Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Happened to Sudan Will Happen to Sri Lanka Unless the Mono-Ethnic Nature of the North is Changed

South Sudanese have decided to separate. The referendum returned an overwhelming support for mostly Christian and tribal controlled South Sudan to separate from the Islamic north. Tamil Tigers have been invited to participate in the celebrations. Officials of the Transitional Government of Tamil Elam (TGTE) will be attending the celebration of the forming of the nation of South Sudan. Strategically important Red Sea area has seen many separations including Eritrea, Somaliland and Now South Sudan. Although away from the Red Sea, massive oil resources, close proximity to Egypt (the most powerful African nation) and a vast non-Arabic population in an otherwise Arabic region are some reasons for the success of the SPLA campaign. Notwithstanding old alliances, most superpowers (four out of five are Christian nations) threw their weight behind the larger Christian South against the Islamic North. Israel too supported the South Sudan movement for a very long time. Such enormous support left Sudan helpless and was forced to put up with the referendum.

Darfur the Bait, South Sudan the Catch
Darfur made a media sensation in the West for years. Millions of people, mostly Muslims continue to suffer horrendous crimes in Darfur. However, instead of any relief to them, world powers made use of their sufferings to help South Sudan gain independence. Impoverished Darfur continues to be ruled by the North with no change in the lives of suffering people. It makes sense to address the sufferings of Darfur people than to help South Sudanese achieve independence.  But it was not to be so, because of their religion.

This pattern can be seen around the world in newly formed nations. Australia, the US, UK and a host of western nations were all behind East Timor until it was formed. It was hailed as a victory of Christians against the world’s most populous Islamic nation. But what happened after Independence? Australia started exploiting East Timor’s oil reserves without offering anything to the locals. Today East Timor is one of the poorest countries. Eritrea is another example of desertion after helping split from Ethiopia. Kosovo is yet another example. US backed the Kosovo militants until they gained Independence. Their horrendous crimes including selling organs of captives went unnoticed and unpunished. But now the West brings up these crimes to subjugate the newly formed nation of Kosovo. South Sudan cannot expect much after the honeymoon. People of Darfur will be worse off in future.

Tamil Tiger Connection    
The Tamil Tiger-South Sudan connection is a cleverly engineered plan. South Sudanese won their military campaign to force Sudan to consider separation but Tamil Tigers lost. However, South Sudan can be turned into a platform to create Tamil Elam. A few adjustments would be needed in the Tamil community to gain from the momentum created in Sudan. Puppeteers behind South Sudan want to see the creation of the next Christian nation in Asia after East Timor. Only 30% north-east Tamils in Sri Lanka are Christians although growing rapidly. Tamil political groups in the north-east are dominated by Hindus at the moment. They are unlikely to get any real support. On the other hand Hindustan will be worried if anything were to change in Tamil polity. However, under the leadership of Christian bishops both in Sri Lanka and abroad, Tamil Tigers are determined to change to please western Christian fundamentalists.

By being at the forefront of the South Sudanese celebrations and even in helping the new nation take root, Tamil Tigers will be seen as good puppets for separatism and darlings of the West. Tigers’ strong proven anti-Islamic tendency is also an asset to the West. The strong Israeli connection of South Sudan is another thing TGTE Tamils are after.

Tamil Tigers around the world buoyant by a series of favourable events including the massive show of force in London, the first and only invite to participate in a national event, a spate of assassinations of anti-separatist Tamils in the north recently and TNA’s gathering support in Sri Lanka are going to make the most of the situation. Forthcoming LG elections in the north and the east will be seen as an opportunity to strengthen grassroots level support for TNA at taxpayers’ expense. TNA which is devoid of any second or third tier at the moment will be building a very strong ground support base following the enormous victory expected at the forthcoming LG elections and at the subsequent Northern Provincial Council election. TNA won most votes and seats at the 2010 General Election and TNA backed Sarath Fonseka swept the north and the east at the 2010 Presidential Election despite serving as the Army Commander.

Development, peace, prosperity and all other good brought about by the government count for nothing in the north at an election/referendum. Few pundits who predicted the end of the TNA with the LTTE had to eat their own words after the two elections in 2010. They are in for a shock this time.

Nasty Implications for Sri Lanka   
It is only a matter of time since Sri Lanka will be forced to hold a referendum in the north and the east to assess the desirability of dividing the nation. Tamil Tigers are busy creating a conducive infrastructure for separation. The West is looking for another puppet nation in the region to keep China and India under check. If Tamil Elam is created it will be perpetual conflict not only over the land and sea borders but also to share waterways, natural resources, etc. Obviously a conflict between two nations will be far more gruesome than an internal conflict. The time to act is now. Things will happen at a faster pace from now onwards and before long Sri Lanka will be at crossroads. When pro-western political parties come to power, this process will be expedited.

What will happen if a referendum is held today in the north and the east for separation?

Jaffna, Vanni and Batticaloa districts will endorse separation while Trincomalee and Ampara districts will reject it. Overall the yes vote for separation will win easily.

As with the case of East Timor, Kosovo, Eritrea, Somaliland and South Sudan it is ethnic and religious isolation that determine the desire to separation in areas where race and religious centred politics dominate. It is this that needs fixing.

Trincomalee and Ampara districts didn’t end up in their present political state by accident. It was a very difficult process of changing the mono ethnic nature of these districts. Planned or unplanned, expected or unexpected this is what happened. This proven successful strategy must be followed in the north as well. Sinhalese and Muslims must be settled in the north

Due to the large outflow of people from the north, a vast area has been vacated. Areas surrounding SLDF bases should be converted to agricultural, fisheries and industrial supply sources for these bases. It can increase food production, reduce defence spend, provide security forces personnel with fresh food, provide employment, contribute to the national economy and achieve sustainable development by distributing the population. New villages with all facilities should be created in the north for the families of service personnel. The argument that they may not be willing to relocate there is absurd. At least they can use them as holiday houses or rent out to millions of visitors from the south.

Illegal immigrants from Tamil Nadu must be stopped. Every year tens of thousands of illegal immigrants come to Sri Lanka.

Apart from these moves strategic defence initiatives must be taken to deter separatists. Military presence of friendly nations in the north goes a long way in deterring separatist activity. Power of pro-separatist Christian clergy and the huge Evangelical movement need to be cut down. Foreign missionaries should be totally banned. NGO activities must be monitored. All NGOs discriminating people by race or religion must be banned. At the moment almost all NGOs help mostly Tamils almost totally disregarding others.

DS Senanayake is respected by most political parties with over 95% voters’ support. He didn’t become the father of the nation merely by giving birth to a nation. He did well to expect and manage the threats to the infant nation. He could see the Tamil separatist cancer affecting parts of the nation and took proactive steps to prevent it. However, his actions only prevented it in the east but failed in the north due to the north being closest to Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka’s inability to prevent illegal immigration from Tamil Nadu.

This country awaits a leader with foresight, not one who thinks he won the lottery when the war ended. Can the present leader convert and galvanize the military and political victories into a national victory? Only time will tell. But time is running out.


Konnapu Bandara said...

Moshe, old chap, excellent analysis of implications of Southern Sudan split. We have to change the ethnic composition of North now proactively to prevent the Recurrence of separatism cancer. We cannot rely on these blackballed bastards seeing the reality of another horrendous Peelam war. They will never stop and only long term solution is to have 60-70% Sinhalese majority in both North and East.


Moshe Dyan said...

indeed KB.

many expectations of free settlement of ppl, easy access facilitating it has not happened and will not happen. nothing new. same thing from 1948 to 1982.

Moshe Dyan said...

this is a good move. at last.

our efforts have worked. no wonder terrorists are in panic mode.

many lives will be saved by this.

however, this is not good for the election. TNA's campaign against militarisation will become even more popular.

from TN

[TamilNet, Saturday, 22 January 2011, 13:33 GMT]

Mounted on bicycles, the SL military in Jaffna will be ‘patrolling’ the streets. They may not enter houses but will be engaged in street checks. They will act in the same way they were functioning during war times. The military cannot be confined to barracks, announced the colonial commander of the occupying SL military, Maj. Gen. Mahinda Hathurusinghe in a meeting held in the district secretariat Saturday. The military has to be in alert as crimes may escalate in the wake of elections expected soon, he envisaged. Political observers in Jaffna said that the premeditated step aims to bring civil administration and civilians in Jaffna completely under the control of the occupying military. Colombo’s plan was mouthed through the Sri Lanka Government Agent (SLGA) Mrs Imelda Sugumar a few weeks ago, when she urged the Army to police Jaffna.

