Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tamil Tiger and Khalistan Terrorist Link is a Grave Threat to Both India and Lanka

Now it is open. Until recently Tamil Tigers managed to keep secret their very close link with Khalistan terrorists mainly the Khalistan Zindabad Font (KZF) - another banned terrorist group like the LTTE in USA and elsewhere - but not anymore. Today the two groups openly interact with one another, participate in protests of each other, join forces in their Diaspora camps, share terrorist links and synergies across the world and jointly breed hatred.


Khalistan movement is a violent campaign aimed at establishing a separate nation for a group of Sikhs who follow a particular teaching. Their fight is against the nation of India. As in the case with Tamil Tigers, it is not a race or ethnicity related issue but a political movement within a small percentage of people of a particular ethnic community. Like Tamil Tigers, support for the Khalistan movement is found mainly in the Diaspora today as most locals have rejected their separatist agenda.

The following details out the extent of similarities and therefore the avenues for synergies between the two groups. Diaspora Involvement In Insurgencies: Insights From The Khalistan And Tamil Eelam Movements by C Christine Fair, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D.C., USA


Very strong coordination between Tamil nationalists and Khalistan nationalists in the past

Coordination is key to all terrorist activity. That is what differentiates a terrorist group from a band of robbers or serial killers. It also differentiates a terror group from a national army. All acts of a terror group are very well planned and coordinated. Timing is everything when it comes to coordination. Terror attacks are perfectly timed for maximum impact. Selecting targets to build upon a prevalent atmosphere of terror is the next strategy used by terrorists.

There is enough circumstantial evidence to indicate very strong coordination between armed Tamil nationalists and Khalistan nationalists. Khalistan nationalists are the pioneers and Tamil Tigers have been following them very closely building upon the channels to advance terror. In 1985 KZF blew up an Air India plane killing hundreds of civilians. It was one of few outright bombing of passenger airplanes without any hijack attempt. Tamil Tigers closely followed. In 1986 Tamil Tigers bombed an Air Lanka passenger craft just before take off. It is not about the closeness of the two events or the mere similarity of the two events but the coordination. Following the 1985 attack against the Air India plane, the Sri Lankan government was terrorised by Tamil Tigers of a similar attack which was eventually carried out in 1986. Tigers built upon an existing terror campaign targeting passenger planes.

KZF connected groups were involved in the killing of Indira Gandhi in 1984. LTTE copied it and killed her successor who happened to be her son, in 1991. President Premadasa killing was a copy of the 1984 attempt that used explosives instead of guns. Interestingly Rajiv Gandhi came to an agreement with Khalistan nationalists recognizing their traditional homeland claims just as he did with Tamil Tigers. In both cases those who were party to this agreement were killed by their respective terror groups. Another similarity was the Indian attempt to form new armed rebels sympathetic towards India. Tamil National Army (TNA) was a flop as both security forces and Tamil Tigers hunted them down. A similar thing occurred with the Khalistan movement when terrorists wiped out the parties to the agreement.

New ties between the two groups

It is no secret Tamil nationalists are disoriented today without their iconic leader whom they called Thalaivar. He managed the entire outfit through his trusted lieutenants. Secrecy was maintained at the highest order. But the current Tamil nationalist leadership has already blundered. In an unprecedented development Khalistan campaigners called upon the Indian government to release a Khalistani terrorist on death row along with three Tamil terrorists on death row.


Following this, the prominent Tamil nationalist mouthpiece – TamilNet – ascribed to this view which attracted attention of The Hindu.


TamilNet was quick to “clarify” the matter but in vain. By then it had already established the strong interrelationship the Khalistan campaign.

Recently the Indian police arrested three terror activists of the KZF in Tamil Nadu triggering fears of collusion which is now established beyond doubt. After the decimation of the LTTE, Tamil nationalists in the Diaspora not only followed the KZF Diaspora tactics but also joined forces with them. It is a very unlikely marriage but common misfortune has made strange bedfellows.


Following the recent New Delhi bombing, Indian security establishment stated the need to particularly investigate KZF and LTTE.


It is a step in the right direction. These two groups may reciprocally target each other’s enemies to avoid and mislead investigations. Sri Lankan authorities must be aware of this possibility.

India and Sri Lanka have divergent geopolitical interests as with all other countries. There are no two countries with identical geopolitical interests. Therefore, Sri Lanka and India should cooperate with destroying Tamil nationalists, Khalistan nationalists and Islamic fundamentalists as they pose grave national security threats to both nations.

These three instances are a few matters on which both countries agree one hundred percent.

