Thursday, May 26, 2011

Doublespeak of ICRC?

Credibility of ICRC officers who worked in Sri Lanka during the last phase of the war is highly dubious following their obvious doublespeak. The foregoing are examples and irrefutable proof of their manipulation of facts to suit the agenda of external interested parties who wish to see disintegration of the island nation.

ICRC sources claimed Sri Lankan troops shelled the PTK hospital during the final stages of the war. These sources claim according to the Sri Lanka Panel of Experts report page 25, that even the operating theatre was hit! These allegations are contained in ICRC Press Releases No.09/26 of February 1, 2009 and No. 09/29 February 4, 2009. In the latter press release ICRC officials have stated that, “We are shocked that a medical facility has against sustained direct hits”.

In addition ICRC also laments that the Sri Lankan government prevented them from evacuating people trapped in the No Fire Zone (NFZ). It has also complained that the Sri Lankan government, Basil Rajapakse in particular, refused to extend the three days allowed to ICRC to evacuate trapped civilians. Citing various reasons, the ICRC didn’t evacuate anyone during these three days and then demanded an extension! Obviously the ICRC was playing its part of LTTE cowards who wanted to extend the temporary truce as long as they could.

However, on February 14, 2009 the ICRC Geneva office sent the Sri Lanka Navy Commander a letter in which Head of Delegation of ICRC, Geneva, praises the noble role played by Sri Lankan security forces. Please read the copy of the letter in this article.

An excerpt of the letter is reproduced here.

In ICRC letterhead
Colombo 14 February, 2009
COL 09/485/PCA

Dear Sir,

Following the successful medical evacuations by sea that took place on 10 and 12 February, on behalf of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) I wish to express my sincere thanks to you and to the Navy for your valuable and effective collaboration, which helped to save many people’s lives.

I know that it was a complex operation, which proved to be extremely demanding for all. Your men, either at sea or on land, succeeded in an exemplary manner to carry out their essential task to protect the State and its citizens and simultaneously care for the sick and the wounded. They displayed a strict discipline and respect of rules of engagement and at the same time a very respectful and kind attitude to help those in need.

In that regard in addition to all others who contributed to this medical evacuation, we wish to express our special thanks to the Director General for Operations, at the Navy HQ, the Officiating Commander Eastern Navel Command, in Trincomalee, and to the Deputy Area Commander North, in Jaffna. They spent many sleepless hours coordinating the operation and played a crucial role to make it a success.
These days demonstrated that soldiering is a noble profession.

Yours sincerely,
Paul Castella
Head of Delegation

Adm. Wasantha Karannagoda
Navy Commander
Sri Lanka Navy Headquarters
Colombo 03
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka


Moshe said...

from toiletnet.

"For example, a group of thugs brought from the South by the SL Military Intelligence dragged a reputed catholic priest in Jaffna Rev. Fr. Maria Xavier out of his institution and intimidated him to put his signature."



TN cannot accept the fact that he willingly signed it!!

Moshe said...

even the UN disbeliefs war crimes bullsh*t!!

from adaderana.

The UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Sri Lankan government in order to “speed up the provision of resources to the UN when necessary,” a UN spokesman said here on Wednesday.

Martin Nesirky, the UN spokesman, told a news briefing that the agreement recently signed between the United Nations and the Sri Lankan government “was a routine agreement, which the UN has already signed with 89 other member states.”

“The agreement is meant to speed up the provision of resources to the UN when necessary,” the spokesman said. “The primary responsibility of ensuring that nationals of member states meet the highest standard of integrity required for services with the UN clearly lies with member states themselves.”

Sri Lanka first participated in UN peacekeeping far back in 1960 by deploying six peacekeepers in the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC).

In 2004, Sri Lanka enhanced its contribution by deploying a complete infantry battalion of 950 personnel to the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).

Sri Lanka is now a committed partner for UN peacekeeping operations with over a thousand men and women from the three armed forces and the police serving in seven different UN peacekeeping missions, and ranks 22nd in terms of troop contributions to the UN peacekeeping, Xinhua reports.

