Channel 4 network has released another alleged "Sri Lanka war crimes video" This new video is an extended version of the infamous first video. The LTTE lobby has identified one female"victim" in the video as "journalist Isaippiriya". A still photo of this video footage showing the exact same "victim" was identified in Lankanewsweb and many other web sites as LTTE supremo's daughter, Miss Dwarka Prabakaran, in the December of 2009. It is apparent that two images show exactly the same person, at one particular time, no description is even necessary. The dresses wounds and even the environment matches faultlessly.
This image first appeared in Lankanewsweb, an anonymous site supposedly maintained by a Sri Lankan opposition supporter with alleged LTTE ties. When it first appeared it gained a wide publicity, as the web site alleged that the photo might be of Prabakarans daughter.
Tamilnet.com reports the current image was identified as Miss Isaippiriya by a Tamilnet "Vanni correspondant" now living in a western country. If the photos are indeed of LTTE "journalist" Miss Isaippiriya it is puzzling why the first and much clearer photo, was not identified correctly, given the wide publicity the photos attracted and Miss Isaippiriya being a widely known "media" personnel.
Therefor it is clear that the channel 4 video is a fabrication, formulated to tarnish the image of Sri Lanka and generate an undue agitation around the Sri Lankan presidents recent visit to the Oxford University.
It was reported the LTTE lobby in Britain was inquiring about the possibility of arresting the Sri Lankan President during his current visit. Infuriated by their own failure, it is plausible that they would have manufactured a new war crimes video to disrupt the visit. In their haste they might have forgotten that they already released some of the "new" content of the video in 2009 December.
It is the responsibility of the channel 4 networks journalists to assure the authenticity of the material, they present as evidence of a serious crime. As professional journalists, reporting on Sri Lankan conflict, they are sure to have encountered the first photographs of this alleged victim, and would have questioned the authenticity of the video. Therefor it is clear that the "journalists" in channel 4 network are aiding the LTTE lobby in their dishonest agenda ,and have a deep rooted hatred towards Sri Lanka and its people
1 – 200 of 221 Newer› Newest»good work desha.
i'm sure they will bring the same photo with some shoddy tinkering again claiming it is mathivathani's.
may be it is dwarka's. they don't want to see vezapillai's family members dead so they put it on another crap.
but c-4 and UN panel jokers would find it very interesting.
Let's try to be realistic.
I read Desha's report as objectively as I can and believed that it could be Prabha's daughter. Then I clicked on his link and watched the live footage of Isaippiriya. The dead woman's face extremely similar to the live image of Isaippiriya. Granted, I don't have a similar picture of Prabha's daughter to compare.
Then I also watched Channel 4 report. It sounds troublesome to Sri Lanka. After reading some of the analysis report from Sri Lankans, I though original Channel 4 video was a creation. Then UN says it looks authentic and now CH4 says there is a longer version of that.
I am now confused on who is telling what.
Diplomatically, it is unwise for western nation to go after Rajapakse brothers. There is NO opposition to take over Sri Lanka. Having a bad leader is better than having no leader at all - didn't we all learn that from Iraq?
As a Sri Lankan citizen, all I am asking is to go after ALL people regardless who they are. Letting LTTE to regroup against Sri Lanka and going after Sri Lankan politicians is hypocrisy.
Realism continues....
Call it annihilation, war crime, ethnic cleansing etc..
That is what we do in Sri Lanka.
We do that for Sinhalese as well as Tamils.
There were 100,000 missing Sinhalese, bodies floating on water, live burnt up bodies, torture of JVP Sinhalese youth way before Channel 4 videos.
Let's look at the bright side. Today, we are in the most hopeful state than any moment in past 3 decades.
Let's bygones be bygones.
you should publish this in mainstream media.
if you are unwilling can i do it???
ppl need to know this. the more we delay, the more fools will be fooled by this.
this is a classic,
kabarakoyya <----> thalakoya
Thanks Desha for the timely post. Butenis bitch and Hillary bitch will accept any blatant Eelam lie as truth these days thanks to the money they received from LTTE terrorists during the election campaign. We can not spare any effort to refute their lies.
Didn't i tell you the West/US was actively working against Sri Lanka and Sinhalese? Something you refused to accept.
In other news:
Channel 4 could merge with BBC Worldwide to stop it going bankrupt
"Pol Sambol said...
Didn't i tell you the West/US was actively working against Sri Lanka and Sinhalese? Something you refused to accept.
I disagree.
There are three factors going against Sinhalese.
1) Tamils are highly organized against them and effective (even one congressman has said that).
2) Sinhalese aren't that motivated and organized.
3) Sinhalese are self destructing.
MD, Pol and Sam
Thanks for the comments.
Moshe Dyan said...
you should publish this in mainstream media.
if you are unwilling can i do it???
MD please go ahead, you might have a better chance of getting this published as you have better name recognition.
"Moshe Dyan said...
you should publish this in mainstream media."
mm don't accept things that has already been published. Desha's report is good only for the anti LTTE crowd. Objective oriented people will disregard it. This is not a very powerful response against CH4 report.
I believe technology exist to analyze these images and disprove its authenticity. The third image shows visual contrast between the face and the chest. When coupled with the 2nd image, it looks believable and unedited. Why there is no clothe on the body is troubling. Who took pictures and who distributed is even troubling.
Man, Wiki-leaks are nothing.
There you go...
"The former Foreign Secretary David Miliband's campaign to champion international aid and human rights during last year's humanitarian rights crisis in Sri Lanka was driven largely by the need to win the votes of the UK's large Sri Lankan Tamil population, according to the latest Wikileaks releases. "
Sinhalese waste time and money building and maintaining non spiritual Temples that deliver NOTHING to the community.
Members going to these temples spend lot of time promoting themselves within that community.
No one has interest in joining politically behind pro-Sinhalese candidates to suppress voices driven by pro-LTTE.
When SLG appoints unqualified and ineffective their friends and relatives to lead from Foreign embassies who can't communicate, speak or write, that makes the problem even worst.
Fooling ourselves only to polish our stupid ego has to stop if we want to re-build SL nationally and internationally.
DBSJ on MR's fiasco in London.
"Mahinda suffers political Waterloo at Oxford"
1) Tamils are highly organized against them and effective (even one congressman has said that).
Still Sinhalese have a country, not Tamils.
2) Sinhalese aren't that motivated and organized.
Still Sinhalese have beaten crap out of the Tamil terrorists under the leadership of a great leader. The leader of Tamil Terrorists is resting in a cesspit in Peelam meanwhile.
3) Sinhalese are self destructing.
Tamils under the leadership of Vihiulupundey aided by suicide terrorists went to the full self destruction, yet LTTE losers like Bhiarav hallucinates about others.
bIjJa said...
The third image shows visual contrast between the face and the chest. When coupled with the 2nd image, it looks believable and unedited.
You have missed my point, I'm not saying the images or the video has been doctored.
Go back and read my post.
Yes Bhairav, if DBSJ says it must be the Waterloo. MR is defeated by heroic LTTE terrorists in London and Sri Lankan forces are withdrawing from Eeelam even faster than LTTEs tactical withdrawal marathon in 2009. I hope you are happy now!
bjj do not miss points, his two neuron brain can't process your information.
Sam Perera said...
bjj do not miss points, his two neuron brain can't process your information.
Sam looks like he is purposely trying to distort the point.
Distortions and subtle attempts diminish the message are his real motives.
You missed my point (or lack there of) too. I wasn't saying you think you were not saying. It was kind of like TOL - thinking out loud.
You have missed my point, I'm not saying the images or the video has been doctored. "
My deepest condolences for bad treatment received from my Queen to your King ROFTL!!
It is ironic how your ignorance has clouded your opinion. You and your pals thought me as a different Sinhalese posted on DW. All of a sudden I have now became Bhiarav or whatever.
How many tsp of Lakspray you add to your tea?
"Sam Perera said...
1) Tamils are highly organized against them and effective (even one congressman has said that).
Still Sinhalese have a country, not Tamils.
2) Sinhalese aren't that motivated and organized.
Still Sinhalese have beaten crap out of the Tamil terrorists under the leadership of a great leader. The leader of Tamil Terrorists is resting in a cesspit in Peelam meanwhile.
3) Sinhalese are self destructing.
Tamils under the leadership of Vihiulupundey aided by suicide terrorists went to the full self destruction, yet LTTE losers like Bhiarav hallucinates about others.
i knew they were against us but didn't believe they were DRIVEN against us so much.
now i know.
but still, this relates to events more than 6+ months ago. things change after april. GE, war drills, etc.
anyway my MAIN point was it is the LTTE die-arse-pora that is our no#1 enemy, not the west. i still hold that view.
it is not about sinhalese against tamils.
certinaly NOT.
it is SLs against the LTTE diaspora and their supporters in SL (MOST of whom are sinhalese MPs).
Great post Desha.
MD, yes, if we can we must give widest publicity to this analysis as it shows yet another FRAUD by them sakkiliyam LTTE thamizia!
UK Sri Lankans show solidarity against pro-LTTE protests
Thu, Dec 2, 2010, 11:52 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Dec 02, London: Thousands of Sri Lankan expatriates with banners and cutouts showing support to the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa gathered today in the bitter cold in front of The Dorchester Hotel in London, where the President is staying, to protest the pro-LTTE groups who had come to demonstrate against the Sri Lankan leader.
Hehehehe……them LTTE sakkili Motherfukkers in the “Queen’s Muff” thought they had monopoly as far as their falsehood was concerned!
Here’s what we Sinhelas too also do – and have done on many occasions right up to that fine Nanthikadaal axe job!
Street-vesadog bijja, in case you did not know, the Sinhela's spirit of rallying round THEIR cause goes back to 2500 years.
Now eat your heart out cocksukker!
Never fails to amaze me - even now - how many of our Sri Lankans, especially Sinhalese, are awed by "Royal Family" happenings in the UK!
These poor misguided, dull-brained sods do not realize that while the English destroyed all the monarchies around the world (in their greed to conquer lands far and wide), they made darn sure their own monarchy was preserved.
yeppie, our own English-worshiping, backboneless, assholes can't see this simple fact.
So who are these assholes?
Well, they are primarily in the Ranil Wickremasinghe's UriNePee camp.
Sri Lankan government minister to hold protest against British government tomorrow
Thu, Dec 2, 2010, 08:24 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. Dec 02, Colombo:
A Sri Lankan government minister today said that a protest will be held against the British government for the manner in which President Mahinda Rajapaksa was treated during his visit to the UK.
Housing and Construction Minister Wimal Weerawansa told a press conference that a massive protest will be held outside the British High Commission in Colombo tomorrow.
At least we have ONE Sinhela with a backbone in Colombo to tell them parasuddhas that no, we do not appreciate them bowing down to a bunch of sakkili terrorist-inclined motherfukkers who are cleaning their toilets today (being the sakkili, i.e. toilet-cleaning caste from south India), RUNNING THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT!
"LTTE diaspora and their supporters in SL (MOST of whom are sinhalese MPs)"
Spot on!
However, these so called "sinhalese" MPs will find their days are numbered as far as harming the Motherland and going free.