Asithri said...

Moshey, timely and relevant analysis!

Re-colonization historically indisputable NE lands that belonged to Sinhelas must be aggressively progressed I agree.

After all, this is only the just and equitable thing to do as this area was indeed the traditional homeland of Sinhelas until successive Dravida/Chola invasions - really genocides of Sinhelas in both life, religion and culture - pushed the Sinhelas further to the then largely uninhabited south of the Island. Not only our recorded history attests to this fact, but there is ample and irrefutable archaeological evidence to support this view - that the traditional homeland of the Sinhelas was the N E of the island and now, at least, they must be re-allowed to move back and make a better life for themselves - for example with concerted, consistent agrarianism of the vast, hitherto unoccupied/uninhabited lands - and thereby also contribute to the development of the nation.

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...


To avoid what has happened elsewhere, we ALSO need to:


Until this is done, I am afraid there is real and present danger to the nation.

The nation went through a horrific war, a war brought about by unchecked racist-separatist sentiments that later saw the outlet for them coming via horrific terrorism unleashed on all Sri Lankans, and therefore the root cause - RACIST-SEPARATISM in this case - must be made illegal in the nation.

In my view this is what the LLTC should be advising the GOSL.

Those who violate this sacred Law - THOU SHALL NOT PROMOTE SEPARATISM OF ANY KIND BY WORD OR DEED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN/AND AGAINST SRI LANKA - must be given the maximum punishment of death sentence but a no lesser punishment than 10 years with no parole.

Sounds extreme?

May be. But then again, extreme situations brought on by extremists require extreme solution I think.

The question we must ask is do we want another horrific terrorist war in our nation - stemming from racist-separatism - that would see another 100,000 Sri Lankan lives being lost and devastation to the economic health of the nation?

The current GOSL has the 2/3 majority to pass this type of criminal code amendment - and IT MUST DO IT - AND DO IT NOW!

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Looks like another blow to the racist-terrorist Sakkiliyas in Canada!

Well done Canada…but…mmmmm…however, very curious indeed that no one was charged!

Typical hypocrisy of the “need to soft peddle on Tamil tigers to buy Tamil votes” of those in power of these western nation?

As the word is out there, these moves against these LTTE front orgs. have come about because of many complaints from within the Tamil communities and NOT out of any love for Sri Lanka and her people – who had to endure 30 years of horrific terrorism by Tamil tigers, while the west largely did nothing (but now harping on “war crimes” against the leaders who defeated that terrorism)!

OaO Asithri

Anonymous said...

Excellent post Moshe.

You have covered with brilliance and depth things many have hammered on about but not said so eloquently, clearly and to the point -and with regards to me personally, used much greater restraint a clarity I lack.

Moshe Dyan said...


yes, we must ban ALL FORMS of seperatism and racism.

we have to stand up to indian, EU and US pressures to seperate this country.

those two should go hand in hand with RECOL.

Moshe Dyan said...




Moshe Dyan said...

great move by GR.

we wanted this for a long time now.

"ID Cards to be digitalized

January 24, 2011 03:52 pm

The Department of Registration of Persons is taking steps to issue new digitalized National Identity Card for citizens to avoid any alterations or forging, Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse stated.

Speaking at the opening of a new information centre at the Department of Registration of Persons, he stated that this service was important protect this vital document from any misappropriations.

The new facility will extend the departments services to the public through SMS and internet while ID statuses can be checked by texting RPD STS and your application number to 1919."

Moshe Dyan said...

kazuthai get a double whack from USA.

US Embassy supports Galle Lit Fest

January 24, 2011 02:39 pm

The U.S. Embassy in Colombo today announced that it has given a grant of $5,000 to bring 30 students and teachers from all over Sri Lanka to the Galle Literary Festival to be held at the end of this week.

This comes against the backdrop where Reporters Without Borders and a Sri Lankan rights group had targeted foreign writers in a campaign that called on them to boycott the Galle Literary Festival because of restrictions on free speech in Sri Lanka.

Later it is reported that Nobel-winning Turkish author Orhan Pamuk and fellow writer Kiran Desai had pulled out of the festival.

“They won’t be attending the Galle festival,” Hemali Sodhi from Pamuk’s publisher in India, Penguin, had told AFP. “They won’t be commenting on this any further.”

However the US embassy in Colombo is supporting the festival by affording this grant.

A release by the US Embassy adds that the participants come from the University of Ruhuna, Southeastern University, Sabaragamuwa University, and the University of Jaffna. They will attend a full schedule of events at the festival, meet both national and international writers, and participate in special teambuilding sessions while in Galle.

“For five years the Galle Literary Festival has brought together writers and readers from all over the world to Sri Lanka for free and open discussions about culture, literature, history and politics.

Recently, the Festival has expanded its audience by introducing an innovative children’s program and other forms of community outreach that enable a wide variety of people with differing perspectives to learn from one another.

We support these efforts and hope for broad and engaged participation at this year’s festival. Events like this one can help bring about fuller freedom of expression in Sri Lanka” the statement further reads.

- adaderana

Anonymous said...

Dangerous situation developing here.

Proof India is itself behind these attacks to start “legally” colonising Sri Lanka (its bad enough with the current illegal immigration from Toilet Nadu). With the Indian “consulate” in Jaffna they will not only monitor things but be making reports and their own plans on how to “handle” Sri Lanka, in addition to facilitating the easier movement of Tamils into and out of Sri Lanka (through both illegal and legal channels).

The game is open and quiet clear.

"Indian fishermen threaten to seek asylum in Lanka"

Anonymous said...

One ridiculous article, good news is the religious nut is back:

Anonymous said...

According to the Independent making weapons is now a war crime/genocide.

Sam Perera said...

The Reverend SJ Emmanuel, president of the Global Tamil Forum (GTF), which said it obtained the documents from a senior Sri Lankan military source, asked that a panel established by the UN examines whether both the army and Tamil rebels manufactured mines. "How much more evidence do we have to produce for the international community to act upon?" he asked.

Where was the LTTE terrorist SJ Emmanuel when LTTE was producing and using land mines in millions? It seems that we have to extend the Nanthikadal Beachfest to the LTTE terrorists like SJ Emmanuel hiding in the west.

Konnapu Bandara said...

Chaps, there is lot of chatter on terrorist networks about MR getting admitted to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. I hope this is all wishful thinking by terrorists. Can one of you chaps in the know confirm?


Anonymous said...

Don't know whats happening KB.

Other statements including visiting his brother, his brother being ill or attending some graduation ceremony for his nephew.

The Colombian/LTTE/Fonseka/UNP/JVP axis were also claiming Gota had also gone but that turned to crap with Gota being in court the other day.

Its the usual lies and defamation centres spreading their hoaxes so i say we just wait.

Moshe Dyan said...


he and family is visiting a medical centre. not sure what the reason is.

lets pray for his good health.

Moshe Dyan said...

gonzeka's conviction valid.

2 similar unanimous decisions

Court martial indicting Fonseka valid under constitution: SL Supreme Court
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 25 January 2011, 14:00 GMT]

The five member Supreme Court judge chaired by the Chief Justice Asoka de Silva bench had sent its determination on the constitutionality of the court martial two weeks back to the Court of Appeal on a request made by the latter for an interpretation whether the court martial was valid under SL constitution.

The SL Chief Justice Asoka de Silva and Justice Salim Marshuk had sent two separate verdicts to the Appeal Court. But, their verdicts were unanimous in that the court martial was an accepted court under section 89 of the SL constitution.

Moshe Dyan said...

terrorism restarting in the north and east.

these are done by the SAME crowd to drive terror into the minds of the ppl and get them to support them. if not they threaten more terror.

1. Angry "public" burns cut-outs, banners of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Batticaloa
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 25 January 2011, 07:52 GMT]

2. Tutorial colleges burnt down in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 25 January 2011, 07:43 GMT]

Moshe Dyan said...


that is bloody dangerous.

they should be killed to teach the others a lesson.

Moshe Dyan said...

this guy has always been a (silent) patriot.

First Model Pre-School in Jaffna opened by Hemas

January 25, 2011 11:55 pm

Hemas Holdings PLC Ltd recently brought colour and life to the little children of the war-ravaged North with the formal opening of the new Hemas Piyawara model Pre-School in Jaffna.

The project is the second phase of the post war development process initiated by Hemas. In February 2009 as a short term relief to the IDPs, Hemas set up a series of Pre-Schools and play areas in Menik Farm relief villages in Vavuniya. These facilities provided pre-school education to several thousands of IDP children. The second phase was to set up model preschools in all war-torn districts in the region.