Moshe said...

good to see US and russia cooperating on terrorism issues.

but what is not good is US's duplicity.

from RT

"The US Department of State added Doku Umarov, one of Russia’s most notorious terrorists, to the bounty list. Any information which leads to his arrest will result in a $5 million reward for the tipster.
Umarov, 47, is suspected of masterminding several high-profile terrorist attacks in Russia over the years, including the attempted assassination of Ingush President Yunus-Bek Evkurov in June 2009, the blast at Domodedovo Airport on January 24 of this year, and the twin terror attacks in the Moscow Metro on March 29, 2010.

He is listed alongside the world’s most dangerous terrorists by the UN Security Council’s Sanctions Committee.

The news comes after Russian and American presidents met in Deauville, France during the G8 summit. Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama reaffirmed in a joint statement their common stance on international terrorism and the Al Qaeda network in particular.

The US Rewards for Justice Program was established in 1984. The largest reward offered was $25 million for the arrest of former Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. The reward was never claimed, as the terrorist leader was killed on May 1 in a US NAVY SEAL raid on his hideout in Pakistan."

Asithri said...

Moshey, thanks for some well presented indisputable facts!

As Chinta said in LB, this “hospital demolition by SLA artillery fire” HOAX was over and over again used by the LTTE vermin in the west hoping to stop the liquidation of their LTTE terrorists. They tried their best to do it with doctored photos (just like the Ch4 “execution videos”). It is true that a part of PTK hospital was damaged, but equally the truth is that is was willfully demolished by the LTTE terrorists who were desperate for photo-ops of “GOSL attacks against Tamil civilian” type of slogan that was running like wildfire in the west at that time. However, as was pointed earlier, upon closer scrutiny it was obvious that the damage (e.g. such as in the roof area) was done by attacks from below – i.e. not the type of damage one would see if the damage was done by blasting artillery shells falling from the sky!!! Basically, the photos (now in GOSL archives as they will be used I am told to ridicule these “war crimes” cries by the LTTE Diaspora Tamils) show damage from impact-damage and NOT explosive blast-damage!!!

To Andylingam da LTTE whoredog in LB: Did you know that there is a branch of investigation/assessment called “FORENSICS” and usually that’s how they get the bad guys – in this case the “hospital damage” HOAX by pro-LTTE vermin!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Sam Perera said...

Another Maggot of Eelam.

Jude Lal Fernando

On this great period when we celebrate the liberation of our motherland, maggots like Jude Lal Fernando tries to live on the carcass of Eelam by making baseless accusations against the very same land that made him somebody. This low life is trying to be somebody by ignoring tens of thousands of civilians killed by LTTE using the most brutal methods. I simply hope that maggots like this will never be born in my motherland ever again. Let the maggot Jude Lal Fernando perish in the carcass of Eelam!

Sam Perera said...

All the fuss about leadership training is nullified.

Moshe Dyan said...

LTTE supporters in UK wanted to boycott the SL-ENG cricket match but ended up going to the match!!

they are part time clowns! :)

Sam Perera said...

Another great untold story of a brave Sri Lankan soldier Rajitha Ampemohotti. Check what Jackson says at 16:00 onwards.

Moshe Dyan said...


beautiful! a good move by SLRC.

what a great hero. his heroics in 1992 have real value. real heroes emerge when the going gets tough.

Moshe Dyan said...

rugby world rankings.

we are not a major rugby playing nation but we are in a good position to make it upwards.

