic Government is the one thats hampering his efforts. They will bungle this (Shavendra says he has recorded the interview himself) like they do everything.
I just hope he DOES NOT send his own video copy of the interview to State Media since they will screw it up due to their despicable incompetence as media organisations plus the Govts. "not bothered" attitude which seems to be a formal policy on how to handle this.
Adaderana, Island are good enough places that will not screw things over. As much as i hate the DailyMirror it would possible do a good job in publication of Shavendra's own video of the interview.
I am having the eerie feeling the inaction after May 2009 is going to cost us dearly.. Instead of mass re-colonization in the East and strategic re-colonization in the North, we have done only resettlement of Sinhalese in the East and no settlement in the North.. With absolutely atrocious handling of the C4 issue as well as India we might have to devolve some powers (including land powers, we can still hold out on police) to provinces.. But I still feel we have some (but not too much) time to do things in our own terms..
1. Redraw provincial boundaries giving Northern 2/3 of Trinco, Southern 1/3 of Mannar to the North Central province (this separates the N & E, and also gives GoSL an outpost to stop illegal Tamilnadu migration)..
2. Add the Northern parts of Anuradhapura district to the North.. This makes ups for the coastal land the North gives North Central.. Also gives North a sizeable Sinhala minority.. Declare those lands and areas bounding the North-North Central province as well as all of North's islands as central crown land (to prevent the TNA racists from trying to discriminate against the Sinhala minority in this area)
3. Add Eastern 1/3 of Polonnaruwa, Southern 1/3 of Trinco, Batti, Ampara and Eastern half of Moneragala into the new Eastern Province.. Will still be multiethnic with a simple (but not absolute) Muslim majority.. Again keep sufficient amounts of state lands under central government just in case we get any Sharia bullshit in the East..
4. Change boundaries in the other provinces as well so that the, intention of the change to come across as GRANTING ALL PROVINCES A EQUIABLE AND VIABLE SHARE OF LAND AND COASTLINE..
It's not the ideal solution.. But definitely a form of hedging our bets..
Apparently, the Undead LTTE Terrorists have no idea what Girihadu Seya and Thiriyaya means for Sri Lankans. These are the same Tamilnut kazuthais who claimed that the Kanthale reservoir built by the Sinhala King Agabo II was originally done by a Tamil.
Nearly three thousand acres in Thiriyaay, a traditional Tamil village, located about 42 km off north of Trincomalee town have been earmarked to be declared as sacred area for a Buddhist Vihare called Girihandu Seya. The Vihare caters exclusively for Sinhala Buddhists from the south of Sri Lanka.
Trincomalee district parliamentarian Mr.R.Sampanthan has written to the Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse to stop allocating lands from the Tamil village to the Buddhist Vihare.
Another Comic Move By Hilary's Department.
The United States has delivered a demarche to Sri Lanka that it wants the final report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) discussed at the 19th sessions of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva in March next year.
A demarche is a formal diplomatic stand of one government's official position, views and wishes on a particular subject. It was delivered by the US Embassy in Colombo to the External Affairs Ministry last month, but, Sri Lanka has not yet responded officially to the request.
An External Affairs Ministry source who spoke on grounds of anonymity said the government was most likely to reject the US request. “This is because we will be under the constant watch of the HRC if we agree to this move,” the source said, sounding a warning that a rejection may also force US to resort to other “measures against Sri Lanka”.
Oh, the white madam of LTTE terrorist (LTTE Terrorists for Hilary) seems be angry. Can somebody ask this good terrorist supporter to piss off?
pol and others,
looks like GR was working behind the scenes!!!
"A report, prepared by the Ministry of Defence, containing detailed information regarding the humanitarian mission is to be made public. Further information in this regard is to be revealed tomorrow (August 01) by Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, reports state.
The document in question is said to include the experiences of all sectors including the Army, Air Force and Navy.
The Ministry of Defence had been entitled the task of preparing the said report, intended on providing accurate responses regarding the various acts alleged to have occurred during the humanitarian mission."
from adaderana
his pov is instead of taking on each and every bullshit (which is never ending), it is better to come up with a positive version of what actually happened.
this can be used in the standard response to war crimes bullshitt.
it is crunch time!
such an arrangement is a good short term solution. it can make colonization "stealthy".
The West could not care less, they are pushing this for as you and many others have pointed out to use as a tool against SL. They lost the LTTE so now they have busily (with the formers help) create a new tool to manipulate and control with. This is their new narrative and they will follow it regardless of the factual evidence they already have access too.
Only way is to discredit and expose their propaganda. In the case of Channel 4 that is by exposing what all the main clips are (LTTEs war trophies they planned on showing to please the blood lust of the blood thirsty racist die-ass-pora where the brutal murder of our own soldiers is being used to prosecute and defame us for “war crimes”). Even that is difficult with Western media dutifully sticking to the set narrative coupled to so called “independents” to prove such footage to be “real” –i.e. alston 3con artists jokers Vs Siri Hewa’s who’s brilliant TECHNICAL analysis which exposed the truth back in 2009 was conveniently ignored using his race as an excuse essentially (which reflects nicely on these peoples attitudes towards “tolerance” and all that plus their inner geo-political agendas).