Things are going to change.......I think OAOA hinted to this effect earlier......
Here's a sign of whatz to come (and high time in my view):
Sri Lanka to take legal action against opposition politicians involved in anti government protests
Thu, Dec 2, 2010, 07:21 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Dec 02, Colombo:
The Sri Lankan government today said it would take legal action against politicians and any other group that participate in international conspiracies against the government.
Now do you think, in your wildest dreams, this would have been possible if RANIL PONNAYA was ruling our Motherland?
Norwegian inquiry: Lanka denies visas to inquiry INGO men
Dec 02 (Island)
Sri Lanka has denied visas to members of two INGOs hired by Norway to evaluate its failed peace bids in Sri Lanka (1997-2009). Sources told The Island Sri Lanka wouldn’t cooperate with the inquiry. According to sources, two INGO personnel, including Gunar Sorbo, head of Norway-based Chr. Michelsen’s Institute had sought to visit Sri Lanka
This is the difference between a government with a backbone and a "government" with a parasuddha's cockk up its arse!
Oooops, sorry....
I said earlier:
"Never fails to amaze me - even now - how many of our Sri Lankans, especially Sinhalese, are awed by "Royal Family" happenings in the UK!"
Well, I got two angry phone calls about this as the callers pointed out that more than the Sinhelas suckking English parasuddhas' cockks, the Tamils have done it since 1920....and that's how they got scholarships to Cambridge, Oxford, etc. and came back to some plum jobs in the British-run GOSL and that's how they carried out a covert racist program of hiring only fellow Tamils into many of those plum areas of the public service in SL in the 1940's - 1950's.
I must confess......yes, I stand corrected.
Sorry, I knew what them racist sakkili pararyas had done as my own grandfather used to tell me how the British used to favor the Tamils over Sinhelas......and how even some British Army officers used to have ONLY enough Tamil boys around them in their barracks!
Oooops, sorry mates.
Yeah, be careful of this bijja as he is really a LTTE vesadog in sheep clothing here.
As OAOA pointed out, he is on a very subtle and covert program here.....he will at times come across supporting GOSL/Sri Lanka....at other times he will blame "tamils" and definitely show he is against LTTE....but this is all to get the desperately needed "buy in" so that then he can switch gears and start to work on SL patriots' psyche from within, to align with his hidden Tamil racist ideology, like a cancer, to finally get Sinhelas to buy into the view that the "solution" is to give them their "thamileelam."
So be warned......and be careful.....as there will be many many more bijja dogs who will come and shit here.
Oh btw, do not be fooled by this bijja paraya noting Dhammapada now and then here (once again just to get the buy-in as I noted earlier) as they are freely available in the www and anyone can cut and paste them from anywhere and pretend to be an ardent follower of the Buddha Dhamma - and by that falsely portray as a Sinhela-Baudhgamaya.
LTTE machinations are insidious.....we just have to be on our guard.
bijja aka bhairav aka Eelamoid Doofus,
You just wasting your time with antics here.
I simply hope that the top scum Jayalath Jayawardena will be kicked out of his home town. Shame on the patriots of Jaela otherwise.
Anyone who thinks that I use multiple handles is absolute nutz.
Ado Desha, what you wrote is total rubbish.
From your depth of your contents, I can see how shallow you guys are. Even the Srilankan army intels will laugh at you.
I shed some light here. The image on your link belongs to " Isaipriya" who was born in Mallakam, Jaffna,in a family of 8,including 5 sisters. In weeks or months before her fate at the hands of Srilankan armed forces, she lost her husband and a 6-month baby in two separate incidents, and her husband used to be a senior leader in Sea Tigers. And I neither know his name nor identity. Many say she was gang-raped and killed later by SLA during the May-19 week in 2009.
I clearly do not see the peace in SL in foreseeable future.
So you are the guy who slept with Sam and broke his heart and rear. He tried to seek my affection thinking I am you.
All right, we have successfully resurrected Bhairav back from Bijja.
So Bhairav aka Bijja you do not see peace in SL. Never mind, you will never be allowed to set your foot there to see anything. Please live in your white master land and just stay there forever.
SLA never used rape. that was the IPKF.
IF (IF) any SLA guys did so, they MUST be punished.
but this is dwarka. she died fighting in the MALATHI BRIGADE.
had it been an LTTE propoganda unit woman she would have survived bcos they surrendered with daya master and george master.
so don't spread hatred.
it is tamils who will never find peace. they breed hatred among themselves.
may the dead RIP.
nice work man!
from toiletnet.
"Some of the Sinhalese, who produced press passes, began filming the Tamils before police moved them on, sources said. British reporters quoted police as saying they had received reports Sri Lankan officials were organizing the filming."
good move.
most of these toilet cleaners are uni students.
they will come to SL one day.
whenever you see terrorists protesting FILM them. they may come to SL and they have relatives in SL. the passport office is computerized. identifying terrorists is no big deal if we have film footage. age, country of residence are known.
If the low and order in London still exists, why would not these clowns with Tiger flags get arrested?
"Sam Perera said...
All right, we have successfully resurrected Bhairav back from Bijja. "
The ignorance continues..fans cheers...
Today the headline is...
"Birds becoming gay because of mercury - Telegraph.co.uk "
And Lakspray contains Mercury.
I hope our SIS and MI chaps have started using techniques outlined below to identify the relationships in the LTTE diaspora terrorist networks to identify which members of the group are most vital to the operation and most important to stop, in order to disrupt the entire network.
U.S. 'Connects The Dots' To Catch Roadside Bombers
With roadside bombs the leading killer of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, military commanders have turned increasingly to the use of social network analysis to identify the key players in the groups responsible for the bombs, which the military calls improvised explosive devices, or IEDs.
The approach is rooted in the belief that a roadside bomb is never the work of one individual alone.
It seems that the time to deal with LTTE war criminals and terrorists hiding in the west is now.
'Attack The Network'
"Someone has to build it, someone has to place it, someone has to do surveillance on the place where you place it," said Kathleen Carley, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University and the unofficial godmother of social network analysis as applied to the IED problem.
"If you're trying to defeat IEDs, what you're talking about is understanding that whole process — who is involved, how they are connected to each other — so that you can figure out where the best place is to intervene," Carley said.
The idea is that an analysis of the social network behind roadside bombing attempts will make it possible to identify which members of the group are most vital to the operation and most important to stop, in order to disrupt the entire network.
"Any organization has relationships," said Army Maj. Ian McCulloh, deputy director of the Counter-IED Operations Integration Center in Baghdad and one of Carley's former students.
"Civilian firms have used social network analysis for decades to map out those relationships and identify the organization's vulnerabilities. The same principles apply to threat networks. This helps us identify their vulnerabilities," he said.
The U.S. military's biggest success so far in the use of network analysis was the capture of Saddam Hussein in December 2003. He was found after soldiers diagrammed the social networks of his chauffeurs and others close to him.
The technique is now used extensively to identify the key figures in insurgent groups in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Problem: Assessing The Enemy
Soldiers who will be involved in the effort to prevent roadside bombs, known as improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, are presented with the following scenario.
You are an infantry patrol leader and your unit encounters the following chain of events:
* Raheim, a known enemy operative, was found carrying a cell phone which he has used to maintain constant contact with two individuals, Jalil Al Tikrit and Farrah Imir.
* Text messages on Raheim's phone reveal a plot by Jalil Al Tikrit and another unknown individual to place an IED in a culvert along a supply route commonly used by U.S. forces.
* Raheim is immediately taken into custody and handed over to local authorities.
* Hours later, a local shopkeeper named Ibraheem is seen talking to a man named Habib Muhammed, but Ibraheem was not seen with anyone else.
* Later, an unidentified individual and Habib Muhammed are captured in a culvert.
* Habib Muhammed was found to be carrying a credit card owned by Farrah Imir along with a list of supplies in Farrah Imir's handwriting that seems to be a manifest for building and placing an IED.
* As you ponder the events of the day, it dawns on you that the unknown individuals are not unknown at all. You know their identities.
The task: Build a model of the network of individuals and use it as part of your analysis to develop a target.
I had no idea that you consumed lots of Lakspray. We now know why you are a part of Transsexual Government.
Answer: The Network
In the exercise above and the solution below, each individual is a "node," displayed as a dot linked by lines to other dots. Some nodes are more important than others, depending on their "betweenness" scores, determined, basically, by how well connected an individual is to others in the network.
When a "highly central node" emerges, that is a person the military may try to capture or kill.
In the exercise, each individual is a "node," displayed as a dot linked by lines to other dots.
| Imir |
Raheim--| |--Habib---------Ibraheem
| | Muhammed
Al Tikrit
In this case, Habib Muhammed, who is connected to three others in the network, is the "most central" node.
Bhairav said...
Anyone who thinks that I use multiple handles is absolute nutz.
Ado Desha, what you wrote is total rubbish.
I'm not saying that no one was killed here.
I'm asking?
Who is the person?
Why was not identified positively a year ago?
Why is a dead "journalist" identified suddenly?
Dead Tamils are more valuable to LTTE than living ones. Dead journalist is million times more valuable than a civilian. If the journalist worked for LTTE, she is a Terrorist, armed or not. If foreign journalists are sympathizing with her, they have to be sympathize with Al Qaida as well.
Having missing clothes in the dead corpse may indicate she has been raped. If so, are we that desperate to rape criminals and then kill them?
Unfortunately, LTTE Tamils have established killing of civilians, rape, and torture with images like this. These are very distractions for our leaders and the government as we found out the hard way in London Waterloo.
The solution is not protest around foreign embassies. It is about being credible to people in Sri Lanka and abroad.
"Bhairav said...
Anyone who thinks that I use multiple handles is absolute nutz."
A simple message from one narrow minded to another.
Both blind separatism and patriotism is a sign of having a pea brain.
thanks for sharing that vital piece of info.
we can do it better bcos the NETWORKS within the LTTE die-arse-pora dictate everything.
a good start is to identify the players. flming them, photographing them is the first step.
have you noticed toiletntet NEVER show close up of faces of terrorists when they engage in rowdt protests, etc???
only when some idiot does some BS speech or something harmless like that they would give a close up photo.
"[TamilNet, Friday, 03 December 2010, 12:58 GMT]
Sri Lanka Army soldiers on A9 Road opened fire on an uprooted Tamil along the A9 road Friday afternoon near Puththoor junction in Meesaalai. The victim was a psychologically affected male due to the war last year. The soldiers harassed him prompting the victim to attack a soldier and gunned him down, civilians in the area said."
a good strategy to selectively eliminate terrorists. arouse them, make them attack us and eliminate them.
බහිරවයයි, පොන්නයයි, දෙන්නම කියන්නේ එකම දේ, සෑම් මොකක්ද මෙතන වෙන්නේ?
මෙතන එකයි ඉන්නෙ, දෙන්නෙක් නෑ.
We don't need a parliament investigation for the top scum Jayalath Jayawardena's acts of treachery. Instead, his should be flushed in a cesspit in Peelam ASAP.
Butenis is likely to be canned.