Position (last week) Member Union Rating Point
1(1) NEW ZEALAND 93.19
2(2) AUSTRALIA 87.45
3(3) SOUTH AFRICA 86.44
4(4) IRELAND 82.51
5(5) ENGLAND 82.48
6(6) FRANCE 82.06
7(7) WALES 79.55
8(8) ARGENTINA 78.97
9(9) SCOTLAND 77.35
10(10) FIJI 74.05
11(11) SAMOA 74.02
12(12) ITALY 73.54
13(13) JAPAN 71.45
14(14) GEORGIA 70.16
15(15) CANADA 69.19
16(16) USA 67.69
17(17) TONGA 67.35
18(18) ROMANIA 65.34
19(19) RUSSIA 63.17
20(20) PORTUGAL 61.81
21(21) NAMIBIA 60.66
22(22) URUGUAY 60.02
23(23) SPAIN 59.43
24(24) CHL 59.19
25(25) BELGIUM 56.50
26(26) MOROCCO 56.11
27(27) HONG KONG 54.49
28(28) BRAZIL 54.35
29(29) MOLDOVA 54.10
30(30) CZECH REPUBLIC 53.78
31(31) KAZAKHSTAN 53.66
32(32) UKRAINE 53.34
33(33) KOREA 53.03
34(34) POLAND 52.88
35(35) KENYA 52.85
36(36) TUNISIA 52.24
37(37) GERMANY 51.83
38(38) LITHUANIA 51.49
39(39) SWEDEN 50.99
40(40) PARAGUAY 48.84
41(41) UGANDA 48.13
42(43) NETHERLANDS 47.71
43(44) IVORY COAST 47.52
44(45) SRI LANKA 47.24
45(46) MADAGASCAR 46.45
46(47) PAPUA NEW GUINEA 46.19
47(48) ZIMBABWE 46.15
48(42) TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 45.85
49(49) CROATIA 45.56
50(50) MALTA 45.23
51(51) SINGAPORE 45.03
52(52) BERMUDA 44.74
53(53) COOK ISLANDS 44.61
54(54) SWITZERLAND 44.22
55(55) CHINESE TAIPEI 43.93
56(56) SENEGAL 43.83
57(64) GUYANA 43.44
58(57) MALAYSIA 43.05
59(58) VENEZUELA 42.88
60(59) ANDORRA 42.83
61(60) LATVIA 42.69
62(61) PERU 41.98
63(62) THAILAND 41.74
64(63) COLOMBIA 41.73
65(65) CHINA 41.39
66(66) CAYMAN 41.23
67(67) NIUE ISLANDS 41.11
68(68) ISRAEL 41.05
69(69) SERBIA 40.81
70(70) DENMARK 40.60
71(71) SLOVENIA 40.20
72(72) ZAMBIA 39.97
73(73) HUNGARY 39.68
74(74) BARBADOS 39.43
76(76) INDIA 39.22
77(77) SOLOMON ISLANDS 39.06
78(78) CAMEROON 38.21
79(79) BOTSWANA 38.17
80(80) AUSTRIA 37.76
81(81) BULGARIA 37.12
82(82) GUAM 36.80
83(83) ST. LUCIA 36.76
84(84) SWAZILAND 36.68
85(85) JAMAICA 36.35
86(86) BAHAMAS 36.33
87(87) TAHITI 36.25
89(89) NORWAY 35.43
90(90) NIGERIA 35.29
91(91) MONACO 35.17
92(92) VANUATU 34.77
93(93) LUXEMBOURG 32.49
94(94) FINLAND 27.70

Moshe Dyan said...

defeating terrorism Sri Lankan experience

representatives from 54 nations participate!

TE clowns are shitting in their pants. UN reps are also participating. this comes after UN and sri lanka signed a MoU for SLA participation in UN peace keeping missions.

kevin said...

Back in the island,very happy to see best Wesak celebrations with much charity shown all over the island with 'Dansalas'.Also happy to be a spectator of the hero's day celebrations and disgusted to see the Militant FTZ workers provoking and attacking the police at Katunayake.These wicked mob attacked the police with stones and with a swam of deadly wasps which stung the police and the obvious police reaction was justified.I think the opposition parties will cash in or exploit this to create chaos in the country.Shame on them if that ever happens.Drusman report has been ridiculed thus disgracing the function and the credibility of the UN, and their double standards are clear.

kevin said...

The Katunayake Tragedy


Moshe Dyan said...

"[TamilNet, Thursday, 02 June 2011, 12:52 GMT]
A conference organised by the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) at the EU Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday, resolved that it supported “the right to self determination of the Tamil-speaking people, up to and including separation, if that is what they wish, while safeguarding the rights of all minorities” and demanded the SL state to shut down the military bases of the “army of occupation” in North and East and sought a political solution addressing the “national and democratic aspirations” of the Tamil people. Heidi Hautala, Green MEP and Chair of EU Parliament's Human Rights Sub Committee, a key speaker at the event, called for a GUE/NGL fact finding mission to the island of Sri Lanka. Vaiko, the leader of the MDMK in Tamil Nadu and Sinhala and Tamil political activists from the island and the diaspora took part in the event."

how dumb these clonws are!

just because they held this event at the EU Parliament in Brussels building does not mean it has the sanction of the EU Parliament!!! :)


the so called European United Left/Nordic Green Left loonies have absolutely no power in any of the EU countries let alone the EU.

this is fun.

Moshe Dyan said...

some asses have put together a hoax video running for 1 hour titled SL's killing fields. they are going to present it tomorrow at the UN geneva office building.