Hemas’ community investment is focused on ECCD (Early Childhood Care & development) in partnership with the Children’s Secretariat of Ministry of Child Development. The project has created a great impact to the wellbeing of children in Sri Lanka. At present nearly 3000 children are receiving education in 33 centres islandwide. The company has invested approximately Rs. 200 million since 2002 and all projects are carried out through Hemas Outreach Foundation, which is a Government Approved Charity. It is managed by a Trust that includes eminent personalities in Sri Lanka together with members from the Board of Hemas Holdings PLC.

Director Hemas Holdings Abbas Esufally said, “As a responsible corporate citizen, Hemas is happy to assist in the national effort to help the people of the North re-start their lives and prosper together as a single nation. Being the totally sustainable project it is, I have no doubt that Piyawara will change the lives of the children in Jaffna”.

Sam Perera said...


It seems to be a private visit suspected to be to see one of his aging relatives or nephews.

Anonymous said...

The bastion of "freedom of expression" (this time the Independent) has removed my comments. Boy they do love media freedom, either that or some Tamils complained when they got hammered with the truth.

They were incredibily popular comments going by the number of "likes" recieved. But since they did not stick to the narrative out they went. I have reposted them. Lets see how long they last this time.

Sam Perera said...

Tamilnut LTTE terrorist kazuthais are complaining about their onetime greatest supporter Solheim Anna now. The rage in lost Eelamists are clearly visible in Kazuthai Pushparajah's whining.

Sam Perera said...

Dayasiri Jasekera on Drugs.

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Sam Perera said...

Former Chief Justice Booru Nanda Silva seems to be utterly confused about law. This joker is trying to portray the Army Act to be some legal system out of our constitution. I guess that he is not aware that the Army act is part of our constitution.

Former Chief justice (CJ) Sarath N Silva speaking to ‘Lanka e News’ on the SC verdict had this to say ..

I have not fully evaluated this decision. In the verdict it has been declared , because the ‘military court’ can even deliver death sentence, that ‘court’ should be considered as a court under the constitution. The military court is appointed under the Army Act. But the SC, appeal court and other ordinary courts are established under the SL constitution. The question at issue is : merely because a military court has power to mete out punishment can it thereby become a court coming within the definition in the constitution.?

Moshe Dyan said...

sarath silva's crap makes no sense. he says, "I have not fully evaluated this decision."

what is there to evaluate so much???

does the court marshall fall within the definition of a competent court??


there is no other court to adjudicate what the army act covers. so it becomes AN ESSENTIAL part of the courts system. otherwise the army act cannot be enforced!!!!

Moshe Dyan said...

UPFA nominations for all LG divisions in jaffna district have been rejected.

even otherwise they cannot win the north. now they have to contest under another name.

as we knew TNA victory is 100% certain even if UPFA contests.

BR's appeasement strategy FAILS!!

real fun begins AFTER the election. TNA will go from house to house with the VADAKUNDI RESOLUTION.

who pays???

GOSL. every LG division gets an allocation. for the first time in history TNA gets an allocation!!!

1. NO TNA MF held ministerial portfolio in central govt. - so no allocation.

2. NO TNA MF held PC portfolios as it boycotted the EPC election - no allocation there

3. most vanni and jaffna LGs were govt appointed until now. except a few no TNA LGs.

when will the govt ever learn????

Anonymous said...

Well here's some good news. At least GR knows the right thing to do as does Jagath J.

The Sri Lanka Army Farm, established and maintained in Jaffna

Need to go to Adaderana to see the video.

This maybe small scale, but its at least some kind of RECOL. In fact its something we hammered on about a great deal.

Now such schemes need to be expanded to the Vanni and slowly from farms we can get the soldiers families settelled and so on.

Moshe Dyan said...


it has been almost a year after MR won the election convincingly.

remember the days to the jan 26, 2010 election???


remember the days when we were working overtime day and night fearing a gonzeka crap???

strangely no celebrations to mark the one year of victory.

Sam Perera said...

More development is happening in Uwa-Welassa area now. I am glad that somebody is spending enough energy to take care of the area destroyed by British.

Moshe Dyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moshe Dyan said...

manuelpillai comes from a patriotic family. we congratulate him on becoming the regional director of Mphasis.

in his speech he has added the benefits SL gets from his role. a very welcomed gesture in a country where some MFs like the maharajah kallathonis do everything to destroy the country.

Anonymous said...

JVP busy selling the country out to their white masters, guess they have completed the transition to Capitalism now?

(See the bottom right box story)

Also who exactly are these para-suddhas to come and "inspect" Sri Lanka? Who invited them? Does the Government know about their presence?

Moshe Dyan said...

sudan, tunesia and now egypt.

US-EU finances, protects and lend moral support to rioters in these countries to topple "dictatorial" regimes there.

but what they fail to realise is, democratic islamic states are more dangerous than dictatorships!

e.g. pakistan

if egypt's leadership changes, it will become a hardline islamic state. in fact it was a hardline islamic state before mubarak. this dictator for 30 years kept things under control.

panic has already reached israel where memories of egyptian aggression in 1967 and 1973 come back.

mubarak always arselicked israel and USA. there cannot be a better arselicker than him for egypt.

if that aiman al zawahri's crowd returns to egypt (there is a rumour they will), all hell will break lose.

from a global pov, this is a good sign though. foolish clinton publicly says USA backs the "people" meaning rioters. little that this pea brained dumb whore realizes it will be the end of US control of north africa.

if saudi's king dies now, that will be the icing on the cake!!!

USA is fast losing its grip in the middle east and the north african region. their victory in south sudan will be reversed by regime changes elsewhere in the region.

is it a retaliatory move by those nations against south sudan????

Moshe Dyan said...

today is january 31, 15 years since LTTE terrorists bombed the central bank killing hundreds and injuring thousands.

thanks to the cow at the top, it went unpunished.

it is the duty of the govt to remind the west these war crimes by tamil seperatists.

Sam Perera said...

One more way to skin a cat. Hopefully, we will bring justice to those who funded LTTE's crimes against Sri Lanka.

Moshe Dyan said...

here is sam's link.

The government is to sue LTTE front organizations and individuals who gave money to the LTTE during the war to purchase weapons and explosives, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to the United States Jaliya Wickramasuriya said.

Ambassador Wickramasuriya told News that the government is also working with US authorities to crackdown on LTTE front organizations operating on US soil with a new name but with the same agenda as they did before they were either banned or some of its members arrested.

The Ambassador said that family members of those killed by the LTTE during the conflict had sought assistance to sue those who funded the terror campaign including some Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) and human rights activists.

“We have been contacted by so many family members of the people who lost lives due to LTTE suicide bombings and LTTE activities and they will file action against people who gave money to the LTTE. They are responsible for sending money and weapons to the LTTE. We will bring these front organizations and individuals to justice very soon,” the Ambassador said.

Asked who these front organizations were the envoy said he could not reveal any names as investigations were still continuing but said that the US authorities were well aware who these people are.

(Report by Easwaran Rutnam for New

Moshe Dyan said...

LTTE diaspora is asking for trouble!!

never throw stones hiding in a glass house.

brunce fein says jaliya is "a good man" but the govt uses him for bad things!!!


Moshe Dyan said...

good news from toiletnet.

Hasty Sinhala colonisation wedges north and east at Kokku’laay
[TamilNet, Monday, 31 January 2011, 12:40 GMT]

Within the last three weeks, 240 Sinhala families were hastily settled at Kokku’laay, a narrow strip of land, which is the only link of contiguity between the northern and eastern flanks of the country of Eezham Tamils in the island.

This pivotal conspiracy of Colombo to demographically de-link the contiguity of the two Tamil provinces [THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE SHOULD BE DOING FIRST.] is being implemented by SL colonial governor in the north, Maj. Gen. Chandrasri and by SL ‘Rehabilitation’ minister Rishard Baddiudeen. Colombo lies that it is only ‘resettlement’ of Sinhalese, but except one or two families others are outsiders and the 43 original Tamil families resettled among Sinhalese now live in fear. The demographic wedging takes place at a time when New Delhi, advocating ‘home grown’ solution, is allegedly engaged in pressurizing Tamil politicians to commit to the de-link through their own mouth.

The boundary of Mullaiththeevu district of northern province and Trincomalee district of eastern province passes through the lagoon and the mouth of the lagoon. The Kokku’laay village is on the side of the Mullaiththeevu district and the Ilmanite rich Pulmoaddai village is on the side of Trincomalee district.