[a good start is to identify the players. flming them, photographing them is the first step.]
Moshe, dear chap, we need to have both the software to do the analysis and the data about the bastards to feed it. If it's not done already, we need a crack team of mathematicians and computer scientists assembled to come up with the software solution. They should thoroughly research the published work of Kathleen Carley and others on social network analysis and come up with our own solution. I am sure you can't buy this stuff in the commercial market. Data collection side, I am quite sure, is happening already. Again if the scientific team can direct the agents in the field as to what type information to gather, we can produce better data. Then we can quickly identify the bastards that are most vital to the terrorist operation and most important to turn, bribe, frame, discredit, capture etc. We can also obtain INTERPOL red notices for these key players.
Konnapu Bandara, perhaps we can extend the codes, if invented, to catch all local thieves who is corrupt and getting fat on public money, don't you agree?
සැමියෝ, උඹ නං හේනෙං ආපු මෝඩයෙක් වගෙයි.
By the way, I've been awarded a honorary PhD for my contribution to Sinhalese Language.
"Chief Government Whip Dinesh Gunawardena said they would also support the appointment of a Select Committee of Parliament to probe allegations against Dr. Jayawardena who the government says violated the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution by participating in protest campaigns in London with separatist forces."
Here is a real traitor on the loose.
He may be tried for taxation as well since SL customs was investigating his tax free foreign imports brought saying they were going to his tourism business and that business wasn't making any money.
Please stop fooling yourself. You are not alone.
bijja aka "LTTE kunji payalae (who cares which one? :)" said:
/Having missing clothes in the dead corpse may indicate she has been raped./
WOW! Adei appa, some brain power pullu sappi! You should apply to Ch4 for a high-paid job!
Bijjo koodhi says:
/if invented, to catch all local thieves who is corrupt and getting fat on public money/
Agree, but we must start from 1977 with retro-data.
hahahaha......ada paraiwesa Ranilam=LTTE=FonziDaGonzi soothu, you still game?
hahahaha.......bloody whore! You just want to ruin all chances for us Tamils to get on with our lives, but we will fight your type and ommala okka.
bhairav, ennoda poola oombuda..thevidiya paiya..
hahahaha kandaara oli!
Do you know the best part for MR after Oxford Univ fiasco?
Someone is offering him a honorary PhD.
That was what happened when Obama stole his Nobel Peace price.
Hay, anyone is in the parliament with a Phd2 (squared?).
සැමියා මගේ දෙවියාය
- උපුටාගනු ලැබුවේ සධ්ධර්ම රත්නාවලියෙනි
I did go around the web to see more photos of Isaippiriya. I found the one below.
The girl wearing red dot (Prabha's daughter) dress appearing there too. I am not sure why it is next to Isaippiriya's pictures. However there is a good match between dead pictures and Isiappriya's other pictures shown on the image.
Search results shows the power of LTTE network since articles related to her murder everywhere.
Some even call her an Anchor.
There is enough evidence to show Isiappriya was more of a Terrorist than an Anchor or a Journalist. Whether she was KIA or POW.... no one knows.
Still desha has no ground to following his opinion:
"Therefor it is clear that the channel 4 video is a fabrication".
There is however a technicality that Prabha's daughter has been attached to this.
That could be why Desha's attempt to put suspicion in to this story did not have legs.
Desha should be thankful for me to keep this his thread alive with some critical analysis and some entertainment on the side.
Desha should be thankful for me to keep this his thread alive with some critical analysis and some entertainment on the side.
Ha ha ha ha ha... yes of course, yes of course Bhirav Pundei Andei we always recognize your superior kazuthai brain and critical thinking. Please display more of your superior kazuthai intelligence. Please hang around, you are very entertaining. Yanking your nonsense otherwise is just a click away for us.
a huge wildfire has destroyed over 7,500 acres of vegetation and killed close to 45 ppl in israel. rumour has it that it was lit by those terrorists without a state.
SL must be wary of similar arson attacks by stateless fools.
all terrorists and losers think alike.
President must be pleased by the high level of security given to him at the Dorchester and at the London HC.We truly wished him a happy and safe stay in UK.With respect to OU,it was beyond control of the government here.They had a winning and able team at the HC during his last successful visit to OU,I think due the well organized set up with various depts by the tireless efforts of that team the hosts at the OU would have had much confidence to go ahead the invitation,though diaspora was much more buoyant and even powerful then.This job should have been done by well trained professional diplomats but not by military men.We forewarned in websites and directly to the gosl not to remove the well established persons in the HC as they have painstakingly over years have established much important contacts rapo with various people in the host country that matters for an event like this.
Hello Chena Boys and Veddah Girls. I am baaack......
"not to remove the well established persons in the HC as they have painstakingly over years have established much important contacts rapo with various people in the host country that matters for an event like this."
very true.
this happens around the world. sadly, our diplomats are changed not based on a scientific basis but on ad hoc decisions. many SL groups abroad has this to say. GOSL must take the entire MoFA and diplomatic serive to the next level of professionalism. first step would be to use reason (not ad hoc desisions) to manage this.
we can see this trend from dayan to everyone else.
this must change.
welcome back mahen!
සැමියා says
"Yanking your nonsense otherwise is just a click away for us. "
You mean like in Oxford?
Haka Haka
"Minister Mervyn Silva stated that he invites all the white folks ‘Suddo’ in the world to come to Sri Lanka and learn about the ‘Mahinda Chinthanaya’. "
I can see Tamils have been well liberated by Sinhala forces since we hardly hear stupid comments from them anymore.
You mean like in Oxford?
Not quite, but like in Nanthikadal.
Very nice to see Nanthikadal Justice coming to the terrorists and the fifth column.
ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ, ආරක්ෂක ලේකම් ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ යන මහත්වරුන්ට සහ හමුදා ජනරාල්වරුන්ට එරෙහිව විදේශ තානාපති නිලධාරීන්ට සාවද්ය තොරතුරු සැපයූ දේශපාලනඥයන්ට රාජ්ය නොවන සංවිධාන ක්රියාකාරීන්ට හා හිටපු හමුදා නිලධාරීන්ට ද එරෙහිව රාජ්ය රහස් පණත යටතේ ක්රියාකිරීමට රජය තීරණය කර ඇත. විකිලීක්ස් වෙබ් අඩවිය හෙළි කළ රහස් වාර්තා 1680 කින් හා අතිශය රහසිගත වාර්තා 112 කින් මෙම පාර්ශ්වයන් කවුරුන්දැයි රජය විසින් සොයාගෙන තිබේ.
bIjJa said...
Desha should be thankful for me to keep this his thread alive with some critical analysis and some entertainment on the side.
You prove my point, if it is indeed Isaippiriya why wasnt she positively ided at the first time.
She is popular "TV anchor" now some media claims, so there should be hunders of thousands of people who knew her closely and "prabas daughters photo" gained much publicity even Isaippiriya might have seen it from here new hiding place in the frozen north.
Obama's Imperialist Policies
Sam Perera said...
විකිලීක්ස් වෙබ් අඩවිය හෙළි කළ රහස් වාර්තා 1680 කින් හා අතිශය රහසිගත වාර්තා 112 කින් මෙම පාර්ශ්වයන් කවුරුන්දැයි රජය විසින් සොයාගෙන තිබේ.
no other action necessary just releasing their names would be enough
good review on wiki leaks documents related to Sri Lanka.
Wikileaks revealed that David Milliband the Labour Party Foreign Minister had admitted to spending 60% of his time on stopping the war in Sri Lanka, in order to get the Tamil vote in marginal labour seats.
So far there is only one cable out from Colombo. It seems that our government has seen more than what is published by Wiki at their website. It will be an interesting time ahead to see all traitors, conspirators, and meddlers getting exposed.
what in the weird???
"Camel and Ostriches will be imported to Sri Lanka from next year for the consumption of their milk and eggs, Deputy Minister of Live stock H. R. Mithrapala said in Parliament today. A feasibility study in this regard is currently being conducted.
The Deputy Minister added that a feasibility study is being conducted to identify a favorable climate for the farming of Camels and Ostriches in Sri Lanka and that Mannar has been identified as a favorable area."
from daily mirror
Sam, for sure those anti-Sri Lanka traitors who are today in bed with the LTTE's rump overseas will have to face justice soon.
Here's an interesting account of what two of the top-most anti-SL traitors, Dr Jayalath J and Wickramabahu K, did in the UK.
I strongly urge GOSL to arrest both these paraya-dogs immediately and try them for treason - the principal charge being accusing the nation of "war crimes" without evidence.
This is not a time for being soft GOSL...take the bull by the horns - just as you did when you cleaned up the LTTE horror from SL - and you will find the "lesson" thereof that permeates to all will prevent any more of these types of paraya-dogs from going abroad and uttering blatant lies and doing grievous harm to Motherlanka and her people.
OaO Asithri
"we hardly hear stupid comments"
except from an arsehole names bijja in DA!
OaO Asithri
"and some entertainment on the side"
bijja, shoosh!
"entertainment on the side" was also what the IPKF did in SL to tame the LTTE whores and btw, did you find your dad yet in the innermost of the innermost mud huts in Punjab?
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
Who wants eggs cracked by poor, humble OaO Asithri?
Any takers?
There used to be a lot when our SLDF ranavirus were rolling through from MavilAru challenge to finally Nanthikadaal glory...but alas, not anymore I see.
See what happens when one is careless and gets one's nuts caught in the rotors of a Mi-24!!!
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
It seems the whole frenzy against MR was planned by the British Government, these traitors and the Tamils all as one.
Perhaps MR knew the effect it would have back home (to expose the traitorous UNP and galvanise the masses again into the fact that threats against the nation still exists) and hence made the trip in the first place.
Importantly when propaganda was doing the rounds in November saying MR was not visiting in "fear" of being arrested, this was seeded by the UNP/Colombians/Opposition. It is how the Tamils and Western media found out and about his trip and span propaganda out of it when he did not attent due to other functions in SL.
And how the names of the Government delegation attending was revealed to the Tamils in the West means that the British Government and UNP were also involved.
Something really needs to be done about all these scum (die-ass-pora, Britain and the UNP) and might as well start with the UNP scum as they are the easiest to get.
I have had it with the socialist nut WK and the Christian extremist JJ getting away with crimes against our country and defamation against out people. They call for sanctions fully aware of the damage it will do to the ordinary people, and all because it fits in what they believe will propel forward their twisted ideologies which primarily includes making Sinhala Buddhists suffer. Which in turn will make our people “see the wrong of their ways and embrace the real path” that will “stop the suffering”. For WK that is his socialist 4th international Trotskyite type crap and JJ that is Christianity and God. When the LTTE was around and going strong massacring Sinhala Buddhists for these two (and many others) it was a way of saying “you are suffering because of Buddhism is the devil etc, the only way to stop this pain is to embrace something else”. With the LTTE destroyed (by MR/GR) these theories of “why you suffer” were also destroyed. Proven to be the fallacies they are.
It seems the whole frenzy against MR was planned by the British Government, these traitors and the Tamils all as one.