Thusitha said...

amil film director & leader of “We Tamil movement” Sebastian Simon now known as “Senthamilan Seeman” will marry a sri Lankan Tamil woman soon.

Seeman’s bride to be is the widow of LTTE leader Muthukumaru Soundarakrishnan/Lt.Col Anbumani killed on November 2nd 2007 at Kilinochchi.

A disappointed Seeman returned to India but Soundarakrishnan alias Anbumani who had his eye on the girl got married to her using rank & power.

After suffering tragedy&calamity the girl was rescued through Seeman’s efforts &found a safe haven in India.Later she agreed to marry Seeman.

The tale is something out of a romantic film & according to reports the wedding will be a quiet “Self -respect” (Suya mariyaathai) ceremony.

Seeman’s prospective Sri Lankan Tamil bride used to be an announcer/news reader on the Tiger TV in the Wanni.She used the name N.Yarlmathy.
This is an interesting development.
A tiger cadre marrying a well known TV personality. Would see how India is going to react to this.

Moshe Dyan said...


yes; this will be very interesting. especially in the politically charged TN after jayalalitha's win.

may be she will take her career a step up. there is a wider audience in TN.

Moshe Dyan said...


when you visit SL please take the time to visit the,

1. moodu maha vihara in potuvil

Telephone 0555 712006
Mobile 071 249351

2. Sasthrawela viharaya about 25km from the first temple.

they are holding the fort under trying circumstances against all odds. i'm not a buddhist but historical places of worship of ALL religions deserve protection.

kevin said...

Glad to know that gosl has restored the Rupawahini relat transmitter at Kokilai that was distroyed by the tigers,thus another positve step by the government to unite isolated Tamil communty with the rest of the island.They were cut off from the rest of the island by the communal minded tigers who did their best to isolate captive population until the Srilankan forces. launched a humanitarian rescue operation 'by any means'which the NATO seems to take leaf out of our book though the latter is on mission to kill Gadaffi whom they embraced in the past and perhaps it was a kiss of death,practiced in Middle East countries.In our case we dealt with terrorist leader who assassinated our democratically elected leaders.

Moshe Dyan said...

from adaderana


The ‘S’ and ‘L’ of Sri Lanka should be ‘So Lovely’, said world renowned Marketing Guru Professor Philip Kotler after visiting the historic Rock Citadel of Sigiriya.

Prof. Kotler that in promoting tourism the slogan should have been ‘So Lovely’ after taking the first two letters of the name, as the island nation was indeed so lovely.

For the past two decades, Prof. Philip Kotler has been synonymous with marketing, having written many books that are widely used as the bibles to marketing. His book, Marketing Management: Application, Planning, Implementation and Control (1967), now in its twelfth edition, is the core text of marketing courses in most MBA programmes, both here and overseas.

He is expected to share his insights into effective marketing strategies at two forums to be held at the Waters Edge at Battaramulla, Colombo.

The concept of social marketing was invented jointly by Prof. Kotler and Gerald Zaltman.

According to Prof. Kotler, value creation and raising the world’s living standards is vital to marketing and has always endeavored to expand discussions about marketing beyond production and service provision. According to the Kotler edict, good companies will meet needs; great companies will create markets, and this includes areas such as marketing planning, market research and customer relationship management.

Prof. Philip Kotler’s visit to Sri Lanka is being facilitated by the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing, the national body of marketing in Sri Lanka.


wow! it is philip kotler saying this! he is one of the leading marketing theorists ever.

Moshe Dyan said...


Ex-B’caloa jailbird recipient of Canada bound anti-SL propaganda material

June 5, 2011, 9:52 pm

LTTE ‘banker’ took up residence in Canada, though receiving refugee status in Norway

by Shamindra Ferdinando

The recent detection at the Colombo Port of a large consignment of a Canada-bound container containing anti-Sri Lanka propaganda material has revealed the alleged involvement of so-called War Victims and Human Rights (CHVHR), in the LTTE operations in Canada in spite of a ban.

Canada-based sources told The Island that Anton Philip Sinnarasa (aka) Father Sinnarasa, one of those who escaped from the Batticaloa maximum security prison in the mid 1980s headed the CHVHR. Sources said he had started operations in Canada though Norway had granted him refugee status. Sources said that the detained propaganda material had been addressed to CHVHR.