The 43 surviving Tamil families originally belonging to that village are resettled now surrounded by 240 Sinhala families brought from various parts of the island. The day-to day life of the original Tamil families faces a threatened atmosphere.
Many of the Sinhalese thus brought from the south have criminal and anti-social activities background, says an official instructed to supervise resettlement.[OH! REALLY??? CAN THERE BE WORSE ANTI SOCIALS THAN TERRORISTS???? SUICIDE BOMBERS???]

After deliberating such a volatile situation, the SL government claims that the resettlement of Kokku’laay has been achieved, the official further said.

Now, most of the foreign assistance meant for resettlement in the north is delivered to the Sinhala settlers.

Some machinery the ICRC gave for the people affected in the war in Vanni are now distributed among the Sinhalese brought from the south to Kokku’laay, said a ‘development’ official.

The monetary assistance for resettlement is also going to be diverted in this way, he said.

Colombo’s ‘resettlement’ of this colonial model takes place at various locations in the belt of the Ma’nal- aa’ru stream at the tri-junction of North, North Central and Eastern Provinces, but exact statistics are not known, the official said.


Moshe Dyan said...


"The occupying SL military and Sri Lanka Government Agent in the north are used for providing infrastructure and logistical support.

Sinhala colonisation of this tract with the aim of de-linking the Tamil provinces is an ongoing genocidal agenda of Colombo for nearly 60 years.

It started with the colonisation of Padaviya tank at the tri-junction in the 1950s.

Padaviya, or the ancient Sri Pathi-waavi reservoir and township were established by a Tamil trade guild, the temples and inscriptions of which at least a thousand years old could still be found in that place.

When the abandoned tank was renovated and people were settled in the 1940s, both Tamils and Sinhalese were settled there. But during the 1958 pogroms Tamils were chased out of that place and were never resettled.

Since then the Colombo government was expanding the Sinhala settlements from the tri-junction towards the coast, wedging the link of north and east. Communications were developed from the interior while the coastal communication was totally neglected.

The encroaching Sinhala settlements from the interior finally displaced the people of the Tamil village Thennaimaravadi at the banks of Kokku’laay lagoon and at the border of North and East provinces during the 1977 and 1983 pogroms and later.

What remained were only the coastal sandbar Kokkuth-thoduvaay and the Kukku’laay village.

Only after the rise of Tamil militancy Colombo was prevented from Sinhalicising the link in the last 30 years. But, it has started again. [HO! HO! HO! THE CAT IS OUT THE BAG!!]

The present strategy of bringing in criminals and anti-social elements from the south aims at dumping them in the north as well as scaring away the resettled Tamil families from their lands, admit civil officials engaged in the work.

Neither China, nor India that compete to assist ‘development’ of communication network for Colombo, ever undertook any work to develop the link of the Tamil North and East.

Some US development programmes in the East aimed at linking the Tamil districts with the adjacent Sinhala districts.

The Norwegian peace broker Erik Solheim recently asked some diaspora Tamils that where was the evidence for Sinhala colonisation in the Tamil land.

All of them refuse to accept what takes place is genocide and colonisation and they thus provide impunity and cover to Colombo.

Who will stop genocide and colonisation when such complicity comes from the powers?

[ I LOVE THIS BIT] After offering training programme to the military of 50 odd countries on ‘how to defeat terrorism’, Colombo could soon offer another training programme on how to accomplish genocide in ways ‘appreciable’ to powers and corporates."


Asithri said...

Somali pirates kill two Sri Lankan fishermen

Feb 1 (AFP) Somali pirates seized a Sri Lankan fishing vessel after killing two crew members and took three others hostage, Sri Lanka’s fisheries ministry said today. Pirates captured the boat as it strayed into Somali waters on Jan 27, the ministry’s director Lal Silva said. The captured fishermen, who left Sri Lanka’s southern town of Mirissa on Jan 4, had alerted Sri Lankan authorities, Silva said. “Three fishermen were taken hostage.

"Somali Pirates" are seemingly having a free hand at carrying out piracy in international waters and not only getting rewarded (as the rest of the world is too bloody impotent to effectively protest or countermeasure this piracy).

Now these CSMFs have just crossed that line in the sand my view - yes, they have killed our SL fishermen who, since time immemorial, have been a lifeblood to our island nation and our culture.

I suggest we do a SLA "DPU" version of the SLN on these CSMFs (who in my view are no different to the CSMF LTTE terrorists who we "Nanathikadalized" with utmost glee not long ago).

Send a couple of Dvoras suitably disguised with some of the best of the best of our SLN warriors and firepower and when them CSMFs come to "pirate" let them have the fireworks that will make 'em hallucinate for an instant, seeing their mothers' breasts from which they drank milk - before they die in fragmented piles of flesh in the ocean.

GOSL you do this and see the commendations you will receive from the world over - including from those hypocritical western powers that have been largely scared/ineffective re. this piracy menace.

I know we have other national priorities...but me thinks when this type of CSMF kills our own fishermen, especially fishermen from our proud SINHELA RUHUNA, it is time to teach these CSMF Monkeys a lesson they are apt to forget instantly (as they will be DEAD :))!

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

"The government is to sue LTTE front organizations and individuals who gave money to the LTTE "



This is something I have been advocating since May 2009 (when the LTTE CSMFs in the Diaspora were calling for "war crimes investigations in Sri Lanka") and boy am I glad to see finally the pinball has dropped in the slot!!!

Yeah, I am told this is going to be FCUKING UGLY...GOSL IS MAD and GOSL is going to embark on a path that will see these LTTE CSMF Kallathoni Parayas shake in their boots - not knowing how much of financial damages they will be on the hook for all the mayhem they financed in SL for over 30 years!!!


Tally Ho!!!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Most wonderful news!

"Within the last three weeks, 240 Sinhala families were hastily settled at Kokku’laay, a narrow strip of land, which is the only link of contiguity between the northern and eastern flanks of the country of Eezham Tamils in the island."

Kudos to you GOSL!!!

Could not think of any better way to speed up the national reconciliation and cementing of ethnic harmony in SL!

I suggest you accelerate this type of well-intentioned program five-fold as time is of the essence - as there are racist-extremist Tamils who would rather see the delay so that they can creep in and once again cause massive communal disharmony in the nation and soon follow up that with, yes as they did earlier, the same unbridled racist-separatist-terrorism that we suffered for over 30 years!

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Inside tidbit...

LankaeNews was burnt by a pro-Gonseka=ProRW-UNP=Pro-LTTE goon squad - obviously a gang that wanted to caste guilt on MR GOSL for a "yet another attack against the free media," i.e. a very valuable guilt for them at this juncture when their friends abroad are going full tilt on framing "war crimes" charges against SL.

The funny thing is we patriots are rejoicing at this news (at least I am with a cocktail in hand :) - that yet another mouthpiece of the LTTE terrorists' org has been reduce to ashes - although the attempted framing of guilt and the ramifications there of, on this patriotic GOSL is not desirable or needed at this juncture I admit.

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Sam Perera said...


In December 1984, LTTE terrorists slaughtered one Sinhala village in Kokillai. On that day 1000s of Sinhalese left that area only to return after 26 long years. Most of them who lost their loved ones lived in absolute misery. Some of them joined the military. It is the time to handsomely reward those deserving military families with larger land and sea grants. Perhas the ownership of land around the Kokilai lagoon can be given to those men and families who joined SLA. In deed, it is ideal if we can setup a military cantonment in this area.

Sam Perera said...

Blatant LTTE lies to claim that Padaviya was done by Tamils.

Padaviya, or the ancient Sri Pathi-waavi reservoir and township were established by a Tamil trade guild, the temples and inscriptions of which at least a thousand years old could still be found in that place.

This is the real history:

The Padaviya tank was built by king Mogallana II (531-551). It had been also mentioned in the Moragoda inscriptions when king Kassapa IV (898-914) granted immunities from taxes on monastery lands irrigated by this reservoir. It was a very prosperous area. In 993 AD when the Colas took over Rajarata, they installed their functionaries in Padaviya for extorting the heavy taxes from the people there. Those Cola Indians, intent on spreading their Hindu religion, did build temples for god Shiva and Lingam worship. They also left couple of Tamil inscriptions there. By l070 AD Vijayabahu freed the country from the Colas and Padaviya reverted back to its legitimate king and its age-old Buddhist religion. King Parakramabahu (1153-1186) did extensively renovate the tank and therefore claimed in the inscription he left behind, that he did build the tank.