Perhaps MR knew the effect it would have back home (to expose the traitorous UNP and galvanise the masses again into the fact that threats against the nation still exists) and hence made the trip in the first place.
Importantly when propaganda was doing the rounds in November saying MR was not visiting in "fear" of being arrested, this was seeded by the UNP/Colombians/Opposition. It is how the Tamils and Western media found out and about his trip and span propaganda out of it when he did not attent due to other functions in SL.
And how the names of the Government delegation attending was revealed to the Tamils in the West means that the British Government and UNP were also involved.
Something really needs to be done about all these scum (die-ass-pora, Britain and the UNP) and might as well start with the UNP scum as they are the easiest to get.
I have had it with the socialist nut WK and the Christian extremist JJ getting away with crimes against our country and defamation against out people. They call for sanctions fully aware of the damage it will do to the ordinary people, and all because it fits in what they believe will propel forward their twisted ideologies which primarily includes making Sinhala Buddhists suffer. Which in turn will make our people “see the wrong of their ways and embrace the real path” that will “stop the suffering”. For WK that is his socialist 4th international Trotskyite type crap and JJ that is Christianity and God. When the LTTE was around and going strong massacring Sinhala Buddhists for these two (and many others) it was a way of saying “you are suffering because of Buddhism is the devil etc, the only way to stop this pain is to embrace something else”. With the LTTE destroyed (by MR/GR) these theories of “why you suffer” were also destroyed. Proven to be the fallacies they are.
"You mean like in Oxford?"
No, like this:
OaO Asithri
LOL Gonseka getting used and abused. This will teach that traitor who his friends are. And that he was a nobody before the Rajapakses and after he tried to prove what a "big shot" he is with his disgusting treachery AGAINST THE NATION (not just MR/GR) he is now a nobody once more.
JVP swindled Rs 80m of funds to release SF - NSU leader
By Sanjaya Nallaperuma
The JVP has swindled about Rs.80 million that was raised by conducting protest campaigns abroad, to apply pressure on the government to release former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka, Nawa Sihala Urumaya (NSU) leader Sarath Manamendra charged.
“The bankrupt JVP is using these funds to carry out party work and now it is not giving priority to the Fonseka release campaign in Sri Lanka”, Manamendra further charged.
“In recent times the JVP has formed an organization called ‘Movement for Democracy’ and held several rallies in Italy, Australia and Doha, Qatar demanding the government releases Fonseka. They collected large sums of money amounting to nearly Rs 80 million; JVP Parliamentary Group leader Anura Kumara knows the exact amount,” he said.
Manamendra added that they demanded the JVP leaders give them some of the money to settle the debts incurred during the General Election. The JVP has promised the other parties of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) that they will help them pay off expenses incurred during the general election campaign.
those were the days.
you picked up DB early as a MF.
anyway he has become a better guy now. i had a brief chat (over the internet) with him over LTTE BS, gonzeka, etc. he seems to be convinced that MR's team is doing the right thing and is vehemantkly against war crimes BS.
but i haven't forgotten the trecherous statemenets he made during the war.
from sunday observer
"Despite attempts by UNP Parliamentarian Dr. Jayalath Jayawardena to escape condemnation following the ‘London drama’, a prominent member of the Tamil Diaspora told the Sunday Observer that the MP made an inflammatory speech at a gathering in London just one week before President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s visit to London.
The UNP has denied any involvement by Dr. Jayawardena in the events in London, but welcomed the appointment of a Parliamentary Committee to probe the matter.
“He along with Dr. Wickramabahu Karunaratne and some others chaired a meeting at the House of Commons on November 25. They called for sanctions to punish the Government and said the government should be taken before the International War Crimes Tribunal, alleging that 100,000 people were killed in the final stages of the war,” Rajeswari Subramaniam, a writer and a novelist based in London said.
She was among the 30 odd Sinhala and Tamil Diaspora members who were gathered at Committee Room 8 of British Parliament to listen to their views.
The meeting was chaired by former BBC News Editor Clive Lawrence. Many participants constantly challenged the “facts and figures” quoted by both speakers. They said the Government should be held accountable for these crimes and the visit by the President should be stopped at any cost, “ she said adding that it was unfortunate to have Sinhalese leaders disseminating hatred towards the government when the moderate Tamils were striving to make their younger generation give up those feelings.
When the call for sanctions was uttered a young Sinhalese condemned it but many members of the audience had listened in silence. Another call for sanctions was made by a UNP Organiser in the UK."
this bugger is a wrose criminal than we know.
Moshey, thanks for that "update" and accordingly the needful was asked by me and done. Thanks!
terrorists in london. JJ and boorubahu. a good revelation by KTR in asian tribune.
i have absolutely no trust in him. his views on the LIMITED subject of war crimes BS is encouraging. the cat crap he talked about the "benefits" of the CFA, etc. is still fresh in my mond.
when gonzekas shout about war crimes BS, we need to undermine the gonzekas with other traitors. they talk to the same audience.
did JJ and boorubahu smuggled the vesapriya video and pix out of the country????
1. the set of jokers who handed over the first video to C-4 is no more. they have gone underground. when they handed over the video, they said it was handed over by them. this time no one assumed responsibility for this.
2. LTTE die-arse-pora would not accept any and all jokers for its mahabooru day. whatever said and done LTTE racists are too racist to think that any "good" for them would happen from sinhalese politicians. to overcomne that these sakkiliyas would have had to PROVE their "worth". they may have done so by handing over the video and pix.
3. how come this crap came into prominance around the same time MR visited UK???
it was well planned. it was all over the news that MR postponed his visit to early december. that gave JJ, WK, etc. enough time to plan their visit.
4. pictures of this dead woman (whichever she is) was published before. SLG published the photos and so did toiletnet. it was a matter of time since these reached C-4.
5. toiletnet sometime back mentioned that their propoganda terrorist safely arrived in a european country with loads of war crimes BS. that is surely a redherring to deceive the fools.
nothing was published/braodcast for more than 2 months of this jokers arrival. it means he had nothing with him of war crimes BS. the video reached UL VERY recently.
given the EXTREMELY high value c-4, the LTTE diaspora and the war crimes bullshitter place on this type of stuff, no one would waste time handing it over to C-4 or whoever it is who would give the maximum publicity. therefore it means this was smuggled out of the coutnry recently.
6. JJ made several trips to europe. i'm positive he smuggled out many such material in every trip.
all this makes out a clear case against JJ for trying to implicate SLDFs and SLs in war crimes BS.
Progressive Sri Lanka:
When we take one foot forward, we move 10 back.
"Sri Lanka to prosecute public officials over spread of dengu "
We did see the same thing with porn video case.
It is good to have tough laws and expectations. When you try to handle people through communist china like fear, we will create unwanted side effects.
Please don't treat people like monkeys.
You can however free to do so for our leadership.
"Sri Lankan Tamils protest pro-LTTE demos in London"
This will never make to BBC.
"Sri Lanka to import chicken and eggs to prevent escalation of prices in the festive season"
Very bad for a nation with big aspirations.
There are certain things we should import, egg is not one of them.
I am sure someone will make ton of money from this unpatriotic actions.
Await!!!!!!!! Wiki leaks to release SF US state department secret talks.
This will make some people to explode.
"Wiki leaks to release SF US state department secret talks. "
It is possible US wanted SF in power. US like corrupt puppets or puppies, easy to do politics with them.
Remember, SF is in jail not because he was unpatriotic or corrupt.
"Sri Lanka police seize pirated software"
In the past, most of the street vendors of pirated software was Tamils. However SL should allow software piracy until we are somewhat developed across the nation.
Getting people hooked in to software and then tightening the control will be the win win situation for SL and software companies.
The little guys can't afford high import prices on certain software.
Await!!!!!!!! Wiki leaks to release SF US state department secret talks.
I hope that they will release all 3000+ cables in one installment than these teasers. In any case, all the traitors and scum got to be having sleepless nights.
How do you know?
Sam Perera said...
I hope that they will release all 3000+ cables in one installment
Sam its better when they release them slowly, so the NGO scum can keep on burning.
Pol Sambol said...
How do you know?
check the comments.
The comments do not mention anything about wikileakds.
Look what this piece of shit has to say:
How is it Sinhala society produces such garbage?
OK, this is a serious failure to our nation.
"Oxford fiasco: Who misled the President?"
Welcome to my world!!!
"How is it Sinhala society produces such garbage? "
I ask this question every day when I meet characters here.
Useless statement considering LTTE represents Terrorism.
Like father like son. I expected better from him.
"Dec 06, Colombo: Sri Lanka's main opposition United National Party (UNP) Hambanthota District parliamentarian Sajith Premadasa today said that only LTTE committed war crimes in Sri Lanka."
How is it Sinhala society produces such garbage?
I believe that Boorubahu and JJ had associated LTTE refuse like Bhairav aka Kajja too much.
Proof that Wickramabahu is out of his mind.
"in memory of those who gave their life to the liberation of Tamil homeland."
Tamil homeland only exist in TamilNadu.
Here is a self contradicting and laughable statement:
"They were killed by successive Sinhala chauvinist government and the last but not the least by Mahinda’s regime. "
"It is an irony of history that General Fonseka who was selected to be the bloody butcher of the Tamil people by Mahinda regime is now suffering with other political prisoners - the Tamil political prisoners in the prison by Mahinda Rajapakse. "
Honestly, SF was more of a chauvinist than MR. MR is perhaps the most ethnic fairer than SF who actually made statements during war about Sinhalese supremacy, which is not bad for Sinhalese side anyway.
Don't know what is the purpose of Tamils in London when they wanted to feature a Sinhalese outcast and a looser like Wickramabahu.
that will be fireworks.
hope they do it soon.
SF tried to nicely cover it up saying that the US state dept ASKED him about GR's war crimes!!!
my foot! they never did that. SF told them a bed time story voluntarily.
every society has an arsehole or two!!
"every society has an arsehole or two!!"
Society is full of them, we only see a few since we are busy worshiping the rest.
Don't we all worshiped SF before he became a renegade?
ජාතියේ ඉහඳ පනුවෙක්
ගඳරුවන් සේනාධීර
Moshe, make it four, just add Kajja and Gandaruwan to the list.
Hi friends; I am alarmed by the tenacity of the dark forces. I put this comment in AT. I will visit again when I can.
Traitors of Nation, Not So Subtle
Even though the President and Government deserve caustic criticism, many well wishing people refrain from criticizing. The reason is clear. The dark powers behind all these cannibalistic carnivals of may-hem are not actually against Rajapakshas. They are against innocent Tamil, Muslim and Sinhalese people in Sri Lanka.
When one reads Sri Lanka Guardian and Lanka News Web, Not-So-Subtle-Animosity towards Sri Lankan people is evident. Their plan is to bury vice propaganda (against Sri Lankan people) among some real news and work through to the psyche of people through the back subliminal door. However, what has been happening is that their vice propaganda buries any real news they occasionally put out.