Responding to a query by The Island the intelligence sources said that Canada-based LTTE operatives had ordered the consignment from Tamil Nadu, a key centre for LTTE propaganda operations. Sources identified the CHVHR contact in Tamil Nadu as Agni Subramanian.

Sinnarasa was detained in Batticaloa for his alleged involvement with the LTTE. The LTTE had allegedly given him millions of rupees robbed from a government bank at Neerveli, for safe keeping. Sinnarasa subsequently married, allegedly from a family deeply involved with the LTTE and worked full time for the group.

Sources alleged that Sinnarasa considered by the Canadian Diaspora as the God father of the Canadian LTTE, was attached to the Tamil Eelam Society of Canada, which received financial assistance from the Canadian Government, through the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration. Sinnarasa, while promoting the LTTE has been providing re-settlement services to those arriving in Canada, seeking refugee status. The propaganda material at issue had been addressed to, the Tamil Eelam Society of Canada, 1160 Birchmount Rd., Unit 1A Scarborough, Ontario, sources said adding that the Chennai-based Manitham International, which published and exported books, recently sought Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jeyaram Jayalalithaa’s intervention to pressure the Government of Sri Lanka to release the consignment of anti-Sri Lankan material.

About 1,400 books, which dealt with alleged atrocities committed by the Sri Lankan military were transported in early May from Chennai on board MV ‘Hansa Stavanger’. When the container carrying the books was unloaded at Colombo Port on May 11 for transshipment to Canada, the government confiscated the container, citing an LTTE link.

Sources said that CHVHR had been in touch with some Colombo-based NGO operatives, funded by foreign governments.

Moshe Dyan said...

terrorists trying to get the EU ban lifted.

EU Court of Justice takes up LTTE case
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 07 June 2011, 16:49 GMT]
The European Court of Justice, on Tuesday, informed Victor Koppe, the lawyer of the LTTE that the Court has taken up the case “Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) vs Council of the European Union” (Case T-208/11-9) for hearing. The Registrar of the General Court informed the lawyer that the case has been assigned to the Court's Second Chamber. On behalf of LTTE Europe, Mr. Victor Koppe, has filed the case against the European Union that its ban of the LTTE was illegal.

Moshe Dyan said...

the joker of the century!

[TamilNet, Wednesday, 08 June 2011, 08:44 GMT]
The Tamil Nadu State Assembly on Wednesday mid noon unanimously passed a resolution requesting the Indian government to indict Sri Lanka for war crimes and crimes against humanity at the UN, and to work along with world countries to impose economic sanctions on Sri Lanka until Tamils in the island are rehabilitated and get equal rights. The resolution accused Sri Lanka on five counts based on the UN panel report. The DMK was absent at that time as it was boycotting the house on some other issue. The resolution was passed unanimously when more than two third were present in the house.

SL should impose sanctions on toilet madu.

Moshe Dyan said...

from tamilnet.

"The Indian government is able to explore oil, build its canal and develop KKS harbour in Jaffna without being harassed by the Sri Lanka Navy. But, the Tamil fishermen on either side of the Bay are set against each other by allowing or prompting Tamil Nadu trawlers to poach close to Jaffna, Tamil Nadu fishermen are more brutally attacked by the Sri Lanka Navy and now the Tamil Nadu state calls for the retrieval of Kachchatheevu. Meanwhile, the Sri Lanka military builds more permanent bases in the islands off Jaffna, at closest proximity to Kachchatheevu and the Tamil Nadu coast."

now the tamil racists are trying to allow india take SL's islets to screw SL's tamil fishermen!


these fools don't understand that there is NO COUNTRY by the name tamil nation on either side of the sea. there are 2 different countries with a boundary.

if the islets go to india, tamils in SL's north will NOT be able to fish there.

like toilet madu fishermen die, tamil fishermen from the north will die fishing in the area because then these areas will be indian!!

how foolish these jokers are!

anyway we should EXPLOIT this division to the maximum and pit toilet madu tamils against SL tamils.

Moshe Dyan said...

are the terrorists regrouping?????