Just like King Vijayabahu the Great, President Rajapakse the Great liberated the nation from the grip of Chola terrorists and restoring the legitimate right sons of the soil.

Moshe Dyan said...


thanks for the info.

dollar farm, kent farm, sinhapura, nayuru, dutuwewa, paranamedawachchiya, helambewewa, konwewa, galthalawa, alichipothana, alpathwewa are some more examples.

bloody racist murderers. they thought they could scare the ppl away. never thought we could put a hot iron rob up their rotten arses after giving a cocktail of urine, cum and whatnot to thalaivar for LAST SUPPER!!!

kevin said...

Looks like old Blakey is admitting the tiger terrorist have committed war crimes.I hope he make this point to Bruce Fain where there will be a counter claim against his
separatist clients if need be.

Anonymous said...

Where has he done that Kevin?

That venomous snake is still out for revenge against SL because the naughty little brown people of this land refused to bow down to him, roll out the red carpet and devoutly do what he said, damningly they told him to go to hell then gave him the finger when he tried lecturing from his soap box of “higher morality” where the only qualification he and his kind have for that is their sense of superiority derived from brutal violence, military suppression and cultural annihilation of the people of colour. His ego is still burning for the “out rages” we committed by not knowing “our place” coupled to the fact this "big shot" failed in his priority one mission objective (saving the LTTE and pro-longing war in Sri Lanka). He like many others of his "diplomatic" kind try to make a name for themselves out of Sri Lanka, his association with Tamil barbarism groups is all the proof we need for the actions of this man (and other like him) and why we should never trust such forked tongued people (the Native Americans learnt that lesson when it was too late, how long till we do?). He is just another one of the long line of scum that have tried to propel themselves forward at Sri Lanka's expense. The only thing going for him is that he is not of our soil and just a dirty foreigner with a blood soaked history trying to lecture the natives.

Moshe Dyan said...

here is what kevin mentioned.

LTTE bore a large part of the responsibility Robert Blake, Assistant Secretary of State

The Assistant Secretary of State made these remarks during an NPR affiliate radio interview on Jan 27th:

WRVO Interview: Grant Reeher speaks with Robert Blake, Assistant Secretary of State for Central and South Asian Affairs

Excerpts of the Interview relating to Sri Lanka:

QUESTION: In case you`ve just joined us, you`re listening to the Campbell Conversations, and my guest today is Bob Blake, Assistant Secretary of State.

I`ve got to ask you a couple of questions about your previous experience in Sri Lanka. Before you took on your current position at the State Department you were Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives. While you were in that position the country was going through a civil war that had some really gruesome levels of violence and cruelty.

The first question, just a base one, what was that experience like for you in that time period?

ASSISTANT SECRETARY BLAKE: It was a very searing time for the country and I think a searing time for me personally, because the government of Sri Lanka went from being involved in a peace process with the LTTE which is the terrorist organization at that time, to making a decision after suffering many attacks from the LTTE that they were going to try to defeat them militarily. Most of us believed it couldn`t be done, but they disproved a lot of the skeptics. But they did so at a very high cost. Many many civilians were killed during that and particularly at the end of that conflict. It points now to the need for very serious reconciliation and accountability efforts to take place so that the country can be unified and it can again I think realize the promise that Sri Lanka has always had.

Moshe Dyan said...

QUESTION: You just mentioned this and I wanted to follow up on it. There`s a recent piece in the New Yorker, I`m sure you`ve read it, about the conflict by John Lee Anderson. In that piece he writes about exactly what you just mentioned, the fact that despite, one of the points I wanted to ask you about here, despite the brutality with which the Tamil insurgency was extinguished, the government`s response is held up by some strategists as a model for effectively putting down a terrorist insurgency. And the model, to quote Anderson, is deny access to the media, the United Nations, and human rights groups isolate your opponents and kill them as quickly as possible and segregate and terrify the survivors, or ideally, leave no witnesses at all. Do you think that accurately captures what was done?

ASSISTANT SECRETARY BLAKE: I`m not sure I`d call that a model for how I`d want to see

QUESTION: Exactly.

ASSISTANT SECRETARY BLAKE: But I think it`s important to be balanced in this. The first thing to recognize is the LTTE bore a large part of the responsibility for this. If you read the public statements that I and the EU and the Norwegians put out during the course of this conflict, we were always careful to urge both sides to protect civilians. The LTTE

QUESTION: Just to clarify, that`s the Tamil group, Tamil Tigers.

ASSISTANT SECRETARY BLAKE: The LTTE, the so-called Tamil Tigers, have been on our terrorist list since 1997. One of the most brutal, lethal terrorist organizations in the world.

As the Sri Lankan army was pushing north into the Tamil areas, the predominantly Tamil areas that were controlled by the LTTE for more than two decades, they displaced, the Sri Lankan army displaced a large number of Tamil civilians and they all began to move northwards. The LTTE systematically refused international efforts to allow those internally displaced persons to move south. To move away from the conflict areas where they could have been given food and shelter and so forth. So they systematically basically refused all efforts and in fact violated international law by not allowing freedom of movement to those civilians. So had the LTTE actually allowed people to move south, none of this would have happened in the first place, so it`s important to make that point. I think that often gets lost in the debate on this.

Secondly, the LTTE often deliberately put its heavy artillery in the midst of civilian encampments, precisely to draw fire so that people would get killed in the hopes that there would then be international outrage and there would be essentially demands on the Sri Lankan government to stop the fighting and [agree to] some sort of negotiated settlement.

The Sri Lankans, not without reason, argued that the LTTE was really never interested in peace and that they had always used ceasefires as a way to regroup and rearm themselves, so they essentially refused any efforts to resume the peace process.

So we faced this very very difficult situation. On the one hand we wanted to see the defeat of a terrible terrorist organization that had been responsible for hundreds if not thousands of civilian casualties. On the other hand we wanted to ensure that there were not going to be civilian casualties as a result of this. I have to say, both sides were guilty of massive human rights violations that caused the deaths of many many civilians. I think, just to say what I said earlier, which is for this country now to recover from this experience I think there needs to be a reconciliation process, there needs to be new elections that are held in the north so that a new indigenous leadership can emerge, and I think there also needs to be some sort of accountability mechanism so that the Sri Lankan nation can put this episode behind them and that they can be confident that those who were responsible for the deaths that took place will be held accountable.

Text courtesy of: US State Dept.

Moshe Dyan said...

but he contradicts himself.

"I think there needs to be a reconciliation process"


"there needs to be new elections that are held in the north so that a new indigenous leadership can emerge"


"I think there also needs to be some sort of accountability mechanism so that the Sri Lankan nation can put this episode behind them and that they can be confident that those who were responsible for the deaths that took place will be held accountable."



Sam Perera said...

නිදහස්‌ දින නිල උළෙලට එජාපය සහභාගි වන්නේ නෑ

It is great not to see these human refuse like Ranil not participating the independence day. Ranil and his group of the white master worshipers must be pretty upset that their masters have no place in meddling with Sri Lanka. Ranil and his group donkeys must be pretty upset that their beloved Velu and LTTE is not there any more.

In any case, Ranil sees to lack the brain to understand that this is a celebration of independence we won in 1948, not 2009.

Nevertheless, we should be thankful to traitors like Ranil for not desecrating our independence day ceremony by showing their faces.

Sam Perera said...

LTTE Diaspora Losers,

Major General Shavendra Silva's name is already etched in our chronicles with golden ink among the ten warrior generals of King Gamini Abhaya. You are required to kneel down in front of him just like Velupillai did in May 2009.

Moshe Dyan said...

excellent news if true.

"Sinhala colonization threatens fishermen of Vanni

[TamilNet, Tuesday, 01 February 2011, 23:47 GMT]

The number of Sinhala fishermen from South, camping close to Sri Lanka Army and Sri Lanka Navy camps in the SL occupied Vadamaraadchi East and Mullaiththeevu, has doubled within a short period in the recent weeks, causing alarm among the fishermen associations of resettled Tamil fishermen. Commanders of the occupying Sri Lankan military have become brokers bringing in hundreds of fishermen from south and allowing them to operate from coastal areas where Tamil civilians are denied resettlement, complained representatives of fishermen societies in Vadamaraadchi East told media Tuesday."

toiletnet exaggerates.

Anonymous said...

Gonseka now wants hot water. Has he got his AC installed yet? Hikz.

Sole war hero who won the war by himself at work, clearly this is how he fourght at the front with AC and hot water, his green card and his luxury Benz

Asithri said...