Essentially there is no effective constructive criticism of the Government and the President. Even after the war the Government has been made to keep looking behind. The President has been made ineffective to act against corrupt Ministers and other politicians. This, I admit, is a well thought plan of the dark evil forces, even if the whole plan is not, at the moment, penetrating Sri Lankan people. While criticizing the government for corrupt practices or tolerance of them the dark forces fuel these practices and cultivate these corrupt people in the hope of eventually crippling Sri Lanka.
To overcome this impending debacle, the President needs to understand that he cannot be destroyed by these dark forces but HE can be ruined only by his so called worshipping cult creating friends. For the betterment of the country I want to see this President survive. To strengthen his side against this dirty politics, it is imperative that electoral reform is taken place as quickly as possible.
Even though impeachment seems to be a remote possibility we need to understand that vast amounts of moneys can build bridges and shorten any remoteness. How many politicians will resist money in the case that impeachment motion is brought? How many of these who may resist will do so because it is much better (in money wise) if the President continues in the Office.
At the moment, possibility of impeachment is remote but all these possibilities need to be clearly thought of. Is it true that the Speaker wants to relinquish his post to become a Minister or is it wishful and willful dream of the dark forces?
worthy of an article by itself.
Thanks Moshe for your kindness. I will contribute as much as possible.
wl's list of US's strategically important locations around the world.
Chaps, this is the type of Tamil opinion we need to foster. We need to give this decent fellow good publicity in print media and and on the web. His presentation will not change the minds of hardened Peelam criminals but may sway a good number of rational Tamils.
I Want to be a Sri Lankan as well as a Tamilian
By Dr. Noel Nadesan
A good day to you, ladies and gentlemen,
I thank the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission for having invited me to present my point.
I consider it a privilege to have this opportunity to submit my view on this important occasion.
I am an expatriate Sri Lankan from Tamil origin, living in Australia. I have decided to narrate the events on my life as twines in and out of the tragic story of the 30-year-crisis that ruined the lives of tens of thousands of innocent civilians of all communities.
With this narrative I hope to illustrate how communal relationships can deteriorate overnight and rebuild too. I also hope to demonstrate the various political threads that exacerbated to the communal politics and led to unnecessary violence that could have been avoided by both sides.
At the outset I must mention that I am a member of the Tamil Diaspora Dialogue team engaged actively in working closely with Sri Lankan and international authorities to foster reconciliation, peace and rehabilitation. I must also acknowledge the constructive proposals and ideas made by Dr R. Narendran, Professor of Physiology, who has been a part of the Diaspora Dialogue Team. I have incorporated some of his ideas. However, I must emphasize that I take full responsibility for all the statements made in my submission.
Looking back I think it was my good fortune to be born in this era where I witnessed the major events that shaped our society. As a young veterinarian I spent the days of my early career happily working in Medawachichiya – a predominantly Sinhala area -- and traveling to my home in Jaffna every weekend for three years.
1983 violence did not affect me personally but I was overwhelmed and traumatized by the violence perpetrated by human beings to other fellow human beings. I must admit that I was scared to work in Medwachchihya which was a border area. I got a transfer to Ragala which is closer to Nuwara Eliya.
My veterinary office was inside the Ledesdale tea estate. Within few months -- i.e in April 1984 -- there was a dispute between the Assistant Superintendant and a laborer working in the tea estate. Because the Assist Superintendant was Sinhalese and Laborer was Tamil work related dispute turned into a communal one. People from adjoining village rushed in and set the fire to entire workers lines or houses. The hostility lasted for several days. I was living within the Estate and knew many workers in the Tea estate. I tried to help the victims. This was not welcome by many people. I perceived some hostility.
I was in dilemma. I was debating what I should do next.
I could not go back to Jaffna or any other place in Sri Lanka.
My best option at the time was to spend short time in India. The plight of the Tamils opened my eyes. I thought it was my duty to help those in need and I set up a charity to help the Tamil refugees. I was joined in this project by many volunteers, including my wife who is a medical doctor. Within two years, fighting among the Tamil militant groups threatened my security and suddenly found myself in an environment not conducive to live there. This crisis compelled me migrate to Australia. I was one of the people who reluctantly left my own country.
As my life experience demonstrates the life of a Tamil was not secure not only among the Sinhalese but even among the Tamils. It was not secure in Sri Lanka nor was it secure in India. Having experienced a life full of events I am still faced with the critical question of what should be the place of a Tamil in any part of the globe. I think I have found the answer in the conclusion drawn Prof Sivathambi who says: ‘I want to be a Sri Lankan as well as a Tamilian. I do not want to lose the Sri Lankan identity and become Tamilian or become Tamilian to lose the Sri Lankan identity.
Tamil people in North and East are made to believe, they are second class citizen in Sri Lanka by Tamil politicians since 1948 and they held not only Sri Lankan government but also Sinhala people responsible for this.
This issue is debatable and it is unlikely that this controversial issue can be resolved to the satisfaction of all. But whatever the pros and cons may be, the fact remains that tensions mounted and sporadic violence flared up in many forms which ultimately resulted in all out war.
The Sri Lankan constitution states that it provides equal opportunity to all its citizens -- Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims.
Personally, I believe Tamil problem can be divided into two categories:
1 Real problems, and
2 Perceived problems.
Real one
1)1956 the Tamil Language was relegated to 2nd place but later this was rectified. However, the implementation was not done properly. Almost overnight this legislation denied 24 percent citizen of the privilege of functioning or interacting with the state in their mother tongue.
2) The introduction of language-based admission to university, introduced in 1972, further alienated the Tamils and led to Tamil militancy among the Tamil youth.
Present government is understanding this problem and rectifying
Perceived problem
1. Sinhala colonization
A small island like Sri Lanka, with its improved health facilities, particularly after the eradication of malaria, was bound to face population explosion. Any government facing this problem would be compelled to release the state land for human resettlement. This is understandable and many lands in Northern Province were given to Jaffna people. Lands in eastern province were allocated to people from south.
2. Communal riots during 1958, 1977, 1983
These are not riots caused by bitter rivalry among the two communities. These riots erupted because of the failure of the government to maintain the law and order. Especially in 1983, Government and armed forces actively took part in the killing and looting. The fact that there were no communal riots after 1983 proves that government action and vigilance is necessary for the maintenance of law and order.
Most of the violence was politically motivated and driven from the top rather than from the bottom. The 30-year-old war was waged from both sides more on divisive politics than on communal bitterness. Both parties committed despicable acts. The burning of the Jaffna library, the killing of civilians, killing prisoners, bombing sacred places, massacring innocents, assassinating politicians were all politically motivated acts rather than acts arising from communal hatred.
The bitter past continues to haunts us. We are now faced with the question: How are we as Sri Lankan both Tamils and Sinhalese leave the past behind and handle the new challenges?
An independent Tamil Eelam within the island of Sri Lanka is virtually dead and buried. Those who are chasing this dream are living in a world of fantasy. Those who are still actively scheming to resurrect the Tamil Eelam project should be aware that they are also simultaneously digging a mass grave for the Tamils in Sri Lanka. What are the alternatives?
Devolution of powers to the periphery, particularly to the northern and eastern provinces, has once again taken the centre stage. It is at the heart of the debate on how to manage the majority-minority equation within the island. Fully-fledged federalism, with extensive devolution of powers, has to be ruled out not only because the Sinhala polity is convinced it is tantamount to separation but also because the majority of Tamils living in southern part of Sri Lanka and 2/3 of Easterners are not willing to this constitutional arrangement.
The Sinhala people are now indifferent to the 13th amendment, which gave birth to the Provincial Councils, under Indian pressure. It remains a symbol of insult to Sri Lankan sovereignty for many. These Councils as presently constituted perform some services, but have no major impact on the people they serve. These Councils have been avenues to create unnecessary layers of politicians who are a burden on the people who have pay out of their pockets to keep them going and impeding the traditional local government institutions which are more closer to the people. Municipal Councils, Urban Councils and the Gam Sabhas (Village Councils) have progressively lost their power to move effectively because a huge white elephant is sitting on top of them.
Devolution, as an exercise to empower the minorities in Sri Lanka, cannot be imposed on an unwilling/ unconvinced government and a disinclined Sinhala polity. It is pertinent to note that there was no demand for devolution from the Sinhalese and the Provincial Councils were thrust on the seven (out of nine) provinces where they are a majority, in order to accommodate the demands of the Tamils. Any greater degree of devolution grudgingly accepted because of external pressures, is likely to be rendered meaningless, as the 13th amendment. It is futile to waste our time discussing, debating and demanding the full implementation of the 13th amendment with +/-, or any other devolution mechanism in the prevailing circumstances. Seeking Indian pressure to force the Sri Lankan government on issues relating to devolution and power sharing will definitely prove counter-productive for the Tamils.
The Tamil politicians of today as those of yester-year have miserably failed to understand the Sinhala psyche. With the escalation of Tamil demands, culminating in the demand for a separate State and a war, the position of the Sinhala politicians and polity, also progressively hardened. The reverse is also true. The Tamils or those who claimed to represent them waged a prolonged war for a separate State, which ended with no gains, but debilitated the Tamils to an unimaginable extent.
Is it time for the Tamils and their politicians to seek a different path towards securing their place within Sri Lanka? Is it time to think out of the box? The political objectives of the Tamils should be defined clearly at this stage.
Do the Tamils want power for the sake of grabbing political power and territory or for the sake of improving the quality of lives by living in harmony and peace in a multi-cultural society? The recent history in which the Tamils threw all their might into carving out a separate state has failed and only those who refuse to see the grim consequences to the Tamil people will boast of going down that disastrous path again? Our future political course must first take into consideration the lessons learnt from the total failure of our leaders who took the Tamil people to lowest depths in their history. If this position is accepted – and history as it stand today does not provide us another realistic scenario -- what should be the future course of Tamils? What is it that the Tamils need most now to lay the foundations for their future security, peace and progress? I do not want future generations of Tamils to go through what I and my fellow Tamils had gone through in the last thirty years which ended in Nanathikadal. The Tamils like fellow-Sri Lankans are sick of violence.
To begin with we must have a clear perception of our goals. First and foremost, we must not mix violent politics with our cultural pursuits. We have come a long way from 1956 and we can achieve our goals peacefully without any violence if we have an enlightened leadership like the Muslims and the Indian Tamils. They have achieved their goals, and they have retained their identity without going down the destructive path of the Jaffna Tamils. To achieve this we have to be a Sri Lankan without losing our Tamilness, like the way the Muslims and the Indian Tamils have retained their Muslimness and Indian Tamilness.
The historical conditions that led to the Vadukoddai Resolution of 1976 or even “1983” do not exist now. It is clear that 2010 is not the same as “1983”. Our politics have gone for isolationism, to create an existence of our own cutting off the umbilical cords that links us to other communities. Our community bled to death in going down this suicidal track. This has not only failed but has no future. The viable alternative is to engage with not only the Sinhala community but also with Muslims, Indian Tamils and other communities as equal partners. This is necessary to secure our place in one big nation. In short, we have to be like Murali – a team player fighting shoulder to shoulder with other communities for common goals.
How do we achieve this?