However presenting such information to those on our side or not so bothered (Asia –minus India-, East Asia, ME, South America, Eastern Europe, Africa) via our embassies and in massive high octane campaign (put it in their media) is VITAL If we are to ensure their support at international forums. They can justify their support for SL by citing this report etc. No point trying to convince the West since they are the ones orchestrating this whole thing. Problem is Government/GR thinks the West/western media is “being mislead” by stateless rats when that is not the case at all. So greater effort must be put in getting the correct message i.e. THE TRUTH (plus what the agenda’s of the likes of Channel 4 etc) to the groups of nations mentioned here.
This plan to “invite” Channel 4 to SL is a big joke. There is no point. They will use it to bolster their lies and try to give themselves even more credibility while defaming SL even more.
Pol Sambol said...
You clearly did not understand my post as you only focused on the Channel 4 issue which is part of a greater issue facing the Government.
These FOOLS are CONTINUOISY caught in media traps by predatory journalists/media with a pre-set agenda against this nation and people.
This is some thing we have seen over and over again. The governments media spokesperson are pretty bad. Even the propaganda arm of SL government might not be that good. The most likely cause of the problem is their inability to understand the power of media. But it is not good to go over the top without giving constructive criticism. It has taken more than two years after the war for it to come to this level of media attention. That it self is an achievement when you consider how manipulative the diaspora is.
You have to consider the things that the government has done right such as putting our top guys commanders in to diplomatic corps. They have done a great job up to now. Taking KP in and making deals with him. So, government has done quite a lot of things right as well. They have done well in the north east polls as well. I think we need to cut some slack to the government with all these achievements. Some of the stuff that is being suggested here is good, but this will be seen with a lot of suspicion by every Tamil person, and therefore should be done carefully. Development of the north east is the best way to integrate the societies by giving Tamil people to work along Sinhalese.
Moshe Dyan said...
as the war crimes BS dies down, c4 has come up with another load of BS!
this time it alleges 2 SL soldiers have given evidence of war crimes and GR ordering it!
There are ways to capilize on this kind of stuff. If we get some of our own soldiers to give evidence against our military and then say they were given money to do so. If we had done something like this initially we would have discredited CH4 big time.
CH4 is definitely the propaganda tool of U.S. and U.K. They are doing things indirectly to destroy the government. It is time we go on the front foot. As someone said earlier, we should never allow CH4 to come to SL. Like tigers, those guys would never change their stripes.
factual analysis of war. our professional response to C4 dirty nonsense
this is a job well done. MoD was not just waiting there. but they have taken time and come up with a PROFESSIONAL analysis with facts and figures.
" If we get some of our own soldiers to give evidence against our military and then say they were given money to do so."
trojan horses!!
good strategy.
i sent a few tamil madu movie clips to that foolish darusman panel. they look so real with tamil spoken. that foolish indonesian doesn't know anything about tamil. he would believe it.
I just watched the MoD video.
Bloody amazing.
This is exactly what is needed.
Damn good stuff.
GR always manages to outshine and out beat everyone.
My earlier criticism are completely unwarranted and unfair in light of this.
And as Thusitha said before as well as in his recent post, we should "have faith". I can see why Govt took so long in responding.
Once again we can see the real brains behind the war victory.
But the Government MUST market this properly. This must be screened by every Embassy, at the UN, UNHRC plus to the groupings of nations i showed before.
They should have included Siri Hewa's analysis of the video.
Plus more exposure of the bogus "40,000" numbers plus the numbers of how many civilians were there plus on Gordon Wiess, to re-iterate his role (being out of a job, wanting to sell his book etc) as a liar and a cheat.
These are 3 key aspects which should have been put at the end in the conclusion, so people remember it better as they went through them too quickly at the start.
Moshe an Pol,
MOD had done a good job to expose CH4/LTTE lies. However, this is a reactionary response, not a proactive response. We need these facts and figures in our hand long before CH4 comes with the next installment of blatant lies.
I'm no fan of Blacker and i hardly visit his site however i got this link from a friend.
According to Blacker's site the Marga institute is also preparing its own response to the UN "report".
Sounds like good stuff being done.
Had we released something like this straight after Channel 4 released their BS it would have been better, there would be MORE attention to the truth from us in our counter arguments to Channel 4. Just watch as the West and other SoBs ignore our response or take bits and pieces they want then put their usual spin onto it.
What the government must do is push this through every forum possible, including the West, and present it to as many audiences as possible. Screening the film and the report (and MORE) at every opportunity there is.
Now it is up to the Government TO KEEP FIGHTING.
They can't do this then go to sleep. They have to keep fighting using every angle and avenue possible.
Government must keep up the pressure from the SL side.
yes sam. we should have had this LONG ago. first impressions count.
a large number of ppl in the west who ONLY come to know about SL through closer sources, would have already made up their minds that SL comitted war crimes, etc. bcos the FACTUAL ANALYSIS took 2 years and 3 months to come.
anyway better late than never.
this should be reviewed by LLRC.
essentially LLRC's recommendations should be based on this FACTUAL ANALYSIS. not BS.
yes. blacker is a peaceful TE supporter but on the war crimes BS matter he is on our side.
we should know when to use it and when to throw it.
another good thing about the factual analysis is that it excludes political bullshitt about tamil aspirations, etc.
we MUST separate the two -
1. war crimes allegations and
2. tamil aspirations.
they use 1 to get 2.
NEVER discuss 2 in the context of alleged 1.
keep them seperate.
will publish the scribid document here.
Humanitarian opration Factual Analysis
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