Western interference must be perceived in the broader context of this triple terror threat facing the region. In other words, the region has more enemies than the west and not all enemies of the west are friends of the South Asian community. Western interferers manipulating the enemies of the region that cause no threat to the west is a strong possibility which should be kept under watch. Despite banning them, the west is not doing enough to cripple the LTTE and KZF for obvious reasons. They can be punished only through regional cooperation.

Only such a cooperative approach to common enemies work today. Noncooperation between nations is the best safetynet terrorists have. The strategic defence challenge is to identify specific partners for specific terrorist threats. After all, there are no long term friends or enemies in international relations; only strategic interests exist. These terror groups may attack Indian and Lankan interests overseas as well. Both countries should immediately clamp down on these triple terrorist groups and their inter-relationships.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Courtesy: Dream's End Blogspot


Having studied the techniques of the C I -A and related organizations, I am pleased to announce the following simple steps in overthrowing a democratically elected government.

1. Find some opposition...ANY opposition in the country. Your best bet is some rich members of a former oligarchy or former military. Begin giving them funds, and, start training some of them in case you need to move in the direction of military action. I understand there is a nice training facility in the Florida Everglades that is available as all the Haitian death-squadders who trained there are now busy destroying Haiti.

2. Come up with some reasons that the current government must go. The reasons could be true or not, that is irrelevant. A popular one to use would be economic issues, which goes well with number 4, below.

3. Buy and/or infiltrate significant media outlets. Use these outlets to whip up a broader backlash against the leaders.

4. Meanwhile, use overt and covert means to destabilize the economy. In Haiti, Bush simply held back 500 million dollars in aid already earmarked for that country. There are other ways to destabilize currency, including working with rich elites within the country who will be happy to help. A last resort would be an actual embargo of the country, though that's a tad obvious. Still, most Americans won't notice. We had economic sanctions on Iraq for over 12 years and yet when the second Gulf Massacre ended, news media were still talking about how Saddam had ruined the economy.

5. Infiltrate some unions. You'll need some protesters in the streets. You can pay protesters to come. That's fine.

6. Stage some opposition rallies. If possible, shoot some of the protesters and blame this on the government. This worked well in the first Chavez coup attempt. Obviously, do not tell the protesters of your intentions.

7. Ramp up the anti-government rhetoric from the media outlets you control. Be completely outrageous. Call for demonstrations. Slander government officials. Do whatever it takes. The goal is now not just to spread negative information about the government but to force a response, such as having one of your outlets shut down. Then, violation of free speech gets added to the list of grievances. You can then have some "moderates" come along and say, "Well, I wasn't really that sympathetic to the opposition, but when the government began shutting down opposition media, I realized (insert name of leader here) had to go." If you need to, pay some moderates to say this. Or some actors. This is primarily for U.S. consumption anyway.

8. Go to the CIA rolodex, and find out who the Agency controls in domestic media and get them to begin reporting on the opposition movement in ways that make it look legitimate. Be sure these media outlets blame all violence on the current government. The New York Times, FOX and CNN are good places to start. A good example of this in action is the case of Haiti. Despite the fact that the "opposition" are made of U.S. trained former Haitian military and death squads with horrible human rights records, they are called "rebels." Aristide supporters are called "armed thugs." This never fails. Don't worry that some other media will find out the truth and report it. Just make sure your headlines are bigger and get out first. Plant some stories called "The Truth about (insert name of leader here)" and make a lot of shit up. My favorite example was the "voodoo room" they found after they overthrew Noriega. It had "black magic paraphernalia AND drugs".

9. Don't actually kidnap the leader. He should be killed, as was Allende in Chile. Otherwise, they will talk. You see how much trouble Aristide was causing before they found the cell phone someone had slipped him. If it is a Caribbean or African state you are overthrowing, you might want to make sure Reps. Maxine Waters and Charles Rangel are out of the country while it's all going on.

10. Keep your own military involvement to a minimum. Some special forces in local dress is fine, but make sure there is alot of chaos before sending forces in overtly. Usually, the best approach is to wait until the leader is deposed and then send in "peacekeeping forces." Make sure you wait until the leader is actually deposed, though. It would be awfully embarrassing to be keeping the peace for the leader you are trying to get rid of.

11. Be sure to, at least at first, condemn the coup attempts, as Powell demonstrated in the opening weeks of the Haiti operation. You can switch sides later and no one will question you.

12. It can get messy, but know that, once it's accomplished, any talk that it was a U.S. orchestrated coup becomes a "conspiracy theory" and will be relegated to irrelevant blogs and leftist or conspiracy websites.
alt.conspiracy cannot hurt you.

Well, that's it. Simple. If you want to study how it works, read about Haiti and keep watching in Venezuela. Chavez is tough, but just about anything he can do from now on will simply "prove" how anti-democratic he is and how he "really brought the coup on himself".