Primarily the Tamils need help to recover from the devastating effects of the prolonged war. They also need security –of person and property- to live as a free people without fear, equal citizenship rights and equal opportunities in all aspects of life. They have to be guaranteed their cultural and linguistic rights as individuals and a people. During the coming years, the northern and eastern provinces should be developed to provide means of livelihood and higher standards of living for the people. Could there be another way of achieving these objectives?
There are yet Tamils who have failed to understand the current situation in Sri Lanka. The Tamils have been debilitated to an extent that day- to- day survival has become a priority to a very large number. Language, culture, religion and concepts of homeland have become distant considerations. The need to find food, shelter, health-care, livelihood and other basics of plain existence far outweigh the need to exercise power over their affairs as articulated by their so-called leaders.
The hunger for power felt by their so-called leaders and leadership aspirants does not reflect the sentiments of the Tamils at large. To quote Prof. Sivatamby again, 90 per cent of the Tamils do not want Eelam. The basic needs of the Tamils are so acute and the northern and eastern provinces so impoverished that only the central government with whatever international assistance it can procure is capable of providing relief.
Provincial Councils in most provinces are very dependent on the central government for their finances, and in the north and east, these provincial bodies have no technical skill, wisdom or political magnanimity. The political realities throw serious doubt on the need for a second tier of government.
The Tamils yet persisting with the demands of yester-year do not also understand that the Sinhala attitudes towards the minorities have changed. They no longer feel a disadvantaged majority. They are a confident people, who now feel their destiny is firmly in their control. They can no longer be described as a 'Majority with a minority complex'. Issues of language and religion no longer are their greatest concern. The ordinary Sinhala people have found their place in the sun. The extreme elements among the Sinhalese are firmly under the control of this government. They are incapable of rousing divisive passions any longer and cannot strike a chord with the Sinhala people.
The Sinhalese are now seeking development and economic prosperity above everything else. They understand that unless there is peace in the country these objectives cannot be achieved. They now have a stake in the economic pie. They want to learn English now to pursue their ambitions, in a culturally and economically globalizing world.
English is no longer the 'Kaduwa' (sword) they once despised. The other welcome development is that the shift from 1956 to 2010 has brought about a new realization among the enlightened Sinhala community that the Tamil grievances need to be addressed within the framework of a unitary Sri Lanka. Having experienced the war and seen the aftermath, they empathize with the Tamils. The Rajapakse government has shown all signs of moving in this direction. When the Rajapakse government talks of a homespun solution, it is articulating a desire to find a solution that will address the aspirations of all communities. Models of devolution imposed from outside may not satisfy these criteria. But I believe that a new model of nation-building has begun.
The window of opportunity that has opened for all minorities including the Tamils should not be missed this time. Politics is the art of the possible and compromise is its essence. Of course, many Tamils influenced by the politics of confrontation of the past would ask why the Tamils should compromise. My answer would be that it is common sense to do so and the height of hypocrisy and stupidity not to accept current realities. The Tamils leaped to reach the skies but they ended up falling into the lowest depths. Their task now is to climb to the top once again and they cannot secure their future if they decide to go back to the past.
Tamils have to compromise and move away from their failed past to achieve attainable goals. The Tamils cannot talk the language of a minority with a majority complex any more. History, as perceived by many Tamils may prove that they had an independent Kingdom before the Portuguese invasion and hence they have a right to self-rule of sorts, if not a separate State. Unfortunately, history that is more recent has pointed the Tamils in the direction to find their place within a unitary Sri Lankan State.
Rather than accept flawed and debilitated Provincial Councils, it may be prudent for the Tamils to seek alternate arrangements, which would be easily acceptable to the Sinhala polity and cater to their current needs and those of at least the next few decades.
In my opinion, the best solution to resolve minority-majority issues is not through confrontation but through cooperation and consensual politics. Besides, in the foreseeable future it will not be possible to force the Sinhala majority through violence. Peaceful engagement with the majority is the only viable option available to the minorities. Pragmatic politics dictates that the only option available is to join the mainstream which is destined to direct the nation in the days ahead. This is not political cynicism or a total surrender. To me anything is better that violence. We have gone through enough and it is time to say that enough is enough. And this is nothing new either. If we look back we have gained most by being in the mainstream politics than in finding new routes to Nanthikadal.
I suggest in broad outline approaches that have the potential to find viable routes to attainable goals. I do not want to go down the path that I outlined at the start ever again. I think all communities have bright future if they abandon their bleak past. Ensure for the minorities what they seek:
1. A bill of rights, covenant or social contract in the constitution that will enshrine as an entrenched principle that all citizens are equal and have inalienable rights to,
a. Security of person and property, wherever they freely choose to live in the island.
b. Equal opportunities in education, chosen profession and employment, based on merit.
c. Live in accordance to their culture; be educated in the language of their choice (Sinhala, Tamil, English or a combination of these) and practice their religion.
d. Total and unqualified equality at all legal, political, administrative processes.
e. Non-discrimination based on professed identity, language, religion, beliefs, political affiliations and place of residence.
f. Preserve and develop their distinctive identity and its associated visible symbols.
g. Deal with the government at various levels and its agencies in Sinhala, Tamil or English.
In conclusion, I wish to state that Tamil politics has gone through its most bitter and traumatic period. Our experiences must teach us new lessons. The primary lesson that no one can miss is that we can never go back to the past. It will be suicidal for the Tamils to repeat their failed history. Under no circumstances can Tamil resort to violence.
We have to find a new leadership that will guide the Tamils to a new future. The Tamils have suffered the most and they must, at any cost, avoid the sufferings of the past. Our duty is to find our way into the mainstream democratic politics. Like the other two Tamil-speaking communities we will have a lot to gain from joining the democratic mainstream. Any other course of action would drag further back into a place worse than Nandikadal.
(This statement was made before LLRC at Colombo on 30/11/2010)
Chaps, sorry about the long article. But I think this is the exact kind of opinion we need to promote to bring in the silent majority of decent Tamils back into SL fold.
Boorubahu’s supporters assaulted after greeting him at BIA
All 0.007% who voted for Boorubahu had been to the airport to welcome him and they have been assaulted. I simply wish that they just flushed the entire gang in to a cesspit. At minimum, we could have eliminated his entire support base.
"I simply wish that they just flushed the entire gang in to a cesspit. "
So you justify wishes of pro-LTTE oxford intellectuals.
Thanks for deleting my posts, I must have hit some nerve.
Konnapu Bandara
No one is reading your article. People will say good comments without reading it just to make another patriot happy.
Tell me how to achieve your long laundry list if we are unable to do simple things like be self sufficient in fricking eggs as a nation.
No one is reading your article. People will say good comments without reading it just to make another patriot happy.
How did you determine that "mo one" was reading KB's post? You got to be a genius to read our minds. Keep these two Sri Lankan cents and buy a few clues before you pretend the genius next time. The type of clues you need are very cheep and you should be able to buy a few dozens with the two cents.
bIjJa, my poor fellow, I am not expecting a fellow such as you with an intellect the size of a bee's penile organ to ponder on such weighty matters. You keep worrying about your eggs and chickens. While you are are at it, be useful for once and roast some chicken for my dinner table.
Please be kind to kajja, he has the delusional grandiosity disorder. He took it too serious when one of his preschool teachers called him Einstein.
I agree with Noel on his proposed steps, even though some of them are already implemented. In fact we need to add a few more to it like
No ethnicity based internal demarcations of political boundaries are allowed.
No ethnicity based specail laws like Tesawalame and Sharia are allowed.
Sam, old boy what I mostly liked about his observations were:
1. Provincial Councils create unnecessary layers of politicians who are a burden on the people
2. A small island like Sri Lanka was bound to face population explosion and any government facing this problem would be compelled to release the state land for human resettlement
3. The Tamils yet persisting with the demands of yester-year do not also understand that the Sinhala attitudes towards the minorities have changed. They no longer feel a disadvantaged majority. They are a confident people, who now feel their destiny is firmly in their control. They can no longer be described as a 'Majority with a minority complex'.
4. Peaceful engagement with the majority is the only viable option available to the minorities. Pragmatic politics dictates that the only option available is to join the mainstream which is destined to direct the nation in the days ahead.
If these four things become accepted as the truth based on reality by 99% of Tamils in Sri Lanka (right now I say only 60% are there) we are home free.
ditto. very sensible. the BEST from all tamil presenters at the LLRC.
thanks for sharing.
at last we have some sensible tamils speaking out thanks to the annihilation of the LTTE. they should replace racist politicians. otherwise we are not going to see anything long lasting.
however, once again when it comes to most important facts, he goes wrong. this is sad but we cannot run away from it.
"To quote Prof. Sivatamby again, 90 per cent of the Tamils do not want Eelam."
well prof sivatamby is wrong.
>80% of tamils in the north and the east still WANT tamil elam. otherwise they would not vote for TAMIL NATIONAL aliens at the election or illankai TAMIL ARASU (tamil kingdom) kachchi or the vada-kundi TAMIL united liberation front.
1. so sadly, it must be said that although noel nadesan has been the best tamil presenter so far at the LLRC, he too fails short of recticying THE REAL PROBLEM - racist politics of tamils.
2. he too fails to mention anything about RESPONSIBILITIES. he too talks ONLY of rights/benefits to tamil ppl and NOT A SINGLE RESPONSIBILITY. refraining from violence is not a responsibility. it is a MUST for their own survival. i can see how they TRADE IN violence/the threat to use violence/the promise not to use violence for BENEFITS. its the same old tactic.
[80% of tamils in the north and the east still WANT tamil elam. ]
Moshe, old boy, what is the percentage of Tamils in the NE from overall SL Tamil population? I agree even from the overall Tamil population, Tamils with a sane attitude are probably about 60%. Tamils in the NE will loose all their voting power with lot of Sinhalese and Muslims moving into these areas. This chaps, Dr. Noel, agrees that this is a natural outcome of population pressures of a small island like ours. Also from reading his presentation I don't get the feeling he is asking for any special benefits for Tamils. He is in fact explicitly saying the solution is to guarantee everybody have the exact same rights. That I think is what makes this presentation different from other so called moderate Tamils asking for this mythical 'political solution'.
Glancing very fast at the article, I found the major problem of most Tamil intellectuals are having trouble with: You can't propose a solution just being a Tamil. Tamils have to invent an Obama like Tamil within their community. They killed the most qualified one: Hon. Kadir.
Obama look at Black issues in White shoes. Tamils will have to do the same.
If Tamil intellectuals can lean towards Sinhalese than folks in TN and propose a solution, it will be accepted as none threatening.
Bottom line is Sinhales will have to be like 10% Tamils and Tamils will have to be like 40% Sinhalese.
.... and that is the message from the street.
If you read carefully, this presenter talks about the same idea in a different way. There is no need for a Tamil to be like Sinhalese or vice-versa. There are enough commonalities already. He brings up the example of the cricketer Murali to get his message across. We need the feeling that we live and die together for a common goal called Sri Lanka. In some other venues, I proposed that we need to publicly recognize the Tamil SLA LRRP soldiers who gave their lives due the other greatest betrayal by Ranil Wickramasinghe. Publicly recognizing such brave Sri Lanakns and making their loved ones lives better will generate a very positive feeling among Sinhalese. You may not like it but the presence of Minister Thondaman at the airport to welcome President Rajapaksa recently further reinforced the brotherhood existing between Sinhalese and Upcountry Tamils, whom I personally like to call the real Tamil Sri Lankans. The real message from the streets of the villages as well as the cities may be very different from your LTTE terrorist view originating from the streets of the west.