"[TamilNet, Sunday, 12 June 2011, 15:21 GMT]
A 41-year-old Sinhala policeman from Ki'linochchi police station was found beaten to death at Umaiyaa'lpuram in Paranthan in Vanni Sunday morning. The dead body in civil, with beaten injuries on face and chest, was first believed to be a civilian and was taken to the mortuary at Ki'linochchil hospital. Later, the body was identified as that of Sinhala policeman, Ananada Samarakoon, sources in Ki'linochchi said.

The policeman, clad in civil, had gone out from the police station Saturday night.

Ki'ilnochchi Police said they have launched an investigation to find out what had happened.

There have been several reports of abuse against resettled civilians by occupying Sri Lankan soldiers and policemen and in some occasions there have been attacks on intruders who were harassing Tamil women.

Tension prevailed at Ki'linochchi town following the reports of the killing."

Sam Perera said...


"are the terrorists regrouping?????"

I hope that the police will investigate and nip the bud right now.

Moshe Dyan said...

1. fake homolands
2. fake grievances
3. fake aspirations
4. fake war crimes

now fake videos!!

isn't this funny!!

why not we give them a fake solution to match?

these jokers plan to air this fake video on UK national TV tonight.

Sam Perera said...


The budding terrorists are captured. However, it is more appropriate to give them special transportation than locking them up.

Moshe Dyan said...

thanks sam.

i wish these 5 terrorists don't live to see anything outside prison.

this shows even terrorists can stage a comeback despite all the HSZs and army camps in the north. we need to maintain a low level of constant fear in them.

kevin said...

They are still active in collecting funds here,perhaps they will not get the same support as before.Diaspora understands that a separate state is unachievable in their lifetime.
Some times our cops are not too honest(in SL)therefore they may be taking revenge on them to please the locals in the north.There are remnants of them with us and it's up to the gosl be vigilant without causing a hardship to the people.,

Sam Perera said...

Chandima Anil Withanaaracchi a Maggot of Eelam is finding new kind of crimes against humanity by SLA. A conversation between soldiers while collecting LTTE terrorist carcasses seems to be a "crime against humanity" for the maggot Withanaaracchi. Pleas read the transcribed conversation as posted in LNW to see the kind of crime Withanarachchi is talking about. However, tens of thousands of brutal killings by LTTE is not a crime. Obviously, a man who can not distinguish such simple facts are either drug addicts or lunatics who are not fit to be with a civilized society. I hope that whatever the authority he is residing now will put him to a maximum security prison without any delays.

Sam Perera said...

Channel 4 fake video enthusiastically published by a maggot of Eelam Nilantha Illangamuwa


Watch these three videos carefully. Despite the fact some of the videos are fake, there is nothing new here from the last time. Channel 4 is just recycling the old videos with new BS. As usual, the terrorist rights watch agencies do not care a bit about the tens of thousands of civilians killed by LTTE, perhaps because these innocent civilians are not worthy of human rights. However, our soldiers who fought with their lives to eliminate the LTTE terrorists are in bad books just for chatting when they loaded terrorist carcasses.

Sam Perera said...

Top Scum of Sri Lanka

Featured scum of the day

Nimalka Fernando

She has recently glorified the dead terrorist Sivaram. In addition, just like many other top scum, Nimalka Fernando is also a religious fundamentalist.She sure is destined to be in the garbage bins of Sri Lankan history reserved for the terrorist lovers.

Moshe Dyan said...

all TEs big and small are out in numbers over the C-4 BS.

these sadists turn anything to a grievance because they know the SLs have merciful hearts.

if they don't get what they cry for, they stop crying. at least begging things from us.

meanwhile BAKA MOONA has been silent over the C-4 crap. another bafoon barking up the wrong tree.

Moshe Dyan said...


one part of it is a mix between an old clip posted by bloodyrav or some other loser in DW merged with other stuff.

tried fiding it but couldn't.

the same old tactic.

one dead crap was called isapriya once then dwarka!!! desha exposed it and then it died down.

kevin said...

Please read our e mail and forward it to Sam.

Moshe Dyan said...




Moshe Dyan said...

this is material in!!!


SL Army brutally attacks public meeting of politicians, journalists in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Thursday, 16 June 2011, 16:34 GMT]"

when i look at the photos i cannot stop laughing. there is NO EVIDENCE of any attack!!! in fact there IS evidence of no attacks!!


Sam Perera said...


That looks like a one brutal attack. I mean, not even a scratch can be seen. I specifically like the first photo of the injured LTTE stooge in the fist photo. OMG, he is fatally wounded and waiting in the OPD to get treated. is no match to these clowns.