[Gonseka now wants hot water. Has he got his AC installed yet?]

Yeah, I would not be surprised if the Court also allows AC for this "white flag" CSMF.

Then, I would also expect him to petition the court on "fundamental rights" and ask for perfectly round rotis and OF COURSE, hookers also to be supplied to his cell - all that he claims to be affecting his "poor health" if not complied with!!!

Bloody hell, what country on this planet gives into this kinda garbage - other than our SL ???

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

[The number of Sinhala fishermen from South, camping close to Sri Lanka Army and Sri Lanka Navy camps in the SL occupied Vadamaraadchi East and Mullaiththeevu, has doubled within a short period in the recent weeks]

How LOVELY if true!

I personally think the number should have gone up by 1000% by now - and not doubled.

One Sri Lanka, One Nation, One-People!

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

[Sinhala colonization]



If, however, this is about TamilNadu, then yes, I think it should not happen (not yet anyway :))

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Sam, in that video an old CSMF LTTE diehard keeps saying "no, the war is not over" when arguing with some of our Sinhela expats who came to listen to our hero SS.

What a laugh, but shows why we need to be careful with these CSMF Tamil separatists!

Time that the GOSL hunted them down and sued their fcuking pants off for sustaining and nurturing TERRORISM in Sri Lanka - as verified being carried out by a US banned "foreign terrorist group" !!!

OaO Asithri

Sam Perera said...


These LTTE rump will never give up. So shall we. We shall educate our future generations to resist LTTE Eelamist with all the energy they have.

Moshe Dyan said...


and we should make things easier for our future generation as our past generations made things easier for us.

Moshe Dyan said...


sinhala colonization of tamil madu may be out for now but we have to SERIOUSLY look at screwwing tamil nadu and the possibility of having a different ethnicity in the country closest to us.

anyone is better than tamil nadus and tamil elamists.

even pakistanis.

Moshe Dyan said...

after the 26th april 2006 event gonzeka limited his travel. since then he got used to AC rooms, hot water baths, luxury.

no wonder this joker was denied the vishishta seva vibushanaya until he awarded himself. now that too is lost.

LTTE/JVP prisoners should gang up and attack him.

kevin said...

If Blake had the tigers as terrorists in their scope since 1997,though some have informed them of their terrorist activities prior to 1983,how come he is uttering this now?Why is bending his views towards Sri Lanka now?Perhaps VP's lot ruling the roost then and we are now in charge which would inevitably own the 50 billion or so barrels of oil in the Mannar basin?
We might change hands if we send likes of KP and Karuna to set up political parties align to ethnicity and that would be regretful.We might repeat South Sudan up in the North?

Moshe Dyan said...



did blake bend backwards or did we???

it is strange how monkey boon and americans say the same thing and then change it at the same time!!

Konnapu Bandara said...

Chaps, this makes me sick to my stomach. What that bastard Premedasa did in collusion with LTTE barbarians is certainly a war crime. This is what we need to investigate thoroughly and hang the responsible parties, both UNP bastards and LTTE barbarians.

Tassie reveals how Tigers captured 324 policemen with Premadasa’s help


Asithri said...

What our country consequently needs is a new political will

By Rt.Rev.Duleep de Chickera

So said another CSMF Colombian, but this time a frock wearing CSMF Colombian who represents the lot that used (also wearing frocks) love to carry the crucifix in one hand and a pic of VesaParayakan with the other hand.

When this CSMF says "needs a new political will" what he really means is that we should dump the MR GOSL and put the pro-LTTE, pro-Church (i.e. at the expense of majority Buddhists' interests), pro-west=pro-CorruptNGOs, CSMF Ranil Wickremasinghe to power!!!

It never fails to amaze me the hypocrisy of these so called men-of-Christ!!!

These vile CSMFs put shame to Christ's philosophy!!!

Only in SL we have this type of blatant anti-national activities being tolerated.

For example...

Would any such bugger, i.e. a frock wearing, cross carrying but entirely pro-terrorists in word and deed CSMF, be tolerated in India???

The Hindu militant movement, Shiv Sena (if I got the spelling right) would fry this type of CSMF's arse in no time if this happened in India!!!

OaO Asithri

Asithri said...

Yeah KB, my blood also boils whenever I read accounts of what the UriNePee govt of the day, headed by an uneducated CSMF for President that we had then (may that CSMF Premadasa rot in hell 500 lives for all I care) did to slaughter the lives of over 600 policemen.

What we need to keep in mind is that the current leader of the UriNePee, this CSMF Ranil, was a part of that regime (was he not the PM then?) and the question that must be asked from Ranil now is "what did you do then?"

True, today this Ranil CSMF wants GOSL to send KP to India to be punished for Rajiv G's killing, but he utters not a pip about what the LTTE did to massacre over 600 SL Policemen when he was in the GOSL and supported the order from that equally CSMF Premadasa for them to surrender to the heinous LTTE terrorists - know well what their fate was going to be!

So, yes, I fully agree that he, Ranil, must be hauled before a war-crimes court and charged with "CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE" and hopefully summarily shot at Galle Face as punishment meted out by that court for aiding and abetting MASS MURDER!

OaO Asithri

Moshe Dyan said...


that is such an important news worthy to make the next post!

this is horrible!!

sacrificing 324-800 poliemen's lives (remember police personnel are CIVILIANS) just to please the LTTE terrorists for another ceasefire!!!


how low these MFs went to scoop a mouthful of tiger shitt!!!

that bloody hameed crap and ranjan wijeratna (sorry GENERAL ranjan wijeratna) were also involved.

but the tigers knew how to enjoy their hotel stay at the taj when they put up their undies on a makeshift clothesline for all to see at the taj!!!

of course the LTTE crappies involved should also be punished. karuna has some explaining to do.

Moshe Dyan said...

apparently the LTTE instructed them to dig their own graves and then shot them.

the beauty of it is premadasa got it 3 years later from the same LTTE he sacrificed his men!!!

the uneducated president without a father (his mother was a prostitute in colombo-12) thought LTTE would LOVE him for it and may be used to eliminate his opponents!!!

GENERAL wijeratna got the same treatment 1 year after the eastern debacle.

Moshe Dyan said...


the bugger actually hinting that SLs should do what the egyptians are doing now and change the govt!!


i don't mind it.

if you look at past similar things (1956, 1970, 1977, 1994, 2004, 2001 was an exception), socalled "tamil nationalists" got screwed everytime there was a massive peoples movement.

had ponil not changed the govt in 2001, MR team would not be in power to defeat the LTTE.

moral of the story - if you eat, you shitt!!!

Asithri said...

Holeeeee F!!!

This caught even my by surprise!!!

Egypt style protests

Jan 4 (NN) The main opposition UNP today warned that it will organize street protests similar to that seen in Egypt in order to seek the defeat of the government. UNP MP Dayasiri Jayasekera, speaking to reporters today, said that a protest will be staged at Punchi Borella tomorrow, Independence day, from 7pm onwards to agitate against the government. He claimed that hundreds of people will take part in the protest and also urged the public to take to the streets and support the campaign.

Way to go!!!

Yeah, let this CSMF Dayasiri do just that and see what a trashing he and his misguided supporters will get FROM THE SRI LANKAN PEOPLE!


THIS OUR SRI LANKA AND WE VOTED IN A PRESIDENT AND A GOVT WITH AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY - Yes Dayasiri, you pro-LTTE, pro-west-INGO CSMF, I hope you have at least two brain cells left to realize that!



OaO Asithri

p.s. I hope the Patriotic Sri Lankans (whose opinion matters in the end) have enough old tires to tackle this type of contingency! LMSSAO!!! Truly LMSSAO!!!

Phew! The level to which this WASHED OUT UriNePee party has stooped to, is truly mind boggling!!!

Asithri said...


[the uneducated president without a father (his mother was a prostitute in colombo-12) thought LTTE would LOVE him for it and may be used to eliminate his opponents!!!]

Yeah, that explains it I always thought.

A son of a prostitute, a street urchin who grew up without a father, well, what can you expect him to be? Astute in decision making? NO!

Yes, the poor CSMF was just wrapped around his STREET THUGISH mentality and likely saw the LTTE CSMFs being his goon-boys (in gratitude for all the weapons he gave them) to do his dirty work and get rid of any political opponent - but alas, the LTTE CSMFs had other plans!

The rest is history!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Konnapu Bandara said...