The viable alternative is to engage with not only the Sinhala community but also with Muslims, Indian Tamils and other communities as equal partners. This is necessary to secure our place in one big nation. In short, we have to be like Murali – a team player fighting shoulder to shoulder with other communities for common goals.
"You may not like it but the presence of Minister Thondaman at the airport to welcome President Rajapaksa recently further reinforced the brotherhood existing between Sinhalese and Upcountry Tamils, whom I personally like to call the real Tamil Sri Lankans."
By the way, your bellowed brotherhood will become gay if Ranil become the leader. These are the most 'diva deke' animals you will find in SL.
Murali doesn't represent typical SL Tamils with the loud noise. These typical Tamils don't even like Easten Tamils.
You missed my point (so typical of patriotic Sinhalese), I wasn't asked a tamil to be a sinhalese.
You missed my point (so typical of patriotic Sinhalese), I wasn't asked a tamil to be a sinhalese.
I am not exactly sure of what you mean by "I wasn't asked a tamil to be a sinhalese." I guess that what you are trying to say is that "I wasn't asking a Tamil to be a Sinhalese." If that is the case, can you please explain your statement below with your super duper kazhuthai skills.
Bottom line is Sinhales will have to be like 10% Tamils and Tamils will have to be like 40% Sinhalese.
Lanzhou arrives in Sri Lanka
Chinese missile destroyer Lanzhou arrived at Sri Lanka's Colombo port on Tuesday for a five-day visit in the South Asian island country.
The destroyer Lanzhou, just ending a five-month escort task in the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters, would attend the celebrations for the Sri Lankan navy's 60th anniversary, which falls on Thursday.
Warships from India, Pakistan and Russia also arrived at the Colombo port Tuesday to attend the anniversary celebrations.
In the following days, various activities will be held to mark the anniversary.
Sri Lanka formed its own navy on Dec. 9, 1950, two years after its independence from Britain.
Its role in defeating the Tamil Tigers' separatist campaign was crucial. The navy destroyed as many as 10 supply ships of the rebels in the mid seas, cutting off their supply life lines.
In future, the navy is to acquire more fast attack craft as its role shifts to protecting the island's exclusive economic zone following the end of the conflict with the Tamil Tiger rebels, navy chief Vice Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe said.
"We are acquiring six fast attack craft, four craft have already been delivered and we're getting the other two in January,” said Samarasinghe.
Xinhua News
Air Force makes local UAVs
The Sri Lanka Air Force has embarked on an ambitious Research and Development program to develop an indigenous aviation technology in collaboration with the Moratuwa University.
The project is progressing rapidly under the direct supervision of Air Chief Marshal Roshan Gunethilake and the UoM Vice Chancellor Prof Malik Ranasinghe on the advices of the Secretary of Defence.
Recently, Air Force published some photographs of their latest Unmanned Aerial vehicle (UAV) produced in SLAF on their web.
This is another land mark achievement of the nation in the technological front.
Any news on this?
good song
LOL@ This guess anything is a war crime now:
War crimes court investigates North Korea
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
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The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said today his office was starting a preliminary examination of possible war crimes by North Korea.
The United Nations probe follows complaints from South Korean students and citizens.
Luis Moreno Ocampo said that "no state requested our intervention".
Mr Moreno Ocampo's office announced on Monday that he had opened a preliminary investigation into the November 23 shelling of South Korea's Yeonpyeong Island and the sinking of a South Korean warship in March, but it was unclear where the complaints came from.
"We received no official communication," Mr Moreno Ocampo said today. "Korean citizens sent to us communications. Students sent to us communications."
He said his office would now conduct an assessment to determine whether a full-scale investigation of possible war crimes by North Korea should be carried out.
"We have a duty to assess if the court should intervene or not," Mr Moreno Ocampo said.
He said prosecutors must determine whether the incidents constituted war crimes, whether the court had jurisdiction, and whether the South Korean government was taking legal action.
The UN's International Criminal Court, which began operating in 2002, is the world's first permanent war crimes tribunal. Under the treaty, the court can step in only when countries are unwilling or unable to dispense justice themselves for genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes.
South Korea is one of 114 countries that have ratified the Rome Treaty that established the court, but North Korea does not recognise its authority.
Mr Moreno Ocampo said the goal of the preliminary examination was "just to collect information, to understand what's happened".
"I have to understand the alleged crimes. I have to check whether according to the law, are these war crimes or not. I have to understand if it's happening on the territory of (South) Korea. I have to understand if (South) Korea is conducting national proceedings, and after that I have to make a decision," he said.
"The time is when we are sure - when we are sure that we have to dismiss the situation or to open" an investigation, he said. "We have to be sure what to do. We cannot do mistakes."
He said his office would offer all parties an opportunity to send information about the incidents "if they want".
The shelling of Yeonpyeong Island killed two South Korean marines and two civilians. Forty-six South Koreans died in the sinking of the warship, the Cheonan. Mr Moreno Ocampo's statement on Monday said it was "hit by a torpedo allegedly fired from a North Korean submarine".
North Korea launched apparent artillery drills today as top US and South Korean military leaders held talks on the peninsula's security worries following the deadly North Korean artillery strike last month.
As the US chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen and his South Korean counterpart General Han Min-koo met behind closed doors in Seoul, North Korea staged what appeared to be firing exercises near the disputed western sea border.
North Korean shells landed in the country's own waters north of South Korea's Baengnyeong island, a South Korean military official said.
North Korea also carried out an apparent military exercise within sight of the South's Yeonpyeong Island last month following the artillery assault on the island. Artillery shots were heard three days later as General Walter Sharp, the top US commander in South Korea, toured the island in a show of solidarity with Seoul and to survey damage.
Karu J trying to wriggle himself out of his whole makes even more funnier statements, from The Island:
"I have consistently supported our brave troops and even now, my appeal to the administration is that it seek out the truth and clear our armed forces of blame"
Truth of what? Blame for what? Who is attacking Sri Lanka? The UNP masters in the West. Who is responsbile for carrying out wide spread defamation campaigns against our country and soldiers during and after the war? No one else but the UNP, its white masters and their hired lackeys in SL which includes the UNP and its servility to the West where the agenda and interests of foreigners who are the enemies of the nation is pushed first and foremost while our people are made to suffer (included in this suffering game plan is the call for economic sanctions by the UNP).
Folks I will be taking off for the holidays I wont have much of an internet access. I wish you guys a merry Christmas (for those who celebrate) and a happy new year.
See you guys in 2011
yes, he hasn't asked for race based things which is very good.
as you say with multiethnic communities the TNA voters' clout will reduce and NN is in favour of that too.
good news for SLN and SLAF. UAVs - unarmed and armed - are the future.
the participants at the SLN celebrations are a formidable group. peace among them is vital for continued co-operation.
at the same time SLN participates in US navy drills as well. well connected, both ways.
wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year 2011!
from ada derana.
"Lankan ambassador in Oslo will not be accepting the invitation to participate the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, the Director General for Public Communications and External Affairs Ministry spokesman Bandula Jayasekara confirmed to Ada Derana.
Nineteen countries, including China, Cuba, Iraq, Iran and Russia have ‘declined’ to attend this week’s Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, the Norwegian Nobel Committee confirmed Tuesday.
The ceremony on Friday is in honour of the 2010 laureate, Chinese writer Liu Xiaobo, who is serving an 11-year sentence for subversion.
The decision to give the award to Liu, who is not allowed to leave China to accept the prize, angered Beijing.
As a consequence China has in recent weeks cancelled scheduled meetings with Norwegian officials and declared China would stay away from the ceremony, urging other countries to follow the boycott."
good move.
nobel prize rarely goes to the deserving. it goes to norwegian arselickers.
by bringing peace to SL, the MR team is saving 4,000 lives every year. this is real peace. instead of awarding to ppl who achieved TANGIBLE PEACE ppl feel, they award it to trouble makers.
Merry X-mas Desha.
Sinhala Kotia Sarath Manamendra gets his day in courts.
MD says..
"nobel prize rarely goes to the deserving. it goes to norwegian arselickers."
Remind me of "The Fox and the Sour Grapes" story .. ha ha!!
We politically lined up with China, however send our children to Western world for higher education.
Why we never send our children to China?
Perhaps these have these have the worst HR record. It is like a club for wife beaters.
"Nineteen countries, including China, Cuba, Iraq, Iran and Russia have "
Care to answer my question above?
Why we never send our children to China?
What is the basis of this statement? Haven't you ever met anybody in Sri Lanka who has studied in China?
"Haven't you ever met anybody in Sri Lanka who has studied in China? "
Let me just say it is rare, and only those who can't afford to go to England or Australia, or Singapore, or Malaysia go there.
I like to see how we value a Chinese degree in Sri Lanka.
My basis is, you people lick Chineese arses and send your children to White masters you hate.
My basis is, you people lick Chineese arses and send your children to White masters you hate.
Can you please explain why we have to be white master worshipers even when we pay our own money to educate our children?
The other questions I have for you are:
(1) Can we engage in international commerce without getting involved in internal matters of other countries, similar to the way we do day to day buying and selling?
(2)Will you send your kid to study science and mathematics to a very good friend of yours who happens to be a good music teacher?
Back to my earlier question, can you please elaborate your statement copied below.
Bottom line is Sinhales will have to be like 10% Tamils and Tamils will have to be like 40% Sinhalese.
One more question Kajja,
My basis is, you people lick Chineese arses and send your children to White masters you hate.
Can you please tell me who "you people" as you refer are?
I consider most of you guys as narrow and close minded - hence you people.
Statement about Tamils is about respecting the majority wishers than whining for only minority rights.
You can do international commerce without politics. Most people respect Nobel price. Government supported nominated MR for that. When he did not get it, you hate that - sour grapes.
(2) is a wrong question.
No one has to worship whites. However, Sri Lankans have been programmed to think Whites are the masters.
Can you please explain why my second question is wrong?
Back to my earlier question, on your statement copied below. It seems that you are unable to explain what you meant or you were just babbling.
Bottom line is Sinhales will have to be like 10% Tamils and Tamils will have to be like 40% Sinhalese.
My basis is, you people lick Chineese arses and send your children to White masters you hate.
Sri Lankans have been programmed to think Whites are the masters.
On one hand you say that Sri Lankans hate whites and they should not send their children for education to the west. Then you turn back and say that "Sri Lankans have been programmed to think Whites are the masters." Which one is your actual view?
You seems like a little girl asking lot of questions. I've clearly mentioned my views here. I will get back to you when I get bit more time since you seem to be very anxious about learning something different.
Have you ever spoken with someone believing in God to convince him otherwise?
If you did, you would have failed and ever asked why? If the problem is not with you, it is with the other guy right?