Moshe Dyan said...

this is what the know racist anandasakkili (ASS) has to say about the incident.

by V. Anandasangaree

(June 17, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The Tamil United Liberation Front very strongly condemns the interference of the Army with the fundamental rights of the Civilians. Freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and movement are inherent rights of the people. The conduct of the army personnel, in entering the hall in which a meeting, to introduce the candidates of the Tamil National Alliance at the local elections, was held, is highly deplorable. They had assaulted the people who had assembled there and chased them away and also caused damage to the bicycles and motor bicycles etc. Attempt was made by the soldiers to assault the Members of Parliament of the TNA. Even their security personnel were injured.

This high-handed act of the army should stop. In any case this is not a matter for the Army to interfere with, when there are police stations all over the place, including the place where this unwanted incident took place. This act of the Army reminds me of the incident that took place in the early eighties at the famous Naachimar Kovil in Jaffna, that ultimately ended up with the burning of the Jaffna Public Library, TULF office, ex-Member of Parliament the late Mr. Yogeswaran’s house and several other buildings. Is this incident a prelude for things to come in the future? Coming events cast their shadows.

This is why I am insisting on the withdrawal of the army from the North and the East and to switch over to the administration by civil officers. If incidents of this nature are not nipped in the bud, the country’s future will be bleak.

from sl guardian

Moshe Dyan said...

the beauty of the "brutal" attack is that it came just a week after the tamil madu instigated menon and nirupama visited the island!!

TNA racists had a confidence boost after MGR's prostitute won the election in tamil madu.

if this type of tamil madu instigation of violence by TNA is allowed, things will not go well.

Moshe Dyan said...


check this out.

c-4 rubbish exposed.

Sam Perera said...


Siri Hewawithanarna explains Ch-4 fake video in nice laymen terms here. It is a great write up for our own knowledge.

Moshe Dyan said...

now desperate toiletnet repeats what bloggers say!!

no more political commentators????

"Sri Lanka internment camps compared to Nazi gas chambers
[TamilNet, Sunday, 19 June 2011, 18:42 GMT]
“We saw how the Sri Lankan government created protected zones whose only equivalent that I can think of are the gas chambers of the Nazis who duped their victims into believing they were safe and then killed them. Corralled into an ever-shrinking space, civilians were bombed and shelled. Thousands died. Desperate doctors performed amputations on children without anesthetic. Disease, starvation, infection decimated the population,” says an Israeli blogger in an article titled “Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields – what genocide actually looks like” written after viewing the Channel-4 documentary on Sri Lanka’s war."

i'm an israeli blogger too!! why not quote what i say???

Moshe Dyan said...

this is very bad news.

It is little known by most Sri Lankans that there are refugees and people seeking asylum in Sri Lanka, said UNHCR’s Representative Michael Zwack said.

Issuing a statement to mark the World Refugee Day on June 20, the UNHCR’s Representative said, although numbers are very small in comparison to most countries, Sri Lanka currently hosts 236 registered refugees and 141 asylum seekers.

We appreciate the good cooperation received by UNHCR from government, he said.

According to UNHCR, Sri Lanka is one country refugees are slowly starting to return to after the conflict has ended. Since 201, some 2,900 refugees, mainly from Tamil Nadu in India, have returned with the help of UNHCR, and they continue to arrive at steady numbers. In addition, over 200 refugees returned on their own accord. According to UNHCR’s latest Global Trends statistics for 2010 just released, that there are 141, 063 Sri Lankan refugees and 8, 563 Sri Lankan asylum seekers in different countries around the world – the majority in India.

Currently more than 43 million people are displaced by violence around the world. Europe is no longer home to them. The vast majority – about 80 percent – are hosted and cared for in developing countries, the statement said.

Today’s chronicle conflicts are a cause for special concern: What we see is that as new conflicts flared old ones are left unresolved. This leads to new displacement on the one hand and millions of people being prevented from returning home on the other. Fewer than 200,000 refugees went home in 2010, the lowest number in 20 years, the UNHCR statement said.

It is necessary for the international community to step forward and act. Whether it to be keep borders open to those seeking safety from violence or persecution, or to provide solutions to long-term refugees. We need to invest in peace, people need to be helped to go home, or to be given a chance to start new lives, it further said.

- adaderana