Asithri and Moshe, I hope the cry for justice for these 600+ police officers is taken up by Patriots. We won the war and now have the LLRC in place to pursue this to the end. May be a patriot lawyer can represent the families of these officers who were betrayed in most vile manner and file a civil suit against UNP and LTTE bastards. I am sure among the 10,000 odd terrorist prisoners we have, there are several who may have personally participated in the massacre or have firsthand knowledge. Hang those bastards by the balls until they spill the beans. Then the government should file war crimes charges against them.


Asithri said...

KB, I fully agree.

As for...

[I am sure among the 10,000 odd terrorist prisoners we have, there are several who may have personally participated in the massacre or have firsthand knowledge. Hang those bastards by the balls until they spill the beans. Then the government should file war crimes charges against them.]

yeah...this is where things become real interesting!

Surely we must "tap into" (LMSSAO!!!) the 10,000 in custody to get at the ones to spill the beans - in front of camera to the IC - how they slaughtered the 800 Police personnel who had surrendered.

Then again...I am sure we can find another 800 at least who are guilty of this, or other, mass murders in SL?

Now why wouldn't they, by the intervention of the Just-Devas also die - like how the 800 Police personnel died from being shot and hacked by them, by let's say when their ship sank in mid sea when they were being transported from one camp to another?

Gawd,life is not always fair uh?!?!

:)) :)) :))

OaO Asithri

Moshe Dyan said...


now that gets really exciting.

we can CERTAINLY find those who participated in the 1990 massacre if we know (not where) but HOW to look!! and how to ask.

but don't forget the diaspora.

some terrorists left the country.

get them at the airport.

and of course some low level TNA activists have a criminal past. get them too.

Anonymous said...

Interesting RT video on Egypt, more interesting are the details about Aljerkoff.

Anonymous said...

Here's the link:

Konnapu Bandara said...

Patriots, happy independence day!


Sam Perera said...


Happy Independence Day, or the day we finally got the British invaders out of our homeland.

I consider May 19th to be the day we got real independence from the self appointed masters and their terrorist servants, both physically and mentally.

Anonymous said...

This is a deep concern:


There is something very sinister about a rather surprising story about Sri Lanka’s population doubling to 40 million by the year 2050.
Almost identical reports were carried in virtually all the newspapers day after day this week, which in itself is strange as newspapers worth their salt do not repeat stories already carried by others.
What was even stranger was that none of the journalists who wrote the story had spoken to the person who had come up with this calculation, but they were quoting a spokesman.
Why we are suspicious of this claim of a sudden reversal in birth trends in the country is that even UN population website projects the country’s population to grow modestly to 21.7 million by 2050 from 20.4 million recorded last year.
If the new, but suspicious prediction is true, the country should be truly celebrating as the way the family planners had been allowed to literally run riot in this country we had come to a point where we were hardly replacing our dying population; and there is a growing fear that we will be saddled with a burdensome ageing population as in advanced countries.
The situation was such that even Education Minister Bandula Gunawardena publicly conceded that the country had been forced to close hundreds of schools across the country for more than a decade due to wide scale application of birth control.
How these birth controllers succeeded was by offering an incentive allowance of as much as Rs1000 per individual to undergo a vasectomy or a tubectomy. The result was that poor people lined up in their hundreds daily outside these clinics in the 80s and 90s to have their testicles or ovaries tied up to collect the cash incentive.
The secret behind this wide publicity to an apparent questionable projection is that these family planning bureaucracies and NGOs were becoming redundant, so what better way to justify their continued existence than to say the country’s population is doubling and therefore (so far unsaid publicly) their services are still required.
People beware.


Moshe Dyan said...


this is a connected problem.

from adaderana

climate change is pushing ppl to move to safer areas across national borders in asia.

Asia must prepare for millions of people to flee their homes to safer havens within countries and across borders as weather patterns become more extreme, the Asian Development Bank warns.

A draft of an ADB report obtained by AFP over the weekend and confirmed by bank officials cautioned that failure to make preparations now for vast movements of people could lead to “humanitarian crises” in the coming decades.

Governments are currently focused on mitigating climate change blamed for the weather changes, but the report said they should start laying down policies and mechanisms to deal with the projected population shifts.

“What is clear is that Asia and the Pacific will be amongst the global regions most affected by the impacts of climate change,” said the report entitled “Climate Change and Migration in Asia and the Pacific”.

“Such impacts include significant temperature increases, changing rainfall patterns, greater monsoon variability, sea-level rise, floods and more intense tropical cyclones,” it said.

The report, expected to be released in the next few weeks, comes as flooding overwhelms parts of Asia-Pacific, most recently in Australia, where a powerful cyclone worsened the impact of weeks of record inundations.

“Asia and the Pacific is particularly vulnerable because of its high degree of exposure to environmental risks and high population density. As a result, it could experience population displacements of unprecedented scale in the next decades,” said the report, primarily targeted at regional policymakers.

Research carried out for the United Nations showed that 2010 was one of the worst years on record worldwide for natural disasters.

Moshe Dyan said...

Asians accounted for 89 percent of the 207 million people affected by disasters globally last year, according to the Belgium-based Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED).

Summer floods and landslides in China caused an estimated $18 billion dollars in damage, while floods in Pakistan cost $9.5 billion dollars, CRED’s annual study showed. Not to mention the catastrophic human cost.

“Governments are not prepared and that is why ADB is conducting this project,” said Bart Edes, director of the Manila-based lending institution’s poverty reduction, gender and social development division.

“There is no international cooperation mechanism established to manage climate-induced migration. Protection and assistance schemes to help manage that flow is opaque, poorly coordinated and scattered,” he told AFP.

“Policymakers need to take action now,” he stressed, noting that negotiating treaties and efforts to raise funds takes time.

Last year’s natural disasters in the Asia-Pacific, including millions of people displaced in Sri Lanka and the Philippines, “give us a flavour of what to expect in the future”, said Edes.

“Migration in general is not being properly addressed and the situation is going be made worse,” added Edes, referring to the additional impact of climate change on migration patterns, fuelled by economic needs and armed conflicts.

“Now we have another driver of migration.”

The draft ADB report said the people forced to leave due to the extreme weather changes “have come to incarnate the human face of climate change” and while many of them will return home, many will be displaced permanently.

Those expected to suffer the most will be the poor as they lack the means to easily pack up and leave for safer havens, the report said.

“The issue of climate-induced migration will grow in magnitude and will take different forms,” the report added, urging national governments and the global community to “urgently address this issue in a proactive manner.”

“Failure to do so could result in humanitarian crises with great social and economic costs,” it warned, AFP reports.

Sam Perera said...


Take look at this Sunday Times front page from 2003. All the titles and photos were very interesting on that day.

Moshe Dyan said...


the news relating to karuna is very interesting.

he wanted to modernize the LTTE militarily. he wanted to increase the LTTE tax on muslims in the east from 5% to 20%.

and other BS.

but he defected in 2000, not in 2004. he was asked to stay below the radar as long as he could. he tried. did well until 2004. then tigers came to know his new aligiance.

govt had to protect him and his men and had to dissolve the parliamet in april 2004 a foolish political decision. defence ministry was with CBK. she should have been able to protect him and his cadres without dissolving the UriNePee govt. had she waited until 2005, MR could have very easily won the 2005 PE.

from the start karuna was a political liability, but a military asset.

Moshe Dyan said...

MR and SF understanding was there even in 2003. in the photo he is onboard a navy craft and jaffna ARMY commander SF was also onboard.

it sent out 2 powerful messeges.

1. we are for war, if needed.

2. we are friends.

if ranil ponnaya travels to jaffna and try out a LTTE panty today will the jaffna commander be with him? no.

but it was kind of foolish to give away. UNP and LTTE would have known very well that there is an understanding between the SLFP and SF later in the same year when SF said HSZs are not going anywhere.

Moshe Dyan said...

looks like this is going to be the way it is.

some bullshit litigations against anyone.

Litigation threat forces Bush to cancel Swiss trip

[TamilNet, Sunday, 06 February 2011, 16:41 GMT]

US's former President George Bush cancelled his intended visit to Switzerland to talk in Geneva, after Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), a New York based non-profit group and other human rights organizations threatened to bring a complaint in Switzerland under the Convention Against Torture for sanctioning torture of terrorism suspects. Rights activists were also organizing a rally outside the Hotel Wilson, where the speech was scheduled to take place, Washington Post said.

Moshe Dyan said...

but then toiletnet goes loco!!!