What I am saying is, most people believe what they want to believe no matter what.
For you, SL is the paradise, MR is the perfect king. For me, that is the heaven created using ignorance.
a must read from HLD mahindapala.
The Tamil leadership solely responsible for what happened to the Tamil people.
the problem is it is not over yet!!!
and he doesn't propose solutions.
this cannot be stopped without changing the ethnic composition of the jaffna district.
fabulous news.
this was announced long time ago.
"Philippines awards peace prize to SLA, joins Colombo boycotting Nobel ceremony
[TamilNet, Thursday, 09 December 2010, 15:40 GMT]
Philippines on Thursday decided to boycott the Nobel peace prize award ceremony in Oslo Friday. Sri Lanka will also boycott the ceremony that awards the peace prize to Liu Xiaobo, who in his struggle for political reforms in China was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment last year. Meanwhile, during the Heroes Day week of Eezham Tamils, Major General Mahinda Hathurusinghe of the war crimes accused military of Sri Lanka was awarded Gusi International Peace Prize in a ceremony held at the Philippine International Convention Centre, Manila, on 24 November. Colombo’s military website run in Jaffna said on 27 November that the award given to Hathurusinghe was the “Asian equivalent to the Nobel Prize”.
Maj. Gen. Mahinda Hathurusinghe of the war crimes accused Sri Lanka Army receiving Guci International Peace Prize in Manila, Philippines, in November 2010 [Photo courtesy: cimicjaffna.lk]In a ceremony attended in Manila by Colombo’s officials, along with presentation of a traditional dance by a troupe from North Central Province, Hathurusighe said that he was much obliged to His Excellency the President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Hon Secretary Defence Gotabhaya Rajapaksa for their guidance given to establish peace and to launch various humanitarian projects for northern people promoting their economy and livelihood.
Liu Xiaobo, named for the Nobel peace prize was calling for democratic reforms in one-party Communist ruled China.
China repeatedly warned governments around the world that ties would be harmed if they attended the ceremony.
The US Congress on Wednesday welcomed the candidature of Liu Xiaobo and called on Beijing to release him by an overwhelming voting of 402-1margin.
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan are among the 18 countries that will be boycotting the function along with China.
Serbia, which is also in the China club in boycotting the award, is told by EU officials that any country aspired to join the EU bloc was expected to share the values of the EU in protecting human rights.
The decision of Philippines comes as it seeks to build stronger military and economic ties with communist China, AFP said. Philippines is one of the countries that may be interested in seeking ‘solutions’ to national questions in the model of Colombo with Chinese support.
Hindustan Times, reporting Wednesday on Sri Lanka’s boycott of the Nobel peace prize award in Oslo, cited a senior official of Colombo saying, "The decision was taken to show our solidarity with China. It was in line with our friendly relation with China. Our friendship with China is a considered diplomatic policy. We support the 'one-China’ policy,"
A joint statement released by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Human Rights in China, Students for a Free Tibet, Human Rights First, The International Campaign for Tibet, The International Federation for Human Rights and the Tibetan Youth Congress, on Thursday said: "In awarding Liu Xiaobo the Peace Prize, the Nobel Committee has acted courageously, especially in light of Chinas growing global political influence and of the pervasive perception that no country in the world can afford to disagree with or antagonise China.""
For you, SL is the paradise, MR is the perfect king. For me, that is the heaven created using ignorance.
Speak for yourself from your Lala Land. I do not think that I have given the right for you to speak on my behalf.
I will get back to you when I get bit more time since you seem to be very anxious about learning something different.
You babble nonsense and this is where it ends when you are unable to present any coherent story. So, please comeback when you check out from the psychiatric clinic. I will be eagerly waiting for your entertainment.
By the way, I am still trying to make some sense out of your babble copied below. Not pretending the ultra pundit may help you in the future.
Bottom line is Sinhales will have to be like 10% Tamils and Tamils will have to be like 40% Sinhalese.
[My basis is, you people lick Chineese arses and send your children to White masters you hate.]
Yeah motherfucker, "you people" we SINHELAS (and that excludes you) are quite proud to have Chinese as our friends.
After all, Chinese emperors are recorded as even giving their warrior-soldiers (i.e. the elite, killer-machines of the ruling dynasty) to a couple of our Buddhist-Sinhela princes who fled in exile to Chinese controlled territory when we were attacked by Chola-Dravidas - as recorded in our proud Sinhela history!
So, LTTE motherfucker, this is nothing new to us. You really should read more of accepted, academic, world history (i.e. not your cooked up, recent, "eelam" propaganda history).
Now podiyen go, go bend down deeply and try to suck your own cock - being the war-defeated-ponna-ammahukka Tamiz racist bitchie that you are!
OaO Asithri
bijja the LTTE undercover cocksucker:
["For you, SL is the paradise, MR is the perfect king. For me, that is the heaven created using ignorance."]
Is that true???
Here's my response to you parawesa-ponnaya:
"The United States Economic Intelligence Unit places Sri Lanka in the top ten of the World's fastest growing economies."
Read more @ :
Now go and destroy your home in frustration...and then eat your heart out MOTHERFUCKER!
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
yeah bijja momma-licker...I see your strategy is to keep away when OaOA, FF, or any other "vociferous" bloggers come in...and then you sneakily creep back in when they are gone and then talk BIG with the likes of more "decent" bloggers uh?
Either way, whorebitch, we will get you at every turn in this blog or any other www space and we will 'castrate' you TERRORIST-SAKKILI MOTHERFUCKERS - mercilessly!
Yeah, try matching wits with us proud SINHELA western high-of-highest-academic-educated new breed of SINHELA catz from SL...think you got an ample taste of us when you were on your do-or-die, vile false, anti-SL propaganda right up to the Nanthkadaal Lagoon GLORY (for us that is; for you, well it was a devastation I hear)!
OaO Asithri
[Thai police arrest 50 illegal Sri Lankan immigrants
Wed, Dec 8, 2010, 11:18 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Dec 08, Bangkok: The Thai police have arrested 50 illegal Sri Lankan immigrants in Bangkok early Wednesday morning, Thai media reports said.
Suspected members of Sri Lanka's vanquished terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) were believed to be among them, the police have said. ]
Bloody stateless, ungrateful, racist-terrorist-coolies…running all over the world and getting treated like DOG SHIT!
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
What a show for the defeated LTTE terror-clan!
Now let's see what next!
Yeah, let's see after this how SL masses will think of you and your washed-out party and what is next in store for you in SL!
OaO Asithri
So much for the mythical "thamileelam" philosophy!!!
[Tamil families not ready to move to the North
Dec 10 (SL) Families living in slums and other temporary shelters in Colombo have resisted the government’s move to relocate them to areas out of Colombo as part of the Colombo City development plan. The Colombo city development plan that has been mapped out by the Urban Development Authority (UDA), which is under the purview of the Defence Ministry, has identified that about 60,000 families would have to be relocated from Colombo.]
So much for accusations of "harassment by Sinhalese" "persecution by Sinhalese" "Genocide by Sinhalese"...hahahahaha!!!
What a JOKE!!!
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
Why Sri Lankans boycotted Noble Peace Price award ceremony?
Fear of arrest.
:)) :)) :))
Now at least can you see who this bijja motherfucker is?
["Why Sri Lankans boycotted Noble Peace Price award ceremony?
Fear of arrest."]
No true Sinhalese or even a "neutral" Sri Lankan for that matter would talk like this...this is just the 100% same talk we hear from LTTE amma-hukkas in the west!
I rest my case.
OaO Asithri
Why Sri Lankans boycotted Noble Peace Price award ceremony?
You are back. Can you please answer my question I had to repeat so many times? I don't have your superior kazhuthai intelligence to understand your words of ultra wisdom.
Bottom line is Sinhales will have to be like 10% Tamils and Tamils will have to be like 40% Sinhalese.
bijja the LTTE ammahuka
"Fear of arrest"
of whom?
The SL ambassador who would have attended the Nobel event if SL participated?
Yo bijja, if only you took your middle finger out of your anus I am sure your thinking would be more logical!
The good thing is, if this ammahuka appears to be the kind of LTTE "brain power" left behind now that we need to cope with, then I say Patriots we can stand-down a bit!!!
OaO Asithri
bijja LTTE whore-ponnaya
[Noble Peace Price]
Yes indeed, it is a "Price" today...as if you lick the arse of the hypocritical West - at the expense of sacrificing your moral principles and even your sense of patriotism to your land of birth - then yes, you get that "Price" and that "Price" can be quite monetarily rewarding to you!!!
OaO Asithri
"Bottom line is Sinhales will have to be like 10% Tamils and Tamils will have to be like 40% Sinhalese."
I am sure this LTTE ammahuka babbled this incoherent line when he was withdrawing his rot-infested dick out of his Jaffna goat's arse.
:)) :)) :))
OaO Asithri
ho ho bijja...
Come out lame-duck LTTE ammahuka...come out and face the music ponnaya...come to poppa...
OaO Asithri
Nobel committee has been asked to change the name of the peace price next year by Sri Lankan delegates.
They want to call it No Arrest Prize.
ho hooo!!
Felles, how about having the reception for the peace price in....... Oxford next year?
What do you do when you get an invitation to the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony next year?
Run and hide in Tienanmen Square.
Famous Sri Lankan had a question to the Nobel committee.
Can I use the award for the bail?
Why Taiwanese prez did not go to collect his Confucius Peace Prize?
Fear of being arrested.
i resist my temptation to get rid of the soccer ball seeing you kick it all over the ground like ronaldo.
"ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Dec 09, Colombo: Sri Lanka's main opposition United National Party (UNP) today said the country has to cooperate with an international inquiry to protect the good name of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
UNP parliamentarian Mangala Samaraweera told a press conference that if the country does not fully cooperate with such an inquiry, the President would not be able to avoid being called a war criminal.
He also called on the President to be wise and not to be misled by those around him.
Samaraweera said that if the President does not act wisely, he could be summoned before an international court on various allegations leveled against the Sri Lankan government.
He further expressed doubts over the modus operandi of certain government members, as it seemed they were conspiring within the government to frame war crime charges on the President."
now i'm convinced more than ever that these sakkiliyas are responsible for smuggling out that latest video.
first it was only jayalath paraya. now karu and mongal are also in it.
something BIG is happening in the UNP again.
these 3 jokers will not be the only traitors trying to tarnish the good name of the country. there will be more. of course there is gonzeka too.
BBC's analysis of the boycott
biased but informative.
USA will certainly take revenge for this from SL. we have to be ready.
india didn't boycott the event and will be a key player in the US camp. i don't know how india is going to beg the russians weapons now. shameless MFs.
it is bad SL got into the list of boycotting nations from the western POV. they control the UN, HR MFs, NGOs, most SL trade, etc.
we have to get ready for these evil MFs revenge. we must do tit for tat if they try to create trouble by FURTHER aligning with china and punishing anti-nationalist MFs in the country.
well said putin!
he has called on the nobel committee to award the prize to julian assange!!!
russian leaders attack US duplicity
wow! this is impressive stuff.
i'm sure the US will eat the words and keep quiet.
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