"‘Nazi-style registration of civilians in Jaffna’
[TamilNet, Sunday, 06 February 2011, 12:08 GMT]

The occupying SL military in Jaffna is directly engaged in registration of individuals and families in the Jaffna peninsula in recent times. Everyday, covering area by area, the SL military is distributing forms to collect information and is insisting of family photographs along with children to be given to them. The activity of the SL military, reminding the Nazi practice before the Holocaust, creates terror in the minds of the people."


Moshe Dyan said...

ok, now it is official.

"The chairman of the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission, which organized the vote and includes members from both sides, said 98.83% voted for separation, while 1.17% voted for unity."

IF a referndum is held in northern SL, AMONG TAMILS, at least 95% will vote for seperation.

Asithri said...


[IF a referndum is held in northern SL, AMONG TAMILS, at least 95% will vote for separation.]

Good point and should be a point that strikes electricity at the very testicles of some of our lethargic SL Politicos who live in a cocoon, in Colombo's plush AC'd offices with tax-payer paid for luxury cars, foreign trips, etc etc.

Of course, the Tamil in that area would vote by that kind of huge margin for "independence" or "separation" as that is ALL what they have had shoved down their throats over the past 60 year - first by the racist-communalist Tamil politicos and later by the terrorist dogs LTTE.

Especially due to the isolation they had from the rest of SL over the past 30 years (largely due to thanks to the stupid+traitorous 1977 UriNePee govt. (that ruled till 1994) and the also indisputably stupid CBK PA Govt in that took the reins in 1994) it is not surprising they would vote in that fashion.

Let's face it...this is not an educated savvy lot that can differentiate between the finer points of macro/micro economics of being an arsehole little enclave vs. belonging to the bigger, the higher potential entity.

In any case, this type of vote for that area is a non-starter.

To begin with, they are NOT entitled to that area as THEIR HOMELAND is only 20 nautical miles away and for all practical purposes and they are only descendants of invaders and/or aliens of our Motherland.

Today we will treat them as equals, but that is it - they will not get any more privilege than the average Sinhela - meaning they will not be given the privilege of even entertaining the thought of VOTING for a separate state.

To me this is no different to the UK govt or the Canadian govt NOT entertaining any thought of a vote for a separate state for the Tamils within those countries - although Tamil population in certain parts of those countries might be heavily concentrated and might even be a majority in certain localities.


(As espoused and supported by many of the patriots in this very blog).

OaO Asithri

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

UNP is desperately trying to show an "Egypt in Sri Lanka" and are trying to use the floods to grab support as if the Government is responsible for the floods.

Secondly on sites like Adaderana there seems to be increased activity by Gonseka/UNP/NGO/Colombian types. They seem to be buoyed on by something. I have seen this pattern of sudden increase and enthusiasm in them before when Sri Lanka is about to be once again attacked by their white masters.

Clearly something is up and these monkeys know it and can;t wait. My guess is the UNHRC session (again) on Sri Lanka. Monkey moon says he will try to bring "political stability to Sri Lanka". Since when was that his job? Since when was Sri Lanka politically unstable (as in today where it clearly is not) and since when did Sri Lanka supersede all the other places in the world which are 1000x worse (and who's problems, much like SLs, can be traced to the West in some form).

Clearly the UNP/Fonseka/Colombians etc are busy at work creating grounds for "political instability" well to be more precise the appearance of such to justify foreign interference in this country to oust this popular Government. Which proves they are once again against the democratic will of the people –ironic that they and their white masters bark against Sri Lanka under the banner of "democracy".

This is exactly what the LTTE/UNP/West/Colombians/NGOs did during the war (especially at its end) creating and master minding catastrophes to justify intervention to further their own selfish agendas all the while blaming/holding someone else responsible for their handiwork (i.e. the real victims, i.e. Sri Lanka and the Sinhalese).

Moshe Dyan said...


"on sites like Adaderana there seems to be increased activity by Gonseka/UNP/NGO/Colombian types"

i too noticed that.


monkey boon always exceed his authority and may be trying some crap. he keeps silent on egypt. i wonder why.

Sam Perera said...

This is true Tamilnuttum joke parroted by Lanka-News-Whores Anil Withanarachchi.

Attorney for the three Tamil plaintiffs who are suing Sri Lanka's President Rajapakse in the District of Columbia Federal court for monetary damages under US's Torture Victims Protection Act (TVPA) said in a press release issued Tuesday that he will be requesting the Clerk of the United States District Court to send summons by mail to Rajapakse's residence "Temple Trees" in Colombo 3. Civil procedure rules normally require a properly served defendant 21days to file an answer.

It seems that these jokers are not aware that US court summons are as good as toilet paper beyond their border and the president of Sri Lanka is immune to any kind of prosecution.

Sam Perera said...


I too noticed that. I believe that it is the time to beat-up these traitors once again.

Moshe Dyan said...


floods and high inflation put the govt in an awkward position for the election. they will have to postpone it.

lack of colonization means the landless will be eternally suffering and low food production. 2 things govt could have done better.

Moshe Dyan said...

mubarak quits.

but sentiment in the region (including israel) points to an unstable egypt.

where next?

Sam Perera said...

The democratic will of the Egyptians finally kicked Mubarak out. Hopefully, the military will facilitate a smooth transition to a patriotic and democratic government that can bring peace and prosperity to Egypt, most certainly without bending over backward to power masters around the world.

දේශපාලුවා said...

Friends I'm back after a much needed long vacation.

Wish you all a prosperous 2011.

MD good article, rich in facts and critical analysis.

Moshe Dyan said...


welcome back. best wishes.

Sam Perera said...

Gandaruwan Senadhera of Lanka-Eccentric-News has started insulting Buddhist monks now.

Moshe Dyan said...


allow me to indulge in some "mandabuddika" stuff.


Moshe Dyan said...

Washington (CNN) -- Charge George W. Bush with war crimes?

Some Bush critics have for years demanded a prosecution of the former president. They had hoped that the incoming Obama administration would put Bush on trial. No luck.

Now they have changed their focus, filing actions in foreign courts. Last week, these Bush opponents filed an action in Switzerland in advance of a Bush appearance at a charity fundraiser in Geneva.

Shortly after the filing, the Bush appearance was canceled. Bush is in no danger of going to a Swiss jail, obviously. But it's important that all Americans understand: This use of law as a weapon of politics is an assault upon the basic norms of American constitutional democracy.

American presidents are subject to law, of course: American law.

In the case of torture -- the offense of which Bush's critics accuse the president -- the relevant law is the War Crimes Act of 1996, which provides penalties up to the death penalty for abuse of military detainees.

This law was adopted in conformity with U.S. obligations under the 1986 Convention Against Torture, which called upon all signatory states to "ensure that all acts of torture are offences under its criminal law." (It's often said that the convention "bans" torture, but that is not correct: It creates an obligation on member states to ban torture by their own nationals.)

This use of law as a weapon of politics is an assault upon the basic norms of American constitutional democracy.
In 2001, Bush asked government lawyers: What exactly constitutes "torture" under U.S. law? Is isolation torture? Sleep deprivation? What about putting an insect in the cell of a prisoner frightened of insects? How about waterboarding?

Bush asked those questions precisely because he wanted to comply with the law. He wanted to go up to the limit of the law, but not beyond. That's why he wished to know where the limits were found.

The legal answers Bush got -- and the methods his administration used -- have divided Americans for almost a decade. Republicans lost the 2008 election, and the Obama administration changed policy. Which is how we decide policy questions in the United States: by elections and alterations of government.

When it entered office, the Obama administration considered prosecuting the CIA officers who had done the interrogations. It seems to have considered legal action against higher-ranking officials, too. The Obama administration rejected both options.

So when people file actions in Switzerland against Bush, it's not merely the former president they are targeting. They are targeting the entire American legal system. They are demanding that Switzerland override an American decision about which Americans should be prosecuted for violating an American law.

They want Switzerland to say the following:

"We disagree with your attorney general's interpretation of your War Crimes Act. We are therefore arresting you in Switzerland for acts you ordered in the United States against armed military enemies of the United States.

"We will put you on trial in Switzerland, where none of the protections of the U.S. Constitution apply. Instead, you will be tried according to the rules of Swiss law -- even though you had no vote in the making of that law and have no legal representation in the Swiss government.

"Admittedly, none of the acts here have any legal connection to Switzerland at all. None of the people involved are Swiss, neither the alleged torturers nor the alleged torturees. Our involvement is purely coincidental; this action could just as easily have been brought in Luxembourg or Uruguay."

In other words, what the people bringing actions against Bush are calling for is a new kind of global legal regime in which law is severed from political representation. Call it human rights without democracy.